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1、Module 3Unit 8 Adventurel.risk vt.冒的危险,冒险干 n.冒险,风险;危险的人 /事物 【精讲拓展】risk sth.冒的危险risk doing sth.冒险做某事at the risk of doing sth.冒着的风险take a risk(to do sth.)冒险做某事take the risk of/in sth./doing sth.甘冒(做)某事的风险 【典型例句】He risked his life to save the drowning boy.他冒着生命危险去救那个溺水的男孩。朗文当代He who risks nothing gains

2、 nothing.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。朗文当代Whoever you are , don t take the risk of doing a job like that.无论你是谁,都不要冒险做那样一份工作。朗文当代He risked losing his house when his company went bankrupt.他的公司破产时,他差点连自己家的房子都保不住了。剑桥高阶即学即用 He thinks we shouldn t go ahead with this plan because of the of failure.A.futureB.pressureC.worryD.

3、risk2.differ vi.不同,有区别【精讲拓展】differ from.in.在方面与不同differ (with sb.) about/on /over sth.(和某人)就某事意见不同be different from sb./sth.in sth.在某方面不同于某人或某物make a difference 有影响,起主要作用make no difference不起作用,没影响,不重要 【典型例句】Economists differ on the cause of inflation.经济学家们对通货膨胀的原因看法不一。剑桥高阶His opinion differs entirel

4、y from mine.他的意见与我的意见完全不同。朗文当代It makes a great difference to me.这对我很重要。朗文当代 Is there any significant difference in quality between these two items?这两件东西在质量方面有显著的差别吗?剑桥高阶即学即用 They are different nature.A.inB.onC.ofD.with3 .tire vt.疲倦,(使)厌烦,(使)厌倦 【精讲拓展】tire sb.out使某人筋疲力尽tiring adj.引起疲劳的,累人的 tired adj.疲

5、劳的,厌烦的 be tired of 厌烦be tired from/with 因而疲倦be tired out 累坏了【典型例句】I am tired of living in the same area.我厌倦了生活在同一地区。朗文当代I am tired from overwork.过度工作使我很疲倦。朗文当代Let the kids run around in the garden and that ll soon tire them out.让孩子们在院子里跑跑吧,他们很快就会筋疲力尽的。剑桥高阶即学即用翻译句子他助人不倦。4 .anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的;渴望的,急切的

6、 【精讲拓展】be anxious about sb./sth.为而担心be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事be anxious for sb. to do sth.急于让某人做某事with anxiety = anxiously 焦虑地【典型例句】I am anxious for/about his safety.我很担心他的安全。朗文当代I m anxious to get home to open my presents.我恨不得马上到家去打开礼物。剑桥高阶They were anxious that they (should) have everything they

7、want.他们渴望得到所有他们想要的东西。朗文当代We waited with great anxiety for more news about the accident.我们忧心忡忡地等待着有关这一事故的更多消息。朗文当代即学即用 I am anxious the result of exam.A.aboutB.toC.withD.over5 .patience n.耐心,耐性,容忍 【精讲拓展】be/get out of patience with 对失去耐心lose one s patience with 失去的耐心have no patience with 不能容忍,对没有耐心be

8、patient with 对有耐心be patient of能忍受,容许【典型例句】朗文当代I ll look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have little patience.请耐心点,我会尽快调查此事。He s a good teacher; but he doesn t have much patience with the slower pupils.他是个好老师,但对较迟钝的学生没多大耐心。剑桥高阶Be patient with her-she s very young.对她耐心点她年纪太小了。剑桥高阶即学即用翻译句子她是一位

9、富有耐心和想象力的活泼的年轻妇女。6 .break vt.& vi.撕破;摔开;损坏【精讲拓展】break out(战争、火灾、瘟疫等)突然爆发break away from逃脱;脱离(政党等);打破(陈套等)break down出故障;(计划等)失败;(身体,精神等)垮掉;(关系或讨论)破裂;(化合物等)分解break in闯入;打断,插嘴break into破门而入;突然起来break through 突破;冲破break off折断;(突然)中止,结束break up打碎;拆散,放假;(集合)结束【典型例句】He likes to break in when others are tal

10、king.别人讲话时他喜欢插嘴。朗文当代The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations with eachother.这两个国家突然中断了外交关系。朗文当代Fire broke out during the night.夜间突然起火了。美国传统即学即用完成句子The police(马区散)the crowd.It was wrong of him( 断绝往来)all his old friends.7 .run vi.& vt.跑;开动(机器等);经营;伸展,扩散,流动【精讲拓展】run out结束,东西用完了 (主语为物,无被动态

11、);流出run out of(人)用完了;从中流出/跑出run across无意中碰至L 遇见run after追逐;追求run into碰撞;偶然遇到run over浏览;(车辆)碾压run through 浏览【典型例句】They soon ran out of their food. = They soon used up their food.他们很快用完了食物。朗文当代Let me know if you run across my keys.如果你碰巧看到了我的钥匙,告诉我一声。美国传统His car ran into the fence.他的汽车撞上了围栏。朗文当代She s b

12、een running after him for years.美国传统她追求他多年了。即学即用 Keep the machine, and you will know how it works.A.runB.running C.to runD.runs8.carry vt.搬,抬,提,拿,背【精讲拓展】carry on从事,经营;继续做某事carry out实施;贯彻;执行carry through 进行至U底,完成 carry about/around 随身携带【典型例句】We should carry out the plan to the full.我们应该不折不扣地执行计划。朗文当代

13、Despite powerful opposition , they managed to carry theirreforms through.尽管遇到了强大的阻力,但是他们还是设法进行了改革。朗文当代The debate was carried off without any difficulty.辩论轻松地结束了。美国传统He carried through the work.他完成了那件工作。朗文当代即学即用 I carried my promise.A.offB.awayC.outD.at We carried the discussion.A.onB.offC.aboutD.at9

14、 .various adj.不同的,种种的,各种各样的【精讲拓展】variety n.种类,种种a variety of/varieties of 多种多样的vary vi.变化,不同,变更,改变vary with随而变化vary from.to.从至U转变【典型例句】The weather varied from very cold to quite mild.天气变化很大,会从冷变得相当暖和。朗文当代The shirt is available in a wide variety of colours.这种衬衫有各种各样的颜色可供选择。朗文当代Her mood varies with th

15、e weather.她的情绪随天气的变化而变化。朗文当代I varied the speed of the drill to get it to work better.我调整了钻头的速度以使其更好用。美国传统即学即用翻译句子?他多方面的成就给人以深刻的印象。10 .back n.背部,反面;vt.使后退/倒退;支持;vi.后退,倒退【精讲拓展】back out决定不履行(允诺的事);食言;打退堂鼓back sb. on sth.支持某人某事back up后退,倒车;支持;证实back away退缩;退去口【典型例句】He had a lot of evidence to back up hi

16、s arguments.他有许多证据证明自己的观点。朗文当代I promised to help and I m not backing out now.我答应过要帮忙,现在我也没有打退堂鼓。朗文当代There was an argument because neither side was willing to backdown.双方都不愿意让步,于是争论了起来。美国传统Don t talk about me behind my back.不要在背后议论我。美国传统即学即用英译汉? Someone must be at the back of this.11.limit v.限制,限定,n.

17、边界,限度【精讲拓展】beyond/over the limit 超过限度within limits在一定范围内without limit无限制性limit sth.to sth.把限定在的范围内be limited to 局限于【典型例句】His speech was limited to five minutes.他的演讲被限制到五分钟。朗文当代I ll help as much as I can, but there s a limit to what I can do.我会尽力帮忙,但我所能做的也是有限度的。朗文当代Try to limit your talk to ten minut

18、es.尽量把你的讲话限制在10分钟内。美国传统即学即用完成句子? I can t shoulder such a great responstyo ; I know(能力有限).12.advantage n.有禾L有禾U条件【精讲拓展】at an advantage有禾U地,占优势地take advantage of 乘机禾 U 用gain/win/have an(the)advantage over 胜过,优于be of advantage to 对有利to one s advantage 对某人有禾 1【典型例句】Being able to speak another language f

19、luently is a great advantagewhen you are looking for a job.当你找工作的时候,能熟练地说另一门语言是一种优势。朗文当代You should take advantage of the fine weather to paint the fence.你应该利用这好天气给篱笆上油漆。朗文当代His height and reach give him a big advantage over( = make him better than)other boxers.他身高臂长,这使他在和其他拳击手较量时占有很大优势。 即学即用剑桥高阶? Yo

20、u will find ityour advantage to learn some German before you visit Switzerland.A.toB.atC.overD.onget across(使)通过;(使)被理解;(把)表达清楚【精讲拓展】get about/around 走动;(消息等)传开get sth.across to sb.向某人表达get down to sth./doing sth.开始认真考虑做某事get down把写下来;使悲伤,使沮丧get along/on with 进展;与相处get through熬过困境;接通电话;做完,通过 (测试)get

21、 over痊愈,克服,战胜get rid of摆脱,除去get into陷入;养成(某种习惯)【典型例句】He s not good at getting his idea across.他不善于表达思想。Sooner or later you ll get over the shock.迟早你会从震惊中恢复过来的。I m going to get down to studying English this term.这学期我要认真学习英语了。I telephoned twice , but couldn t get through.我打了两次电话,但都没打通。即学即用用get相关词组填空?

22、The news of their secret wedding soon.朗文当代朗文当代朗文当代美国传统? The messageat last.? A police officer grabbed him , but he一as well as除之外(也),与一样(程度)【精讲拓展】as well as含义相当于 not only.but also等,表”不但而且,既又。它可以连接名词、代词、形容词、动词、介词短语、非谓语动词及从句。as well as也可用作介词,放在句末或句首,含义与用法相当于besides, in addition to 。由as well as连接的复合宾语并不

23、影响谓语动词的数,即 as wellas后面的部分不应看作主语的一部分。as well as在意义上强调前者。【典型例句】He as well as his parents is kind to me.他和他的父母对我都很好。The stars shine during the day as well as at night.星星不仅夜间发光,白天也发光。He can sing as well as , if not better than , John.如果他唱得不如约翰好的话,起码是唱得一样好。1 .Chinese differs greatly Japanese pronunciatio

24、n.A.from ; inB.with ; atC.from ; onD.in ; from2 .一 Climate here doesn t agree some of us. I agree you on this point.A.with ; with B.to; with C.to; about D.on ; with3 .The latest in women sclothes indicate that people now care more about beingcomfortable.A.tracksB.signsC.directions D.trends4 .一Do you

25、 have any double rooms?Oh, let me see if there are any left.A.preferableB.considerableC.possibleD.avaiable5 .We didn t plan our exhibition like that but itvery well.A.worked outB.worked onC.went outD.carried on6Angelia looks blue today. Yes, but she won t say bothers her.A.why is it that B.that is w

26、hy C.it is whatD.what it is that7 .makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services. A.WhatB.WhoC.Whatever D.Whoever8 .Perhaps that is the only point I completely agree.A.thatB.whichC.whenD.where9 .Look ! What a mistake ! Why?-Sorry , I on it.A.don t concentrateB.hadn t concentrate

27、dC.hadn t been concentratingD.wasn t concentrating10.in this way , this kind of flower belongs to the subtropical plant.A.Once sortingB.If sorting C.When it sorted D.If sorted分词分词分现在分词、过去分词一、现在分词doing常表主动,动作正进行(也可表经常性动作、状态,还可表条件、原因、方式等),具有动词、副词、形容词的特征。(1)现在分词的形式有:主动态的一般式、完成式;被动态 的般式、 完成式。 (即 doing ,

28、 having done; being done, having been done)(2)现在分词的一般式表示的动作与句中谓语动词表示的动 作同时或几乎同时发生。She sat there reading the book.她坐在那里看书。(3)现在分词的完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示 的动作时间之前。Having lived there for many years , he told us a lot about things about the city.在那个城市居住多年之后,他给我们 讲了关于那儿的很多事情。二、过去分词(done)常表被动,动作已完成1 .定语A.看作定语

29、的分词与被修饰词之间的关系,存在主动关系用 现在分词doing ;存在被动关系用过去分词done(表动作已完成)或现在分词被动态being done(表被动动作正进行)a sleeping baby 一个正在睡觉的婴儿 spoken English 英语口语the building being built now 在建的大楼B.部分不及物动词的分词有进行与完成之分,无主动、被动意昧。如:developing country发展中的国家developed country发达的国家changing world 还在变化的世界changed world 变化了的世界falling leaves 正在

30、下落的叶子fallen leaves 落叶boiling water 沸水 boiled water 开过的水 rising sun 初升的太阳 Risen sun 升起了的太阳C.表示人的心理活动的动词如:amuse, surprise, interest, excite, move, please, satisfy,disappoint, worry , tire , frighten , relax, puzzle等,现在分词常修饰物(表使人如何),过去 分词常修饰人(表本身如何)。此时的动词已失去动作意义,是形容词。excited people激动的人们 exciting news令人

31、激动的消息2 .表语The cup is broken.杯子是破的。I am very tired.我很累。3 .宾补A.现在分词doing作宾补,常表主动动作正在进行或某一动作或 状态一直在持续。1 found him sleeping.我发现他在睡觉。We have the lights burning.我们让灯一直开着。B.过去分词(done)作宾补强调一被动动作已完成或一种状态,现 在分词被动态(being done)强调一被动动作正在进行。I have my bike repaired.我把自行车拿去修理了。We saw shop windows being painted by t

32、wo workers. 我看见两个工人正在油漆橱窗。4.状语多表伴随、条件、时间、原因、结果、方式,分词作状语要看 作状语的动词与句子主语之间的关系。A.存在主动关系,用现在分词一般式doing;现在分词的完成式having done(时间上有先后关系)B.存在被动关系用过去分词done(强调动作已完成);现在分词的被动态being done(强调一被动动作正在进行);现在分词 完成式的被动态。having been done(强调一被动动作发生在句子 谓语动词所表示的动作时间之前)。They came into the classroom , singing and dancing.他们又唱

33、又跳地进了教室。Being a student, I must study hard.因为我是学生,我得努力学习。Having time , I ll come to see you.有时间的话我会来看你。Having finished the work , we went out for a walk.完成工作后我们就出去走了走。Built in 1900 , the bridge is over 100 years old. 这桥建于1900年,有100多年的历史了。Being repaired now , the car can t be used车还在修,现在用不了。Having be

34、en criticized by his teacher , the boy decided to correct his mistakes. 那个小孩受到老师的批评后决定改正错误。1 .While watching television , .A.the doorbell rangB.the doorbell was rungC.I heard the doorbell ring D.the doorbell was ringing2 .from the tallest building , the whole city looks more beautiful.A.SeeB.SawC.Se

35、eingD.Seen3 .When we got back , we found the gas but the door remained.A.burned ; lockedB.burned; lockingC.burning ; lockedD.to burn ; locking4 .The radio tomorrow is Mary s.A.repairingB.repairedC.to be repairedD.being repaired5 .good , the food sold out soon.A.TasteB.TastingC.TastedD.To taste6 .You

36、 can t catch me! Mary shouted , away.A.runB.running C.to runD.ran7 .from his accent, he is from Beijing.A.Judging B.Judged C.To judgeD.Judge8 .more time , I can do it better.A.GivenB.To giveC.Be givenD.Give9 .Anyone to vote must come to the meeting.A.wishingB.desiringC.wishedD.hoped10 .Things never

37、come again.A.lostB.losingC.loseD.have lost1.many times, A.Having been told C.He had been toldbut he still couldn t understand it.B.Having toldD.Though he had been told2.,I went out for a walk.A.There was nothing to doB.There being nothing to doC.There had nothing to doD.I had nothing to do3.an answe

38、r, he decided to write another letter to her.A.Having not receivedC.Not having receivedB.Not receivedD.Having not received4.There was aexpressionon his face at thenews.A.puzzling ; puzzlingC.puzzling ; puzzled5.China is acountryB.puzzled ; puzzled D.puzzled ; puzzling to the Third World.A.developing

39、 ; belongingC.developing ; belongedB.developed; belongedD.developed; belongingHBJ教物例 1 There are plenty of jobsA.presentC.precious教材原文对照in the western part of the country.B.availableD.convenientThere were inventions and developments in China which were not available in Europe at that time. (P26)【例 2

40、】 一How about your journey to Mount Emei?-Everything was wonderful except that our cartwice on the way.A.slowed downB.broke downC.got downD.put down教材原文对照First his two sledges broke down,and then the horses began to have serious difficulties with thesnow and the cold.(P28)【例 3】 Some parents are just too protective.They want to their kids from every kind of danger , real orimagined.A.spotB.dismiss C.shelterD.distinguish教材原文对照Wd ll teach you survival skills and you ll learn how to make a fire and build your own shelter.(P31)

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