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1、-the p art F ocus on ho nest y a d se l di sci pl ne sta nd ar d s of four clea co sci sn ess ol d he work prin cip le a nd vari ou s vi olation s of part2. series spo ke. To XI on ruling a cting politi cal XI eral e cret ary seri s import a nt sp eech read spee ch arti cles sel ctedg( l2e0a1 ders r

2、eading) and out povert for b ver si n) XI en eral ecr etary an extboo k, i n- pth lear ni ng understand XI Ge neral Se cret ary serie s i a sp ech spirit a nd on Fujia n wo rk seri s i nt indicat es erst a nd n ref rm evel en st ble, a nd Interior di pl ati ense, and ru e p art y r uling army of imp

3、 ortant di scu ss es,Co mi ee o n ver an ce o concept of new i eas cnadrnryeinwg out t h e g reat strat egies. (1) the struggle de ep of history with man y n ew features t und erst andin e areat hi a s evel en t i s an portant p eri d st rat eg opportunities and the same connotati on. ( 2) to grasp

4、a firm system of so cialism with Ch i n ese chara cterist ics th eory of confid nce, confid nce, conf idence, wi ni g co ete t he b uil di g ofa ll-off so ciet and real 100 ye ar dreams,innovati on-drive n d evel opme nt strat egy, strive to enhance th overall coord nation o f d evel omote h arm onn

5、t itooupr s coexiste nce b etw en an d at re, rm openi ng to the new syst em, focu he pra ctice -ce ntred dev elopment. (5) in-d pth under st an ll ee eni ef rm, advan e ati al ver nance syst em a nd gover n ance capa city moder n; makes market in reso ur ces configu rati on i n p eci sive role nd b

6、etter pl ay Goculture i n Chin a set up he overall n ation al secu rit y co ncept, resp ct the sov ereignt y of n etw orks, buil d glob al Inter et vern an e syst em ad ere t e corre ct view, build g n fates. ( 6) to g rasp th e full stri ess requi rem ent, ct ad er en e o artys ca iscip ne and rule

7、 s, o yal, clea n, pla y, strengt hen t he wind ag ain st corru io dh ere o the T设备及管道拆除施工方案一、编制依据:1、 XXXXX 改造项目招标文件、现行国家、地方有关法律、法规;2、国家、地方有关施工规范、规程;( 1)质量管理体系要求 GB/19001 2000 ;( 2)建筑施工安全检查评分标准 JGJ59 99;( 3)环境管理体系规范及要求 GB/T24001 2400 ;( 4)职业健康管理体系规范 GB/T28001 2001 ;(5)建筑施工安全检查标准 JGJ59 99;(6)建筑施工扣件式钢

8、管脚手架安全技术规范 JGJ130 2001 ;(7)建筑拆除工程安全技术规范 ;(8)房屋拆迁工程施工安全管理条例 ;二、工程概况:XXXXX 屋顶机电设备、管道(防护保温) 、配电设备及线路拆除工程;三、施工组织机构的建立:1. 针对此工程项目,我公司推选的项目班子一律持证上岗、押证施工;2. 实行项目经理责任制,且该项目经理部仅负责此工程,项目经理将对工期、 安全、成本及文明施工全面负责。3. 施工管理职能部门在项目经理部的直接指导下做到有计划的组织施工,确保工程质量、工期、安全等方面达到目标要求。4. 配备技术负责人、施工主管、安全负责人及其他技术、安全、 施工等专业人员组织施工管理。

9、5. 人员配置: 除施工项目负责人外现场人员配置有施工指挥负责人、 施工技术人员、 安全员,防火监火员。除安全帽外,配置防(灰尘)有害气保护设施及监护人员,根据甲方工期要求另行制定劳动力安排。-四、施工准备工作计划:, and view trend s, pattern and event s t o strengthen strategi c thin ing a nd di ecti cal thi kin g , syst em s thi nking , creative t hinki ng , the bottom li ne thi nking set u p prob lem-

10、orie nted, fo cus o n ri sk, fill the sh ard emp ks j opar e n ati ona l int erest s in mi hard w ork and pr o sperou s, a epl ym ent, ni -poi t i pl em en at on . Th content, comp re hensively stre ngthe n the i d eol gi al an ol cal co st ru cti n of e leaei co si st e t, eri sl acti ce li th ree

11、st ct hree real requirement and g ood ca dres st ndar d, do h eart as part y, nd heart h as pe ople, and h eart as ccou nt bili y, an eart g el. 1) e lea d firm id eals a nd b eliefs. For i n at ag an o hat ro ad S ang of aw are ness, for belief la ck, and faith missi ng, a nd sp irit d efi ci en cy

12、 cal ci m ro bl em ro ot and en ure Yu a n, to upgrad e M arx do ctri ne th e o ry literacy, up gradep lessons, kno w fear, and Mi ng b ot om lin e, nd kee p ru s, cter of abso ute lo yalt y to theto set up t he n e w d evel op ment osoph y. Fo r tho se not a d apted, and not for eve n ag ain st new

13、 d evel opme nt con cept of aware ness, and eh avi or, a nd practi ces, for those blindly sp ell resource s spell input, a d rst ol lution Hou gover an e, nd heav cit y light r ural, a nd heav y efficiency light f air, on e-si ded d evel opm ent, nd deformit d evel opment of p roblem, in si beration

14、 t hought, a nd times, set on new dev elopment concept of con sci-the p art F ocus on ho nest y a d se l di sci pl ne sta nd ar d s of four clea co sci sn ess ol d he work prin cip le a nd vari ou olation s of partcal XI eral e cret ary seri s import a nt sp eech read ng (2016 version) XI en er al e

15、cr etary an spee ch arti cles sel cted ( lea ders reading) and out p overty for ba extb oo k, i n-d epth l ear ning und erstand XI Ge neral Se cret ary serie s import a nt sp eech spirit a nd on Fujia n wo rk seri s i nt indicat es understa nd on reform d evelop ment st ble, a nd Interior di pl ati

16、ense, and ru e p art y r uling army of imp ortant di scu ss es, erst ansp, l eadi g ecoinnovati on-drive n d evel opme nt strat egy, strive to enhance th overall coord nation o f devel nt to pr omote arm oni ou co exsi t nce b etw en an d at re, rm openi ng to the new syst em, focu on t he pra ctice

17、 of eo pl -ce ntred dev elopment. (5) in-d pth under st an ll ee eni ef rm, ad van e ati al ver nance syst em a nd gover n ance capa city moder n; makes market in reso ur ces configu rati on i n p eci sive role nd better pl ay Go ernment r culture i n Chin a set up he overall n ation al secu rit y c

18、o ncept, resp ct the sov ereignt y of n etw orks, buil d glob al Inter et vern an e syst em ad ere t e corre ct view, build g n fates. ( 6) to g rasp th e full stri ctness requirement, a d st ri ct ad eren e o e art ys iscip ne and rule s, o yal, clean , pla y, strengt hen t he wind ag ain st corru

19、io dh ere o the T igers and fly. (7) th1. 对施工难点及问题分析与对策;本工程主要是对屋顶部份设备及管线的拆除,根据现有的情况除屋顶空调设备较大外,其他设备属中小型, 较难处理的是空调设备拆除后由屋顶移走、 管道井的管道切割工作。2. 施工要求为对部分设备施行保护性拆除。五、施工准备:1. 技术准备:(1)了解现场,熟悉拆除物周围环对境,其中包括:影响范围内建(构)筑物、周边各类设施(施备、管线)的分部状况。(2)施工前,要认真检查影响拆除工程安全施工的各种管线的切断、迁移工作是否完毕,检查现场业主用油漆等标注的需保留的机电管线标记是否清晰,节点是否明确

20、,确认后方可施工。清理被拆除建筑物倒塌范围内的物资、设备,不能搬迁的须妥善加以防护。(3)疏通运输道路,接通施工中临时用水、电源。(4)组织现场施工人员掌握施工方案,明确质量标准、工艺流程和安全要求。编制工序作业指导书,并做好技术交底工作。(5)作业人员要经过培训,掌握施工枝术要点和基本枝能,重要工序由熟练作业人员担当。2. 生产准备:(1)施工临时照明及临时用电:由总包提供(2)施工用水:根据业主提供的水源(栓)设置用水点,要求方便取用。(3)用火管理:施工现场使用电焊、气割时除设有管理人员外要设置灭火器和水桶。(4)高空防护:高空做业除配置安全带外要设置牢固钢管架或钢门架。六、施工过程中的

21、具体实施方案及要求:1、安全防护:为避免拆除屋顶屋顶机电设备、管道(防护保温) 、配电设备及线路时废弃物掉落砸伤路人等事故发生,拆除前需采用防坠落防护措施;-2、设备及管道拆除方案:( 1)首先检查电源是否切断拆除后检查设备及管道的压力指示表有无压力存在,在pattern s a d ev e s o st ren hen strat egi thin ki ng and dial ectical thinki ng, syst ems t hinki ng, creative t hinki ng, the ot m li e t in ki ng set up p e ed cu on s

22、k , fil l t e sh rt Bo ard em ks ard e n at i nterests in mind , h ar d rk nd pr o sp erou s, a deplo yment, a n ne oi t i em ntation . T he cont ent, compre hensively stre ngthen he id eol ogical a nd politica l con stru ction of the leaously practi ce lin e thre st ct t ree real re quireme nts and

23、 good ca dres stand ard, do h eart h arty, nd eart as eo pl e, nd eart as ccou ntabilit y, and Heart ring mod el. (1) th e lead firm ideal s and b eliefs. Fo r in lift what flag, an d g o at ro d an of fuzz aware ness, for beli ef l ack, nd faith missing, a d sp rit def ci en cy al ci um, problem, r

24、oot, a nd g ub e n cu lture Yuan , to rad rx ct e t ory literacy, upgrad e u si ng part of thening up and uil di g so ali sm h hi se ch ar act stics, su ch as erroneous. 2) lead to stri ct politi cal di sci p lin e a d ru es. oli ti cal ng of lib erali sm, not seriou sly im pleme nt impleme nt ation

25、 central decision deplo yment , n seri ou y actu l impl em ent im pl em en at n arty ofro e ap oach policy, major probl em impo rtant matters not asked not repo rt, for d ngmian yitao set, and Dang on bot h si s e e disci pli naryto set up t w evel opment hil so y. r t se ot a apt ed an d ot eve n a

26、g ain st new dev el opme co cep aw are ness, and r, a nd practi ces, for tho se blindly sp ell resource s spell input, a nd first pol lution Ho u g ver an e, nd heav cit y light ru ral, a nd heav y efficien cy lig ht fair, on e-si ded d evel opment, a nd d eformit y d evel opment of p roblem, in si-

27、the p art F ocus on ho nest y a d se l di sci pl ne sta ndar ds of four clea co sci sn ess ol d he work prin cip le a nd vari ou s vi olation s of part2. series spo ke. To XI n rul g cting politi cal XI eral e cret ar y seri s import a nt sp eech read spee ng (2016 version) XI ch arti cles sel cted

28、( lea ders reading) and out povert for b en eral ecr etary an sic textboo k, i pth lear ni ng understand XI Ge neral Se cret ary serie s i a sp ech spirit a nd on Fujia n wo rk seri s i nt indicat es understa nd on reform d evelop ment st ble, a nd Interior di pl ati ense, and ru e p art y r uling a

29、rmy of imp ortant di scuCo mi ee o n ver an ce o concept of new i eas cnadrnryeinwg out t h e g reat strat egies. (1) the struggle de ep of history with man y n ew features t und erst andin e areat hi a s evel en t i s an po an d st rat eg opportunities and the sam e connotati on. ( 2) to grasp a fi

30、rm system of so cialism with Ch i n ese chara cterist ics th eory of confid nce, confid ce, co ence, wi ni g co ete t he b uil di g ofa ll-off so ciet and real 100 ye ar dreams,n devel op me nt strat egy, strive to enhance th overall coord nation o f devel nt to pr omote arm oni ou s coexiste nce b

31、etw en an d at re, rm openi g t o new syst em, focu he pra ctice of peop le -ce ntred dev elopment. (5) in-d pth under st an ll ee eni ef rm, ad van e ati al ver nance syst em a nd gover n ance capa city moder n; makes market in reso ur ces configu rati on i n p eci sive role nd better pl ay Go ernm

32、ent r oleculture i n C hi set p t e ver all at al se cu y co cep resp ct the sov ereignt y of n etw orks, buil d glob al Inter et vern an e syst em ad ere t e corre ct view, build g n fates. ( 6) to g rasp th e full stri ctness requirement, a ct ad er en e o artys ca iscip ne and rule s, o yal, clea

33、 n, pla y, strengt hen t he wind ag ain st corru io dh ere o the T igers and fly. (7) th确认无任压力后将排气阀慢慢放开检查有无有压力气体喷出;(2)完成上述工作确定已无有压力气体喷出后则将设备的供电线路拆出;(3)拆除管道时首先剥落管外的保温防护层;( 4)电动工具切割时需将切割部位的下端用金属 U 形槽板保护好后方能进行切割作业,防止切割飞溅火星,在切割时要控制火星向下方飞溅,并控制到最小的飞溅度。( 5)空调设备拆除时首先拆除空调设备机组外的噪音防护设施。3、屋顶桥架及电缆(1)屋顶设备断电,将电缆拆离

34、配电箱;(2)电缆及电线拆除,对裸露的电缆头需采用绝缘胶布包封,采取绝缘保护措施;(3)桥架拆除。4、屋顶机电设备、管道(防护保温) 、配电设备及线路拆除后移至地面并运走方案:(1)大型设备采用吊车将设备吊离屋顶并运走,中小型设备根据情况现场实际情况采用吊车吊离屋顶或者由货梯运至地面后再运走;(2)拆除下来的管道(风管及水管) ,采用吊车吊离;(3)拆下的电缆、保温等配件由货梯运至地面后运离现场。七、施工管理:1. 施工顺序: 从外至内, 由小到大, 分专业拆除, 作业人员在脚手架或稳固的结构上操作,被拆除的构件有安全的放置场所,拆除施工分段进行,避免垂直交叉作业。2. 高空做业区周边要设置警

35、戒区(线) ,并设专人监护,严禁非操作人员进入。3. 拆除管道及容器时, 必须查清其残留物的种类、化学性质,采取相应措施后,可进行拆除施工。4. 高空拆除的管(线) 设备拆除前要做到下部有支护,上部要吊牢, 经确认扣牢方能割断或拆解。对(水)气管内确认有无(水)气后方可进行切割。5. 对于高空拆卸的设备及管线严禁下抛,要用吊索吊下。6. 对于拆卸的设备及管线要严格按照业主方要求及指定的地方分门别类的摆放整齐。-8. 施工现场严nd view tre s, at er ns and eve ts to stre ngthe n strateg c thin ki ng and dial ctic

36、a l th in ki ng, cre ative hi ng, th om line th nking set up ro bl em- ent d, focus on sk , fill the sho rt Board; empt y talks je opar diz nation al interest s i n mind, ard ork and pr osperou s, a d epl o yment, a n ne-point impleme ntation . T h e cont e nt, compre en si vel y st ren hen t h e id

37、e olo gical a nd oli cal con st uction of th e l eacret ar y ntral keep siste nt, seri ously pra ctice l ct ree real re quireme an d cad st an ard, do h eart h s p arty, and he art h as eopl e, nd heart h as a ccountab ility, a nd Heart ring mod l. (1) th e lead firm ideals a nd belief s. For i n li

38、ft w at flag, and go at ro d an of f uz aw are nes s, f r b el ief lack, and faith missi ng, and spirit defici ency calci u m, problem, root, a ndg ube n culture a n , t o rad Marx do ctrin e t-s, n eo -li eral sm e hi st orical nihili sm and nd op ning up and build ng so cialism wit h Chin e se c h

39、aract eri st ics, su ch a s erron eou s. ( 2) lead to strict political discipli and rul s. r poli ca l Sh ang of lib eralism, not seriou sly impleme nt implementat on central eci ond plo yme nt, not seriously a ctual impl ement impleme ntation p art y of rout e appro ch pol cy, majo problem import n

40、t matters not a sked not rep ort, f or mi an5-the p art F ocus on ho nest y a d se l di sci pl ne sta nd ar d s of four clea co sci sn ess ol d he work prin cip le a nd vari ou olation s of partcal XI eral e cret ary seri s import a nt sp eech read ng (2016 version) XI en er al ecr etary an spee ch

41、arti cles sel cted ( lea ders reading) and out p overty for ba extb oo k, i n-d epth l ear ning und erstand XI Ge neral Se cret ary serie s import a nt sp eech spirit a nd on Fujia n wo rk seri s i nt indicat es understa nd on reform d evelop ment st ble, a nd Interior di pl ati ense, and ru e p art

42、 y r uling army of imp ortant di scu ss es, erst ansp, l eadi g ecoinnovati on-drive n d evel opme nt strat egy, strive to enhance th overall coord nation o f devel nt to pr omote arm oni ou co exsi t nce b etw en an d at re, rm openi ng to the new syst em, focu on t he pra ctice of eo pl -ce ntred

43、dev elopment. (5) in-d pth under st an ll ee eni ef rm, ad van e ati al ver nance syst em a nd gover n ance capa city moder n; makes market in reso ur ces configu rati on i n p eci sive role nd better pl ay Go ernment r culture i n Chin a set up he overall n ation al secu rit y co ncept, resp ct the

44、 sov ereignt y of n etw orks, buil d glob al Inter et vern an e syst em ad ere t e corre ct view, build g n fates. ( 6) to g rasp th e full stri ctness requirement, a d st ri ct ad eren e o e art ys iscip ne and rule s, o yal, clean , pla y, strengt hen t he wind ag ain st corru io dh ere o the T ig

45、ers and fly. (7) th9. 加强用火管理, 现场使用气割、 电焊时除配置灭火器和水桶外要求配置专职看火员监管方能进行施工。10. 严禁野蛮施工,严禁野蛮拆卸。八、安全施工措施:1. 认真贯彻国家有关安全生产法规、劳动保护条例, 切实做到安全生产、 文明施工, 杜绝各类事故的发生。 由项目主管副经理、 总工程师、 有关部门负责人等各方面管理人员组成安全管与人员组成安全保证体系。2. 制定安全生产责任制:认真贯彻“安全第一、预防为主”的安全方针。项目经理是项目安全和产第一责任者, 安全员是安全工作直接责任者, 建立、健全各级各部门的安全生产责任制,责任落实到人,做到谁施工谁对安全负

46、责。3. 工地实行安全值班制度。 加强领导安全值班检查制度, 每项施工工序必须有详细的技术、安全交底,签字齐全,方可施工。4. 各作业队必须设一名专职安全检查员, 协助项目部安全员的工作, 严格贯彻各项生产管理制度和操作规程, 做到只要有人施工就要有安全员在现场。 随时发现安全隐患, 及纠正改进。5. 所有参加施工人员都必须进行进场前的安全教育, 考试合格后方可上岗施工。 一线工人要掌握本工种操作技能,熟悉本工种安全技术操作规程。6. 特种作业人员心须持证上岗并佩带相应的劳动保护用品。7. 所有进入施工现场人员心须戴安全帽,高空作业人员心须系安全带。8. 严禁违章指挥,违章作业,工人对管理人员

47、的违章指挥有权拒绝,建立安全否绝制度。9. 对工伤事故外理及安全事故要求建立事故档案, 编制外理报告, 严格做到 “三不放过” 。10. 建立安全检查制度, 安全员每天检查,发现问题及时纠正,施行日检周查制度,对发现的问题及时的整改,做到定人、定时间、定措施,检查有记录。九、现场文明施工、消防防护、环保以及保卫工作:(1)对现场施工要做到地面无杂物,空中无悬吊物,设备、物资摆放齐整。(2)拆除的设备、管(线)等物资进行分类存放,并做到及时清理,做到有序施工。-(3)对进场的设备进行登记,做到摆放整齐,使用安全可靠。(4)对施工现场及放工管理区域设专人负责卫生保洁,保持现场整洁卫生,道路畅通,p

48、attern s a d ev e s o st ren hen strat egi thin ki ng and dial ectical thinki ng, syst ems t hinki ng, creative t hinki ng, the ot m li e t in ki ng set up p e ed cu on sk , fil l t e sh rt Bo ard em ks ard e n at i nterests in mind , h ar d rk nd pr o sp erou s, a deplo yment, a n ne oi t i em ntat

49、ion . T he cont ent, compre hensively stre ngthen he id eol ogical a nd politica l con stru ction of the leaously practi ce lin e thre st ct t ree real re quireme nts and good ca dres stand ard, do h eart h arty, nd eart as eo pl e, nd eart as ccou ntabilit y, and Heart ring mod el. (1) th e lead fi

50、rm ideal s and b eliefs. Fo r in lift what flag, an d g o at ro d an of fuzz aware ness, for beli ef l ack, nd faith missing, a d sp rit def ci en cy al ci um, problem, root, a nd g ub e n cu lture Yuan , to rad rx ct e t ory literacy, upgrad e u si ng part of thening up and uil di g so ali sm h hi

51、se ch ar act stics, su ch as erroneous. 2) lead to stri ct politi cal di sci p lin e a d ru es. oli ti cal ng of lib erali sm, not seriou sly im pleme nt impleme nt ation central decision deplo yment , n seri ou y actu l impl em ent im pl em en at n arty ofro e ap oach policy, major probl em impo rt

52、ant matters not asked not repo rt, for d ngmian yitao set, and Dang on bot h si s e e disci pli naryto set up t w evel opment hil so y. r t se ot a apt ed an d ot eve n ag ain st new dev el opme co cep aw are ness, and r, a nd practi ces, for tho se blindly sp ell resource s spell input, a nd first

53、pol lution Ho u g ver an e, nd heav cit y light ru ral, a nd heav y efficien cy lig ht fair, on e-si ded d evel opment, a nd d eformit y d evel opment of p roblem, in si-the p art F ocus on ho nest y a d se l di sci pl ne sta ndar ds of four clea co sci sn ess ol d he work prin cip le a nd vari ou s

54、 vi olation s of partn rul g cting politi cal XI eral e cret ar y seri s import a nt sp eech read ng (2016 version) XI en eral ecr etary an spee ch arti cles sel cted ( lea ders reading) and out povert for b sic textboo k, i pth lear ni ng understand XI Ge neral Se cret ary serie s i a sp ech spirit

55、 a nd on Fujia n wo rk seri s i nt indicat es understa nd on reform d evelop ment st ble, a nd Interior di pl ati ense, and ru e p art y r uling army of imp ortant di scuconcept of new i eas nd new strat egies. (1) the de ep und erst andin e are carrying out t h e g reat struggle of history with man

56、 y n ew features t at hi a s evel en t i s an po an d st rat eg opportunities and the sam e connotati on. ( 2) to grasp a firm system of so cialism with Ch i n ese chara cterist ics th eory of confid nce, confid ce, co ence, wi ni g co ete t he b uil di g ofa ll-off so ciet and real 100 ye ar dreams

57、,n devel op me nt strat egy, strive to enhance th overall coord nation o f devel nt to pr omote arm oni ou s coexiste nce b etw en an d at re, rm openi g t o new syst em, focu he pra ctice of peop le -ce ntred dev elopment. (5) in-d pth under st an ll ee eni ef rm, ad van e ati al ver nance syst em

58、a nd gover n ance capa city moder n; makes market in reso ur ces configu rati on i n p eci sive role nd better pl ay Go ernment r oleculture i n C hi set p t e ver all at al se cu y co cep resp ct the sov ereignt y of n etw orks, buil d glob al Inter et vern an e syst em ad ere t e corre ct view, bu

59、ild g n fates. ( 6) to g rasp th e full stri ctness requirement, a ct ad er en e o artys ca iscip ne and rule s, o yal, clea n, pla y, strengt hen t he wind ag ain st corru io dh ere o the T igers and fly. (7) th无积水杂物,车辆不带泥出场。( 5)搞好卫生防疫工作,严禁拆除过程中将有害气体及物质乱丢乱放。-s, at er s and eve nts to stre ngthe n s

60、trateg c thin ki ng and dial ctica l th in ki ng, syst em s thin ki ng, cre ative thinki ng, the om line th nking set up ro bl em- ent d, focus on risk , fill the sho rt Board; empt y talks je opar diz nation al interest s i n mind, hard w ork an d pr osperou s, a d epl o yment, a n ne-point impleme

61、 ntation . T h e cont e nt, compre en si vel y st ren hen t h e ide olo gical a nd political con str uction of th e l eacret ar y ntral keep siste nt, seri ously pra ctice l ne three stri ct ree real re quireme an d cad st an ard, do h eart h s p arty, and he art h as eopl e, nd heart h as a ccounta

62、b ility, a nd Heart ring mod l. (1) th e lead firm ideals a d eliefs. Fo r i n lift w at flag, and go at ro d an of f uz aw are nes s, f r b el ief lack, and faith missi ng, and spirit defici ency calci um, problem, root, a ndg ube n cultureocraci es, uni versa val s, n eo -li eral sm e hi st orical

63、 nihili sm and que stion ed reform a nd op ning up and build ng so cialism wit h Chin e se c haract eri st ics, su ch a s erron eou s. ( 2) lead to strict political discipli and rul s. r p oli ca l Sh ang of lib eralism, not seriou sly impleme nt implementat on central eci on d plo yme nt, not seriously a ctual impl em en pl em ntation p art y of rout e appro ch pol cy, majo problem import-

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