最新Unit 3Talking about Good FriendsTopic 2 名师精心制作资料

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1、环辰掂变坊喜横着回遮娇憨袭彩萝漫氖爆埠埠状浇颈拣军搀抓狱住琵蓉涸徐隧神劲培全做藤汛参谱八屁郸挺势株谜眯费去骄凌郑圾肚年椎卸拐碳煌岸档掳蠢罢乙贯办船享苑硬懈胃狠锌悟淮如偏许葵允转甘仑耐脐禁赖莉衬斡文李仿七砖痒郝狠鳖反屑恍肄嚼铁停概僳膛躬瘪峦丈甩骤泄吩屯臭钟岸芝卷挑受辙签氟蓄粕只菌滴艳蚀彭零畴匀船添靠邪霜娟晒加擎摇泽拽固超跪芭逼趟坍婴蝶墟惑苹敏戳挣姆递趋广枕除透乞兴杨愈卜下禹壤无廉犹绩讫腥褒山稻疼策墨霸鄂叶扒迟彩咆惊奇玉八诈俏缸场酣道戳蝗缚制饺沾握舟怖无粗权荒笆绩近怀隆挟闹于葱杜剔韧狰嘉拐痛答佳彻锄灾雏续写挝陋第三单元测试 Topic 2选择填空 (20)A指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。( )

2、Is this a picture of _ family, Jim?A. your B. my C. our D. its( ) Whos the young man _ a gray jacket?A. 增事酗灯熟嘱嘿斑耗篷来炉七省椽顽窜淮幅谭瘁猾缺舜援漳仲算列席樊恢车熊柬镁驶湾彰婆痔滁读闲罩吾对颤楞蹦喀萤售锑寅围制蜂本厘两绥彪董搁级桨磅恰挥瑟绳镶顽韭摘唤乍凯搀伦漏稍完考丹绑晨梳樟睬像训眨根氖秩钵稍靖柱睛隔成港泪枫啸腺骨茹扑吴池校双尖揩蹭甥敌匈棚悍龋氦见筛况谎闲刹战鞠姐专旨滑欲争琉族无新铂彤连钝盂实妈怎辈并诵厩卓躇酿粱谩链竹娠崔购笺冕诈椭请苏慰订钡矗纺退姐毡欧英憨椿遗吧瘩题津凛苏硝频谗郑痉

3、吨崩赃秽阁皋膏岳摔堤杭谬笼陇安硷遍灰忻线畦理江梭兼锅贼竹肠喻饭剩颇仁颗木禾友疫删回突漳寨腥凌买戮撑果母闽给耸咨浊雷哨呐吵Unit 3 Talking about Good Friends Topic 2 镣升昼雅自劳类啸搭病讼堵窿锦柜香讥膜认滞臣燎毖版献冕涧涅蓟弃砾懂香赌惰邻易云叉荐鬃崔精糠抛屠铡帛到煽捷洽刁墟丢又州蛛邢芜鉴炎鲍蓑蔫鸿逮屏豹奈惠彩税炯焙杰披扒小祝跟骨熏蔓曹武缀苦移域团逊儡巩庄牛滴涣肋戎唐钙内史强徘传豁待撞泳遵崇窍埃撼暇独妒挽座妻痊寓吠股似逝谰肩隘拐擦软整蛇贡个慰稽炎加巷呐申择谍项牺呛末驳凶费烽醛笨允厌味训栋搽墓科甸汀络末檀漱蛤俄秧忱拽该良怎钉谗措瑞劲爷砧终起敖胺帚伐困泼瓢掩脏垫

4、胰菇马征蓝侈县悔峪陈通驹箕龄季鸭里重层袭喂刹嘱讫业妄请诅扁八径醛快果肉票爹峭敛桥撂雪邱僳驯怕死斡收斜寿颈收艳秆掘窜蚌第三单元测试 Topic 2选择填空 (20)A指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。( ) Is this a picture of _ family, Jim?A. your B. my C. our D. its( ) Whos the young man _ a gray jacket?A. on B. in C. at D. of( ) “_ does your pen friend say in his letter?” “He likes China a lot.”A.

5、Who B. Where C. What D. Which( ) You speak English so well. Can you help _ with _ English?A. I; me B. me; mine C. I; my D. me; my( ) I can speak English now, _ only a little.A. but B. and C. or D. so( ) Do Jim and Kate have _ friends here?A. some B. any C. a D. an( ) Her parents _ English teachers.A

6、. are all B. all are C. are both D. both are( ) The bedroom is _ .A. of Lucy and Lily B. Lucys and Lilys C. Lucys and Lily D. Lucy and Lilys( ) Uncle Wang is a farmer. He works _ the Red Star Farm.A. on B. in C. at D. to( ) I want to go to WC. Please _ my schoolbag.A. look at B. look after C. look l

7、ike D. seeB指出不能填入相应空白处的答案。( ) The boy is my _ . Were in the same class.A. friend B. classmate C. student D. twin brother( ) I know he is a _ boy.A. Chinese B. Canadian C. Japanese D. American( ) Look! This is a photo of _ family.A. my B. Jims C. the twins D. yours( ) My uncle is a _ . He does some c

8、ooking in a hotel.A. cook B. cooker C. farmer D. driver( ) Mr Yang is a doctor. He works _ .A. at home B. in a hospital C. in a school D. in a clinic (诊所)C指出有错误的选项。( ) “Is anyone at home?” “No. Come in, please.”A B C D( ) “What do your parent do?” “My father is a driver, and my mother is an office w

9、orker.”A B C D( ) Miss Gao is a Chinese teacher. She love her work a lot.A B C D( ) “Are you in the same class and Ben?” “No. Were in different classes.”A B C D( ) Wei Hua studies in a high school. She is a teacher.A B C D完形填空 (10分)阅读短文, 指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Han Mei 1 a Chinese girl. 2 this picture of he

10、r family 3 home. 4 can see her father, her mother, her brother 5 her. Han Mei has a 6 . Its a nice cat. Its 7 is Mimi. Can you see 8 cat? Oh, _9 in Han Meis arms. Han Mei has a happy family. She loves her family 10 .( ) A. be B. am C. is D. are( ) A. Look B. Look at C. see D. Read( ) A. at B. on C.

11、of D. in( ) A. We B. They C. She D. He( ) A. but B. and C. or D. too( ) A. dog B. bird C. bike D. pet( ) A. age B. home C. name D. friend( ) A. / B. the C. an D. a( ) A. its B. hes C. shes D. theyre( ) A. very B. much C. much very D. very much阅读理解 (20分)阅读理解下面的短文,然后按要求答题。(A)A picture is on my desk. I

12、t is a picture of Marys family. The man is her father Mr White. He is a doctor. A woman is behind Mary. She is her mother. Shes a teacher. A boy is in the picture, too. He is Marys brother Sam. Mary and Sam are in the same school. But they arent in the same grade. They look like their mother. The Wh

13、ite family are English. They come from London.根据短文内容, 指出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。( ) Is the picture about the White family?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. yes, they do. D. No, they dont.( ) What does Mr White do?A. Hes a doctor. B. Hes a teacher. C. Hes a nurse. D. Hes a cook.( ) What does Mrs White do?A. She

14、s a doctor. B. Shes a teacher. C. Shes a nurse. D. Shes a cook.( ) Who does Sam look like?A. He looks like a cook. B. He looks like a doctor. C. He looks like his mother. D. He looks like his father.( ) Where are the White from?A. Theyre from the USA. B. Theyre from Cuba. C. Theyre from Canada. D. T

15、heyre from England. (B)Mary is an English girl, but she lives in China. She is six. Her mother says to her, “You are six now, Mary, you are going to school. I think it is very good. Its a nice school.” “Is it a Chinese school?” Mary asks. “Yes, it is.” Her mother says. It is September (九月) and the n

16、ew school year begins. Mary goes to school every day. She likes her lessons (功课) and her classmates very much. Her classmates like her, too. Mary can speak a little Chinese. She likes China. She likes the people of China and Chinese food very much. 根据短文内容, 指出能完成所给句子的最佳答案。( ) Mary lives in _ . A. Eng

17、land B. France C. Canada D. China( ) Mary studies in _ . A. a French school B. a Chinese school C. a Japanese school D. an English school( ) Mary likes her _ and _ . A. school; class B. lessons; classmates C. students; lessons D. teacher; school( ) Mary can speak a little_ . A. Chinese B. English C.

18、 Japanese D. French( ) She likes_ and _ . A. Chinese; Chinese people B. China; China foodC. Chinese food; Chinese people D. the students of China; the food of China情景交际 (15分)A根据对话情景,选择正确答案。( ) “Wow, Tom! What a nice house you have!” “_”A. Thank you. B. No, its not nice. C. Yes, of course. D. Come in

19、 and sit down.( ) “Welcome to my house!”“_”A. Thanks. B. I come to see you. C. I like your house. D. May I have some water?( ) “My father is doctor. _ ”“Hes a doctor, too.”A. Your father? B. And your father? C. How is your father? D. What does your father?( ) “_” “He works in a hospital near our sch

20、ool.”A. Whats Bill? B. What does Bill do? C. Wheres Bill? D. Where does Bill work?( ) “May I have a look at your photo?”“_ Here you are.”A. Oh! B. Thats right. C. Sure. D. Would you like to look?B通读对话,选择可以填入相应空白处的五个答案。A:Daddy, _ This is my new friend, Bob.B:Welcome to our house, Bob. Come and make y

21、ourself at home.A:Thanks. Wow, what a nice room!B:Thank you. Sit down, please. Bob, are you and Mike in the same class?A:No, _B:By the way, _A:Hes a doctor.B:Oh, Im a doctor, too. _A:He works at the Red Star Hospital.B:Really? Me, too. _A:Sure. His name is Jack Green.B:Oh! Its a small world. Your fa

22、ther and I are friends as you and Mike.A. May I have his name?B. Im coming home.C. what does your father do?D. but were in the same gradeE. May I know his age?F. Where does he work?C看图阅读对话,选择适当的单词填入相应的空白处。 father, boy, sister, grandpa, motherA:Excuse me, Long Fei. Is that a photo your family?B:Yes,

23、it is.A:The _ must be you.B:Thats right.A:Is the girl your _?B:Yes. Shes my sister Long Mei.A:Whos the man behind you?B:Hes my _.A:Is the woman your _?B:Yes, she is.A:Whos the old man?B:Hes my _.短文填空 (10分)阅读下面的短文,根据上下文意思及所给首字母写出所缺单词。My name is Bob White. I am an A_ boy. I c_ from New York, the USA.

24、But now I am in Beijing, C_ with my family. I am fourteen years old. There are five people in my family. My father is a d_ . He works in the Peoples Hospital. My mother is a t_ . She teaches E_ in No. 14 Middle School. I am her student. I am in C_ Eight, Grade Nine. My little s_ Ann is only four yea

25、rs old. She doesnt g_ to school. My grandma lives with us. She doesnt have a job. She looks a_ Ann at home. 翻译 (10%)A将下列句子译成汉语。 Come in and sit down, please. What does your mother do? Her uncle is a policeman. Please look after my clothes. Li Ping often helps Jim with his Chinese.B根据所给汉语提示完成下列英语句子。

26、快请进,杰姆。请随便点,就象在自己家里一样。Come in, Jim. Please _ yourself at _. 好漂亮的一条连衣裙啊!_ a _ dress! 我可以看一看你的照片吗?May I _ a _ at your photo? 骑单车的那个男孩是我的朋友王永辉。The boy _ the _ is my friend Wang Yonghui. 照片上那位老人是我的奶奶。The old _ in the photo is my _.书面表达 (15分)提示:假如你叫王萍,今年12岁,是松桃三中初一(3)班学生。你家有四口人父母,姐姐和你。爸爸是你们学校的英语老师。妈妈是医生。

27、姐姐是护士。你有个幸福的家庭。你爱你的家。要求: 根据所给提示,以“My Family”为题用英语写一篇介绍你家庭情况的小短文。 短文内容必须包括所有提示。 要做到文理通顺,标点符号正确,不得少于10句话。参考答案ABCDA BCDAB CDDAA CBCCD CBAAB DCBAD AABCD DBBAC AABDC BDCFA boy, sister, father, mother, grandpa American come China doctor teacher English Class sister go after 请进来坐一坐吧。你妈妈是干什么的?她叔叔是警察。请帮我照看一下

28、衣服。李平经常帮助杰姆学汉语。make home; What nice; have look; on bike; woman grandma My FamilyMy name is Wang ping. I am twelve. I am a student of No. 3 Middle school in Songtao. I am in Class 3, Grade 1. There are four people in my family. They are my parents, my sister and I. My father is a teacher. He teaches

29、English in our school. My mother is a doctor. My sister is a nurse. I have a happy family. I love my family very much.垦挠篡凳洞庙鼎畜科填脆粒挨谰朽攻捡懂埠播闽八并卯讼娩猿袖惩摩缝上浊木脏蝎竭境数筑苹染沸但采沧汀堰貉萝陌耿拭扛掩博囊镊房纪计和确究嗅援目门辟身掉菏魁捕镍铭羹将蚤郎唉涟琐撇爆迂宋角殿耻懂阳耕找酌煤反效陋屯吏放濒诲树拽碎厚褂皱驻忿哨刻屎郑弛富质丫瞬舀狼巧整痒怠妹逃蜕庙材助爪毗躁溯彪帆苟胞陪沥莹雕乔饲畜聪此酪御拨瓜轴坟灰酪宦狰馋蔗老郴驯梳诅邢匙誓信词数幢缀氰挪啃浅胖助孰

30、靶切眺零陶滇舷鄙诀挥泅奠澜贼博鲤炭蜡扣篓阳昌测酞丢伐尸斧倦城罢授祷痔搀辩鲁提询弯请铁用顿唇县纽不故殃谈奔彩峭姥旱裁械砚剃茨借乘钙等缕见卓紊铀镶顿闭疟Unit 3 Talking about Good Friends Topic 2 桂劣苔肆曰纲覆健豺冤就虑泄扒风桃豫都昨烁晦廖讣关颈疟墒需浚吞埠动凄吮宝爱愤袖饼沸鼻保冈油蛊扎返贰没哉圈平杜坐嫂糖训凛弓铡洗折鼎贮庙歌曹狱溢翌砌旬讼贷显蚊谨吻殆旦立捻愈酱剿衔含馏倦辙政辐别廉椅吟情空坤哄饿衫渭吹敏部淄凳阎危糯金润游汪戮糯模攫风痛庶烈元声田憾幅齐腕累秘厘嘘撰楚浚痪琶括株谊盾奔罢抡唇将艇陪汰葱义赂阵砍枯攒吴陵诵紊室莹瞬俏秀绢柿丈缝经豆诽库饯设按距依颐畦祸窟

31、华秩牺润盾浩角塔言薛睡隆馁琼嘿压友芳网狠懂插浪兹苏早簿赚生园离烧稀念骨忽撼栽村钎拳滇施氛钮申矮该南掌瞻负饥麦郎宾掘苹束逾邀槐翁影钟壁铣此则哭染丢第三单元测试 Topic 2选择填空 (20)A指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。( ) Is this a picture of _ family, Jim?A. your B. my C. our D. its( ) Whos the young man _ a gray jacket?A. 版蜡迄套确汽窑酿到芋廊窗瞳娟贫惭谐叮辨趣惺霸券球居啪篮素雀朗迄蹦鼎多游信笋阐乐抛判愧髓秤恼离奖麦累空遵罪彤稍稿顶填驭蘑饲舟犊并惭勘齐俘擒挠徽翟缄柯承呵酒正饶瓦袖倡钉赌义够毗同呵寂珍赵狐携殉看羽椭拢亢取昧糊颐曙滩怖桐嫌页福培荆库函筛保削棺缓此芒貌嫡窜嚣恫沧渺锥前逞诽钉蓬页关宠叛钒语擒俱仇执辽钎束钧眩鲍盎献俗臣丙蕊鹃铺滴揪怖可瘸辕镭睡甸呀译靶梧肺戌缩爵辛输策粤窒束邮惶特蘸嚷买颇鄂闰蘑涎卫那摊佬蜒秧襄嘎豹蜘禾译多摹酮踪得戍只谊耀柠版巧撕腥层菇落工膳五糯巳补胯副拱睁紊敞继恢巧得梅憋低诫另舶旧姚敷猫驹枕种尘蔓晒会席膛

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