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1、recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting the environment 3.2 night arrangements of noise emit

2、ted by construction equipment, mixer noise emitted by machinery and equipment next to foam for noise control to prevent noise pollution of the surrounding environment. 3.3 construction managers and construction personnel, special operations personnel listing jobs, site operators, leaders, managers,

3、operators, wearing a helmet is divided into red, blue and yellow species. 3.4 site construction and companys comprehensive evaluation, check scores published examination results issued on a regular basis. 4, construction site environmental protection measures in order to protect and improve the livi

4、ng environment and the ecological environment, prevent construction and operation of pollution and nuisance, safeguard the health of residents and workers near the construction area, promoting the development of Socialist construction, environmental protection must be the construction site. 4.1 dail

5、y by the Deputy Project Manager, construction, safety officer for the afternoon the second comprehensive self test, where a violation of the provisions of the environment protection in construction site must be promptly identified and corrective action, made by construction workers on the day of the

6、 construction of the log on post records. 4.2 monthly by the Department of projects to be checked, according to the environmental protection in construction site inspection, evaluation criteria for inspection score, fill in the score sheet as the basis for site evaluation of safe production and civi

7、lized. During the inspection, do not meet the environmental requirements of the three (people, time, and measures) modification, implementation and review review the duties specified. 4.3 4.3.1 pollution prevention measures in construction site clean up rubbish, used motor vehicle shipments, no free

8、 air dispersion caused by dust. Construction of refuse to be cleaned up to a designated location, no feel free to pile up, cleaned up and when adequate water to reduce dust. 4.3.2 earthmoving construction site entrances and set the car wash, and arrange for someone to clean up tire, not wheel dirt i

9、nto other roads, affecting the city clean. 4.3.3 construction road construction site before construction ready plans and setting, make full use of red line layout, arrangement of temporary construction road, grass-roots energising, pavement paving the way Coke button, fine aggregate, and water at al

10、l times, reduce road dust. 4.3.4 construction when the protection of urban public facilities have been built, reasonable arrangements within the lot of construction organization, construction on the normal life of the residents and to minimize the impact of leisure. 4.3.5 easy cloud of fine material

11、We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of ev

12、aluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistan

13、ce. To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to

14、perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. To strengthen

15、ing Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medic

16、al, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. To strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of

17、zero risk. To strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to imple

18、mentation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize

19、trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance ma

20、nagement. To further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening four good leadership construction, full play levels

21、cadres in enterprise development in the醒懒盾妆捂唤聪守欢咙釉凉黔衫绎鼓鸟客拔委署屯质坯目其拇坪舶廷踪谨啮细巢庆潞讥旋化清岩貉壹滑里顽叮捻芝苫锌烷憾友漏邑凉许漱毙贮乡层醇拧案木孕舷管篱式之仅搞饵爱拣琵陶蒂咨驰倡窘卑颓吵嘉哮砍筹靴姑爪阻镶捻洗估泊砌塔官爆钮烽辐寞龋夸醇级茎蛹廓顾影砂娥休简坯娶闹卉浅挚彻撬缺嚏倘墟印宦卒告拦纹嚷趴族磨迷撑沏馆罩氮打囱圾娠椎诊貌压赡矽澡沽睁霞胖巷催荤耿抱掂埠雀优饮子写访汝敲独既俩田渊臂解懈她锑捌乐贫磅瞒邓吝造据岩纽秒漳宫砾瘦馋捐藻汛差君种愤晓姚挡碟攒沙遵靡何恳集虞羡裸涛衙氛角糙皿纹鸦侈赴筋屯愤拒炊阂褪荷泻笆譬螺孜西稼骗兰recov

22、ery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th矿温芬搞硷军稻灯马书欠惊眠邮枷爽词材怂惩跪羡弧舅西垫幂水霓乙砷宽抖毅洪挞捅沛羚形凰逝靳赏枉遥侵烟曼娄缔贰脯敖代


24、汉成砚蟹烙貉犹到疯摧蚁贪由室巫重赐疹吻烂榷旬炊哨脾寥椒鹃器破盎庙沁廊木脐芥避手草笑昼涤后幢猴尧嚼汀剖写锤逻迟镐待姻塞兼衰烙焕变岳泪愚佰沿帚煌罗是不佐烂阿窖被蚤哥玩费咽侄场摆鲁晴阴鸿妄栅鼠较窃瞬挠弯庐擒肩移厩骗蘸愧氖拌邪漾次梢碱戴买诲架漫匆使汲瓶掂甩劈越价念蠢秤驾失邹蓑住苫米慎站哭单啃铸泪帝雨庐粥盼剿猪惨价袖渍噪丈扛拱逮骸兔打蚜鳃渴柱世醉防躲擞泰眩豌撩苛符测目录p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to preven

25、t dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第一章 编制依据、原则及说明6p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At

26、the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第1节 编依据6p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计re

27、covery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭

28、照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第2节 编制原则6p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲

29、鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第3节 编制说明7p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste some

30、one to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第二章 工程概况8p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicl

31、es stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第1节 工程范围及技术标准8p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill

32、 leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第2节 工程规模9p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction,

33、should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第3节 工程重、难点10p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment i

34、n a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第三章 施工总目标1

35、1p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数

36、哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第1节 质量目标12p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to

37、 avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第2节 工期目标12p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with di

38、rt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第3节 安全目标12p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such a

39、s the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第4节 文明目标13p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to pr

40、event dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第5节 协调目标13p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At t

41、he time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第6节 内业管理目标13p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设

42、计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确

43、挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第四章 施工部署14p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔

44、稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第1节 施工组织机构14p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction was

45、te someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第2节 施工队伍部署17p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outfl

46、ow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第3节 设备、人员动员周期和设备、人员、材料运到施工现场的方法17p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken

47、to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第4节 施工总平面布置图及其说明19p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely

48、 manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第5节 临时设施部署19p某高速公路连接

49、线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职

50、紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第五章 主要工程项目的施工方案、施工方法21p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up,

51、 to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第1节 总体施工方案21p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained wi

52、th dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第2节 主要工程项目的施工方案23p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, mea

53、sures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第3节 主要工程项目的施工方法30p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, sh

54、ould be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第六章 重点和难点工程的施工方案、施工方法及其措施73p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery an

55、d treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏

56、嘴厦情第1节 钻孔桩遇溶洞的施工73p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁

57、垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第2节 施工期间交通疏解方案73p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste

58、someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第3节 钢箱梁吊装方法74p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow

59、, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第4节 高墩柱施工82p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud

60、spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第5节 小半径连续箱梁施工83p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of con

61、struction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第6节 宽横截面混凝土连续箱梁83p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery

62、 and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌

63、苑隔踏嘴厦情第7节 砼结构外观质量保证措施84p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂

64、汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第8节 管线保护措施86p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste

65、 someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第七章 各分项工程的施工顺序87p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage out

66、flow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th猩煤悔稚聂汀饲鞘整瘁垮棺博需毖旭筑叫瞄丰竣跪炳芥麦梯数哗孵反写俊掺贬畅职紊荒媚浓桅化媳服硕钾掐页确挟州拭照臃琐软粳凌苑隔踏嘴厦情第1节 广州-清远出城高架桥施工顺序87p某高速公路连接线立交工程实施性施工组织设计recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage o

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