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1、“苔丝”的“反抗精神”,英美文学论文The Spirit of Revolt of Tess -Study in Tess of the DUrbervilles Thesis statement: Everyone knows that Tesss life is a great tragedy, but she is still a courageous woman who dares to fight by all means. In order to defeat the unfortunate fate she always resists the decadent society,

2、 the traditional concept, and the hypocrisy religion.Outline.Brief Introduction to Tess of the dUrbervillesA. Womens role in industrial movements during 19th century in EnglandB. A brief commentary of the novel1.the writer -Thomas hardy 2.general introduction of the novel.Tesss spirit of revolt all

3、through her life A. Tesss fight to the moribund society 1. the moribund society 2. Tesss fight to the moribund societyB. Tesss resistance to the traditional moral concept 1. the traditional moral concept 2. Tesss resistance to the traditional moral conceptC. Tesss resistance to the hypocritical reli

4、gion 1.the hypocritical religion in that time2. Tesss resistance to the hypocritical religionD. Tesss resistance to the unfortunate marriage1.Tesss unfortunate marriage 2. Tesss resistance to the unfortunate marriage.Conclusion: In a word, Tess has shown a powerful womans image to common people with

5、 her unyielding spirit of revolt. She, to the moribund society, traditional old morals, hypocritical religion, capitalist marriage system, has carried on the strongest revealing and criticism. Her kindhearted enlightenment, noble emotion, strong personality, and her resistance in imbuing all rooted

6、in the hearts of the people forever, worth savoring. AbstractThis paper mainly focuses on the spirit of revolt of Tess. First of all, this paper begins with a brief introduction to the novel. Then, this paper makes a brief commentary of the novel. Moreover, it concentrates on :(1) Tesss fight to the

7、 moribund society. (2) Tesss resistance to the traditional moral concept. (3) Tesss resistance to the hypocritical religion. (4) Tesss resistance to the unfortunate marriage. And at last the paper reveals that Tess is actually a character with the spirit of revolt all through her life.key words:trag

8、edy,Spirit of revolt,industrial movement,unfortunate fate内容提要本文研究的是小说主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”。首先,本文对小说的背景做了介绍。然后,对文本进行简要评论。再次,本文主要从以下四个方面对文本主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”进行集中讨论:(1) 苔丝对腐朽社会的抗争;(2) 苔丝对传统的道德观念的反抗;(3) 苔丝对伪善的宗教的反抗;(4) 苔丝对不幸婚姻的反抗。最后,揭示出苔丝整个人生经历中的反抗精神。 关键词:悲剧,反抗精神,工业运动,不幸命运IntroductionThe industrial revolution of t

9、he 19th century and the emergence of machinery to the work force sparked the womens movement in Europe. Therefore the excuse of the physical difference between men and women was no longer valid due to the replacement of the laborers (male) strong arms with machines. Women entered the work force. Thi

10、s was a turning point for womens social, political and cultural roles. The controlling power of the societies was very much interested in this new working group. Women did not have pre-defined expectations on workers rights and easily played into the hands of the controlling power. The male dominati

11、ng power of the time was benefiting from the cheap labor provided by women. This change conflicted with the traditional role of women at home and in the family. The financial independence resulted by this social development led women to gain more confidence in society and created a condition for bre

12、aking the barriers towards freedom. The bourgeois ideologues feared the consequences of the womens freedom but could not ignore the economic benefit of this change. Therefore, they introduced the philosophy of equality so that they could continue the suppression of women in the name of religion and

13、ethics. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) was a Britains critical realism novelist and poet at the end of the 19th century. Father of his architect, he himself studied architecture too. He spent his most time in homeland, which was a special prefecture. Hardys creation period includes carrying out the transi

14、tion to the stage of imperialism from non- monopoly capitalism. He sees that the capitalist system is to give help to the working people, especially who experienced misfortune and disaster, bring them to agriculture and show sympathy to them. His novel fill with his background in homeland, including

15、 the near prefecture district. This is an almost industrial at all farming region, but it is permeated by the capitalism too. Especially after the seventies, the invasion of the capitalism destroyed the whole countryside, make the foundation of the patriarchal clan system society of the countryside

16、collapse completely. He has observed the agricultural crisis to fill in miserable consequence that the special prefecture causes in one, describe this regional peasants disaster received. But he explains the reason why the society changes with idealism, thinks what controlled peoples destiny is a ki

17、nd of fill the will of the universe1. This is a view of fatalism.Hardys masterpiece Tess of the dUrbervilles describes the miserable experience of a rural girl. But too unfortunate to overthrow this girl who calls Tess, she relies on her own hands to work, moving people with her own sincerity. She i

18、s a pure woman 2. Finally she winds up with the tragedy, which is why people often discuss her as the source of the tragedy. However, I saw her powerful fight, fighting against the society, the hypocritical religion. All her did was to abandon the old ethical society and to pursuit a happy marriage.

19、 She has shown in front of common people her own practical action that she is insulted, which indicates a resisting powerful womans images. Tess of the dUrbervilles, is the first famous work of Britain outstanding realistic writer, Hardy. Because Hardy had once had experience of living in the Minist

20、ry of Agriculture, he was extremely familiar with peasants life, personality, custom, language, etc. Works of Hardy reflect capitalist factor invading Britain social economy, politics, morals, and enormous custom changes of under countryside, showed the miserable destiny of the rural working people

21、of specific historical period. Hardys theme that create his novel, usually show the antinomy between people and society, personality and environment, especially through the description of issues such as love and marriage, displaying the individual confliction when people fight against social outmode

22、d practice, religion law, morals custom. In his works, especially woman images in the works of him have deeply shown this characteristic. Tess of the dUrbervilles, is the essential reflection of Hardys style and the society he wanted to show. Tess of the dUrbervilles, background of works takes place

23、 under a very grave situation that capital brings disaster to the partial rural individual small-scale peasant economy of Britain. It shows a brief of a rural girl Tess and burns it miserably. Tess of woman protagonist, dUrbervilles is that one is pure, kindhearted, beautiful, strong and the rural w

24、oman image of Britain with spirit of revolt. Tesss life is being surrounded by peaceful and beautiful hills, nine people of one family relying on fathers small business cultivating with one old horse on the land. Tess, as the eldest daughter of the family bears much responsibility, including her par

25、ents advice by every means, letting her recognize the so-called distant relative - dUrbervilles. Tess has deep love for working, and she never feel ashamed for her own poor origin, and she also hated the connections with the distant relative 3. And Tess reach dUrbervilless house, under pressure of t

26、he family, on one weekend evening, the son of dUrbervilles, Alec, stained the helpless young girl. Her destiny transferred from then on. She has illegitimate children, and has done baptism for this child, but lost him again. She met Clare and fall in love with him, but her honesty on newly married n

27、ight, Clare makes diverge from she. During the day that the husband leaves away, Tess has no way under the pressure of the helplessness, have come back to Alecs side. And the returning of Angel Clare makes Tess fall into incomparable, she hate the limit of reaching to Alec, so she killed him in all

28、desperation. And after the happy life with the Angel Clare in a few days, she finally accepted murderer 4s criminal law calmly. Though Tess catch transient and have a great one tragic, tragic burning from her, we have seen that she keeps resisting, resisting the unfair society, the traditional moral

29、s, the hypocritical religion, and th e unfortunate marriage. So, from the point view of Angel, Tess is a misfortune person in the story, but not a weak one. What Hardy entrusted to Tess is that she is insulted, but has womens image of having spirit of revolt. She is not a person who set off in the n

30、ovel, but rules the woman protagonist completely of the whole novel. First, fight to the moribund society. In last 30 years of the 19th century, British society carried out the transition to monopoly capitalism from non-monopoly capitalism, British capitalist class became parasitic, moribund and rea

31、ctionary and remarkable day by day. After the seventies of the 19th century, Britain lost the monopoly position of the industry and commerce in the world, though it is still the center of the finance of the world. Inside, agricultural crisis and industrial crisis have strengthened class contradictio

32、n. In 1970s and 1980s, Liberal Party and the Conservative Party were in power in turn, gave in timidly inwards, win the labor aristocracy over by any means, and implement the crazy colonial policy to the outside. At the end of the1980s, the beginning of the 1990s, opportunism still dominated in Fede

33、ration of British Industries organized, but with the intensification of the domestic contradiction, the labor movement becomes active again. The raw new unions of labor organization, the struggle that launch the strike and demonstrate, suffer the governments bloody suppression. The end of the 19th c

34、entury, at the beginning of the 20th century, Whitehall strengthened militarism to rule, launch the cloth war of South Africa, join and suppress the Eight Strategic Nerve Points of the Yihetuan, and step up exploiting the working people, increase the taxes, class contradiction is sharpened unprecede

35、nted, a lot of huge strikes have taken place. As industrial movement swept England in the 19th century, People pour into countryside in crowds, as wild animal pray on like the animal occupying that land liberated. In a short period of time, Britain rural resident many time since the period of Louis

36、14, and the number of people is also running up People have found the work suitable for themselves, have given up those jobs that will inevitable be failed. City invades countryside, and between invader and ancient times those the warlike invader is the same, assimilated by the force around them, ha

37、s become a cottar. When the number of them has exceeded the urbanite, they have exercised an influence on urbanite again. So, the difference between the city and village becomes smaller and smaller, the urbanites thought and lively style make the village getting vigorous. Been classified as eliminat

38、ing the differentials between town and country of the socialist goal by us all the time, it was that falling has been realized like this unexpectedly here. Especially, Woman has to oppress seriously from moribund society, it cause to grow spirit of revolt. Tess is the one of these women. The rep res

39、enting of this moribund social evil force is Alec. He relys on money of family, having a great power to dominates. When seeing Tess, he set the trap that has destroyed the young girls chaste and the happiness in all her life. Alec not only has essence and characteristic of the landlord class but als

40、o reflect the essential characteristic of the capitalist class. Tess disdain to Alec, she is surrender to Alec, she isnt marry to Alec as her mother ask for her, she says: Perhaps any woman will, but I exception. 5This prove that Tess resist with moribund social evil force. She wouldnt wait impatien

41、tly to save herself from society fully, she would rather rely on her own efforts to be impractical on evil force under the foot. Beg that gives alms. When Alec requires Tess stay at his side, Tess responds him firmly. Never, never! I made up my mind as soon as I saw-what I ought to have seen sooner,

42、 and I wont come.6This sees Tesss revolt spirit to evil resolution and force compromises too. Though Tess can escape from inferior devils clutches of Alec finally, come back to his side, it is under the pressure of the helplessness too, it is low and excessive to the evil force in one quarter that s

43、he does not have. Until the fact that Angel come back, Tess break out finally, “ And my sin will kill him and not kill me! . O, you have torn my life all to pieces . made me be what I prayed you in pity not to make me be again! . My own true husband will never, never-O God-I cant bear this! - I cann

44、ot!7 This between she and moribund evil climax of resistance of force of society too. She has lifted the knife, killed Alec, as the severe reaction unjust to this society. Even if she has accepted the judgment of the death, she is quiet leaving finally, because she got the fairness of her heart at l

45、ast, got the balance. She fought back to bring to her unfortunately, cause the tragic moribund society. Alec utilizes money and strength of power, makes Tess in condition that have nowhere to live, in the hope of Controlling Tess, though Tess has been made resisted, Alec is regarded as representativ

46、es of the evil force, but receive the protection of the state apparatus of capitalist class, so has led to the tragedy finally, and Tess always resist, rely on her strength alone, at all unable to contend with their. It takes only to be effective method directly most as for her too only -kill Alec t

47、o reach to the moribund resistance and accusation of society to come.Second, resistance of the traditional moral concept In the 19th century in England, Combination because of love, will not break away from the relation with womens chastity at all times. The deep-rooted control women firmly of chast

48、ity idea and guiding man, as regards social system, this is already becoming naturally, however, whether to judge a womans purity or not with the traditional chastity view. This kind of phenomenon still dominates in numerous male thoughts, though they threaten to break the traditional chastity view

49、and get married for love on the surface. How much performance of man really makes sense? Women like Tess are in extremely unfair status under this kind of moral concept. So they will attempt to resist gradually.Angel, husband of Tess, is one of the representatives of traditional moral concepts, bein

50、g even the main reason that causes Tesss tragedy, and having traditional ethical prejudice on him. He is in the contacts course of Tess, there is no constraint of abandoning the traditional idea all the time. In his eyes, Tess is “what a fresh and pure daughter of nature that dairymaid is!” 8 holy a

51、nd pure, but Tess is to her honest experience abused on the past at the newly married night, because of his traditional moral concept, he has not forgiven Tess, as Tess did forgive his dissolute behavior. This shows a deep-rooted traditional chastity idea is still in his mind. And Tess dare saying h

52、er own past bold, but between she and traditional resistance of moral concept, she believes whether a woman is pure or not, is not to look chastity, the more important thing is the soul and quality, Tess has not been defeated after suffering misfortune. Not crushed by the traditional morals ethics i

53、dea, she still has deep love for working, relying on herself to live. She defeat traditional moral concept, accept love to Clare, believe her honesty can receive the true love because of her pure love, the grief in the past that she has been defeated. Suspect, the fear, melancholy, vexation, shame -

54、Quilt -Defeat.”9But she tries to let Clare gets rid of ethical tradition constraint to make misfortune. Clare forgives Tess when return after going out, which prove traditional failure of moral concept after all and make the final victory in resistance of Tess. In addition, after Tess has illegitima

55、te children, she has not abandoned him, but bring him up until he died. Tess does not give consideration to the view of the people around, using her own practical action to show common people the purity of a woman losing virginity, which is resistance of her traditional moral concept to the old soci

56、ety too -Whether cant evaluate the womans purity or not with the womans chastity. Though the tragedy of Tess is caused by traditional morals of Angel Clare more or less, but Angel Clare reachs to comprehend at the last moment. Though Tess stain in the past, such as her person, according to her body

57、present thing stored, it is fresh to far surpass other virgins too. 10It is obvious, Tess with her industrious and simple and sincere and strong traditional moral concept of resistance, and has won the victory.Third, resistance of the hypocritical religionBritain followed Christianity in the 19th ce

58、ntury, the religion was a spiritual tool that was used for liberating the people on the surface, and for good governance government used it as a kind of tool to fetter of people in fact. When people see through its hypocritical side, they wil l resist it. Tess is also the one who object to it when l

59、ooks through it.Alec turns respectable for a time with the help of old pastor, and after he meets Tess, evil thought regenerated. Tess sees through the soul of the pastor, pointing out precisely: “ Dont go on with it! she cried passionately, as she turned away from him to a stile by the wayside, on

60、which she bent Herself. I cant believe in such sudden things! I feel indignant with you for talking to me like this, when you know-when you know what harm youve done me! You, and those like you, take your fill of pleasure on earth by making the life of such as me bitter and black with sorrow, and th

61、en it is a fine thing, when you have had enough of that, to think of securing your pleasure in heaven by becoming converted! Out upon such-I dont believe in you-I hate it!11It is obvious that Tess discontented with the thing that hypocritical religion is strong, and Alec utilizes the coat of the rel

62、igion, making the obscene behavior, scorned by Tess, the severe reaction of Tess: But I have not defended the weak woman of ability, Alec! I am still grasping the honor of a good person in the hand! -Think carefully -You do not feel ashamed! 12 This is Tess that reprimand to Alec frivolous act, poin

63、ting out Alecs mask of good person 13 .Not merely, she has also beaten back the harassing and wrecking of Alec. This formal resistance and despising of the hypocritical religious believer of Tess. In addition, after illegitimate child of Tess fall ill, Tess forewarns the finishing of this light life

64、, she ignores the restraint of the religious doctrine of the religion, and has done baptism for this child. But now that her moral sorrows were passing away, a fresh one arose on the natural side of her: she knew nothing about social law. When she reached home she learned that the baby had been sudd

65、enly ill since the afternoon. Such collapse had been probable, so tender and puny was its frame, but the event came as a shock nevertheless.The girls mother forgot the babys offence against society in coming into the world. Her souls desire was to continue that offence by preserving the life of the child. However, it soon grew clear that the hour of emancipation for that little prisoner of the flesh was to arrive earlier than her worst misgiving had conjectured. And when she had discovered this she was plunged into a misery, which transcended that of t

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