植物名称2014.5 (1)

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1、 90、鹅掌柴,拉丁学名Schefflera octophylla (Lour.) Harms热带、亚热带地区常绿阔叶林常见的植物,喜温暖、湿润和半阴环境,生长适温为1627。Schefflera, Latin name is Schefflera octophylla (Lour.) Harms Tropical and subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest mon plant, like warm, moist and half shade environment, growth temperature is 16 27 .91、夹竹桃,拉丁学

2、名Nerium indicum Mill.常绿直立大灌木,喜光,喜温暖湿润气候,适生于排水良好、肥沃的中性土壤。Oleander, Latin name: Nerium indicum Mill. Upright evergreen large shrub, like light, warm and humid climate, suitable born drained, fertile neutral soil.92、鸳鸯茉莉,拉丁学名Brunfelsia latifolia Benth.常绿灌木,喜温暖、湿润、光照充足的气候条件,生长适温1830,不宜低于10,要求基质肥沃疏松、排水良好

3、的微酸性土壤。Duck jasmine, Latin name: Brunfelsia latifolia Benth. Evergreen shrub, like warm, moist, light enough climatic conditions, growth temperature is 18-30 , not less than 10 , the requirements matrix loose fertile, well-drained slightly acidic soil.93、马蹄金,拉丁学名Dichondra repens Forst.匍匐小草本,喜温暖、湿润气候

4、,不但适应性强,竞争力和侵占性强,生命力旺盛。Dichondra repens, Latin name: Dichondra repens Forst.Small creeping herb, like warm, humid climate, not only has strong adaptability, strong petitiveness but aggressiveness, vigorous.94、牵牛,拉丁学名Pharbitis nil (Linn.)Choisy1、2年缠绕草本、高可3m,生性强健,喜气候温和、光照充足、通风适度,对土壤适应性强。Petunia, Latin

5、 name: Pharbitis nil (Linn.) Choisy1, 2 years of herbs twining, high 3M, a strong, like a mild climate, adequate lighting, ventilation is moderate, strong to edaphic adaptability.95、茑萝,拉丁学名Quamoclit pennata(Lam)Bojer一年生柔弱缠绕草本,喜光,喜温暖湿润环境,不耐寒,能自播,要求土壤肥沃。Quamoclit pennata, Latin name: Quamoclit pennata

6、 (Lam.) BojerAnnual delicate herbs twining, like light, warm and moist environment, not cold resistant, can place requirements, fertile soil.96、连翘,拉丁学名Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl落叶灌木,喜光,有一定程度的耐荫性;耐寒;耐干旱瘠薄,怕涝;不择土壤;抗病虫害能力强。Forsythia, Latin name: Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) VahlA deciduous shrub,

7、like light, there is a certain degree of shade tolerance; cold resistance; resistant to drought and barren, fear of floods; not choose soil; strong pest resistant.97、丁香,拉丁学名Syringa Linn.落叶灌木或小乔木,分布于亚热带亚高山、暖温带至温带的山坡林缘、林下与寒温带的向阳灌丛中。Clove, Latin name: Syringa Linn.Deciduous shrub or small tree, distrib

8、uted in the subtropical zone or warm temperate zone to temperate subalpine slopes of forest, forest and temperate shrubland in the sun.98、桂花,拉丁学名Osmanthus fragrans常绿乔木或灌木,性喜温暖,湿润种。要求植地区平均气温1428,年平均湿度75%85%,年降水量1000毫米左右。Sweet scented osmanthus, Latin name: Osmanthus fragransEvergreen trees or shrubs

9、of warm, moist kind. Requirements of planting area average temperature 14 28 , annual average relative humidity of 75% 85%, about 1000 millimeters of annual precipitation.99、女贞,二名法Ligustrum lucidum常绿乔木,耐寒性好,耐水湿,喜温暖湿润气候,喜光耐荫。Privet, Ligustrum lucidum two law Evergreen trees, cold is good, water wet,

10、warm and humid climate, like light shade.100、小叶女贞,拉丁学名Purpus Priver落叶灌木,喜阳,稍耐荫,较耐寒,适生于肥沃、排水良好的土壤。Ligustrum quihoui, Latin name: Purpus PriverA deciduous shrub, likes light and a little shade, relatively cold resistant, well in fertile, well drained soil.101、金叶女贞,拉丁学名Ligustrum vicaryi半常绿小灌木,性喜光,稍耐阴,耐

11、寒能力较强,不耐高温高湿。Ligustrum vicaryi, Latin name: Ligustrum vicaryiSemi evergreen shrub, like light, a little shade, cold resistant ability is strong, resistant to high temperature and high humidity.102、迎春花,拉丁学名Jasminum nudiflorum落叶灌木花卉植物,喜光,稍耐阴,略耐寒,喜,耐旱不耐涝。Winter jasmine, Latin name: Jasminum nudiflorum

12、Deciduous shrubs flowering plants, like light, little shade, slightly cold, like sun, and drought without waterlogging.103、泡桐,拉丁学名Paulownia喜光,较耐阴。喜温暖气候,耐寒性不强,对黏重瘠薄土壤有较强适应性。Paulownia, Latin name: Paulownialike light, more shade tolerant. Like warm climate, cold resistant sex is not strong, strong ada

13、ptability to heavy barren soil.104、凌霄,拉丁学名Campsis grandiflora (Thunb.) Schum.落叶藤本,喜充足,也耐半荫。适应性较强,耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠薄。Peak, Latin name: Campsis grandiflora (Thunb.) Schum.Deciduous vine, like sunny, also resistant to semi-shade. Have good adaptability and ability to restrain to cold, drought and infertile.105、

14、菜豆树幸福树,拉丁学名Radermachera Sinica小乔木,喜高温多湿、足的环境。耐高温,畏寒冷,宜湿润,忌枯燥。Bean tree (happy tree), Latin name: Radermachera SinicaSmall trees, like temperature and humidity, sunshine is enough environment. High temperature resistant, but not cold, should be moist, not dry.106、六月雪,拉丁学名Serissa foetida常绿小灌木,喜温暖湿润的气候

15、条件与半阴半阳、疏松肥沃、排水良好之土壤,中性与微酸性尤宜,抗寒力不强。Liuyuexue, Latin name: Serissa foetida A small evergreen shrub, warm and humid climatic conditions and semi-shady, loose and fertile, well-drained soil, neutral and acidic particularly appropriate, cold hardiness is not strong.107.栀子花 拉丁学名 Gardenia jasminoides Ell

16、is 灌木,花芳香素雅,其花,果实,叶和根可入药,喜温暖,温润,光照充足且通风良好的环境,怕积水,较耐寒。Gardenia Latin name: Gardenia jasminoides EllisShrubs, flowers are fragrant and elegant, the flower, fruit, leaf and root can be medicine, like warm, moist, adequate light and well ventilated environment, afraid of water, and more hardy108.绣球荚蒾 英文

17、名Viburnum macrocephalum Fort 半常绿灌木,树皮灰褐色或灰白色,花冠白色,叶卵形,花期5-6月,喜蔽阴处,需经常保持土壤湿润。Hydrangea pod English name is Viburnum macrocephalum FortSemi evergreen shrubs, bark gray brown or gray white, corolla white, lobes ovate, florescence 5-6 month, like the shade, regularly to keep the soil moist.109.日本珊瑚树法国冬青

18、 拉丁学名Viburnum odoratissimum Ker-Gawl 常绿灌木或小乔木,树皮灰褐色或灰色,枝有小瘤状凸起的皮孔,有一对卵状披针形的芽鳞,花期5-6月,耐荫,喜光植物,不耐寒。Japanese coral tree (France Holly) Latin name: Viburnum odoratissimum Ker-GawlEvergreen shrubs or small trees, bark is gray brown or gray, branches with verruculose raised lenticels, one of the bud scale

19、s ovate lanceolate, florescence 5-6 month, shade tolerant, hi light plants, can not restrain cold.110.忍冬金银花拉丁学名Lonicera japonica 半常绿藤木,多分枝,幼枝密生短柔毛,叶对生,卵形或长卵形,夏季开花,成对生于叶腋,花期4-6月秋季亦常开花。Honeysuckle (Jin Yinhua) Latin name: Lonicera japonicaSemi evergreen vine, much branched, young branchlets densely pu

20、bescent, leaves are opposite, ovate or oblong ovate, summer blossom, paired in leaf axils, florescence 4-6 month (often also blossom in autumn).111.糯米条 拉丁学名Abelia chinensis 糯米条为忍冬科,叶卵形或卵状椭圆形,对生,边缘具疏浅齿,叶背中脉基部密披柔毛,花期7-8月,喜温暖湿润气候,耐寒能力差。Glutinous rice Latin name: Abelia chinensisGlutinous rice for Capri

21、foliaceae, leaves are ovate or ovate elliptic, opposite, margin sparsely shallow teeth, abaxial leaf midrib base densely covered with fluff, florescence 7-8 month, likes warm and humid climate, cold resistant ability is not good.112.海仙花 拉丁学名Primula poissonii 花枝叶茂密,花色艳丽,花期5-7月,喜光也耐阴,耐寒,适应性强,对土壤要求不严,能

22、耐瘠薄。Weigela coraeensis Latin name: Primula poissoniiFlowers are dense foliage, bright color, florescence 5-7 month, like light and shade, cold resistant is good and have strong adaptability, lax to edaphic requirement, have ability to barren.113.菊花 拉丁学名Dendranthema morifolium 是多年生菊科草本植物,其花瓣呈舌状或筒状,菊花

23、适应性很强,喜凉,较耐寒,对二氧化硫和氯气等有一定抗性。Chrysanthemum Latin name: Dendranthema morifoliumIt Is asteraceae perennial herbaceous plants, and its petals tongue shaped or tubular, chrysanthemum adaptability is very strong, like cold, more cold, to have certain resistance such as sulfur dioxide and chlorine.114.棕榈 拉

24、丁学名Trachycarpus fortunei 为常绿乔木,高达7米,干直立圆柱形,不分枝,可收敛止血,喜温暖,湿润,耐寒性极强。Palm Latin name: Trachycarpus fortuneiThe evergreen trees, up to 7 meters, stem is erect cylindrical, unbranched, convergence hemostatic, warm, wet, cold resistant ability is extremely strong.115.棕竹 拉丁学名Rhapis excelsa Henry ex Rehd 丛生

25、灌木,茎圆柱形有节,叶掌状深裂,花期4-5月,喜温暖湿润与通风良好地半阴环境,可入药。Excelsa Latin name: Rhapis excelsa Henry ex RehdBush, a cylindrical section stems, leaves are palmately parted, florescence 4-5 month, likes warm and humid and good ventilation half shade environment, can be used as medicine.116金山棕 拉丁学名Rhapis multifida Burr

26、 丛生灌木高2-3米,叶掌状深裂,劲直伸展,果实球形,喜温暖湿润和通风良好的环境。Jin Shanzong Latin name: Rhapis multifida BurrShrub is 2-3 meters high, leaves are palmately parted, strongly extension, fruits are globular, likes warm and moist and airy environment.117.鱼尾葵 拉丁学名Caryota ochlandra Hance 乔木状,高10-20米,茎干直立,不分枝,叶大型,叶片厚,大而粗壮,喜温暖,不

27、耐寒。Fishtail palmLatin name:CaryotaochlandraHanceTrees, up to 10 to 20 meters tall, erect stems, branches, leaves are large and thick, big and strong, likes warm, not cold.118.散尾葵 拉丁学名Chrysalidocarpuslutescens 棕榈科丛生常绿灌木,茎干光滑,黄绿色,无毛刺,纹状呈环,花雌雄同株,性喜温暖湿润,耐寒力弱。Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Latin name: Chrysa

28、lidocarpuslutescensPalm tufted evergreen shrubs, stem is yellowish green, smooth, no burr, striate with ring, flowers are monoecious, likes warm and humid, weak ability in cold resistant.119、秀珍椰子 拉丁学名Chamaedorea Elegans 属棕榈科,茎干直立,单生,深绿色,具有不规如此的纹,深绿色,有光泽,喜温暖,湿润和半阴的环境。Pleurotus coconut Latin name: Cha

29、maedorea ElegansGenus of palm, stems are erect, solitary, dark green, with irregular grain, also dark green, shiny, likes warm, humid and semi shade environment.120.龟背竹 拉丁学名Monstera deliciosa Liebm 大型蔓生草本植物,叶呈广卵形,叶脉间有椭圆形的穿孔,叶具长柄,深绿色,喜凉爽而湿润的气候条件,不耐寒。Monstera Latin name: Monstera deliciosa LiebmLarge

30、vines herbaceous plants, lobes broadly ovate, with oval punch between veins, leaf with a long handle, dark green, like a cool and wet climate condition, not cold.121.万年青 拉丁学名Aglaonema modestum Schott exEngl多年生常绿草木,茎直立或上升,花期5月,花小而密集,花色白而带绿,喜温暖。Guangdong million young Latin name: Aglaonema Modestum Sc

31、hott exEnglEvergreen perennial herbs, stems are erect or ascending and florescence in May, the flower is small and dense, color is white with green, likes warm.122.羽裂蔓绿绒春羽 拉丁学名Philodendron xanadu 羽裂蔓绿绒为天南星科蔓绿绒属植物,喜温暖湿润和半阴环境,适应性强。Philodendron selloum (Chun Yu) Latin name: Philodendron XanaduPhilodend

32、ron pitfieri to aroid Philodendron spp., like warm and wet with half shade environment, have good ability of adaptability.123.绿萝 拉丁学名Scindapsus aureum 大型常绿藤木植物,茎蔓粗壮,可长达数米,茎节处有气根,叶片为长卵形。 Scindapsus aureus Latin name: Scindapsus aureumLarge evergreen vine plants, stem is thick, can last up to several

33、meters, with aerial roots stems, leaves are long ovate.124.海芋滴水观音 拉丁学名Alocasia macrorrhiza 多年生直立草本,叶柄长,有宽叶鞘,叶大型,盾状阔箭形,花期4-7月,喜温暖湿润。Calla (drop a Buddism godness Guanyin) Latin name: Alocasia macrorrhizaErect perennial herb, petiole is long, wide leaf sheaths, leaves are large, peltate broad arrow, f

34、lorescence 4-7 month, hi warm and humid. 125、千手观音,英文名:dishgyi(dishlia)126.竹 拉丁学名bamboo 草本植物,春日生笋,质地坚硬,种类多,可入菜,制器物,喜温暖。Bamboo Latin name: bambooHerbs, spring bamboo shoots, hard texture, variety, can be make into the dish, and make into the system implements, likes warm.127、孝顺竹Filial piety bamboo禾木科刺

35、竹属 多生在山谷间 小河旁Filial piety bamboo Bambusa Bamboo is a grass family stabbed multiple births in the valleys near the river128、凤尾竹Cucurbit flute又名观音竹,原产中国南部。喜温暖湿润和半阴环境,耐寒性稍差,不耐强光曝晒,怕渍水,宜肥沃、疏松和排水良好的壤土Fengweizhu Cucurbit flute Aka Guanyin Zhu, originating in southern China. Likes warm and humid and half s

36、hade environment, a bit weak in cold, intolerant in light exposure, fear waterlogging, should be fertile, loose and well-drained loam129、斑竹pot bamboo 性喜温暖、耐高温,生命力强。 喜温、喜阳、喜肥、喜湿、怕风不耐寒Bamboo (pot bamboo) Likes the warm, high temperature, strong vitality. Thermophilic, likes light, fertile and wet, wea

37、k in cold and afraid of the wind130、美人蕉Canna美人蕉属多年生球根根茎类草本植物,喜温暖湿润,不耐寒,忌枯燥。Canna Canna rhizomes perennial bulbous herbs, warm and humid, not cold, avoid drying.131、文竹Asparagus文竹性喜温暖、湿润与半阴,不耐干旱与霜冻。Asparagus Asparagus likes warm, moist and half shade, resistant to drought and frost.132、芦荟Aloe芦荟叶茎出簇生,狭

38、长披针状,边缘有刺状小齿,夏秋开花,有黄或粉红、赤色小点。Aloe leaf and stem are clustered, narrow lanceolate, with margin spiny small teeth, summer flowering with yellow or pink, red dots.133、凤尾兰 二名法Yuccagloriosa龙舌兰科 丝兰属常绿灌木,茎通常不分枝或分枝很少。叶片剑形,圆锥花序高1米多,花朵杯状,下垂,花期610月。喜温暖湿润和充足环境,耐寒,耐阴,耐旱也较耐湿,对土壤要求不 严。有粗壮的肉质根,茎易产生不定芽,很容易生长萌蘖,扩展植株,

39、更新能力很强。Yucca gloriosa two law Yuccagloriosa belong to agave Silan an evergreen shrub, usually unbranched or branched stems rarely. Sword-shaped leaves, 1 meter tall panicles, cup-shaped flowers, drooping, flowering from June to October. Hi warm and humid and sunny environment, cold, shade, drought a

40、lso more moisture, soil strict. There are thick fleshy roots, stems easy to produce adventitious buds sprout very easy to grow, expand plants, update capability is very strong.134、麦冬,英文名:dwarf lilyturf135、吊兰Bracketplant吊兰其性喜温暖湿润、半阴的环境,怕强光。Chlorophytum Bracketplant Chlorophytum It likes warm and humi

41、d, half shade environment, fear of light.136、巴西木Brazilwood巴西木性喜光照充足、高温、高湿的环境,亦耐阴、耐枯燥,在明亮的散射光和北方居室较枯燥的环境中,也生长良好。Brazilwood Brazilwood Brazilwood likes adequate light, temperature, humidity environment, but also shade-tolerant, resistant to dry, scattered light in bright room drier northern environmen

42、t, but also grow well.137、一叶兰Leaf LAN性喜温暖、阴湿,耐贫瘠,不耐寒,喜疏松、肥沃、排水良好的沙质壤土。Pleione Leaf LAN Likes warm, damp, poor resistance, not cold, like loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam.138、吉祥草Lucky grass吉祥草喜温暖、湿润、半阴的环境,对土壤要求不严格,以排水良好肥沃壤土为宜。Auspicious grass Lucky grass Lucky grass like warm, moist, half over

43、cast environment, not strict with soil, good drainage is rich and loam is advisable.139、富贵竹bamboo green bananas学名绿叶龙血树,另名绿叶竹蕉,富贵竹喜疏松、排水良好、富含腐殖质的土壤与温暖湿润环境。Lucky Bamboo bamboo green bananas Scientific name is Dracaena leafy, green leafy bamboo banana is another name, Lucky Bamboo likes loose, well-dra

44、ined, rich soil and warm moist environment humus.140、葱莲Green lotus葱莲喜充足,耐半阴和低湿,宜肥沃、带有黏性而排水好的土壤。Lotus Green lotus onions Onion lotus like sunny, half shade and humidity resistance, adapt better to fertile, well drained soil with sticky while.141、君子兰学名:Clivia,别名剑叶石蒜、大叶石蒜,是石蒜科君子兰属的观赏花卉。忌强光,为半阴性植物,喜凉爽,忌

45、高温,喜肥厚、排水性良好的土壤和湿润的土壤,忌枯燥环境。Clivia (scientific name: Clivia), Other names are Jianye Lycoris, large leaves of Lycoris, Amaryllidaceae Clivia is a genus of ornamental flowers. Avoid glare, semi-shade plant, likes cool, avoid high temperature, likes hypertrophy, well drained soil and moist soil, avoid

46、 dry environment.142、石蒜Lycoris radiata,又名龙爪、龙爪花、山乌毒,俗称老鸦蒜、蒜头草、蟑螂花、彼岸花、曼珠沙华等。生于阴湿山地或丛林下。Lycoris (Lycoris radiata), also known as Talon, Talon flowers, mountains black poison, monly known as crows garlic, garlic grass, cockroach flowers, Bana, lilies and so on. Born in damp down the mountain or jungle

47、.143、鸢尾学名:Iris tectorum又名:蓝蝴蝶、紫蝴蝶、扁竹花等,属百合目,鸢尾科多年生草本。单子叶植物,主要产热带地区。Iris (scientific name: Iris tectorum) aka: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flowers, lily head, iris perennial herb. Monocots produced mainly in tropical areas.144、兰花,拉丁学名:Magnolia denudataDesr.兰花性喜阴,避光处与湿润、空气流通的沙质土壤环境Or

48、chids, Latin name: Magnolia denudata (Desr.) Orchids like shade, dark place and moist, sandy soil that air circulated environment.145、海桐别名海桐花、山矾、七里香、宝珠香、山瑞香,常绿小乔木或灌木,高达3米。Pittosporum also named Pittosporum alias, Mountain alum, Pungent, Sarah fragrant mountain Daphne, a small evergreen tree or shrub

49、, up to 3 meters.146、樱花Cherry blossoms樱花一般指的是蔷薇科樱属植物的花朵统称,花每支三朵到五朵,成伞状花序,花瓣先端缺刻,花色多为白色、粉红色。Sakura Cherry blossoms Sakura generally refers collectively flowers Cerasus Rosaceae plants, each flower is three to fiveas umbels, petals notched apex, color is mostly white and pink.147、柿子树,别名:朱果、猴枣,拉丁文名:Dio

50、spyros kaki Thunb. 是柿科、柿属落叶大乔木,高可达15米,它树干直立,树冠庞大。Persimmon tree, alias: red fruit, monkey dates, Latin name: Diospyros kaki Thunb. It is Persimmon Branch, persimmon is a large deciduous tree, up to 15 meters, it is the trunk erect, huge canopy.148、杜英,学名Elaeocarpus decipiens Hemsl.,别名假梅、梅擦饭、青果、野橄榄、胆八

51、树、橄榄、缘瓣杜英。常绿乔木。常绿速生树种,材质好,适应性强,病虫害少。Sylvestris, the scientific name Elaeocarpus decipiens Hemsl., Alias false bayberry, plum rub rice, fruit, wild olive, gall eight trees, olives, edge flap sylvestris. Evergreen trees. Evergreen fast-growing species, the material is good, adaptable, fewer pests and

52、diseases.149、石榴学名:Punica granatum石榴科石榴属。落叶灌木或小乔木。针状枝,叶呈长倒卵形或长椭圆形,无毛。花期56月,多为朱红色,亦有黄色和白色。Pomegranate: (scientific name: Punica granatum), pomegranate pomegranates genera. Deciduous shrubs or small trees. Needle branches, leaf is a long obovate or elliptic, glabrous. Flowering 5 6 months, mostly red,

53、also has yellow and white.150、海棠球 151、荷兰铁 拉丁学名Yucca elephantipes又称巨丝兰、象脚丝兰、无刺丝兰,为百合科丝兰属观叶常绿木本植物,喜阳也耐阴,耐旱,耐寒力强。Dutch Rail Latin name, also known as giant yucca Yucca elephantipes, elephant foot yucca, yucca without thorns, evergreen foliage of woody plant genus, likeslight also shade, drought, cold a

54、nd strong.152、富贵椰子 拉丁学名Howea belmoreana又称缨络椰子,棕榈科丛生灌木,原产澳洲;性喜温暖湿润半阴环境,耐阴性强,耐寒性亦较强。Rich coconut Latin name Howea belmoreana Ying Luo, also known as coconut, palm clusters shrub, native to Australia; likes both warm and humid environment, strong negative resistance, cold resistance is also strong.153、

55、澳洲杉 Araucaria heterophylla 常绿乔木,一般盆栽为幼树,高在2米以下。喜温暖、潮湿的环境,在充足的地方生长良好,有一定的耐阴力,但要防止夏季强光曝晒。不耐寒冷和干旱,适合于排水良好富含腐殖质的微酸性砂质壤土。Australia Araucaria heterophylla fir is evergreen tree, usually potted plants saplings, 2 meters high. Likes warm, moist environment, in a sunny place to grow well, there is a certain

56、shade force, but to avoid summer strong light exposure. Resistant to cold and drought, and suitable for well-drained humus-rich acidic sandy loam.154、橡皮树 橡皮树是桑科的常绿乔木,其性喜高温湿润、充足的环境,也能耐阴但不耐寒,极适合室美化布置。Sankoh rubber tree rubber tree is evergreen tree, which likes the high-temperature and humid, sunny en

57、vironment, and has ability to overcast but not cold, very suitable for interior landscaping layout.155、豆瓣绿 多年生草本。株高1520厘米。无主茎。叶簇生,近肉质较肥厚,倒卵形,喜温暖湿润的半阴环境。生长适温25左右,最低不可低于10,不耐高温,要求较高的空气湿度,忌直射;喜疏松肥沃,和排水良好的湿润土壤。Watercress green perennial herb. Height 15-20 cm. No main stem. Leaves clustered near succulen

58、t than hypertrophy, obovate, likes half shade warm and humid environment. Optimum growth temperature is about 25 , the minimum can not be less than 10 , not restraint to high temperature, high humidity requirements, avoid direct sunlight; likes loose and fertile, moist and well-drained soil.156、红钻 学

59、名红帝王蔓绿绒,天南星科蔓绿绒属,多年生草本,茎会生气根,喜温暖湿润的环境,喜明亮的散射光。忌直射。Red Diamond generic red imperial philodendron, Araceae Philodendron is a perennial herb, easy to have gas root, likes warm and humid environment, likes a bright light scattering. Avoid direct sunlight.157、孔雀竹芋 拉丁学名Calatheamakoyana原产于热带美洲与印度洋的岛域中,为多年生

60、草本,叶上有深浅不同的绿色斑纹,叶背部多呈褐红色。性喜半阴,不耐直射,适应在温暖、湿润的环境中生长。Peacock arrowroot Latin name Calatheamakoyana native to tropical America and the Indian Ocean island domain, is a perennial herb, there are different shades of green stripes on the leaves, leaf back mostly maroon. Likes half shade, direct sunlight in

61、tolerance, and adapted to grow in warm, moist environments.158、摇钱树学名:Ficus microcarpa,为桑科榕属乔木,原产于热带亚洲。Money tree (scientific name: Ficus microcarpa), Moraceae Ficus tree, native to tropical Asia.159、非洲茉莉 原产于我国南部与东南亚等国的马钱科灰莉属常绿攀援灌木或小乔木。别名华灰莉木、箐黄果等。由于灰莉木的谐音与茉莉相似,也为了使名字好听,便于销售,所以花商给它起了个新名字“非洲茉莉。 在气候温暖的

62、环境条件下生长良好。Jasmine originatesfrom China in southern Africa and Southeast Asia and other countries Loganiaceae gray Li evergreen (climbing) shrub or small tree. Li Hua alias ash wood, green or yellow fruits. Since wood ash Li homonym with jasmine similar, in order to make the name sounds good, easy to

63、 sell, so the florist gave it a new name, Africa Jasmine. In warm climates environmental conditions grow well.160、针葵 拉丁名: Phoenix robelenii 棕榈科刺葵属常绿木本植物。别名美丽针葵、美丽珍葵、罗比亲王椰子、罗比亲王海枣。原产东南亚地区,老挝分布最多。软叶刺葵叶片基部有刺,家庭中有小孩应剪去刺尖或不摆放这种植物。Needle Kwai Latin name: Phoenix robelenii. Palm thorn Kwai is evergreen woo

64、dy. Alias beautiful sunflower pin, beautiful Jane sunflower, coconut Robbie Prince, Prince Robbie date palm. Originated in Southeast Asia, Laos largest distribution. Soft leaf sunflower leaf base barbed spines, families with children should be cut or not to put sharp thorns of this plant.161、清香木学名:Pistacia weinmannifolia为漆树科黄连木属的植物。灌木或小乔木,为阳性树,但亦稍耐阴,喜温暖,光照充足、不易积水土层深厚的

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