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1、主旨大意题A(2017 长春监测 儿 ife in the In ternet age is Ion ely or is it? That s what experts inhuma n in teract ion are debati ng after a new Stanford Uni versity survey has bee n published.According to the study, the more time people spend online, the less they can spare for real - life relati on ships wit

2、h family and frien ds. The researchers asked 113 people about th e Web s in flue nee on daily activities. 36%of those people are on li ne for more tha n five hours a week.“ As Internet use becomes more widespread,it will have an in creas in glyisolating( 孤立的)effect on society , ” says Robert Kraut,

3、one of the researchers.Scholars and Web lovers criticized the study for stretchi ng its data to make the“isolating ” point. While 13% of regular Web users admitted the loss of time withlovedones, 60% reported watching less TV. The survey also shows that e- mail is the most popular online activity. I

4、f some of webheads(网虫)spend what was once passive TV time keepingcompany with friends via e-mails,“ that s a move toward greater connectedness, ” saysPaul Resnick , a professor at the University of Michigan.This isn t the first claim that the Webshould be criticized. A 1998 report monitored73 Pittsb

5、urgh-area families Internet use for a year. People who used the Internet more“talked less to family membersand reported being Ionelierand more depressed , ” says RobertKraut.It s true that there have been big declines in social connectedness over the pastdecades, but those decli nes bega n before th

6、e Internet was inven ted, ” says Thomas Putnam.As Amitay Etzioni says, the Internet gives us a different kind of social life not better or worse tha n before, but just differe nt.解题导语本文介绍了斯坦福大学的一项研究,即网络是否会导致社会孤立以及来自社会各 界的讨论。1. Who claimed that the Web had n egative in flue nee?A. Robert Krau t.B. Pa

7、ul Res nick.C. Thomas Putnam.D. Amitay Etzioni.A 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的 As In ternetuse becomes more widespread, it will havean increasingly isolating(孤立的 )effect on society , ” says Robert Kraut, one of theresearchers.可知,罗伯特克劳特认为随着网络使用越来越广泛,网络会导致社会孤立效应。故 选A项。2. The underlined word“ This ” in Para.4 refer

8、s toA. the study con ducted by Stanford Uni versityB. the survey made by the University of MichiganC. the conclusion in a report written in 1998D. the opinion expressed in Bowling AloneA解析:词义猜测题。画线词所在句句意为:这不是第一次有人称网络应该受到批评。这仍然是罗 伯特克劳特的观点,也就是斯坦福大学开展的调查研究的结果。故选A项。3. From the passage we learn thatA. wa

9、tching TV used to take time away from staying onlineB. 36% of Web users spend more than five hours a week onlineC. the Web was blamed more than once for causing an isolating effectD. the Web has the same in flue nee as the telepho ne and the televisi onC 解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段第一句This isn t the first claim

10、 that the Webshouldbe criticized.可知,因为网络使人们之间的联系减少,不止一次有人对此进行谴责。故选C项。4. The passage mainly discussesA. how we can make a better use of the InternetB. whether the Internet causes an isolating effectC. how declines in social connectedness appearD. what a different life the Internet brings to usB解析:主旨大

11、意题。文章以一项调查研究入题,进行了关于网络是否会导致社会孤立效应的讨论。故选B项。B4(2017 广东佛 山检测)The times are cha ngin g. On Thursday October 13th, singer - songwriter Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, marking the first time the highly - eyed- on literary award has gone to some one who is main ly see n as a musicia n,

12、 and giv ing rise to heated discussi ons.for havi ng created new poetic expressi ons within theThe 75 - year - old won the prizeyear可判断,are cross with 应表示对生气”,而不是D项中的担心。故选 C项。“ For 54 years he has been at it, reinventing himself , ” said s permanent sec retary. “ Bob Dylan writes poetry for the ear.

13、 But it read his works as poetry. ”Sara Dani us, the academys perfectly fine toothers on li ne andin the literarycommunity are cross_withthe Committee, sayingthe award has skipped overAnd while many Dylan s fans have found great delight at the news, fictio n writers for the sec ond year.New York Tim

14、es Book Review editor Pamela Paul said it was good news but pointed outhow many “deserving ” novelists there are.Director Martin Scorsese put out a statement saying he was“overjoyed ” that Dylan was awarded the prize.“ Dyla n s poetry, his musical geni us, has meant so much to me pers on ally and to

15、gen erati ons of people around the world,” Scorsese said. “ His work has in flue need and shaped culture, and he has never stopped exploring and growing as an artist. The Nobel Committeehas given Dylan a form of recognitionthat fits his role in our culture in world culture. ”Dyla n won a Pulitzer Pr

16、ize in 2008 for his “ great in flue nee on popular music a nd America n culture ” . He s the firs t America n to win the literary Nobel since Toni Morris on in 1993.解题导语作为一名歌手,鲍勃迪伦获得诺贝尔文学奖的消息让很多人大感意外,从而引发热议。5. Why does Bob Dylan s winning the Nobel Prize cause heated discussions?A. He created poetic

17、 expressions.B. He is known as a musician.C. He reinvents himself.D. He is 75 years old.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的 marking the first time the highly-eyed-onliterary awardhas gone to some one who is mainly see n as a musicia n可知,正是因为鲍勃迪伦是一位歌手,所以获得诺贝尔文学奖才引发热议。故选B项。6. Which is closest in meaning to the underli

18、ned part in Paragraph 4?A. Are thankful to.B. Are satisfied with.C. Are angry with.D. Are worried about.C 解析:词义猜测题。第四段开头的And while many Dylan s fans have found great delightat the news 中while表示尽管”,引导让步状语从句,所以后面的others online and in theliterary community are cross with_ the Committee 中的 are cross wit

19、h 与 found great delight 意思应该相反。再根据最后的saying the award has skipped over fiction writers for the second7. What can we know about Dylan according to Martin Scorsese?A. Dyla n in flue nces Marti n a lot.B. Dylan is happy with the award.C. Dylan is a poet rather than a musician.D. Dyla n ben efits a lot

20、from world culture.A 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的Dylan s poetry, his musical genius, has meant somuch to me person ally and to gen erati ons of people around the world可知,鲍勃迪伦对他影响很大。故选 A项。8. What is the passage mainly about?A. A brief introduction to Bob Dylan.B. The reason for Bob Dylan s success.C. Bob Dyla

21、n s in flue nee on America n culture.D. Different views on Bob Dylan s winning the Nobel Prize.D解析:主旨大意题。文章开头就点明了鲍勃迪伦获得诺贝尔文学奖引起了热议,接着说明了不 同的人对此事的不同态度。故选D项。C(2017 江西名校联盟检测)Biologist Robert Pitman and his colleagues tracked orcas,or killer whales, and humpback whales off the coast of Western Australia

22、. To research further, the scie ntists attached a tracker to a female orca, which allowed them to use satellites to monitor her movements. They followed her for six days. During that time, the orca attacked eight young humpback whales. During the seven attacks, the orca killed the humpback whale cal

23、f( 幼兽)on three occasions.But the story doesn t end there. Humpback whales themselves are popularly thoughtto be large but gen erally, passive creatures. Pitma n s study findings may let people thi nk otherwise.When chased by orcas, humpback whales are known to try to outswim orcas. They are thought

24、to do this at high speed so that the orcas can t keep up. On some occasions, the humpbackwhales sought out protecti on. They swam to shallow water, n earby reefs, or eve n un der the researchers boats. Th ese ways often reduced the attack. But at other times, the7humpback whales decided to stay and

25、fight.As the orcas approached, the mother humpback would sometimes move her calf to her side, or lift it out of the water using her head or flippers. She also blew huge breaths of air to disturb the orcas, and lun ged or charged at them, slash ing(劈)and slapp ing her tailand flippers. Perhaps most s

26、urprisingly, humpback whales also have adult escorts(护卫队)that try to protect calves that are not their own, joining the mother in defending the smaller whale. These escort whales either charged at the orcas, or placed themselves betwee n the attackers and calves, slash ing their tails and flippers.D

27、espite the efforts of the mother whales and escorts, the orcas were more ofte n tha n not successful in their attacks. But the presenee of the escorts did reduce how many times a whale calf was killed.解题导语本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是科学家使用科学仪器来观察杀人鲸是如何追杀驼 背鲸及后者是如何反击和保护幼小的驼背鲸的。9. What s the purpose of the scientist

28、s further research?A. To keep a record of whales living habits.B. To observe orcas hunting humpback whales.C. To see what life-or-death battles whales may face.D. To find out the techniques orcas use when hunting.B 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的To research further. to use satellites to monitor her movements. Th

29、ey followed her for six days. During that time, the orca attacked eight you ng humpback whales.”可知,科学家进行进一步研究的目的是观察杀人鲸追杀驼背鲸的活动。故选B。10. Why did the humpback whales swim to shallow water?A. To avoid being attacked.B. To hunt for food.C. To protect their young.D. To trick the chasers.A 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段

30、中的 On someoccasions, the humpback whales sought out protection. They swamto shallow water, nearby reefs, or even under the researchers boats. ” 可知,驼背鲸游至浅水区是出于自身的安全考虑,为了避免被攻击。故选A。11. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4?A. Why humpback whales fall victim to orcas.B. How humpback whales protect

31、their calves.C. The great mother love of humpback whales.D. Smaller humpback whales ways of surviving.B解析:段落大意题。根据第四段的内容可知,本段主要讲的是在面对杀人鲸的攻击时,驼背鲸是 如何进行反击来保护自己的幼崽的。故B项最能概括本段的主旨要义。12 . What does Pitman s study find?A. Orcas are successful in their attacks.B. It s not easy for orcas to obtain food.C. Hu

32、mpback whales swim faster than orcas.D. Humpback whales could be active animals.D 解析:推理判断题。由第二段中的Humpback whales themselves are popularly thought to be large but gen erally, passive creatures. Pitma n s study findings may let people thi nkotherwise. ”可知,驼背鲸一般被认为是大型的、通常被动的生物,Pitman的研究发现可能会让人不这么认为。下文接

33、着讲了面对杀人鲸的攻击时,驼背鲸所采取的一些应对方式,其中包含积极迎击。故选Do专题强化训练16主旨大意题一一标题归纳类学生用书P107(单独成册)A(2017 江西师大附中、临川一中联考)“My neighbor doesn t speak English,but herkindn ess n eeds no tran slati on.”Angie Morris, an 81-year - old Canadian womanwho grew up in wartime Britain and now lives in Van couver, British Columbia, was d

34、escrib ing how her next- door n eighbor, Ms. Wing, a 68-year - old Chinese woman, voluntarily cooks meals for her every day. She called it“theultimate home-delivery service ”.Morris s moving, first - person narrative which was published last week by the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail, has gon

35、e popular , with more than 24, 000 online reposts.I know what is in side the paper carrier bag, ” she wrote.“ A thermos with hot soupand a sta ini ess - steel container with a meal of rice, vegetables and either chicke n, meator shrimp , sometimes with a kind of pan cake. This has become an almost d

36、aily occurre nee.”Wing started her act of kindn ess whe n she lear ned that Morris had to un dergo heartsurgery.She took it upon herself to beg in feedi ng her n eighbor, even though the two wome nhave no way of com muni cat ing verbally. Wing speaks only Man dari n, and Morris s Man dari nis limite

37、d to ni hao(hello).“ So here we are, two gran dmothers a world away from where we were raised, n either ofus able to speak the other s Ian guage, but com muni cati ng one way or ano ther(withsome helpfrom tech no logy).The doorbell keeps ringing and there is the familiar brow n paper carrierbag, han

38、 ded smili ngly to me by Wing, Morris wrote.Readers and n etize ns around the world have bee n touched by this relati on ship that crosses n ati onal boun daries and focuses on huma n kindn ess.“ You know that most people in this world just want to live a good life, one readercommented. I come from

39、old Ireland, so I cantell you a thing or two about conflict. Thepoint is, most people are very good with big hearts and want their childre n to grow up safe and in places like this country can offer.”解题导语互为邻居的两位老人温女士与安吉莫里斯虽然语言不通无法交流,但温女士在 得知莫里斯要做手术的消息后,主动为其做饭。她的善举感动了很多读者和网友。1. Why did Ms. Wing cook

40、meals for Morris?A. Morris had some health problems.B. Wing was an expert cook.C. Ms. Wing had nothing else to do.D. They were raised in the same place.A 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第五段第一句Wing started her act of kindness when she learnedthat Morris had to un dergo heart surgery.可知,温女士因为知道莫里斯要做手术,所以做饭给她吃。故选A项。2. Wh

41、ich of the following words can best describe Ms. Wing?A. Kind-hearted.B. Sensitive.C. Communicative.D. Arrogant.A解析:推理判断题。通读文章可知,温女士一直自愿为邻居做饭,所以推断她是一位善良、热心 的女士,故选 A项。sensitive意为敏感的”;communicative 意为爱说话的,好社交的”;arroga nt意为傲慢的;自大的”。3. What can be concluded from the last two paragraphs?A. Most people in

42、 this world are having a good life.B. People from different countries easily have conflicts.C. Old Ireland is a place where children can grow up safe.D. People are impressed and moved by Ms.Wing s behav ior.D解析:细节理解题。根据文章第七段以及第八段网友的留言可知,很多读者和网友都被温女士的 善举所感动,感受到了跨越国界和语言的人性之善。故选D项。4. What can be the be

43、st title of this passage?A. A Voluntary Cook.B. Serving Your Neighbor.C. Kindness Beyond Language.D. Nutritious Meals.C解析:标题归纳题。文章主要讲述一位来自中国的温女士虽与邻居莫里斯言语不通,但是得知莫 里斯要做手术的消息后,一直自愿为她做饭,这一超越语言和国界的善举感动了很多读者和网友。 由此可知,C项最适合用作文章标题。B(2017 河北衡水中学高三大联考)Scie ntists in Britai n have ma naged to teach bumblebees(

44、大黄蜂)to pull strings to get to food and then pass on what they have learned to others in their colony(群体)show ing a high level of in tellige nee despite their tinybrains.Researchers at Queen Mary University of London said the experiments, often used to test the in tellige nee of apes( 猿)and birds, sh

45、owed for the first time that some in sects are up to the task, and can also pass skills on through several generations.The findings add to the evide nee suggesti ng the ability for“ culture spread theability to lear n and pass on kno wledge and skills may not be exclusive to huma ns.In the research,

46、 published in the journal PLOSBiology on Tuesday, the scientists were able to train 23 out of a group of 40 bees to pull stri ngs with their legs and feet.The strings were attached to discs or artificial “ flowers ”一 containing food at their cen ter but placed un der a tran spare nt scree n. The bee

47、s, spott ing the food ben eath the scree n, learned to pull the“flowers ” out by pulling the string with their legs and feet to beable to get to it.From another group of bees given the chance to solve the task without any training,only two of 110 were successful.Another group of bees was then allowe

48、d to observe the trained bees pulling the strings, and 60 perce nt of them successfully lear ned the skill. Fin ally, trained bees were put in colonies, and the scientists found the technique spread successfully to a majority of the colony s worker bees.Lars Chittka, a Quee n Mary Uni versity profes

49、sor who guided the project, said the teamis in terested in figuri ng out the brain processes beh ind the bees lear ning and teach ingskills.解题导语本文介绍了大黄蜂经过训练可以习得某种技能,还会传播自己所学的技能。5. What does the underlinedword “exclusive ” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A Ordinary.C. Beneficial.B. Unique.D. Widespread.

50、B解析:词义猜测题。第二段中提出,不仅猿和鸟类有学习和传播知识的能力,一些昆虫也有这样 的能力。第二段和第三段中的关键词also和add to the evidenee提示,这种能力并非人类独有的。故选B项。6. What did the researchers find about bees?A. Bees lear n best i n in sects.B. Bees are as clever as birds.C. Bees are born good learners.D. Bees can be trained to learn skills.D 解析:细节理解题。依据第四段中的

51、the scientists were able to train 23 out of a groupof 40 bees to pull stri ngs with their legs and feet可知,科学家发现大黄蜂经过训练可以学会技能。故选D项。7. What may the research team focus on next?A. What else bees can do.B. Where bees learn skills.C. How bees teach others.D. How bees brains work.D 解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一句.the t

52、eam is interestedin figuring out the brainprocesses beh ind the bees lear ning and teachi ng skills.可知,科研团队对大黄蜂学习和传播技能的大脑思考过程很感兴趣,因此,接下来他们应该会研究大黄蜂大脑的工作原理。故选D项。8.What may be the best title for the text?A.Small Bees, Great AbilitiesB.Bees Can Lear n and TeachC.Bees Are SmarterD.Let Bees Lear nB解析:标题归纳

53、题。综合全文尤其第一段可知,文章主要介绍了一项科学发现,即大黄蜂经过训 练可以学习并传播所学技能,故选B项。C13(2017 安徽百所重点高三二模)1 had the honour of being elected chief of my tribe(部落). With the title came g reat responsibility. It was my job to make peace with the MaoriTamaki tribe, whose village we visited. Their soldiers jumped from a canoe and faced

54、 us down with fierce crying, sticking eyes and much noise of sticks. They laid a palm leaf on the ground and, as head, I was forced to accept this peace offeri ng by pick ing it up, the n touching noses with their chief.“ Kia ora , ” he said, welcoming us into the woodlandhome of his people.My “ tri

55、be ” was my New Zealand coach tour group, who had forced me into being their leader. We d been warned that the ceremony was a serious occasion and that to laugh or even smile would be con sidered rude to the Tamaki. After that it was non-stop fun as theydem on strated their ancient customs and I rec

56、eived in struct ion in perform ing the haka, the war dance immortalized( 使不朽)by the All Blacks rugby team.Then they pulled our dinner of lamb, beef and vegetables out of the gro und. It had been slow-cooked in the heat just below the surface in the geothermal(地热的)area of North Island, a Maori tradit

57、ion known as a hangi that goes back an extremely long period of time.Obviously, this form of it is put on for tourists but it was hugely enjoyable. The journey back to the hotel was alone worth the effort, our elder Maori driver being deserving of his own television show.“The wheels on the bus go ro

58、und and round ,” he got us singing,while he circu ited a round about three times.A couple of days from the end of our trip, there was still something missing, a NewZeala nd icon I wan ted to see to make my gra nd tour complete. Ridi ng over a ridge, there it was Aotearoa. The Maori name for NewZeala

59、nd translates as “ the land of the long white cloud ” . Can I say “ Kia ora, Aotearoa ?” You bet I can.解题导语本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了他去新西兰旅游时接触到的毛利文化。9. How were the visitors greeted in the tribe?A. The soldiers made a palm leaf road.B. The soldiers touched their noses.C. The soldiers shook sticks fiercely.D. T

60、he soldiers made noise with shut eyes.C 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的Their soldiers jumped from a canoe and faced us down with fierce crying, sticking eyes and much noise of sticks. They laid a palm leaf on theground and”可知,毛利部落的勇士们从独木舟上跳下来,用狂热的叫喊、瞪大的眼睛和巨大的棍 棒晃动声将作者一行人镇住了,他们还在地面上放置一片棕榈叶。这些都是毛利人对游客表示欢迎 的方式。故选Co15

61、10. Which refers to the Maori cooking custom?B. Haka.A. Kia ora.C. Hangi.D. Tamaki.C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的The n they pulled our dinner of lamb, beef andvegetables out of the ground. It had been slow- cooked in the heat. a Maori traditionknown as a hangi.”可知,在地下土炉中烹制食物是毛利饮食传统,这被称为hangi。11. What does the a

62、uthor think of the driver?A. He was good at singing.B. He made the journey memorable.C. He was not familiar with the road.D. He performed well on a TV show.B 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的 The journey back to the hotel was alone worth the effort our elder Maori driver being deservi ng of his own televisi onshow. ”可知,作者一行人的回宾馆之旅让他们难忘:有表演天赋的毛利老司机让作者他们一路欢歌,故选B。12. What is the best title for the text?A. A Taste of Maori CultureB. Hello, New ZealandC. The Honour of Being a Tribe ChiefD. The Best of New ZealandA解析:标题归纳题。作者作为赴新西兰的旅游团的队长,在旅游中有幸接触毛利文化,这给作者 留下了深刻的印象,故A项“体验毛利文化”作标题最佳。16

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