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1、英语句型练习(一)并列句两个或两个以上的简单句用等立连词或用分号、冒号、逗号等连在一起构成的句子叫并列句。常用的等立连词有and, or, but, so, for, neither, nor, while, whereas等。用括号中的连接词连接下面各组句子。1) It was a cold snowy day.He had no money left for food.(and)2) Hurry up.Youll be late.(or)3) It rained heavily last night.I went to the show anyway.(but)4) I enjoy cla

2、ssical music.She enjoys classical music, too.(so)5) He must be ill.He is absent today.(for) 6) Some people waste food.Others havent enough. (while)7) She is fat. Her husband is thin. (whereas)8) She cannot read. She cannot write, either. (neither)(一) 复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做复合句,也叫主从复合句。从句由关联词引导

3、,关联词将从句与主句联系在一起。根据其在复合句中的作用,从句可以分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句和同位语从句。 名词从句主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句在句子中的作用相当于名词通常在句中所起的作用,因此统称为名词从句。引导名词从句的关联词,主要有三类:1 主从连词:that(无词义),whether(是否),if(是否)2 连接代词:who(谁),whom(谁),whose(谁的),what(什么),which(哪一个,哪一些)3 连接副词:when(什么时候),where(什么地方),why(为什么),how(怎样)主从连词只起连接作用;连接代词和连接副词除了起连

4、接作用外,还充当句中某一个成分。1. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为主语从句。1) They need more help in English.That is quite obvious.2) She is still alive.That is good news.3) She will come here.It doesnt seem likely.4) The children came to the zoo.They like the pandas best.5) We are badly in need of something.It is raw material.2

5、. 将下面每组中的词连成句子,使其中包含主语从句。1) did not, a pity, he, come earlier, its, that2) smoking, it is, cause, a well-known fact, lung cancer, can, that3) encouraged him, it is, but, help him, true, actually, I, that, didnt4) they, keep their promise, didnt, seem, it, likely, that, would ever5) why, for criticis

6、m, hard to understand, had singled out, Mary, it was, Prof. Hardy3. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为宾语从句。1) What kind of show are they putting on?Can you tell me?2) Is the letter overweight?Im wondering.3) How can we improve our study habits?I am thinking of that.4) Is Henry the right person for the job?We are

7、 still uncertain as to that.5) Peter has a slight headache sometimes.He has always been in good health except that.6) He had forgotten to take his notebook with him.He suddenly remembered that.4. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为宾语从句,并且用it作形式宾语。1) I was far more intelligent than he was. I always took that for g

8、ranted.2) You were unable to attend our meeting.We all thought that was a pity.3) You should mind your manners.We consider that is important.4) He was too ill to go on working.He didnt want that to be known.5) Every one of you should finish your homework on time.I regard that as important.6) His fat

9、her would come to his help if he got into trouble.He took that for granted.7) He might change his mind at the last minute.We thought that was highly probable.8) The train will be delayed by the dense fog.I think that is likely.9) You should stop smoking.The doctor thinks that is advisable.5. 用 “what

10、” 从句将下列句子补充完整。1) Could you show me _ (you, write)?2) This is _(we, should always, keep in mind).3) (they, see) _ in China made a deep impression on them.4) We must not put off till tomorrow _ (we, can, do , today).6. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为同位语从句。1) He is growing old. Nothing could hide the fact.2) He

11、works hard.The fact does not necessarily mean that he is a competent leader.3) I have a complacent feeling. I feel that Im highly intelligent.4) He explained that he didnt see the notice.The explanation is unsatisfactory.5) He holds that there is no advantage in introducing the new method.Most of us

12、 dont agree with his view.6) He won the first gold medal at the 23rd Olympic Games.The news soon spread throughout the country.7) He has suggested that intelligence is a relative matter.His suggestion is not universally accepted.8) I moved that the vote be postponed.He seconded my motion.9) He feare

13、d that he might not be able to finish the work. The fear disturbed him greatly.10) We expressed a hope. That hope was that Mr. and Mrs. Morrison would come and visit China again.11) Ive come from Mr. Lin with a message. It says that he wont be able to see you this afternoon.12) Suzy is the right per

14、son for the job.There can be no doubt about it. 定语从句在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句是定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词的后面。定语从句一般由关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose和关系副词when, where, why引出。关系代词和关系副词有两个作用:1、把主句和从句连接起来;2、在从句中作一个成分。which, that, who在从句中作主语或宾语;whom作宾语;whose作定语。when, where, why在从句中作状语。关系代词that, which, who, whom

15、如果在从句中作宾语,也可以省略。另外,如果which或whom在定语从句中原为介词的宾语,则这个介词可以提到从句前,构成介词+which或whom引出的定语从句。定语从句根据与先行词的密切程度可分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句与先行词关系密切,从句是整个句子不可缺少的部分,去掉之后句子的意思就不完整,不明确,从句与主句之间不用逗号隔开。非限制性定语从句与先行词的关系比较松散,从句只是对先行词的附加说明,去掉之后句子的意思仍然很清楚,从句与主句之间常用逗号隔开。将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为定语从句。1) I went to visit the American

16、author.He wrote a number of books about China.2) My aunt prepared the soup.I ate the soup.3) I have an arrangement with my bank.By the arrangement they let me use their money and repay them next month.4) He sent her a letter. In the letter he said that he was sorry for what he had done to her. 5) Mr

17、. Brown just came from Britain yesterday.He will teach us accounting this term.6) She is going to spend the winter holidays in Hainan.She has some relatives there. 7) The United States is known for its supermarkets.In these supermarkets, huge quantities of all kinds of food and household articles ar

18、e sold. 8) The story happened in late 19th century. At that time, China is suffering from the invasion of western powers. 状语从句状语从句按其意义可以分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、让步等类别。其引导词分别如下:时间状语从句:when, after, before, as, while, whenever, since, once, until, as soon as地点状语从句:where, wherever原因状语从句:because, as, since

19、, now that目的状语从句:so that, in order that, lest结果状语从句:so that, sothat, suchthat条件状语从句:if, unless, suppose (supposing), provided (that), providing (that), on condition (that), in case, as (so) long as方式状语从句:as, as if (though)让步状语从句:though, although, even if (though), however, whatever, no matter how (w

20、hat, where, when), whetheror将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为状语从句。(as long as, on condition that, lest, sothat, suchthat, in case, as if, now that, whetheror, however, )1) Youve bought a new car.What are you going to do with the old one?2) Wed better take the telescope with us.Perhaps it is needed.3) We must hu

21、rry off.Otherwise, we might miss the bus. 4) The problem was very complicated.It took us nearly two weeks to solve it. 5) The aircraft was flying at a very high altitude.We could hardly see it. 6) Ill lend you my computer.The condition is that you keep it in good shape. 7) You can go out.But you sho

22、uld promise to be back before 11 at night. 8) I remember the whole thing. It seems that it happened yesterday. 9) He tried very hard. But he could not do the job satisfactorily. 10) It may take an hour or even a whole day.But I shall find out the answer. (二) 复杂的简单句 并列句和复合句往往可以浓缩成复杂的简单句,使语言更为紧凑、多样。1.

23、 表示时间、让步或条件的状语从句往往可以改写为介词词组作状语。1) They looked both ways before they crossed the street.2) I made my decision after I talked to Sir Francis.3) Although he was ill, he was determined to carry out his plan. 4) Although theyre intelligent, they arent doing well in school. 5) Although hes rich, he isnt v

24、ery happy. 6) Although hes tall, he isnt a very good basketball player. 7) If we had your support, we might succeed in performing our task.8) Even if there were air and water, plants still couldnt grow on the moon.9) If you dont work hard, you will accomplish nothing.10) If it had not been for their

25、 assistance, he would have found himself in trouble.2. 起伴随或补充说明作用的从句、简单句或并列谓语往往可以改写为“with +名词+分词/形容词/介词词组”的结构作状语。1) They wear layers of clothes even in summer time. Newspapers are stuffed between the layers as further protection against bad weather.2) If more people help them, they probably will be

26、able to accomplish the task ahead of time.3) As all his savings were gone, he started to look for a job.4) In the corner there is a table. One of its legs is shorter than the others.5) When the job was finished, we went to the seaside for a holiday.6) As the pace of change is quickening, more and mo

27、re scientists find it hard to keep up with the latest developments even in their own disciplines.7) She looked in my face and tears streamed down her cheeks.3. 还有另外一些从句或简单句也可以改写为介词词组作状语。1) She wont go home until she has taken the exam.2) Because he had a bad leg, he couldnt walk as fast as the other

28、s. 3) We are full aware that the situation is serious.4) She hurried back to school for fear that she miss too many lessons.5) We should not criticize Susan for what she has done. Instead, we ought to praise her for it.6) Helen did not go straight home after school. She went to work as a waitress in

29、 a restaurant.7) I am not going to send the book to Allan by post. I am going to take it to him myself.8) Dr. Wilson did not go to New York yesterday to attend his daughters wedding. He flew to Florida for an emergency case.4. 系表结构的定语从句往往可以改写为直接用形容词、介词词组或分词结构作定语。1) I love girls who are intelligent 2

30、) At the party, I got to know a professor who is in his thirties. 3) I hate to see letters that are written in pencil.4) The substance, which was discovered almost by accident, has revolutionized medicine.5) Among those who are taking part in the work, he is probably the most active.5. 两个句子的主语一致时,其中

31、一个往往可以改写成分词结构作状语。1) Every one of us had been convinced that the project was feasible by the time we left the meeting.2) As Peter got home from the three-month-long journey to the Antarctic he looked tired out.3) They went hunting for hours, but when they returned they were empty-handed.4) When he en

32、tered the office he was still annoyed by the way she spoke to him.5) Teenagers are pressured by school work. They are also encouraged by their peers.Under such circumstances, they resort to smoking.6) College students now are primarily interested in grades and economic success. Theycheat on exams mo

33、re frequently.6. 两个句子的主语相关但不一致时,其中一个句子往往可以改写成分词的独立结构作状语。1) He sat in front of them. And his dusty face masked his age.2) She heard a continual strange noise coming from the next room. Her heart beat fast.3) The old beggar sat at the corner. Tears welled up in his eyes.4) Jim continued on his way. Th

34、e dog was jumping about in front of him.5) The girl in the snapshot wore a broad smile. Her long hair flowed in the breeze.7. 解释性的语句往往可以改写成同位语。1) This is Mr. Black. He is director of our hospital.2) “Leave it to me,” said Peter. Peter was the man on duty.3) Qinghai Lake is the largest inland body of

35、 salt water in China. It lies 3195 meters above sea level.4) The whole plan was completed within three months. That is half the usual time.5) He read all kinds of books. They were ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.6) He was formerly a worker himself. He is now an engineer.7) She is a mother of

36、 three children. She has now entered a college again for further education.(三) 倒装句英语的句子在以下几种情况下可以倒装。1否定词位于句首时1) I have never been to Europe.2) He had hardly eaten anything before the dinner was over.3) She had scarcely fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her. 4) Anne had arrived no soone

37、r than she fell ill.5) She cares little about what others say about her. 2so, nor, neither等词位于句首,表明前句说明的情况也适用于本句时1) Richard can speak Japanese. His sister can speak Japanese, too.2) Copper is a good conductor. Many other metals are good conductors, too.3) Paul could not dance, and he could not sing

38、either.4) The husband was not hospitable to the visitor. And the wife did not say a word of welcome either.3含有so.that结构的句子将so引导的部分位于句首时1) He was so excited that he could not go to sleep.2) He spoke so forcefully at the meeting that everyone present was convinced.3) He worked so hard that he obtained

39、 his Ph. D. degree one year ahead of schedule.4only引出的状语位于句首时1) His father called his name only once.2) The doctor realized only then that his patient needed surgery.3) We can conclude the business only when you adjust down your price.5主语部分过长或上下文需要衔接时1) The young father who wished to purchase a life

40、 insurance policy and agreed to pay a sum of $200 per year for 40 years was sitting in front of the counter.2) The question of how to face the possibilities of illness, injury, death and financial loss is more important.3) The writing of a dictionary involves a number of tasks. The reading of litera

41、ture, the copying of words on cards, the sorting of the cards and the writing of definitions are among them.(四) 被动句英语中被动句的使用远远多于汉语。以下几种情况英语都用被动语态:(1)不知道动作的执行者;(2)没有必要指出或不想指出动作的执行者;(3)虽然需要同时指出动作的执行者但更强调动作的承受者。将下列句子改为被动形式。1) They saw Joes father return after dark.2) They do not allow you to smoke in t

42、he laboratory. 3) We should take effective measures to stop various forms of pollution.4) When she was in Shanghai we heard the actress say she had long thought of the city as her second home.5) People saw the young man enter the building next to the bank.6) After the minister of education had finis

43、hed speaking at the press conference, people made him answer all sorts of questions.7) I dont think anyone can make Tom do what he dislikes.8) I heard the wind roar through the trees.9) What should one do in a case like this?(五) 强调句改写下列句子,强调划线部分。1) Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.2)

44、The author praises all that is progressive with genuine(真实的) feeling.3) We could not cross the river because the water had risen.4) Jim, a heartless fellow, was heard shouting at his mother in the dead of night(在深夜).5) Mrs. Williams didnt know anything about it until I told her.She was inspired with

45、 a new courage.She showed great courage.3) 用于表示价格、速度、比率等名词前,如five pence a kilo, sixty kilometers an hour, four times a day等。4) 用于下列这样的固定短语中。如a couple, a dozen, half a dozen, a hundred, a lot of, a great many, a great deal of, a large amountquantity of, a good number of 等。Ive done a great deal of wor

46、k today. (不可数)What a large number of books you have! (可数)Its a good five miles(=at least five miles, perhaps mote) to the station. 5) 以元音开头的单词前不定冠词用an, 如:an apple, an egg, an item, an old man, an umbrella, an hour; 以辅音开头的单词前不定冠词用a university student, a humorous man。EXERCISE lA. Put a or an before ea

47、ch of the following:1. motel (汽车游客旅馆)2. unusual approach3. honest boy4. awkward situation5. exit (出口)6. urgent message7. unique opportunity8. extremely exciting filmBTranslate the following into English:1一座新办公楼2一位旅行社代理人 3一位美国科学家4一天的郊游5一张印度邮票6一次心脏病发作 7一个先进国家8一个有意思的剧本EXERCISE 2Fill in the blanks with

48、a or an where necessary:1. Telephone is very important means of communication.2. Mothers often tell small children stories before bedtime.3. Ill pay you thousand year. Its not enormous salary but after all you are completely unskilled worker.4. You11 get shock if you touch live wire with that screwd

49、river(螺丝起子). Why dont you get screwdriver with insulated(绝缘的)handle?5. Im not wage-earner; Im self-employed man. I have business of my own.Then youre not worker; Youre capitalist!6. I have hour and half for lunch.I only have half hour barely time for smoke and cup of coffee.7. It travels at just und

50、er thousand miles hour.8. I have never known such hot weather.EXERCISE 3Insert a or an where necessary:A1. I had very bad night; I didnt sleep wink (眨眼;打盹). 2. This man has honesty that we all appreciated.3. Mr. Brown had vision of new and happier Europe.4. Its time you had holiday. You havent had d

51、ay off for month. 5. There is hourly service of buses in this route. 6. It is great honour to be invited to such gathering. 7. 1 wouldnt climb mountain for $ 1, 000! I have horror of heights. 8. Children usually learn the difference between right and wrong at early age. 9. I cant tell you definitely

52、 yet. Ill have word with my wife about it and tell you our decision tomorrow. 10. If boy is not making satisfactory progress at school, his parents should seek advice from his teacher.B1. This is big problem, but not too big problem for us to solve. 2. He had square nose, grey hair and brown skin. S

53、he had never seen so handsome man. 3. However great disaster he suffered, John never gave up. 4. Many shipwrecked sailor has been rescued by our brave coastguards(海岸警卫队). 5. Such urgent need requires prompt action. 6. So urgent need requires prompt action. 7. This is as lovely picture as I have ever

54、 seen. 8. I dont think you realize what serious crisis this is. 9. You can hardly hope to succeed where many greater man has failed. 10. How serious crime had been committed was not realized until much later.句型写作练习(一)并列句两个或两个以上的简单句用等立连词或用分号、冒号、逗号等连在一起构成的句子叫并列句。常用的等立连词有and, or, but, so, for, neither,

55、 nor, while, whereas等。用括号中的连接词连接下面各组句子。1)It was a cold snowy day.He had no money left for food.(and)2) Hurry up.Youll be late.(or)3) It rained heavily last night.I went to the show anyway.(but)4) I enjoy classical music.She enjoys classical music, too.(so)5) He must be ill.He is absent today.(for) 6

56、) Some people waste food.Others havent enough. (while)7) She is fat. Her husband is thin. (whereas)8) She cannot read. She cannot write, either. (neither)(二)复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做复合句,也叫主从复合句。从句由关联词引导,关联词将从句与主句联系在一起。根据其在复合句中的作用,从句可以分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句和同位语从句。 名词从句主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句在句子中

57、的作用相当于名词通常在句中所起的作用,因此统称为名词从句。引导名词从句的关联词,主要有三类:4 主从连词:that(无词义),whether(是否),if(是否)5 连接代词:who(谁),whom(谁),whose(谁的),what(什么),which(哪一个,哪一些)6 连接副词:when(什么时候),where(什么地方),why(为什么),how(怎样)主从连词只起连接作用;连接代词和连接副词除了起连接作用外,还充当句中某一个成分。4. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为主语从句。6) They need more help in English.That is quite o

58、bvious.7) She is still alive.That is good news.8) She will come here.It doesnt seem likely.9) The children came to the zoo.They like the pandas best.10) We are badly in need of something.It is raw material.5. 将下面每组中的词连成句子,使其中包含主语从句。6) did not, a pity, he, come earlier, its, that7) smoking, it is, ca

59、use, a well-known fact, lung cancer, can, that8) encouraged him, it is, but, help him, true, actually, I, that, didnt9) they, keep their promise, didnt, seem, it, likely, that, would ever10) why, for criticism, hard to understand, had singled out, Mary, it was, Prof. Hardy6. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为宾语从

60、句。7) What kind of show are they putting on?Can you tell me?8) Is the letter overweight?Im wondering.9) How can we improve our study habits?I am thinking of that.10) Is Henry the right person for the job?We are still uncertain as to that.11) Peter has a slight headache sometimes.He has always been in

61、 good health except that.12) He had forgotten to take his notebook with him.He suddenly remembered that.4. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为宾语从句,并且用it作形式宾语。10) I was far more intelligent than he was. I always took that for granted.11) You were unable to attend our meeting.We all thought that was a pity.12) You should mind your manners.We consider that is important.13) He was too ill to go on working.He didnt want that to be known.14) Every one of you should finish your homework on t

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