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1、-篇一:中英文对照-工程施工合同范本工程施工合同contract合同编号( contract no. ): 签订日期( date ):发包方简称甲方party a:承包方简称乙方:party b:根据中华人民共和国合同法以及其他有关法律法规规定的原则,结合本工程的具体情况,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的根底上达成如下协议,共同遵守。according to p.r.c contract law, and other relevant laws and regulations to the specific circumstances of this project, parties a a

2、nd b have hereby equally and voluntarily entered into the following agreement e*ecuted on the basis of mutual respect.1. 工程概况project overview1.1. 工程名称:project name:1.2. 工程地点:project location:1.3. 工程范围:a. 新研发中心和新厂房的网络综合布线系统的施工;b. 数据中心的建立,主要包含:数据中心的装饰工程、电气系统、空调系统、机房闭路监控系统、机房门禁系统、消防系统改造、机柜系统等。project c

3、ontents:a. the new r & d and new plant construction of network cabling systems;b. data center, mainly includes: data center decoration and electrical systems, air-conditioning systems, cctv systems, access control systems, firefighting system reform, server rack systems.1.4 开工条件:合同生效后,甲方预付款到位和现场

4、具备开工条件。1.5 工程造价:合同工程总造价为¥cny,人民币大写 project cost:total project cost is yuan ( cny ).详细合同价格表见报价清单。detailed contract price list see attached quotation list.在详细设计和施工过程中,假设工程量发生变化,按合同单价相应调整工程造价;假设材质发生变化,按双方商定的补充协议调整工程造价。in the detailed design and construction process, if the project quantity changes, acc

5、ording to the contract price adjustment project cost; if the material is changed, the supplemental agreement agreed by both parties for adjustment of engineering cost.2. 付款方式terms of payment2.1 由乙方向甲方提供指定帐户、甲方以支票方式或银行转账方式向乙方结算合同款; party b shall provide the designated account to party a, party a by c

6、heck or bank transfer to pay the contract payment to party b.2.2 本合同生效后,甲方付给乙方合同总价的40%作为工程预付款,即¥元; after the signing of this contract, party a shall pay to party b 40% of the total contract price as the project advance payment;2.3 数据中心及网络布线系统工程完工并且双方签订工程验收报告后7天以内,甲方付给乙方合同总价的55%,即¥ 元;2.4 工程竣工后3个月内,甲方

7、支付给乙方剩余的合同款,即¥3. 双方职责responsibilities of the parties3.1 甲方职责:responsibilities of party a:a. 及时以书面形式通知乙方本工程具备开工条件的时间;timely written notice to party b the conditions of this project have the time to start;b. 协助乙方办理进驻施工现场所需人员证件、批件等有关手续;to assist party b to enter the construction site personnel required

8、 documents, approval documents and other relevant procedures;c. 为乙方提供现场工程办公室和足够的现场仓库;to provide on-site engineering office and sufficient field warehouse;d. 积极协助乙方施工,协调施工时与各部门的配合,并负责提供工程所需的现场平面图及建筑构造图。actively assist party b construction, coordination with various departments, and responsible for pr

9、oviding the needed for the project site plans and architectural drawings.e. 及时按合同规定之付款进度向乙方支付工程款项。timely according to the terms of the contract payment schedule to pay party b project funds.3.2 乙方职责:responsibilities of party b:a. 乙方在工程开场前应组织有关人员研究和熟悉图纸,参与设计交底,安排施工总进度方案并提交给甲方;party b before the proje

10、ct begins shall organize relevant personnel to study and be familiar with drawings, involved in the design work, arrangement of construction general schedule plan and submit to party a;b. 向甲方或工程监理提供所购各种产品、设备的技术资料,承受进场检验;to the party a or project supervision to provide the purchase a variety of produ

11、cts, equipment, technical information, accept entry inspection;c. 遵守甲方或监理方对施工现场的有关规定;abide by the party or the supervision on construction site of the relevant provisions;d. 按时完成乙方所承担的施工任务,保证工程施工质量。4. 施工与工程设计变更construction and engineering design change4.1 乙方在施工中要根据国家颁发的施工验收标准和质量检验标准,以及设计要求进展,要求全部工程到

12、达合格标准。on the construction of party b according to the country issued construction acceptance norms and quality inspection standards, as well as the design requirements, all project achieve the qualified standard.4.2 在施工中,要坚持按照设计文件和施工图纸施工,任何一方不得随意变更设计,如出现窝工、返工和材料损失,以及增加劳动力本钱等,由于甲方的原因造成的,损失由甲方承担,由于乙方的

13、原因造成的,损失由乙方承担。during construction, to adhere to the design documents and construction drawings of the construction, any party shall not be arbitrarily changed design, such as the emergence of idleness, rework and loss of material, as well as an increase in labor cost, as the party a s cause, loss bo

14、rne by the party a, the party b causes, losses shall be borne by party b.4.3 在施工中,假设甲方a有变更设计文件的要求,应书面通知乙方;假设乙方发现设计文件有错误或严重不合理的地方,也应书面通知甲方,双方商定并修改设计文件和图纸前方可继续施工。during the construction, if the party a to change the design document, shall give a written notice to party b; if party b is found the desig

15、n documents are wrong or serious ueasonable place, should also be written notice to party a, both sides agreed and modify design drawings and documents before it can continue to construction.4.4 在施工过程中,如遇以下情况,需顺延工期,双方应及时进展协商,并通过书面形式确定顺延期限:in the process of construction, in case of the following circ

16、umstances, be e*tended period, both parties shall timely consultations, and through the written form to determine the e*tension of the time limit:a. 因天灾或人力不能抗拒的原因被迫停工的;because of natural disaster or the manpower irresistible reasons forced shutdown;b. 因甲方提出变更方案或变更施工图而不能继续施工的;because party a proposed

17、 changes to the plan or change the construction graph therefore cannot continue construction;c. 乙方不能按期供设备或所供材料或者设备不合规格要求,被迫停工或不能顺利施工的; party b fails to supply equipment or for the materials or equipment of different specifications, was forced to shut down or not smooth construction;5. 竣工验收与售后效劳final

18、 acceptance and after-sales service5.1 乙方必须严格执行隐蔽工程验收制度,凡隐蔽工程完成后,必须经过验收并作好记录(隐蔽工程指墙内、吊顶内的管线施工等。5.3 工程验收合格后进入质保期。质保期为验收合格之日起12个月。在质保期内,乙方应对系统除人为因素外的所有故障负责免费维修或更换。project after acceptance into the warranty period. warranty period from the date of acceptance of 12 months. during the warranty period, pa

19、rty b shall system in addition to human factors all fault is responsible for free repair or replacement.5.4 在质保期内,乙方做到对甲方求援 2小时内响应,8小时内抵达现场并着手解决问题。质保期完毕后,乙方对系统进展有偿维护。有偿维护的费用由双方协商。during the warranty period, party b shall do to help telephone response within 2 hours, 8 hours to arrive at the scene an

20、d set about solving the problem. after the end of the warranty period, party b on the system paid maintenance. paid maintenance costs through consultation by the two parties.6. 技术效劳和培训technical service and training6.1 由乙方按技术培训大纲负责对甲方的有关操作人员和维修人员进展使用级培训。通过培训,使甲方的受训人员能掌握系统设备的配置,能进展正确操作和日常维护及一般常见故障排查。承

21、受培训的人员由甲方确定,日期由甲乙双方共同商定。6.2 在保修期内,乙方提供两次上门巡检效劳,包括各系统运行状况的查看、记录,以及必要的设备维护。during the warranty period, party b shall provide two on-site inspection services, including the status of system view, recording, and the necessary equipment maintenance.篇二:完整工程施工合同英文版translation:construction contractparty a:

22、(developer)(contractor)this contract is signed by the two parties party a and party b according to the contract law of the peoples republic of china, the contraction law of the peoples republic of china , and other relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the specific nature of this projec

23、t. on the basis of honesty and credit, equality, voluntariness, party a and party b have reached consensus through negotiations and signed this contract.1. project introduction1.1. 1.2 1.3 1.4 the design of construction drawings:2. nature of contracting3. construction period4. quality of project5. c

24、ontract amount5.1. 5.26. final audit of the project6.1 the condition and steps for party a pay the project funds to party b:6.2 6.3 party b shall submit to party a equivalent invoice before party as each period payment, otherwise, party a can refuse to pay until the receiving of the party bs invoice

25、.6.4 the invoice provided by party b should be valid. any falls invoice provided by party b which are found by relevant office, the party b should not only provide the valid invoice to party a, but also bear the responsible caused by the invalid invoice.7. variation of design and visa8. 1during the

26、process of the project, any contract list, technology checking list ( not include the variation, addition, substitution, and reduction on the drawings and project fee) concerning about this project shall only be regarded as effective with the confirmation of the representative party a in writing.7.2

27、 any variation notice list, technology checking list, contract list, technology checking list ( include the drawings design) concerning about this project shall only be regarded as effective with the confirmation of the seal of party a.9. 4party b shall take full responsibility for any loss caused b

28、y delaying for more than days applying for e*tension vise from party a changed design.10. acceptance and final audit of the project10.1. acceptance of the projectworking days after receiving the notification.8.1.2party b shall be responsible for the re-inspection cost, and the project periodshall no

29、t be e*tended.10.2. final audit of the projectif the result of re-inspection has passed acceptance standards, party b shall submit the audit report and materials to party a for verification within11. obligations of party a and party b11.1. obligations of party a:as the on-site representative to supe

30、rvise the fulfillment of contract obligations, to oversee the quality control and check the project progress, and to handle issues such as acceptance and variations and withdraw therepresentative at any time.9.1.2. design drawings and scheme to party b.9.1.4.party a shall be responsible for coordina

31、ting the relationship with the engining.9.2.2.party b shall observe safetypolicies of on-site management by the state and guang*i , nanning government authorities and shall independently and fully assumes responsible for the loss caused by violation.9.2.4.during construction, party b should make suc

32、h adjustment to the construction plan and the progress schedule per party as instruction and change-orders.12. agreement on safetyparty b must strictly adhere to the safety and technical standards of construction and infrastructure installation and regulation of china, guang*i zhuang autonomous regi

33、on, nanning safety standards and other relevant regulations and standards.the construction spot should meet all standards of the peoples republic of china. and bearing the safety fees which are not caused by party a.13. the concerning material supply13.1. party a or party b should be responsible for

34、 the material ,equipments,which should meet the qualified design request with qualification guarantee books.13.2. any material,equipment which is bought by the party b, if not agree with the quality request or specification contain difference,should forbid any usage.the party b should rebuy the equi

35、pment and bear the responsibility to make sure no delay on the project.if party b refuses to change the materials, party a has the right to terminate the contract and asks for loss from party b.13.3. any material,equipment which is bought by the party a, if not agree with the quality request or spec

36、ification contain difference,should forbid any usage.the party a should rebuy the equipment and bear the responsibility to make sure no delay on the project.14. warranty14.1. warranty scope: as state in the contract.15. 3during the warranty period, party b shall fi* within days after receiving the n

37、otice from party a. in the event of party b fails to fi* the defects on a timely manner, party a has the right to hire a third party to do the repair, and any costs incurred shall be burdened by party b.12.4. mode of notices: phone, fa*, e-mail, and so on.12.4.1 in the way of call the phone or fa*in

38、g: party b s tel: these contact ways will be regarded as the evidence of warranty notice to party b after the calling and fa*ing.12.4.2.in the way of posting: party b s address: these contact ways will be regarded as the evidence of warranty notice to party b after e-mailing.12.4.3. in the way of e-

39、mailing: party b s e these contact ways will be regarded as the evidence of warranty notice to party b after e-mailing.12.4.4. the fees of noticing party b will be borne by party b.12.5. project quality retention fee(tip: the blue words will be suite for under the condition of withing the project qu

40、ality retention fee)16. liabilities for breach13.3.party a can terminate this contract and party b shall take full responsibility for any loss caused by this when one of these condition takes place.days.13.3.2party b transfers the contract and any part of the contract and its corresponding to any th

41、ird party without party as consent in writing.days.13.3.4.safety and quality accidents.13.3.5. the materials provided by party b differs from the qacertificate and the report of quality assurance test. and party b can not make change on these material.13.4.party b should make salary/wages payment to

42、 all construction staffs in time on a monthly basis, and will be fully responsible for any liabilities caused by any loss or damage to party a as a result of party bs failure to pay salaries and wages according to the requirements. in the event of migrant workers create a disturbance on group site,

43、party as premises, office space, party b should paid penal sum yuan each time.13.5.in the event any13.6. penal sums and other penalty fees that party b should to party a , party a can take out the same amount of money directly from the project fees. (including quality retention fee).17. other provis

44、ions17.1. party a and party b will deal with each partys property and life insurance and assume their insurance costs respectively.17.2. both parties shall timely discuss each other for the settlement of any dispute篇三:建筑施工合同中英文对照建立工程施工合同发包方甲方*party a: *承包方乙方*party b: *本合同由如上列明的甲、乙双方按照中华人民共和国合同法、建筑安装

45、工程承包合同条例以及国家相关法律法规的规定,结合本合同具体情况,于*年*月*日在*签订。 this contract is signed by the two parties in * on * according to the contract law of the peoples republic of china, the regulation on building and installation contracting contract, and other relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the specifi

46、c nature of this project第一条总则article 1 general principles1. 1合同文件contract documents本合同包含合同、展示、施工图纸、作法说明、招投标文件以及合同所指的其他文件,它们均被视为合同的一局部。合同文件应该能够相互解释,互为说明。组本钱合同的文件及优先解释的顺序如下:本合同、中标通知书、投标书及其、标准、标准及有关技术文件、图纸、工程量清单及工程报价单或预算书。合同履行中,发包人承包人有关工程的洽商、变更等书面下一或文件视为本合同的组成局部。this contract includes the contract itse

47、lf, e*hibits, construction drawings, e*planations of work procedures, tender documents, as well as other documents specified by the contract. the contract documents should be mutually e*plainable and mutually descriptive. the documents that constituted the contract and the priority hierarchy of e*pl

48、anations of the documents are as follows: this contract; the official letter of winning the tender; letter of bidding and its anne*, standards, guidelines, and relevant technical documents, drawings, bill of quantity (boq), quotation of prices, and project budget. during the implementation of the co

49、ntract, any written agreements or documents between two parties such as change-orders are also regarded will be deemed as part of this contract.1.1. 1工程概况project introduction工程名称:*name of project: *工程地点:*location of project: *工程范围:除了本合同其他条款另有说明外,乙方应提供为履行合同所需的所有效劳,用品以及其他保障工程进展所需的必要花费以完成以下工作:scope of

50、the project: unless otherwise e*plained by other articles in this contract, party b shall provide all services, utensils, and other necessary cost for the implementation of this contract; the scope of project includes, but not limited to:室内装饰工程,详见一和二inner decoration, see appendi* 1 & 2室外装饰工程门窗、屋

51、面、台阶等,详见一和二faade(including doors, windows, roof and stairs) see appendi* 1 & 2电器工程,详见一和二electronic engineering, see appendi* 1 & 2空调工程,详见一和二air conditioning system, see appendi* 1 & 2给排水及采暖工程,详见一和二water supply, sewage and heating system, see appendi* 1 & 2消防工程fire control system, see

52、 appendi* 1 & 2其他图纸上所列工程任何对原定设计的变更应提供新的图纸并有甲方的签字确认以上所有的工程工程以下统称为工程。other items listed in the construction drawings (any changed drawings shall be provided and confirmed by party a). all these aforementioned items are generally referred as project hereafter.承包方式:乙方以包工包料,包工程质量,包平安,包文明施工的方式承包工程natu

53、re of contracting: party b shall be responsible for both labor and materials for this project, and will responsible for the quality of this project, safety, as well as code of conduct during the construction project.甲方工地代表由甲方指派。on-site representative of party a shall be appointed by party a开工日期*date

54、 of the project beginning: *竣工日期*工程质量:质量合格,到达本合同要求和国家质量验收标准,并确保竣工验收一次合格。验收内容包括但不仅限于:隐蔽工程;分项工程;实验报告;材料检验报告。如果由于验收未能一次通过而导致后续工程开工的延迟,乙方将按照每日工程总款的2金额赔偿给甲方作为罚金,但最多不超过工程总价款的5%。工程资质:在实施此合同所涉及的工程时,乙方应确保其具有相关资质。如乙方因为不具备相关资质导致甲方的损失或工程进度的滞后,乙方承担全部责任。1. 2合同价款:contract amount本合同价款为人民币 *,为固定总价合同价款。the total cont

55、ract amount is *, which is fi*ed contract amount本合同包括设备材料费、人工费、机械费、管理费、利润、税金、代办费用、保险费、运输费、劳务费用、总承包效劳费以及为完成工程所必须的其他一切费用,和工程各系统检验检测、安装调试等费用。该款项为甲方应付给乙方的全部费用,并已经包含物价变动因素。1. 3工程结算final audit of project本工程计价依据gb50500-2008建立工程工程量清单计价标准采用固定总价,除施工期间甲方要求变更现有图纸及发生的增减项洽商,甲方将作价风格整。this project is using fi*ed to

56、tal amount according to gb50500-2008 the pricing guidelines by code of quantity in construction projects, e*cept that party a may make price adjustment in the event of the e*isting construction drawings are changed or add or remove any construction work according to the request of party a1.3.2 所有的人工

57、费用都不得以任何理由进展过调整,结算时只承受投标文件中约定的价格。第二条:政府批复article 2 government approvals2.1 乙方负责协助甲方办理此项施工需要办理的所有政府报批,包括但不仅限于消防、环保的报批与其他与本工程相关的报批,甲方负责政府行政审批的费用。party b shall be responsible to process government approvals related to the project, including but not limited to: fire control, environment protection and o

58、ther approvals related to this project. party a is responsible for the costs of these approvals2.2 乙方负责其工程报备party b shall be responsible for construction applications, approvals and related costs.2.3 乙方应承担2.2所述报备不全而导致的政府罚金,并且不能顺延工期。第三条:甲方的权利和义务article 3 rights and obligations of party a3.1 向乙方提供经确认的

59、施工图纸或做法说明五份,并向乙方进展现场交底,向乙方提供施工所需要的水电设备,并说明使用本卷须知。party a shall provide five copies of confirmed construction drawings and e*planations of work procedures, and shall conduct technical clarification. party a shall provide party b with necessary water and power equipment and the instructions on using t

60、he equipment.3.2 指派*为甲方驻工地代表,负责合同的履行。对工程质量、进度进展监视检查,办理验收、变更事宜。甲方的工地代表如果认为乙方的*雇员行为不当或散漫不羁,或甲方认为该雇员不能胜任,则乙方应立即进展撤换,并且未经甲方实现书面许可,乙方不得在施工中再行雇佣该等人员。被撤换的任何人员应尽可以能立即由甲方代表所批准的胜任的人员代替。 party a appoints * as the on-site representative to supervise the fulfillment of contractobligations, to oversee the quality

61、 control and check the project progress, and to handle issues such as acceptance and variations. in the event of the on-site representative of partyparty a should make payments to party b according to the payment terms.3.4 如甲方认为乙方确已无能力继续履行合同的,则甲方有权解除合同,乙方必须在接到甲方书面通知后两周内撤离场地以便乙方继续施工。对乙方完成工程量的结算不作为撤离场

62、地的条件,结算应在竣工一个月之内完成,付款方式按照本合同条款。3.5 甲方有权要求乙方按照甲方的组织设计和施工工期进展施工,乙方如对甲方的要求和指令不予执行的,则按照乙方违约处理,乙方应承担违约责任。party a has the right to instruct party b to do the construction according to party as organization and planned construction period; in the event of party b ignores and refuses to observe party as ins

63、tructions, party b will be deemed as breach of the contract, and party b shall be held responsible for the liabilities of breaching the contract.3.6 甲方有权要求乙方服从甲方的统一安排和管理,乙方的施工人员必须遵守各项规章制度。对于乙方施工人员违规操作所产生的后果,乙方承担全部责任。甲方有权从工程总价款中扣除相应的款项。party a has the right to instruct party b to observe the general

64、arrangement and management by party a, and the construction staffs of party b must observe all rules and regulations. party b shall be fully responsible for the consequences of such violations by the staff of partyb. party a has the right to directly deduct the corresponding amount from the total contract amount.3.7 甲方所有的通知可以以书面或口头形式发出,乙方接获甲方的通知后应根据通知规定的内容执行。all notices from party a can be made both in writing and orally, but the oral instructions are only applicable to the representative of party a. party b shall, upon receiving

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