新冠病毒英语主题阅读系列1——Technology applied in COVID-19

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《新冠病毒英语主题阅读系列1——Technology applied in COVID-19》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新冠病毒英语主题阅读系列1——Technology applied in COVID-19(13页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、word高三主题阅读:新冠病毒1Technology Applied In COVID-19难度系数:【Theme Preparation】There are different names for “新冠病毒 in English. The viruses have the appearance of crowns. The crown in Latin is called “_(1)_, and thats how these viruses get their name “coronavirus or “_(2)_ coronavirus.WHO officially names it

2、“_(3)_, which stands for Corona Virus Disease 2019. People who are infected with COVID-19 suffer from NCP, which means Novel Coronavirus _(4)_. mon _(5)_Ways to avoid human-to-human _(7)_Drastic measures need to take to _(8)_ the spread of the epidemic, including_(9)_隔离,_(10)_筛查,_(11)_穿戴个人防护设备,_(12)

3、_填写健康状况登记表,_(13)_停运省际客运, _14_封城, etc.Keys: 1. corona 2. novel 3. COVID-19 4. Pneumonia 5. Symptoms6. Shortness of breath 7. transmission 8. curb/contain9. quarantine10. screening11. wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment, such as surgical masks, disposable gloves,goggles, etc.)12. filling in hea

4、lth declaration form13. suspending inter-province coach service14. locking down a city【Theme Growth】PASSAGE ONE_ plays major role in fight against COVID-19 From interactive maps detailing new infection cases to big data analysis platforms used to find close contacts of the COVID-19 patients, big dat

5、a has played an important role during the prevention and control of the epidemic. It not only allows the public to grasp the changing situation in a timely manner and take action accordingly, but also helps the authorities to make informed decisions and optimize1 the allocation of resources. A big d

6、ata analysis platform used to find close contacts of the COVID-19 patients or suspected cases has received more than 150 millionhits since it was launched on February 8. By inputting names and ID card numbers after scanning QR codes, individual users can check whether they took the same flights, tra

7、ins or buses as those with confirmed or suspected cases. This is just one example how big data is helping the public to prevent the COVID-19 in a more scientific, efficient way. Some internet and tech panies are also using AI and big data analysis to extract valuable information that can help preven

8、t and control the epidemic. The development of the epidemic is closely related to the movement of people. Therefore, a grasp of the latter is important for the analysis and prediction of the former. Data from Gaode maps, which tracks the movement of mobile handsets2, showed that from January 1 to Ja

9、nuary 23, the top five destinations for people leaving Wuhan were all cities inside Hubei Province: Xiaogan, Huanggang, Ezhou, Xianning and Jingzhou. Outside Hubei, the cities that received most passengers from Wuhan include three in Henan Province, and two in Hunan Province, both central China. Big

10、 data also showed that the number of people leaving Wuhan peaked on January 23. Whats more, using Gaode maps, which has covered 10,145 fever outpatients in 297 cities across the country, as well as 2,071 designated3 hospitals nationwide for the treatment of the epidemic, one can find the closest out

11、patient or hospital and get timely treatment. Chinas three major tele carriers4 have also done a lot of data analysis. An engineer from China Mobile said that the pany can predict the flow of peoplein the wake of5 the Spring Festival holiday through analysis of previous years data, which can help st

12、rengthen targeted prevention measures. With big data analysis, we can predict the future development of the epidemic based on the current statistics, thus taking the initiative6 to send relative supplies in advance; we can also evaluate the follow-up effects of the policies such as city lockdowns an

13、d vehicle bans, said Jin Yaohui, chief engineer of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute under Shanghai Jiao Tong University. (437 words)1. optimize: v. to use sth in the best possible way 使最优化;充分利用2. handset: n. the part of a telephone that you hold close to your mouth and ear to speak int

14、o and listen 听筒3. designate: v. to say officially that sth has a particular character or name; to describe sth in a particular way 命名;指定4. tele carriers:电信运营商5. in the wake of: 随之后而来;跟随在后6. take the initiative: 带头, 倡导, 发起1. Can you plete the title according to the article?_ plays major role in fight

15、 against COVID-192. Which of the following writing skill is NOT employed in this article?A. Citing examples.B. Quoting experts wordsC. Listing numbers.D. Making parisons 3. What are the benefits of using big data to fight against COVID-19?4. “The development of the epidemic is closely related to the

16、 movement of people. Therefore, a grasp of the latter is important for the analysis and prediction of the former. (p7)“the latter refers to_.“the former refers to _.5. What does “outpatients (p10) mean according to the article?“outpatients: _6. Look at the following pairs of sentences. Each uses the

17、 same word but in a different sense. Identify the word in the article and write it down in the gaps provided.1Todd had planned the journey down to the smallest _. The report _ the progress we have made over the last year.2Our ship took a direct _ and sank. The website had 2,000 _ in the first week.3

18、Let me just _ whether the potatoes are cooked. The police are failing to take adequate measures to _ the growth in crime.4Soon smoking will be banned on all domestic _. She fell down a whole _ of stairs and hurt her back.Keys:1. Big data / Technology【解析】此文主要在讲现代技术,尤其是大数据在抗击疫情中发挥的优势作用。文中反复出现的关键词“big

19、data是解题关键。高考中考查标题类的题目,很多是通过划出关键词法解决的。2. D【解析】此文属于说明文,说明文一般采用举例子、列数字、打比方、作比拟、下定义、分类别、作解释、列图表、摹状貌、引言论等。此文中列举了a big data analysis platform和高德地图等说明大数据的有效利用,同时在第10段中列数字表示高德地图清晰显示最近治疗医院,文章最后引用了交通大学Jin Yaohui工程师的话评价大数据在抗击新冠中的作用。因此ABC选项都在此文中应用到了。3. Using big data not only allows the public to grasp the chan

20、ging situation in a timely manner and take action accordingly, but also helps the authorities to make informed decisions and optimize the allocation of resources.【解析】此题为简答题,注意寻找文章中的topic sentence,第二段在这里就可以看作为是一个概括性的总起句。后文to provide interactive maps (p1)、to offer big data analysis platforms (p1)、to f

21、ind close contact (p1)、to track, analyse and predict the flow of people (p8, p9, p11)、to help find the closest hospital (p10)、to send relative supplies in advance (p12)、to evaluate the adopted policies (p12) 等均是对此句话的详细说明。4. the movement of people; the development of the epidemic【解析】此处考查代词的意义,这是高考阅读理

22、解中考查词汇意义较难的题型。做此题时,一定要将代词放在语境中去理解,此句的意思是“掌握人口的流动情况对于新冠疫情的分析和预测是非常重要的。5. a clinic for outpatients【解析】此题考查词汇在语境中的意思。原来同学们学的outpatient是字典上的意思:a person who goes to a hospital for treatment but does not stay there 门诊病人,但在此处,我们通过下文“one can find the closest outpatient or hospital and get timely treatment发现

23、此处的outpatient的意思已转化为接收门诊病人的门诊了。所以语境中的词义才是高考考点。6. 1detail; details 2hit; hits 3check; check 4flights; flight【解析】此题考查在语境中灵活运用文章中的词汇,同时注意该词的“熟词新意用法。1Todd had planned the journey down to the smallest detail. 名词,“细节The report details the progress we have made over the last year. 动词,“详述 2Our ship took a d

24、irect hit and sank. 名词,“撞击 The website had 2,000 hits in the first week. 名词,“点击量3Let me just check whether the potatoes are cooked. 动词,“检查 The police are failing to take adequate measures to check the growth in crime. 动词,“阻碍,抑制4Soon smoking will be banned on all domestic flights. 名词,“航班 She fell dow

25、n a whole flight of stairs and hurt her back. 名词,“一段楼梯PASSAGE TWOChina wisely uses technology in its fight against COVID-19 According to a report by Reuters, the Chinese government has requested Alibaba and Tencent, the countrys biggest tech firms, to develop a nationwide color-based tracking system

26、 to monitor people showing coronavirus symptoms and collect their information in an easily accessible database. A pilot1 tracking system was released last week in Hangzhou, where Alibaba has its headquarters, requiring residents to fill in an online form including ID card number and travel history,

27、and respond to questions related to health conditions, such as symptoms of fever or heavy cough, before getting a color-based code (red, yellow or green). People with a red code need to undergo a 14-day quarantine and provide regular status on their health through a workplace chat app developed by A

28、libaba. People marked with a yellow code are quarantined for one week, while people marked with a green code are free to move around the city. Tencent has also developed a similar QR code tracking platform that the tech giant has been testing in the city of Shenzhen, where the panys headquarters are

29、 located, with the clear intention to extend it very soon to the whole Guangdong Province. The Chinese government has also used other types of technology, such as aerialdrones2, to fight the spread of coronavirus, either through the use of disinfectant3 drones or by sending around drones that fly wi

30、th loudspeaker telling citizens to wear masks and how to use smartphones to scan QR codes and submit health information directly to the governments online website. Moreover, in cities and provinces most affected by the virus, China has been using land-based robots in order to prevent officers from b

31、eing present on the streets, avoiding the risk of human-to-human transmission of the virus. All these new tracking systems that the Chinese government calls close contact detectors represent a wise and futuristic way of collecting and using the countrys large amount of information by employing the e

32、xpertise4in this field of both Alibaba and Tencent. The invasiveness5 of the app ecosystem in peoples daily lives has been discussed extensively, especially in the western countries, and this case could even raise questions about the surveillance practices in China. But Chinese citizens and expats6l

33、iving in China would definitely see this method of collecting information in a more positive way, considering that it isnecessaryto fight the epidemic through careful and monitored prevention measures. In a plex and globalized world where people travel internationally,it is of paramount importance t

34、hat governments rely on integrated7 systemsfor the sake oftheir citizenshealth, preventing the spread of the epidemicat an early stage before the problem goes global. (437 words)1. pilot: adj. done on a small scale in order to see if sth is successful enough to do on a large scale 试验性的;试点的2. aeriald

35、rone: 空中无人机3. disinfectant: a substance that kills germs 消毒剂4. expertise: n. expert knowledge or skill in a particular subject, activity or job 专门知识;专门技能;专长5. invasiveness: n. noun form for “invasive, which means spreading very quickly and difficult to stop 侵入性6. expat:n. a person living in a countr

36、y that is not their own 居住在国外的人;侨民7. integrated:adj. in which many different parts are closely connected and work successfully together 各局部密切协调的;综合的;完整统一的1. Which information is NOT required when you apply for a color code? A. Home address.B. Personal ID number. C. Recent travel history.D. Current h

37、ealth condition.2. Among the modern technologies used in the fight against COVID-19, which one is not mentioned in the article? A. Color-based tracking system.B. Aerial drones. C. Land-based robots.D. Facial recognition.3. What is the authors attitude towards the application of technologies in COVID

38、-19? A. Cautious.B. Sceptical. C. Supportive.D. Reserved.4. Language appreciation“In a plex and globalized world where people travel internationally,it is of paramount importance that governments rely on integrated systemsfor the sake oftheir citizenshealth, .(p9)Can you imitate the sentence pattern

39、 and plete the following sentence?During this epidemic crisis, it is of paramount importance to _ for the sake of _.Keys:1. A【解析】此题为细节理解题。根据文章第2段所给的网上填表要求:号、旅行记录、当前身体状况等信息,可以得出A选项家庭住址不是必需要填的项目。2. D【解析】第1-4段中主要讲述了色码跟踪系统,第5段中介绍了无人机在抗疫中的应用,第6段介绍了地勤机器人的应用。而人脸识别技术在此文中没有提与,所以选D。3. C【解析】通过文章第7段中“represent

40、a wise and futuristic way of collecting and using the countrys large amount of information by.以与最后一段“it is of paramount importance that governments rely on integrated systems for the sake of their citizens health.可以看出,作者是支持这些技术在此次抗击新冠病毒战斗中的使用的。A选项和B选项是干扰项,根据第8段可知这些是西方国家的观点。4. 参考例:During this epidemi

41、c crisis, it is of paramount importance to do exercises regularly and get adequate sleep for the sake of immunity boost.【解析】利用好it is of paramount importance to . for the sake of.这一句型,可以给作文增加不少亮色。【Theme Production】Theme-based WritingPlease write a mini exposition about 150 words to introduce an advan

42、ced technology you know that has been used to fight COVID-19.注意说明文的结构和常用写作技巧。【解析】One possible version:The application of 5G in the medical field has bee a reality in this epidemic crisis. Doctors at West China Hospital of Sichuan University has started using 5G technology to diagnose COVID-19 patien

43、ts in Sichuan Province. The process for each patient takes just about five minutes. Through remote 5G transmissions, doctors are able to control the CT scanners in remote hospitals, from a far distance, on a real-time basis. This edge-cutting technology enables doctors to optimize the image quality

44、and doses of radiation released on the patient.“Through a 5G-aided remote diagnosis, we can reduce the number of high-level senior medical experts in conducting the CT scan, thereby reducing their potential risk of infection, Doctor Li Zhenlin said excitedly. There are plans to expand the hospitals services to the epicenter of the outbreak beyond just consultation, to diagnosis but it depends on the 5G coverage network in Wuhan, among other factors.13 / 13

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