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1、word海底总动员 Finding Nemo 中英文剧本-Wow. -Mmm. 哇! -Wow. -Mm-hmm. 哇! -Wow. Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. Its beautiful. 哇! 够了啦,马林我看到了,真的很美 So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view.珊瑚,你说你想看到海景 没想到会是整片大海吧? you didnt think youd get the whole ocean, did you? Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here. 太舒服了,在这儿

2、能呼吸新鲜空气 Did your man deliver, or did he deliver? 你老公真有一套,对吧? - My man delivered. - And it wasnt so easy. 他真是没话说 这可是得来不易呀 Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. 因为好多小丑鱼都在抢这地方 You better believe they did. every single one of them. 千万别怀疑,每一条都在抢 You did good. And the neighborhood

3、 is awesome 你真行,而且这儿的环境超优 So, you do like it, dont you? 你到底喜不喜欢嘛? No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. 当然喜欢罗,真的很棒 But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable.不过虽然这儿的学区很好,景观也一级棒 with the great schools and the amazing view. but do we really need so much space? 不过非要这么大的地方吗? But do we really

4、need so much space? Coral, honey, these are our kids were talking about. 珊瑚,这都是为了孩子们 要嘛就要给他们最好的 They deserve the best. Look, look, look. 他们一睁开眼就看得到鲸鱼 Theyll wake up, poke their little heads out. and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. 从窗口游过去 Youll wake the kids. 你会把孩子们吵醒 Oh, right, righ

5、t. 是哦 Look. Theyre dreaming. 你看 ,他们在做梦 We still have to name them. 我们还没替他们取名字 You want to name all of them right now? 你现在就要替他们取名字? All right, well name this half Marlin Junior. 好吧 ,这一半就叫小马林 and this half Coral Junior. 这一半叫小珊瑚 - OK, were done. - I like Nemo. 好了,搞定了 。我喜欢尼莫这名字 Nemo. Well name one Nemo.

6、 尼莫? 有一个叫尼莫无所谓 but Id like most of them to be Marlin Junior. 其他的还是叫小马林吧Just think, in a couple of days, were going to be parents. 再过两天咱们就要当父母了 。是啊 What if they dont like me? 他们不喜欢我怎么办? - Marlin. - No, really. 马林 我是说真的耶 Theres over 400 eggs. Odds are, one will like you. 这儿有四百多颗鱼卵 总有一个会喜欢你 What? 你在笑什么

7、? - You remember how we met? - I try not to. 你记得咱们怎么认识的吗? 我很想忘掉 Well, I remember. Excuse me, miss. 我记得很清楚 。对不起,小姐 can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip? 请你帮我看 我嘴巴有没有鱼钩 You got a little closer because it was wiggling. 马林 你可以靠近一点,再近一点 - Get away, get away! - Here he is. Cuties here. 走开啦 。我来

8、了,大帅哥来了 Where did everybody go? 大伙儿都跑哪儿去了? Coral, get inside the house. 珊瑚,快进屋子去 No, Coral, dont. Theyll be fine. 不要去,孩子们不会有事 快进去,快点 Just get inside. You, right now. 不! Coral! 珊瑚! 珊瑚? 珊瑚? 珊瑚? 珊瑚? 珊瑚? There, there, there. 还有你在这 Its OK. Daddys here. 好了,没事了 别怕,老爹在这儿 Daddys got you. 老爹会保护你 I promise, I

9、will never let anything happen to you. 我保证不会让你发生任何事 Nemo. 尼莫 First day of school! 第一天上学,起床罗 Wake up, wake up! First day of school. 起床罗,今天第一天上学 I dont want to go to school. five more minutes. 我不想上学让我再睡五分钟 Not you, Dad, me. Get up, get up. 不是你,是我要上学啦 。快起床啦 上学了上学了Its time for school, time for school. A

10、ll right, Im up. 我起来了,怎么回事? 棒呆了 - Nemo! - First day of school! 尼莫! 第一天上学耶 Nemo, dont move. 尼莫,别动 Youll never get out of there yourself. 你自己出不来,让我来 Ill do it. - You feel a break? - No. 你受伤了吗? 没有 Sometimes you cant tell cause fluid rushes to the area. 受一点小伤都不行,有没有? - Are you woozy? - No. 没有啦 你有没有头昏眼花?

11、 - How many stripes do I have? - Im fine. 没有 我身上有几条斑纹? 我没事啦 - Answer the stripe question. - Three. 快回答我的问题 三条 No! See? Somethings wrong with you. 不对,你生病了,我只有一条 I have one, two, three. Thats all I have? 两条、三条三条斑纹 你真的没事 Youre OK. Hows the lucky fin? 你的幸运鳍怎么样? - Lucky. - Lets see. 很幸运 。给我看看 Are you sur

12、e you want to go to school this year? 你今年真的想上学吗? Theres no problem if you dont. You can wait 5 or 6 years. 你大可以再等个五、六年 e on, Dad, its time for school. 爸,我早就该上学了 Forgot to brush. 你忘了刷身体 Do you want this anemone to sting you? 你想不想被海葵刺到? - Yes. - Brush. 想啊 快刷呀 - OK, Im done. - You missed a spot. 我好了 你没

13、刷到一个地方 - Where? - There. - Where? - There. 哪里? 这里 Right there. And here and here. 这里、这里和这里 All right, were excited. 第一天上学,我们都很兴奋 The first day of school. Here we go. Were ready to learn to get some knowledge. 我们要学很多新知识 Whats the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? 你千万要记得大海像什么? - Its not s

14、afe. - Thats my boy. 大海如虎口 。这才是我的乖儿子 First, we check to see that the coast is clear. 所以出门一定要左右看 We go out. and back in. 先出去再进来 And then we go out. and back in. 然后出去再进来 And then one more time. out and back in. 再来一次 。出去进来 And sometimes, if you want to do it four times. 你想这样来回四次也行 - Dad. - All right, e

15、 on, boy. 老爹 。好啦,走吧 Maybe while Im at school, Ill see a shark. 也许我到了学校会看到鲨鱼 I highly doubt that. - Have you ever met a shark? 我看不太可能 。你有没有看过鲨鱼? No, and I dont plan to. 没有,我也不想 - How old are sea turtles? - I dont know. 海龟有多老? 海龟?我不知道 Sandy Plankton from next door. 隔壁的阿弟仔说海龟 he says that sea turtles l

16、ive to be about 100 years old. 可以活到一百岁耶 . If I ever meet a sea turtle, Ill ask him. 要是我遇到一只海龟 我会问他 After Im done talking to the shark, OK? 在我跟鲨鱼聊天以后 好吗? Hold on. Wait to cross. 等一下,等红绿灯 Hold on. Wait to cross. Hold my fin. 孔盼业啮挕? Dad, youre not going to freak out. 你不会像到动物园 那样抓狂吧? like you did at the

17、 petting zoo, are you? That snail was about to charge. 那只海螺想要攻击你 I wonder where were supposed to go. 新生要到哪儿报到呢? Bye, Mom! 拜了,妈 Ill pick you up after school. 我等放学再来接你们 ome on, you guys, stop it! Give it back! 拜托,别闹了啦,快还给我 e on, well try over there. 我们去那儿看看 Excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher

18、? 抱歉,是在这儿等老师吗? Well, look whos out of the anemone. 哇塞,你终于肯出门啦? Yes. Shocking, I know. 是啊,没想到吧? - Marty, right? - Marlin. 马提,对吧? 马林 - Bob. - Ted. 我是巴伯 泰迪 Bill. Hey, youre a clownfish. 菲尔,你是一条小丑鱼 Youre funny, right? Tell us a joke. 一定很会搞笑,说一个笑话吧 - Yeah. - Yeah. Well, actually, thats a mon misconceptio

19、n. 说一个冷笑话 其实这是误解 小丑鱼并没有特别会搞笑 Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish. - e on, clownie. - Do something funny. 少来了,小丑 All right, I know one joke. 说个笑话嘛 。好吧,说就说吧 Theres a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea. 有一只软体动物走到He doesnt walk up, he swims up. 他不是用走的,是用游的 Actually, the mollusk isnt moving.

20、 他哪儿也没去,他留在原地 Hes in one place, and then the sea cucumber. 有一只海参我搞混了 Well, they. Im mixed up. There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. 有一只软体动物和一只海参 None of them were walking, so forget that l. 他们都不是用走的 Sheldon! Get out of Mr. Johannsens yard now! 东东,别在强森先生身上乱跳 All right, you kids! 够了,小鬼头 Ooh, whered

21、you go? 你们跑到哪儿了? Dad, can I go play, too? Can I? 爸,我也能去玩吗? I would feel better if youd play on the sponge beds. 我只让你去跳海绵弹簧床 Thats where I would play. 那儿比较安全 - Whats wrong with his fin? - He looks funny. 他的鱼鳍怎么了?他长得好好笑哦Hey, whatd I do? 我做了什么? Be nice. Its his first time at school. 他第一天上学,别欺负他 He was

22、born with it. We call it his lucky fin. 这是天生的,这是他的幸运鳍 - Dad. - See this tentacle? 老爸 。看到这根触角吗? 这根比别的短 Its actually shorter than all my other tentacles. but you cant really tell. 不过你看不出来 尤其是当我乱扭的时候 Especially when I twirl them like this. Im H-2-O intolerant. 我对海水会过敏 Im obnoxious. 我的脾气很坏 Lets name the

23、 zones, the zones, the zones 让我们认识大海 让我们为大海分区 Lets name the zones of the open sea Mr. Ray! 雷老师 - e on, Nemo. - You better stay with me. 来吧,尼莫 。你最好跟着我 Mesopelagic, bathyal, abyssalpelagic 中层区、娼海区、娼渊区 更娼的地方谁也不能去 All the rest are too deep for you and me to see I wonder where my class has gone? 同学们都跑哪儿去

24、啦? Were under here! 我们在这儿 There you are. 原来你们在这儿 Climb aboard, explorers. 上来吧,小小探险家 Oh, knowledge exploring 如果你想要探索知识 就要勇敢去亲身体验 Is, oh, so lyrical When you think thoughts that are empirical Dad, you can go now.爸,你可以走了 - Hello. Who is this? - Im Nemo. 这位小朋友是谁? Nemo, all new explorers must answer a sc

25、ience question. 我是尼莫 。新来的探险家 都要回答一个问题 - OK. - You live in what kind of home? 好啊 。你住在什么地方? An anemon-none. 我住在一个海龟葵 A nemenem-menome. OK, dont hurt yourself. Wele aboard, explorers. 好了,别勉强了 。欢迎,小小探险家 Just so you know, hes got a little fin. 他的鱼鳍很小 所以游得比较慢 I find if hes having trouble swimming. I let h

26、im take a break, 10, 15 minutes. 多让他休息,十、十五分钟 Dad, its time for you to go now. 爸,你该走了 Dont worry. Were gonna stay together as a group. 放心,我们都集体行动 OK, class, optical orbits up front. 同学们,专心看着前方 And remember, we keep our supraesophogeal ganglion. 记住哦 触角和鳍不要伸出车外 to ourselves. That means you, Jimmy. Aw,

27、 man! Aw, man!尤其是你,吉米 !讨厌啦 Bye, Nemo! Bye, Dad! 拜了,尼莫 。拜了,老爹 Bye, son! 拜了,儿子 e safe. 小心点 Youre doing pretty well for a first-timer. 你第一次还算挺放得下心的 You cant hold on to them forever, can you? 我总不能照顾他一辈子吧 I had a tough time with my oldest out at the drop off. 他们要去峭壁我也挺紧的 They got to grow up. The drop off

28、? 小孩都会长大峭壁? 他们要去峭壁? Theyre going to the drop off? What are you, insane? 你疯啦? Why dont we fry them up now and serve them with chips? 不如直接把他们 炸成天妇罗算了 Hey, Marty, calm down. 马提,冷静点 Dont tell me to be calm, pony boy. 别叫我冷静,小马僮 Pony boy? 小马僮? For a clownfish, he really isnt that funny. 他这只小丑鱼真不好笑 Pity. 可

29、怜哟 Lets name the species, the species, the species 让我们认识大海的物种 Lets name the species that live in the sea 海绵动物、腔肠动物 水螅虫、水母、珊瑚 Theres Porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, scyphozoa 擳板、苔藓、腹足 节肢和棘皮动物 Anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three Gastropoda, arthropoda, echinoderma 还有你跟我这些鱼类 And some fish like you

30、and me e on, sing with me. 跟我一起唱 Just the girls this time. Oh, seaweed is cool 海藻很炫、海藻很酷 它们靠制造食物 Seaweed is fun 。It makes its food OK, the drop off. 峭壁到了 All right, kids, feel free to explore. 去探险吧,不过别走散了 but stay close. Stromalitic cyanobacteria! Gather. 蓝绿藻原核生物 An entire ecosystem contained in one

31、 infinitesimal speck. 小小一块就蕴藏 整个生态系统 There are as many protein pairs contained in this. 蛋白质的数量e on, lets go. 走吧,跟我来 e on, sing with me! Theres porifera, coelenterata 同学们,跟我一起唱 。海绵动物、腔肠动物Hydrozoa, scyphozoa Anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three Hey, guys, wait up! 喂,等等我 Cool. Saved your life!酷毙了 。我救了

32、你一命 You guys made me ink. 讨厌啦,你们害我吐墨了 Whats that? 那是什么? I know what that is. Sandy Plankton saw one. 我知道,阿弟仔看过 He said it was called a butt. 他说那叫做屁股 (“船”的谐音) Thats a pretty big butt. 哇塞,好大的屁股哦 Look at me. Im going to touch the butt. 你们看,我要去摸屁股哦 Oh, yeah? Lets see you get closer. 来呀,你们有种就跟来 好啊 Beat t

33、hat. 我游得比你更远 e on, Nemo. How far can you go? 尼莫,你敢游多远? My dad says its not safe. 我爸说这很危险 - Nemo! No! - Dad? 尼莫,别去 。爸? You were about to swim into open water. 你想游进大海 No, I wasnt. 才没有 Good thing I was here. If I hadnt shown up. 幸好我及时赶到 - He wasnt going to go. - He was too afraid. 他才不敢游 是啊,他太胆小了 No, I

34、wasnt. 才不是 This does not concern you, kids. 这不关你们的事 and youre lucky I dont tell your parents. 小心我向你们爸妈告状 You know you cant swim well. 你知道你不太会游泳 I can swim fine, Dad, OK? 我很会游泳啦 No, its not OK. You shouldnt be near here. 不行,你不该来这儿 I was right. Youll start school in a year or two. 我说的对,你过两年再来上学 No, Da

35、d! Just because youre scared of the ocean. 不要,是你自己怕得要命 Youre not ready, and youre not ing back until you are. 你没准备好,等你长大再说 You think you can do these things, but you just cant! 你以为你能独立自主 但是你就是不行 I hate you. 我恨你 Theres. 没什么好看的 nothing to see. Gather. Over there. 过来吧 Excuse me. Is there anything I can

36、 do? 我能帮忙吗? I am a scientist, sir. Is there any problem? 我是老师,有问题吗? Im sorry. I didnt mean to interrupt things. 真是不好意思,他不太会游泳 He isnt a good swimmer, and its a little too soon. 我只是觉得 他不能没有人照顾 for him to be out here unsupervised. I can assure you, hes quite safe with me. 我向你保证有我在他很安全 Im sure he is, b

37、ut you have a large class.; 那是一定的 不过班上学生这么多 你一不注意他就会走丢 and he can get lost from sight if youre not looking. Im not saying youre not looking. 我不是说你会那么不小心 可是他Oh, my gosh! Nemos swimming out to sea! 天啊,尼莫游出去了 Nemo! 尼莫 What do you think youre doing? 你在做什么? Youll get stuck out there. 你会回不来的 这下我得过去救你了 and

38、 Ill have to get you before another fish does. Get back here! 快回来吧 I said get back here now! 我叫你马上回来 Stop! You take one more move, mister. 别游了 !你敢再游过去 Dont you dare! 你敢? If you put one fin on that boat. 别碰那艘船,听到没? Are you listening to me? Dont touch the bo. Nemo! 别碰那艘船 尼莫 He touched the butt. 他摸了屁股耶

39、 You paddle your little tail right back here, Nemo. 你给我赶快回来 Thats right. 这就对了 You are in big trouble, young man. 你的麻烦大了,听到没有? Do you hear me? Big. . Daddy! Help me! 爸,救救我 Im ing, Nemo! 我来了,尼莫 Get under me, kids! Dad! 快躲到我下面 !爸! Daddy! 爸爸!Nemo! 尼莫!Hold on. 坐好了 Oh, no. 糟了,船不见了,不见了 No, its gone. Its go

40、ne. No, no, it cant be gone. No, no! Nemo! 不可能 !尼莫尼莫 尼莫尼莫No, please, no! 不要,求求你 不Has anybody seen a boat? 有人看到一艘白色的船吗? Please! A white boat! They took my son! 他们抓走我儿子 My son! Help me, please. 我儿子,拜托,帮帮忙 - Look out! - What? 小心 Sorry. I didnt see you.抱歉,我没看到你 - Sir? Are you OK? - Hes gone, hes gone. 先

41、生,你没事吧? 他不见了 乖乖 There, there. Its all right. 他不见了 没事了 - Hes gone. - Itll be OK. 他不见了 不会有事的 No, no. They took him away. I have to find the boat. 他被抓走了 我得找到那艘船 A boat? Hey, Ive seen a boat. 船?我看到一艘船 - You have? - It passed by not too long ago. 真的吗?它刚刚才经过 - A white one? - Hi. Im Dory. 白色的船吗? 嗨,我是多莉 Whe

42、re? Which way? 在哪儿?哪个方向? It went this way. It went this way. Follow me. 它往这儿开去,跟我来 Thank you, thank you so much. 你,真是你 No problem. Wait不客气 等一下 - Will you quit it? - What? 别跟着我 什么? Im trying to swim here. Ocean isnt big enough for you? 我想自己游泳 大海不够大吗? You got a problem, buddy? 你有毛病吗? Do you? Do you? Y

43、ou want a piece of me? 是不是? 你想跟我单挑,我可不怕你 Im scared now. What? - Wait a minute. - Stop following me, OK? 等一下 别一直跟着我 What? Youre showing me where the boat went. 你在说什么? 你明明说你要带我去找船 A boat? Hey, Ive seen a boat. 船?我看到一艘船 它刚刚才经过 It passed by not too long ago. It went this way. 它往这儿开去,跟我来 It went this way

44、. Follow me. Wait a minute. What is going on? 等一下,搞什么鬼? 这句话你已经说过了 You already told me which way the boat was going. I did? Oh, no. 真的吗? 糟糕 If this is some kind of practical joke, its not funny. 这种笑话并不好笑 And I know funny. Im a clownfish. 我是小丑鱼讲到笑话我最懂 No, its not. I know its not. Im so sorry. 这不是笑话,真是

45、对不起 See, I suffer from short-term memory loss. 是这样的,我有短暂失忆症 Short-term memory loss. I dont believe this. 短暂失忆症,太扯了 No, its true. I forget things almost instantly.是真的,任何事我都马上忘记 It runs in my family. At least, I think it does. 这是家族遗传 我是说我记得是这样吧 Where are they? 我的家人呢? Can I help you? 我能帮忙吗? Somethings

46、wrong with you. really. 你有病,是真的 Youre wasting my time. 你在浪费我的时间 I have to find my son. 我要去找我儿子 Hello. Well, hi! Names Bruce. 你好 !嗨 !我叫布鲁斯 Its all right. I understand. 我了解 你们信不过一只鲨鱼 Why trust a shark, right? So, whats a couple of bites like you. 这么晚了 你们为何到处乱晃? doing out so late? Were not doing anythi

47、ng. Were not even out. 没事,我们也没乱晃 Great! Then howd you morsels. 太好了 你们这两条小鱼 想不想参加聚会呀? like to e to a little get-together Im having? You mean, like a party? 像是派对吗? Yeah, right. A party. What do you say? 是啊,派对,怎么样? I love parties. That sounds like fun. 我最爱派对了,听起来很好玩 Parties are fun, and its tempting, b

48、ut. 我也很想去,可是不行Oh, e on, I insist. 来嘛,我坚持 OK. Thats all that matters. 好吧,你说了算 Hey, look, balloons. It is a party.有气球耶,这真的是派对 Mind your distance, though. 离远一点 这些气球很容易破 Those balloons can be a bit dodgy. You wouldnt want one of them to pop. 要是爆炸就完蛋了 Anchor! Chum! There you are, Bruce. Finally. 安安、小沉 !布

49、鲁斯,你回来了 - We got pany. - Its about time, mate. 我找到同伴了 你总算找到了 Weve already gone through the snacks. 咱们把点心吃完还是很饿 Weve already gone through the snacks. and Im still starving. We almost had a feeding frenzy. 差点就要大开吃戒 e on, lets get this over with. 咱们这就开始吧 Right, then. The meeting has officially e to ord

50、er. 好吧,会议正式开始 Let us all say the pledge. 咱们一起宣誓 I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. 我是好鲨鱼 不是杀人机器 If I am to change this image. 如果我想改变形象 就要先改变自己 I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food. 鱼是朋友、不是食物 Except stinkin dolphins. 除了海豚以外 Dolphins. Yeah. They think theyre so cute. 臭

51、海豚,自以为很可爱 Look at me. Im a flippin little dolphin.瞧,我会跳耶,我跳给你看 Let me flip for you. Aint I something? Right, then. Todays meeting is Step 5. 好吧,今天是第五阶段 带一个鱼朋友回来 Bring a Fish Friend. Do you all have your friends? 你们带来没有? Got mine. - Hey, there. - How about you, Chum? 我有 你好 小沉,你呢? I seem to have mispl

52、aced my friend. 我的鱼朋友不见了 Thats all right, Chum. 我就知道你会忍不住 我替你带了一个鱼朋友 I had a feeling this would be a difficult step. You can help yourself to one of my friends. Thanks, mate. A little chum for Chum, eh? 了,老友 小沉的好朋友 Ill start the testimonies. 我先做见证 Hello. My name is Bruce. 大家好,我是布鲁斯 Hello, Bruce. - H

53、ey, there. - How about you, Chum? 你好,布鲁斯 - Hey, there. - How about you, Chum? 我有三个礼拜没吃过鱼了 On my honor, or may I be chopped up and made into soup. 要是我说谎 就会被煮成鱼翅汤 - Youre an inspiration! - Amen. 你好伟大哦 !没错 Right, then. Whos next? 下一个是谁? Pick me, pick me. 选我啦 Yes. The little Sheila down the front. 好吧,前面

54、的这位小姐 e on up here. Hi. Im Dory. 请上来 !嗨,我是多莉 Hello, Dory. I dont think Ive ever eaten a fish 你好,多莉 !我这辈子连一条鱼都没吃过 - Thats incredible. - Good on you, mate. 真是了不起 做得好,小妹子 Im glad I got that off my chest. 能一吐为快感觉真好 All right, anyone else? 还有人要说吗? How about you, mate? Whats your problem? 你呢?你有什么问题? Me? I

55、 dont have a problem. 我? 我没有问题 Oh, OK. 才怪Denial. 驼鸟心态 Just start with your name. 先自我介绍吧OK. Hello. 好吧 My name is Marlin. Im a clownfish. 我叫马林,我是小丑鱼 - A clownfish? Really? - Tell us a joke. 小丑鱼?真的吗? 说个笑话来听听 I love jokes. I actually do know one thats pretty good.我最爱听笑话 我正好知道一个超好笑的笑话 There was this moll

56、usk. and he walks up to a sea cucumber. 有一只软体动物跟海参说 Normally, they dont talk, sea cucumbers. 通常海参不会说话 but in a joke, everyone talks. 不过这是笑话,大家都会说话 so the sea mollusk says to the cucumber. 所以软体动物跟海参说Daddy! Nemo! 爸爸! 尼莫Nemo! Nemo! I dont get it. 尼莫? For a clownfish, hes not that funny.我听不懂耶 他这只小丑鱼不好笑耶

57、 No, hes my son. 不,尼莫是我儿子 他被潜水夫抓走 He was taken by these divers. Oh, my. You poor fish. 天啊,真可怜 Humans. think they own everything. 人类都以为他们能为所欲为 Probably American. Now, there is a father. Looking for his little boy. 尤其是美国人 Now, there is a father. Looking for his little boy. 他真是一个爱儿子的好爸爸 What do these m

58、arkings mean? 这些字代表什么? I never knew my father! 我从小就没爹没娘 - Group hug. - Were all mates here, mate. 抱一抱 我们都是好兄弟 I cant read human. 我看不懂人类的字 We got to find a fish that can read this. 那就找一个识字的鱼吧 - Hey, look, sharks. - No, no, no, Dory! 你看,有鲨鱼 不要去 - Guys, guys. - No, Dory. 大伙儿 不要去 Thats mine. Give it to

59、me. 那是我的,还给我 不要去,别闹了 Gimme! Im sorry. Are you OK? Im so sorry. 对不起,你没事吧? You really clocked me there. Am I bleeding? 你K到我,我在流血吗? Dory, are you OK? 多莉,你没事吧? Thats good. Intervention! 好香哦 快拦住他 - Just a bite. - Hold it together, mate! 让我咬一口 忍一忍,老兄 Remember, Bruce, fish are friends, not food! 鱼是朋友、不是食物

60、- Food! - Dory, look out! 食物 - Food! - Dory, look out! 小心 - Aah! - Im having fish tonight! 我今晚一定要吃鱼 Remember the steps, mate! 你一定要撑过去 Just one bite! 我只咬一口 Gday. 你们好 Theres no way out! Theres got to be a way to escape! 没有出口,一定有别的出路 Who is it? 什么人? 快帮我找到出口 Dory, help me find a way out! Sorry. e back l

61、ater. Were trying to escape. 待会再来,我们正在逃命 - Theres got to be a way out! - Heres something. 一定有出口Es-cap-e. I wonder what that means. 我找到了 逃生口 什么意思呀? Funny. Its spelled just like escape. Lets go. 跟出口一样都有口耶 Heres Brucey! 我们走 我布鲁斯来了 Wait a minute. You can read?等等,你识字吗? I can read? Thats right. I can read

62、! 我识字?是哦,我识字耶 Well, then, here. Read this now. 那就快念这些 He really doesnt mean it. He never even knew his father. 他从小没爹没娘很可怜 Dont fall off the wagon! 千万别把持不住 Oh, no, its blocked! 死胡同 No, Bruce, focus. 布鲁斯,忍一忍 Sorry about Bruce, mate. 真是抱歉布鲁斯老大 Hes really a nice guy. 他其实是个大好人 I need to get that mask. 我要那个蛙镜 You want that mask? OK. 你要吗?好吧 别去 Quick, grab the mask! 快去拿蛙镜 Oh, no. Bruce? 完了,布鲁斯 What? 做什么? Swim away! Swim away! 快

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