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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第30页 共30页商务英语翻译之合同翻译整理:福瑞传北京翻译公司第一节商务合同的基础知识第二节商务英语翻译的词汇特点及翻译要点第三节商务英语翻译的句法特点及翻译要点第四节 商务英语翻译第五节商务合同的翻译标准1第一节 商务英语翻译的基础知识一、概念与文体二、分类与结构三、商务合同的主要内容2第一节 商务合同的基础知识l 一、概念与文体(1)l 虽然国内外对合同的定义各不相同,但都有一个共同点:A contract is an agreement, which legally binds the parties concerned

2、。比如,99年中国合同法规定,Contacts referred to in this Law are agreements establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations。3l 在由Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中,contract被定义为 “a p

3、romise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”l 根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,在某种意义上,法律将履行该承诺看作是一种补偿。综上可见,合同是平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的法律协议。4第一节 商务合同的基础知识l 一、概念与文体(2)l 商务合同是依法成立的法律性文件,自有其特殊的文体特征。通常所谓的“文体(style)

4、”是指人们运用语言时,总是根据一定的交际内容、交际目的和交际场合,来选取一定的表达形式,即所谓的语言风格;这种风格,既要适应交际对象,又受到特定语言环境的制约。根据美国语言学家Martin Joos(1962)年的分类,合同英语属于庄重文体(the frozen style),是各种英语文体中正式程度最高的一种。总体来说,这种正式性体现在内容的专业性、语言的严谨性和结构的完整性等方面。5第一节 商务合同的基础知识l 二、分类与结构(1)l 根据当事人之间的权利和义务关系,主要可做如下分类:l Contracts for International Sale of Goodsl Contract

5、s for International Technology Transferl Contracts for Sino-foreign Joint Venturesl Contracts for Sino-foreign Contractual Joint Venturesl Contracts for International Engineering Projectsl Contracts for Compensation Tradel Contracts for Sino-foreign Cooperation Development of Natural Resourcesl Cont

6、racts for Foreign Labor Servicesl Contracts for International Leasing Affairsl Contracts for Sino-foreign Credits and Loansl Contracts for International Build-Operate-Transfer,等。6第一节 商务合同的基础知识l 二、分类与结构(2)l 按照格式的繁简程度的不同,国际商务合同可以采取正式合同(Contract)、协议书(Agreement)、确认书(Confirmation)、备忘录(Memorandum)、定单(Orde

7、r)等书面形式。在合同签订和履行过程中,当事人之间往来的信函、电子邮件、电报等也是合同的组成部分,同样具有一定的法律效力。但是,为了顺利、准确无误地完成合同的履行,保护当事人各方的合法权益,所有商业往来应以合同、协议书和确认书的订立为前提和基础。7幻灯片8第一节 商务合同的基础知识l 二、分类与结构(3)l 从结构上看,国际商务合同一般包含如下四个部分1,具体说明如下:l (一)合同名称(Title):即合同标题,表明合同的内容和性质。l (二)前文2(Preamble):A. 订约日期和地点;B. 合同当事人及其国籍、主营业所或住所;C. 当事人合法依据;D. 订约缘由/说明条款l (三)正

8、文(Main Body):A. 一般条款(General Terms and Conditions);B. 特殊条款3(Other Conditions)。l (四)结尾条款(WITNESS Clause):A. 结尾语;B. 签名(Signature);C. 盖印(Seal)。8幻灯片9l 1 当然,格式和内容并非一成不变,当事人可以根据各自交易情况做出调整或增删。l 2 从结构上讲,本条属于“前文”部分;但从内容上讲,又属于合同的一般条款。l 3所谓“特殊条款”,是指只有在某些特定性质的合约中才会出现的条款,例如合资契约中通常会约定当事人合资成立的公司由谁来管理,董事与监察人由谁来担任等等

9、问题,但是抵押契约就不会有这些约定。反过来说,抵押契约中一定要记载的抵押品项目、抵押期限等等,在合资契约中就不会出现。再如,由于当事人双方来自不同背景,各自对某些关键词的解释和使用也不完全一样,就有必要在合同中添加“定义条款”(Definition Clause),把相关的重要词汇、专有名词和术语加以解释和说明,以确定其含义。9幻灯片10第一节 商务合同的基础知识l 三、商务合同的主要内容 l 合同的内容由当事人约定;结合1999年中国合同法第12条的规定,合同的主要内容一般包含以下条款:l ATitles or names of the parties and the domiciles t

10、hereof;l BDate and place of signature of the contract);l CType of the contract and the kind, scope of the subject matter of the contract;l DTechnical conditions, quality, standard, specifications and quantities of the subject matter of the contract;l ETime limit, place and method of performance;l FT

11、erms of price, amount and way of payment and various additional charges;l GWhether the contract could be assigned or conditions for assignment;l HCompensation and other liabilities for breach of the contract;l IWays of settlement of disputes in case of disputes arising from the contract;l JLanguages

12、 to be used in the contract and their effectiveness。10幻灯片11第二节 合同英语的词汇特点及翻译要点l 商务合同属于庄重文体,用词极其考究,具有特定性和严肃的风格。总体上看,合同的词汇特点体现在以下两大方面:l 一、用词专业,具有法律意味(professional or legal)l 二、用词正式、准确(formal and accurate)11幻灯片12第二节 合同英语的词汇特点及翻译要点l 一、用词专业,具有法律意味(professional or legal)l (一)根据不同的专业来确定词义。比如:l 1)The premium

13、 rates vary with differed interests insured.l 2)If the buyer fails to pay any account when due, the buyer shall be liable to pay the seller overdue interest on such unpaid amount from the due date until the actual date of payment at the rate of five percent per annum, such overdue interest shall be

14、paid upon demand of the seller. l 3)The articles of our immediate interest are your “CHON-HOI” brand Agricultural Washing Machines.12幻灯片13l 1)The premium rates vary with differed interests insured.l 2)If the buyer fails to pay any account when due, the buyer shall be liable to pay the seller overdue

15、 interest on such unpaid amount from the due date until the actual date of payment at the rate of five percent per annum, such overdue interest shall be paid upon demand of the seller. l 3)The articles of our immediate interest are your “CHON-HOI” brand Agricultural Washing Machines.l 以上三句均含有“intere

16、st”一词,但是由于行业背景的不同,其意义也大相径庭。第一句出自保险业,意思是“被保险的货物”;第二句源于国际贸易,意思是“一方由于未能支付到期的应付款项而向另一方支付的利息”;而第三句属于营销业,此时的interest则应译成“对什么产品、品牌感兴趣”。由此可见,在合同翻译过程中,要特别注意专业性的问题。13幻灯片14第二节 合同英语的词汇特点及翻译要点l 一、用词专业,具有法律意味(professional or legal)l (二)注意合同本身的术语l 合同自身也有大量具有法律特性的合同术语。比如,“权利和义务”(rights and obligations)、“仲裁”( arbitr

17、ation)、“终止”(termination)、“不可抗力”(force majeure)、“管辖”(jurisdiction)等。这些专业或法律术语的语义相对固定单一,通常无法用其他词语代替,任何人在任何情况下都必须对它们作同一解释。所以在翻译的过程中,译者要对这些词语在一般文体中和法律文体中的意义进行区分。例如:14幻灯片15(二)注意合同本身的术语l 请再看以下几例:l 4)Contractor shall assure full responsibility for the entire project work until its acceptance. (初始译文:在项目接收之前

18、,承包方应对工程承担全部责任。)l 5)Full set clean on board marine Bill of Lading issued to the order of the shipper and blank endorsed. (初始译文:承运人签发的全套整洁、已装船的海运提单,空白背书。)l 6)The payment shall be made by confirmed. irrevocable and documentary LC. (初始译文:付款方式为经确认的、不可撤销的、书面信用证。)l 在以上三句中,acceptance、clean、to the order of、

19、confirmed和documentary的翻译均未能完全真实表示合同意思,这些词的中文完整意思分别是“验收”、“清洁”、“以为抬头”、“保兑的”和“跟单”。由以上各例可见,由于对商务合同中专业词汇的错误理解和翻译,从而传达了一种错误信息从而可能引发法律纠纷。15幻灯片16第二节 合同英语的词汇特点及翻译要点l 一、用词专业,具有法律意味(professional or legal)l (三)注意一些以here、there或where等作前缀的副词。l 这些虚词的使用使得句子简练、严谨,从而显示出该类语言正规、严肃、权威等文体特征。下表中的词语均是约定俗成的特殊用语。一个简单的理解方法是:he

20、re代表this,there代表that,where代表what/which。比如:l 7) We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and data has been supplies herein, and that we agree to show you documentary proof upon your request.l 从语法的角度分析,本句中hereby的语法功能为

21、副词,在这句中是强调所说明、证明的内容,因此可译为“特此”。16幻灯片17一、用词专业,具有法律意味(professional or legal)(三)注意一些以here、there或where等作前缀的副词。l 除了语法分析法之外,还可以运用奈达的动态等值理论,将前后语篇综合起来考虑,并寻求合适的、最对等的词意,用旧体词来保持商务合同的庄重、严肃的文体风格,比如:l 8) The undersigned hereby certify that the goods to be supplied are made in USA.(下列签署人兹保证所供应之货物系在美国国内制造。)l 9) The

22、titles to the articles are for convenience of reference only, not part of this contract and shall not in any way effect the interpretation thereof. l 在前一句中,“hereby”一词翻译成了“兹”,这是一个经常在中文商务合同中使用的词,符合法律文书的文体特征。另外两个旧体词“之”和“系”显示合同翻译风格正式而紧凑的典型特点;在后一个例子中,根据上下文来看,“thereof”一词的意思是“of the said contract”,译为“本合同的”

23、。此句中的“thereof”相当于“of that”,然而,奈达的动态等值理论的原则是用最合适的对等词来表达源出语的意义,所以“that”可以用“the said contract”来代替。如将“the said contract”综合全句来看,则其最对等的译文为“上述内容”。 17幻灯片18第二节 合同英语的词汇特点及翻译要点l 一、用词专业,具有法律意味(professional or legal)l (四)注意may、shall、should、will、may not、shall not等词语的法律内涵l May、shall、should、will、may not、shall not等词

24、的确很常见,但是在合同中这些词具有特殊的意义,所以翻译起来要极其谨慎,避免引起纠纷。l a.May:在表示合同上的权利(Right)、权限(Power)或特权(Privilege)的场合中使用。若表示某种权利在法律上具有强制性的时候,更多的是“be entitled”。l b.Shall:在合同中并不是单纯的将来时,一般用它来表示法律上可以强制执行的义务(Obligation)。如未履行,即视为违约,并构成某种赔偿责任。所以,shall在译文里,通常表示“应该”或“必须”,当然,也有不翻译的时候。例如: 18幻灯片19l 10) The parties hereto shall, first

25、of all, settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by friendly negotiations. Should such negotiations fail, such dispute may be referred to the Peoples Court having jurisdiction on such dispute for settlement in the absence of any arbitration clause in the disputed contract o

26、r in default of agreement reached after such dispute occurs. l (双方首先应通过友好协商,解决因合同而发生的或与合同有关的争议。如果协商未果,合同中又无仲裁条款约定或争议发生后未就仲裁达成协议的,可将争议提交有管辖权的人民法院解决。)l 上句中的shall 和may表达准确。出现争议后应当先行协商,所以采用了义务性“约定”(shall),如果协商解决不了,作为当事人的权利,则用选择性“约定”(may)。 19幻灯片20l 11)The quality and prices of the commodities to be excha

27、nged between the ex-importers in the two countries shall be acceptable to both sides. (货物的质量和价格必须使进出口双方都能接受。)l 12)The formation of this contract, its validity, interpretation, execution and settlement of the disputes shall be governed by related laws of the Peoples Republic of China.(本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行

28、和争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。shall没有译出。)20幻灯片21l c.Should:在合同中通常只用来表示语气较弱的假设,多翻译成“万一”或“如果”,极少译成“应该”。l 13)The board meeting shall be convened and presided over by the Chairman. Should the chairman be absent, the vice-Chairman shall, in principle, convene and preside over the board meeting.(董事会会议应由董事长召集、主持;若董

29、事长缺席,原则上应由副董事长召集、主持。)21幻灯片22l d.Will:一般使用在没有法律强制的情况下,也用做表示承担义务的声明,但语气和强制力比Shall弱。l e.May not(或shall not):用于禁止性义务,即“不得做什么”。 22幻灯片23第二节 合同英语的词汇特点及翻译要点l 二、用词正式、准确(formal and accurate)l 具有法律效力的商务合同用词都很正式、规范,避免口语化。如:l The Licensee will notify the Licensor and shall assist the Licensor in taking such acti

30、on as the Licensor deems appropriate。l 显然, 该句中的notify、assist、deem比同义词inform、help、think更为正式。如果句中接连出现这类词语,其风格自然显得郑重、严肃具有浓厚的正式文体色彩。l 再比如:The term “Effective date” means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties hereto。l 该句中的execute较sign正式。23幻灯片24第二节 合同英语的词汇特点及翻译要点l 二、用词正式、准确(form

31、al and accurate)l (一)注意介词或介词短语的翻译l 14)The participants in the Joint Venture shall commence discussion with regard to the extension of the period of existence of the Venture and in the event of their agreeing upon such extension, they shall record such agreement in a written document signed by all of

32、 them not later than three years prior to the expiry of the current period.l (就本合资企业的存续时限的延期问题,各方应进行讨论;一旦各方就此达成一致,应形成书面协议,由各方在本合同期限到期之前的三年内签字生效。)l 本句中用with regard to,in the event of和prior to分别代替about,in case of和before。当然,商务英语词语选择中的正式性与非正式性是相对而言的,且无优劣之分,一切需视具体的使用场合而定。24幻灯片25l 15)These articles shall

33、apply to documentary credits, including stand by letters of credit, to the extent to which the credits in question shall be applicable, and shall be binding on the Parties to the Contract, unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Parties thereto.l (本条文适用于一切跟单信用证,并包括在其适用范围内的备用信用证,对合同各有关方面均具有约束力,除非另有约

34、定。)l 本句中的unless otherwise比if not和 otherwise表达正式。该词由两个同义词 unless和otherwise组成,otherwise有代词作用,后面一般跟动词的过去分词限定,意为“除非另”;再如“unless otherwise specified in the Contract / the Letter of Credit”, 即可译为“除非合同/信用证另有规定”。25幻灯片26l 16)On the FOB basis, the Buyer shall book shipping space in accordance with the date of

35、 shipment specified in the contract.l (按照FOB条件,由买方负责根据合同规定的装运日期洽定舱位。)l 同under、pursuant to一样,上例中的in accordance with是法律文件中常用的词汇,均作“根据”、“按照”解,比according to正式。26幻灯片27第二节 合同英语的词汇特点及翻译要点l 二、用词正式、准确(formal and accurate)l (二)注意词语并列的现象(juxtaposition)l 国际商务合同力求正式而准确,避免可能出现的误解或分歧,所以同义词(近义词)并列的现象十分普遍。有时候是出于严谨和杜

36、绝漏洞的考虑,有时候也属于合同用语的固定模式。比如,terms在合同中一般指付款或费用(手续费、佣金等有关金钱的)条件,而conditions则指其它条件,但是“terms and conditions”常常作为固定模式在合同中出现,就不宜分译成“条件和条款”,而直接合译成“条款”。再如:27幻灯片28l 17)This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B。l 18)The amendments to or alteration of this contract become effect

37、only after they are signed by parties hereto and approved by the original approving authorities.l 19)If the contract shall duly perform and observe all terms, provisions, conditions and stipulations of the said contract, the otherwise shall be remain in full force and effect.28幻灯片29l 对于合同中出现的同义词、近义词

38、、相关词的并列现象,翻译时应仔细考虑单词的内涵、合同文体以及句法要求等相关因素。这里可以利用尤金奈达的“动态对等理论”。所谓动态对等,就是译文与原文在效果(或功能)上达到对等,即译文读者的理解与感受与原文读者的理解与感受基本一致(与动态对等相对的是形式对等,即强调语言形式的对应)。l 在以上三句中,“made and entered into”、“amendments to and alteration of ”、“terms, provisions, conditions and stipulations”、“force and effect”是几组同义词。根据动态对等的译法,它们的译文分别

39、是“签订”、“修改”、“各项规定”和“生效”, 如不采用这种译法,而是逐字翻译,势必会使译文显得罗嗦而难以理解,总之,译者应时刻牢记中英文的各种表达法,来确保原文和译文最大可能地对应起来,真正做到准确严谨和规范通顺。29幻灯片30l 类似的表达还有:any and all(全部)、any duties, obligations or liabilities(所有责任)、applicable laws, regulations, decrees, directives, and rules(适用法律法规)、charges, fees, costs and expenses(各种费用)、coven

40、ants and agreements(合同,协议)、customs and usages(惯例)、free and clear of(无)、import duty and tax(进口税捐)、keep secret and confidential(保密)、licenses and permits(许可)、null and void(无效)、packing and wrapping expenses(包装费)、rights and interests(权益)、settle claims and debts(清理债务)、ships and vessels(船只)、sign and issue(

41、签发)、support and maintenance(维护)、use and wont(习惯,惯例),等等。 30幻灯片31第三节 合同英语的句法特点及翻译要点l 如果说商务合同的用词具有专业、准确、正式的特点,那么商务合同的句法则有结构严谨、句式较长的特点。句子的状语(从句)和定语(从句)等附加成分很多,且往往位置明显,对主句意义进行解释、限制或补充,一则可以体现这种文体庄严的风格、严谨的结构和清晰的逻辑;二则便于排除被曲解、误解而出现歧义引发争端的可能性,维护双方的合法权益。虽然商务合同英文中的句法特点有很多,比如多用陈述句、多用现在时、多用被动语态、多用名词性结构等等,但本节结合翻译难

42、点,重点探讨长句,尤其是条件从句的特点和翻译方法。l 一、长句及其翻译l 二、条件句及其翻译31幻灯片32第三节 合同英语的句法特点及翻译要点l 一、长句及其翻译l 与普通英语相比较而言,商务合同英语中的句子结构就其长度和使用从句的连续性要复杂得多。分析合同长句的基本方法是:首先,要找出全句的主语、谓语和宾语,即句子的主干结构;其次,要找出句子中所有的谓语结构、非谓语结构、介词短语和从句的引导词,然后再分析从句和短句的功能,即:是否是主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句或状语从句等,以及词、短语和从句之间的关系。最后,分析句子中是否有固定搭配、插入语等其他成分。32幻灯片33l 20) The Buy

43、er may, within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the destination, lodge a claim against the Seller for short-weight being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor.l 这是一个简单长句,其主干为The Buyer maylodge a claim。修饰谓语动词的状语有三个,分别表示时间(within 15 days after arrival of the go

44、ods at the destination)、方式(being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor)和原因(for short-weight)。诸多状语尽管在原文中位置灵活,然而在译文里,须按照汉语的行文规范适当进行调整:方式状语一般应置于动词之前;其他状语可以灵活处理,如本句中的时间状语可以提前至句首。l 货物抵达目的港15天内,买方可以凭有信誉的公共检验员出示的检验证明向卖方提出短重索赔。33幻灯片34l 21)If a Party breaches any of the re

45、presentations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2, then in addition to any other remedies available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws, it shall indemnify and keep indemnified the other Party and the company against any losses, damages, costs,

46、expenses, liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach. l 本句的主干是it shall indemnify and keep indemnified. against. the other Party and the company。If引导的是条件从句,条件句的宾语部分跟随后置定语(given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2)。in addition to 引导的是增补成分,其核心词rem

47、edies也跟了后置定语(available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws)。That引导的则是后置定语修饰紧邻的五个名词。基于以上分析,再结合汉语的行文习惯(条件在前,结构在后以及定语在所修饰的核心词之前),即可翻译成文。34幻灯片35l 21)If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2, then in addition

48、 to any other remedies available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws, it shall indemnify and keep indemnified the other Party and the company against any losses, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such

49、 breach.l 如果一方违反任何其根据第18.1条或18.2条所作的陈述及担保或重述,则另一方除根据本合同或相关法律寻求任何可能的救济之外,违约方应当赔偿另一方或合营公司因此种违反而招致的任何损失、损害、费用、开支、责任或索赔。35幻灯片36l 22)The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in

50、 the course of loading or transit.l 上句中信息的重心在句首,先表明卖方的免责事项,接着再规定由于什么原因引起的不能交货或延迟交货才会免责,后对不可抗力又做了限定。按照汉语的思维习惯,往往先谈原因,再讲结论,因此采用颠倒顺序的译法更合理。l 凡在制造或装船运输过程中,因不可抗力致使卖方不能或推迟交货时,卖方不负责任。36幻灯片37第三节 合同英语的句法特点及翻译要点l 二、条件句及其翻译l 商务合同主要约定合同各方应享有的权利和应履行的义务,但由于这种权利的行使和义务的履行均赋有各种条件,所以条件句的大量使用成为商务合同的一个特点。条件句多由下列连接词引导:i

51、f, in the event of, in case (of), should, provided (that), subject to, unless otherwise等。比如:37幻灯片38l 23)If the third party accuses the Party B of infringement, Party B shall take up the matter(如果第三方指控乙方侵权,乙方应负责)l 24)In the event of any loss caused by the delay in the delivery, the Representative can

52、 claim a compensation from the Manufacturer with a certificate and detailed list registered by the administration authorities of the Representatives site.(若因任何交货延误导致的代理方损失,代理方可凭代理方所在地行政当局登记的损失清单向制造方索赔,但须出具证明。)l 25)In case the Contract terminates prematurely, the Contract Appendices shall like wise t

53、erminate.(如果本合同提前终止,则合同附件也随之终止。)38幻灯片39l 26) Should all or part of the contract be unable to be fulfilled owing to the fault of one party, the breaching party shall bear the responsibilities thus caused. Should it be the fault of both parties, they shall bear their respective responsibilities accord

54、ing to actual situations.l (由于一方的过失,造成本合同不能履行或不能完全履行时,由过失一方承担违约责任。若属双方过失,则根据实际情况,由双方分别承担各自应负的违约责任。)l 27)Either Side can replace the representatives it has appointed provided that it submits a written notice to the other Side.l (任何一方都可更换自己指派的代表,但须书面通知对方。) 39幻灯片40l 28)Subject to the conditions hereina

55、fter set forth, Party B will protect(在下列情况下,乙方将保证)l 29)The terms CFR, or CIF shall be subject to the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS 2000) provided by the International Chamber of Commerce unless otherwise stipulated herein.(除非另有规定,“CFR”和“CIF”均应依据国际商会制定的2000年国际贸易

56、术语解释通则(INCOTERMS 2000)办理。)40幻灯片41l 归纳上述各例,除了句(Either Side can replace the representatives it has appointed provided that it submits a written notice to the other Side )以外,条件句均置于主句之前,英译汉时译成“如果”或“若”即可。而当条件句置于主句之后时,在翻译这些引导条件句的连词或短语时,可按动态等值理论视具体情况而定,切勿生搬硬套。该句中的provided that表示合同该条款需作进一步规定或在作规定时语气上的转折,因而应

57、译为“但是”才使译文过渡自然,符合汉语的表达规范,达到功能对等的效果。 41幻灯片42商务合同国际商务合同种类繁多,标的各异,但就其结构而言,一般由三个部分组成:前言、正文、结尾。42幻灯片43Preamble of a Contract合同的前言l 国际商务合同的前言部分,主要包括两方面的内容:其一,主要载明合同当事人的名称或者姓名、国籍、主营业务或者住所(the corporate or personal names of the parties to the contract and their nationalities,principal places of business or

58、residential addresses);l 其二,合同签订的日期、地点(the date and place of signing of the contract)。l 以上两项内容主要解决以下法律问题:合同的主体是谁;订约人是否具有合法主体资格,合同及合同争议应适用的法律;合同履行地点;合同生效、终止、履行日期及争议时的司法管辖权等等。43幻灯片44l This contract is made this 29th day Of March. 2003 in Shanghai,China by and between ABC Corporation China (hereinafter

59、 referred to as “Seller),a- Corporation having their principal office in Shanghai,China who agrees to sell, and XYZ Corporation (hereinafter referred lo as “Buyer),a Corporation having their principal office in New York,NY,USA,who agrees to buy the following goods on the terms and conditions as belo

60、w:44幻灯片45l 【例1】本合同由中国ABC公司, 总公司设于中国上海(以下简称卖方)与美国XYZ公司, 总公司设于美国纽约州纽约市(以下简称买方)于2003年3月29日订立于中国上海,双方同意按下述条件买卖下列货物:45幻灯片46l 【例2】合同号码:(经合字)第0081号l 签约日期:2003年3月29日l 签约地点:中国上海l 卖方:中国ABC公司l 地址:中国上海 街 号l 公司属国:中华人民共和国l 电传:l 传真:l 邮编:l 电子信箱:l 买方:美国XYZ公司l 地址:美国纽约州纽约市街号l 公司属国:美利坚合众国l 电传:l 传真:l 邮编:l 电子信箱:46幻灯片47l

61、Contract Number:JH Zi,No.0081l Date 0f Execution of Contract:March,29,2003l Place Of Execution Of Contract:Shanghai,China.l Seller:ABC Corporation,Chinal Address:No , St,Shanghai,China。l Country of Corporation:Peoples Republic of Chinal Telex:l Fax:l Postcode:l E-mail:l Buyer:XYZ Corporation,USAl Ad

62、dress:No. , St,New York,NYUSAl Country Of Corporation:United States of Americal Telex:l Fax:l Postcode:l E-mail:47幻灯片48Final Clauses合同的结尾l 合同的结尾,也称合同最后条款,写在合同的结尾部分。结尾条款主要应明确的内容有:合同使用的文字及其效力(languages in which the contract is to be written and its validity)。除了明确使用的文字及其效力外,有时还应订立对合同进行修改或补充的内容。如果合同中订有附

63、件,应在合同中另立一章列出附件的具体内容,并明确在合同的结尾部分规定附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分。48幻灯片49l 根据中华人民共和国合同法第32条规定:“当事人采用合同书形式订立合同的,自双方当事人签字或者盖章时合同成立”(If the parties enter into a contract in written formThe contract shall go into effect when the parties sign or stamp it)。国际商务合同的成立一般是以签字为成立要件而不是以盖章为成立要件的。所以,在合同的结尾部分还应明确规定:合同在双方授权代表签字后正式生效。49幻灯片50l This Contract is made out i

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