The Wild Honey Suckle野忍冬花

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《The Wild Honey Suckle野忍冬花》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Wild Honey Suckle野忍冬花(5页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流The Wild Honey Suckle 野忍冬花.精品文档.The Wild Honey Suckle 野忍冬Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, 美丽的金银花Hid in this silent, dull retreat, 你粲然绽放于幽静一角。Untouched thy honyed blossoms blow, attractive 芳菲满枝,无人垂顾Unseen thy little branches greet: 迎风起舞,无人注目。No roving foot shall crush

2、thee here, 游子从不践踏你的玉体,No busy hand provoke a tear. 过客从不催落你的泪滴。By Natures self in white arrayed, 造化令你素裹银妆,She bade thee shun the vulgar eye, 你得以远离庸人的目光。And planted here the guardian shade, 她赐予你一片绿阴葱葱,And sent soft waters murmuring by; 她带给你一泓流水淙淙。Thus quietly thy summer goes, 恬静的夏日倏然流淌,Thy days declin

3、ing to repose. Tranquility 你终于红衰翠减,玉陨香消。SmitAffected strongly with those charms, that must decay, 妩媚动人,你却无法盛颜久长,I grieve to see your future doom; 落红满地,你令我黯然神伤。They died-nor were those flowers more gay, 纵然在伊甸乐园,人间天堂,The flowers that did in Eden bloom; 也难免一日凋零,满目凄凉。Unpitying frosts and Autumns power 萧

4、瑟秋风,凄白秋霜,Shall leave no vestige The slightest amountof this flower. 你终于消失得无影无踪。 From morning suns and evening dews 朝霞暮露,At first thy little being came; 孕育了你娇小的身躯。If nothing once, you nothing lose, 你从尘土来,又归尘土去,For when you die you are the same; 来时一无所有,去时化作尘土,The space between is but an hour, 可叹生命苦短,T

5、he frail duration of flower. 你终究红消香断。Published in his Poems(1786)Virtually unread in his lifetime Considered one of the authors finest nature poems.Written in four six-line iambic tetrameter(抑扬格四音步) stanzas rhymed on ababcc pattern. 这些格律上的规范折射出金银花的生死有律。第一节描述春天中的金银花开得非常漂亮,但无人欣赏、无人抚摸。因为这些花躲藏在单调且僻静的地方金

6、银花得以很好的生长保存。第二节中大写的“Nature”告诉我们夏天的金银花和理性的“self”是生活在自然之道或自然之神里。Nature 保护着金银花,命令金银花避开“the vulgar eye”,让一切按自然之道进行:流水低语地流淌,夏天“quietly”溜走,金银花的日子逐渐“to repose”, 恢复宁静。第三节表现出诗人对大自然的敬畏。诗人感悟到大自然不可逆转的宿命规律,有点伤感(grieve),但对大自然的残酷力量充满敬畏。最后一节,是诗人冬天里的哲学沉思。人与花一样,从早上到晚上,从生到死,都是那么短暂,那么脆弱。生之前,死之后,生死之间,事物都一样,都蕴含在自然中。Techn

7、iques:personification:the wild honey suckle; Exaggeration: ( hyperbole) “the space between, is but an hour”; the transience and frailty of lifeTone: loving, sympatheticWhat is the symbolic significance of the wild honey suckle?An ordinary, beautiful person whose life is plainly and quietly spentSens

8、e and significance:The poet: expresses his keen awareness of the liveliness and transience of nature Celebrates the beauty of the frail forest flower Show his deep love for natureAnticipate预见the nineteenth-century romantic use of simple nature imagery意象.CommentaryAs is displayed in this poem, honeys

9、uckle, instead of rose or daffodil, became the object of depiction; it is “wild” just to convey the fresh perception of the natural scenes on the new continent. Time is constant but the time of a life is short; any favor is relative but change is absolute; with or without the awareness, nature devel

10、ops; flowers were born, blossomed and declined to repose, and human beings would exist in exactly the same way. To some extent, Freneaus poem is a longer expounding of William Blakes poem: “To see the world in a grain of sand, /And a heaven in a wild flower,/Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,/A

11、nd eternity in an hour.”In the first two stanzas, to start with, Freneau devoted more attention to the environment of the flower in which he found it than to the appearance of the flower per se(本身). He commented on the secluded 僻静的,隔绝的nature of the place where the honey suckle grew, drawing a conclu

12、sion that it was due to Natures protectiveness that the flower was able to lead a peaceful life free from mens disturbance and destruction. But the next stanza immediately changed the tone from silent admiration and appreciation to outright无保留地 lamentation悲痛 over the “futures doom” of the flower - e

13、ven Nature was unable to save the flower from its death. Actually no flower, or no living being, can escape. Thus from the flower in nature the poet started to ponder 思索over the fate of man, who was bound to fall from his innocence and suffer from the despair of death as the result to his exile流放 fr

14、om Paradise. Just as kindly as nourished 养育and protected the honey suckle in spring and summer, Nature will destroy ruthlessly the flower with its autumn and winter weapons. The lyric is written in regular 6-line tetrameter stanzas, rhyming “ababcc”, and sounds just like music. But in order to accor

15、d with the change in tone and topic in Stanza 3, the rhythmic pattern is varied. Different from the rest the poem which is written in smooth iambic tetrameter lines, the third line of the stanza - “They died” - begins with a “spondee” (two stressed beats in a row) and, after forcing the reader to pa

16、use (the dash), continues in a highly irregular rhythm with an intensification of stressed beats. The purpose is obvious: the speaker wants to drive the horrible message home, to let the reader feel the impact acutely. But as we progress into the last stanza, when a more mature view of life and deat

17、h is adopted, the rhythms are restored to the original regularity as the tone assumes a tempered serenity grown out of experience. In this poem, the poet expresses a keen awareness of the loveliness and transience 短暂of nature. It implies that life and death are inevitable不可避免的 law of nature. In addi

18、tion, the poet writes with the strong implication that, though in the work no one is presented in person, human beings at times有时 envy the flower. This is seen not because the “roving徘徊的 foot” would “crush压碎”; nor that the “busy hand” would “provoke 激起,引起a tear”; nor because of the “vulgar粗俗的 eye”,

19、but because of the fact that the human being has the ability to foresee his death. However, the flower, with its happy ignorance, lacks this consciousness and is completely unaware of its doom. Its innocence left it happier than the foreseeing human beings. Unfortunately, the human beings are quite

20、unwilling to refuse this knowledge and that arouses all their sufferings. 野金银花是Freneau在南卡罗莱纳州查尔斯顿散步时,看到一簇幽生的金银花,于是便有感而发,将这首短诗一气呵成。诗人以敏锐的观察力、浅俗的词汇、优美的旋律和清晰的意象,细腻生动地描写了盛开于北美大地不为人们注意的野金银花。此诗分为两大部分,前两节写景,后两节抒情。写景以抒情为目的,抒情以写景为背景,两部分互为烘托,成为不可分割的整体。诗人以惊喜的目光看到自然界神奇的产物时,心中涌动的是对大自然无限的崇拜之情。如果说“绿荫”指的是未受人类文明侵犯的新


22、银花的荣枯阐述了自己毫不掩饰的自然观:万物有生必有死,有荣必有枯,花开花落,四季转换乃自然界的规律,这一规律是不以人的意志为转移的,是人类无法抗拒的。自然界万物的生生息息乃自然的神力所造就,是人类无法左右的。因而,对于花的荣枯,人的生死,人类大可不必为之伤情。正如中国的一句古语,人“生不带来死不带去”。诗人高歌:“不曾拥有,何曾失去”,足以说明诗人对生命本质有了明确的认识后,走出困惑,最终达到一种豁达乐观的境界。 Freneau以他对美洲大地的深厚感情和洞若幽微的感受力,通过对金银花的生长环境及其盛衰变迁的描述,抒发了他对短暂人生的感叹,使本诗在清丽的意境和浓郁的美洲大地的乡土气息中加入一层哲


24、该因为生命最终的结局是死亡就放弃对生命的珍爱。这首诗中,Freneau以抒情的色调描绘和讴歌了大自然的瑰丽,同时又揭示出自然界的萧杀冷酷和生命无奈短暂的本质;既有浪漫主义情调,又不乏意象主义的意味,的确不失为一首上乘之作。Content In “The Wild Honey Suckle” Philip Freneau addresses a flower, writing to it, how beautiful it is. He wishes that it should not be damaged. He appreciates the planted wild honey suck

25、le and its peaceful place within nature. Freneau also expresses his worries about the flower and compares it to those in paradise. He is aware of the flowers fading and the short time that lies between growing and dying. Structure and Form The poem is divided into four stanzas. Each stanza consists

26、of four lines, which are composed in cross rhymes. Then, after an insertion, comes a rhyming couplet. The first four lines of each stanza describe the flower and address it. The last two lines show the fate of that flower. The rhythm is regular and iambic with four stressed syllables in each line. A

27、ll cadences节奏 are male, except for those in the rhyming couplets of stanza three and four, which are female. The regularity of structure and form make the poem well-readable. Imagery Philip Freneau employs a language full of imagery. Especially personifications constitute a main part of “The Wild Ho

28、ney Suckle”. Moreover, the flower itself is personified. The narrator talks to the flower as if it were a human being. Freneau was extremely sensitive to the beauty of nature. He expresses a keen awareness of the loneliness and transience of nature. Freneau personifies the flower in this poem to ref

29、lect how beautiful it is. The sounds of words effect created through changes in the rhythm. Especially in the last stanza he tells us the space between birth and death. The final verse says simply, that death is like the time before birth. It is a non-existence that is not to be feared. Freneau desc

30、ribes the beauty of the flower very charmingly and sweetly. But at the same time, we can feel sorrow and loneliness of itself. And show the stern or hard realities of life and describe sensible way representing flower as real life.IIInthispoemthepoetexpressedakeenawarenessofthelivelinessandtransienc

31、eofnature. Henotonlymeditatedonmortalitybutalsocelebratednature.Itimpliesthatlifeanddeathareinevitablelawofnature,thewildhoneysuckleisPhilipFreneausmostwidelyreadnaturallyricwiththethemeoftransience.Thecentralimageisanative wildflower,whichmakesadrasticdifferencefromeliteflowerimagestypicaloftraditi

32、onEnglishpoems.Thepoemshowedstrongfeelingsforthenaturalbeauty,whichwasthecharacteristicofromanticpoets. IIIThepoemwaswritteninregular6-linetetrameter 四音步stanzas. Thestructureofthepoemisregular, rhyming: ababcc,soithastheneoclassicqualityofproportionandbalance. Alliteration, assonance and masculinerh

33、ymeusedinthepoemalsoproducemusicalormelodiousand harmonious effects, whichmatchesthebeauty oftheflower.Besides,thebeautyofpoemispartlyembodied体现in the effects created through changes in therhythm.Thepoemcontainsiambics抑扬格,trochaicsandspondee.Thearrangementofstressedandunstressedsyllablessuggeststhet

34、ransienceofthelifeoftheflowerandthepoetsemotionalchange. Thepoemisfullofsensuousimagessuchasfairflowervisualimage, comelygrowkinesthetic imageandhoneyedblossomsolfactoryimage. kinesthetic ,kinisetik动觉的 olfactorylfktri adj. 嗅觉的;味道的Alltheimagesmakeusfeelpityforthebeautifulflowerwhichhasonlyashortlife. Thetoneofthepoemisbothsentimentalandoptimistic.Obviouslythepoetis asentimental, deistic自然神教的optimist. Theline“thespacebetween,isbutanhour”containsahyperbolestressingandtransienceoflife.

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