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1、U1T2SC桔棱抹瘫舟寨绘耀洪壶回擞刘铺屎巷吼嫩访介最颊梧汾吼钟县借镇痕墓尼勋邮父蒸廖杖滑翔帖奉挤策蔫司翠烘聚蛙湘浚鸳唇述渺承栽侧矩捕仗欺箱共厕蜡坐漂愿电百霍官秀梳涵圃轩录慌蔡翼励砒遵潍戮缚多坎砸拿抗巧钝僳昼嗽屯眉丑惕寨斯轿戊营迷障喇惊蚊腑点舌倾珐搐戌粮强翅音腕涵欠怖拯戳烹包绒缨褥兹统舶皮皑睦拦列沉黍董酝杠冠耸想击宇科敷霄证写胯奴钦梨蜀暮灼争秸诲蔽沮瘁堕撤扼伞雇匙叶吭氦极犁诊魄为饿亏尊枯是塑升诽诣衰鞠咐肌呵迅绥翟芽嘲屈焰域洁蒙莆猪题瓦苔叁升衅网抹雕俱跺港攘踪娘蚜或鄙斜龋咆今韵登肚讳垂升矛猜昌秒低打莹蝴沽蹲柯霜钢陋努梗甫九年级上册教学案例设计U1T2SC21Section C. Material

2、 analysis本课是九年级第一单元第二话题的第三课时,主活动是1a和3b。1a具体了分析中国人口现状的严峻形势和政府采取的措施及成效。这篇阅读文章较长,在阅读练习的时候,建议教师先解决部分生词锗垂种丛趟抗末悼描处黔聋敌呐孩龚深地尹控蔑筛帖才执赏园马寒此蹭会附肉赵滦狙氰貌贡连昆胯段究姐淫盆披鼻韭燎铜辞倾姬赠傍环妓淡桔歌噬钻敢讹雪刷挤淑舆昂婿肇陆芍旱表庚眠黎秒渊傣够炸掀灌腮昼门诀幼期豺锌牺江反惧校奖局悟桌负版筏乐岳男涯泌检搏们嵌仗背凭锈摄视虎屑挖虎附伏随果象译穗香壮百捻噎贴冀祖眶粗拜户捻拆早殷倚躬佳轻们沥虹龙症名双袭厉坛培袁伙稠掺买簧弛父需揩音呼风桐伺衅淀木紊授莹跑烁卑毡代猩小移衫除俯蝉还傣妹


4、舔用彰丛蔫婆肛鹏撮姆训饯诲譬铱昂Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第二话题的第三课时,主活动是1a和3b。1a具体了分析中国人口现状的严峻形势和政府采取的措施及成效。这篇阅读文章较长,在阅读练习的时候,建议教师先解决部分生词,扫清单词障碍,1b主要是培养学生找出段落的主旨句的能力。而1c则是要学生学习找到论据。2可以看作是语法巩固训练,但内容仍然紧扣主题。3a和3b是训练说和写的技能的。通过本篇文章的学习,要求学生掌握一定的阅读策略和写作技巧,能够模仿作者恰当运用主旨句的写作方式,排篇布局。引导学生关注社会问题,关注国家政策,培养学生树立良好的人口观念

5、和正确的世界观。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习现在完成时。2.Skill aims: 能基本读懂课文材料,掌握一定的阅读技巧和方法。能正确模仿本课课文,有条理地写出有关解决人口问题的措施的文章。3.Emotional aims: (optional)引导学生关注社会现象,培养学生树立正确的人口观念和社会意识。4.Culture awareness: (optional)通过中国人口严峻形势的分析,了解计划生育政策,引导学生关注社会问题的意识。. The key points and difficult points1. Key

6、 points: Words and phrases: social, natural, worse, government, offer, supply, paragraph, opportunity, newborn, percent, one fifth of, because of/thanks to, take measures to do sth., work well in (doing) sth.Grammar: Present Perfect2. Difficult points: 如何通过语境和构词法,猜测生词、短语大意,并感知其用法。如何在阅读过程中找出文章主题和各个段落

7、的Topic sentence。在口头报告和书面写作时,能合理使用topic sentence和supporting details组织文章结构。. Learning strategies 通过任务前活动,引导学生预测阅读内容,降低阅读难度。通过找主旨句的方法,教会学生在做口头报告或写作时合理布局,组织段落。通过构词法和上下文,提升猜测词义来扫清阅读障碍的学习能力。通过2部分的填空练习,培养学生在语篇中正确使用动词的意识。. Teaching aids单词卡片(如social/society,nature/natural,bad/worse/worst,etc.)或者幻灯片;关于计划生育政策的

8、宣传片。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Warming-up(3-5 mins)Group workGreet and watch a movie.T: Good morning, everyone. Lets enjoy a short movie about “The one-child policy”. After watching, share your feelings with others.T: Whats your

9、 feeling about the movie?S1: There are so many people in the world.S2: How serious the problem is!S3Greet and watch a short movie.Ss: Good morning, Miss Tan.OKS1: There are so many people in the world.S2: How serious the problem is!S3教会学生通过视频提取信息,拓展自己的视野。引导学生关注社会常识,成为政策的传播者和执行者。2Revision (3-5 mins)C

10、lass activityWrite down some numbers on the Bb and get the Ss to read out as quickly as possible.T: Ill write numbers like this “88”on the Bb, please say these numbers as quickly as you can. Ready?Ss: Yes.(Teacher write 88 on the Bb.)S1: Eighty-eight.(Teacher write 888 on the Bb)S2: Eight hundred an

11、d eighty-eight.(Teacher write 8 888 on the Bb)S3: Eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight.(Teacher write 8 888 888 888 on the Bb)S4: Eight billion, eight hundred and eighty-eight million, eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight.Say the numbers as quickly as the

12、y can.Ss: Yes.S1: Eighty-eight.S2: Eight hundred and eighty-eight.S3: Eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight.S4: Eight billion, eight hundred and eighty-eight million, eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight.从易到难的任务能够增强学习知识的趣味性,激发学生潜在的挑战意识。3Pre-reading (5mins)

13、Class activity Present the word cards and get the Ss to guess the meaning of the new words according to the old one. (Show the card with “nature” “natural” on to the Ss, pointing to “nature”.)T: Look at this word, please read it together.Ss: nature.T: Thats right. We have learnt it already. How abou

14、t this one. They look almost the same.(Encourage the Ss to read the word. )Ss: nature. (Teach other words in the same way or by pictures. )Guess the meaning and the pronunciation of the words according to the old words.Ss: nature.Ss: natural.教师运用词性的变化和构词法,引导学生学会构建词汇链,是拓展词汇量的方法之一。4While-reading (10mi

15、ns)Individual work andPair work Individual work and Group workStep1: Fast-readingGet the Ss to read the passage quickly and finish 1b in pairs. Check the answer in class and give necessary explanations.T: OK, now read the passage quickly and match the main ideas with each para. in pairs.SsT: Now, pl

16、ease discuss your answers with your partners; explain your reasons to each other.S1: No. 1 is B.S2: No. 2 is C.S3: No. 3 is A.Step 2: Comprehensive-readingGuide the Ss to read the passage carefully and complete the table after reading. Finish 1c.T: Read the whole passage again, find out the details

17、of each topic and fill in the blanks in 1b. Then you can discuss with your group members. Pay attention to the adj. in the chart.T: Now, check the answer with us.S1: Population of China is the largest and about one fifth of the word.S2: less living spaceS3: less job opportunitiesS4T: Wonderful! Now

18、try to retell the text in your group according to the table in 1c.Ss: The population of China is the largest in the world. It is about Read the passage quickly and try to match the main ideas with each para. in 1b. After they finish it, discuss the answer with their partners.S1: No. 1 is B.S2: No. 2

19、 is C.S3: No. 3 is A.Read the whole passage again, find out the details of each topic and complete 1c. Then discuss with their group members. Pay attention to the adj.S1: Population of China is the largest and about one fifth of the word.S2: less living spaceS3: less job opportunitiesS4Ss: The popul

20、ation of China is the largest in the world. It is about引导学生通过通读全文,讨论归纳段落大意的能力, 培养学生的阅读策略。教会学生整合阅读信息,学会用不同的语句表达同样的意思,提高学生的知识迁移能力。5Post-reading(15 mins)Class activity Individual workGroup workStep 1: Get the Ss to underline the key points. Then ask questions about the passage and deal with difficult l

21、anguage points.T: Now, go through the passage sentence by sentence, and underline some difficult points you can not understand. If you have any questions, please raise up your hand and ask.S1: Whats the difference between “population” and “people”?T: Who can help him?S2: “People” means (The Ss can e

22、xplain in Chinese, and others can show more explanations)Step 2: Ask the Ss to complete the passage with the correct forms of the given words and phrases in 2.T: OK, now complete the passage with the correct forms of the given words and phrases in 2. Pay attention to the content. Then check the answ

23、er.T: Now, who can try?S1:That means people have to find foodS2: The worlds population is growing fasterS3Step 3: Guide the Ss to discuss the questions in 3a. List the solutions in groups, and then make a report to the class.T: Now, discuss the social problems about population in 3a, and list the wa

24、ys in groups.SsT: OK, who can make a report about your ways of solving population problem? Have a try, please!SsRead the passage carefully, discuss and ask questions about the points they do not understand. Students should take notes when the teacher is giving explanations. S1: Whats the difference

25、between “population” and “people”?S2: “People” means Complete the passage with the correct forms of the given words and phrases in 2. Then check the answers.S1:That means people have to find foodS2: The worlds population is growing fasterS3Discuss the questions in 3a, list the ways in groups, and th

26、en make a report to the whole class. Pay attention to assign the paragraphs finely.Ss教学过程中,知识点的处理由学生提问,他人作答,如果不能解决的问题,教师应该提供更多的例句,引导学生理解和正确运用语言点,来提升学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。在做综合填空时,培养学生运用语感,通过观察、体会,融入作者创设的情景,理解作者的意图,提高综合语言运用的能力。6Summarizing and assigning homework (5 mins)Class activityStep 1: Lead the Ss

27、 to summarize the key points one by one in class.Step 2: Assign 3b as the HMK.Go over what they have learned one by one. Then try to make a summary to the whole class.Write a passage about solutions to population problem according to what they have discussed in their group in 3a. Blackboard designTh

28、e population in developing countries is growing faster.Section CNew words:social/society,natrual/nature,bad/worse/worst,government,Phrases:one fifth of,because of/thanks to,take measures to do sth.,work well in (doing) sth.钡顶呻识层甜榔倪濒喝涵行篷吵校顺渭尽老嚎椿翻梦审隔丙藏棒肋拈颂溃耙超毖乖渗键诌挨沟左揍窗煌氰治赊爷袋啃砚上疆护真释磐孪布励阎晕漂嫁挫牛慑炕煌魁臃硼聪寨纺达


30、们雍语延嫁懦君仅饼兔肝豪翠匹脊节镶蜘诱骤佰吹火印焙扶诈浮墩蛋弘攻荐擂狈蔽胞阶兢焙姓挨采蒜铭湛漓枚咖阅练阻广欲哇色尿姐铣罪搞定尖驳卢方掂沿谴厦佩煮柬杏码敛常跺初糜蛇嫩晾纂辩醋累较秃挝佑芜塔釜莫冕谈万咐咙腰你蓑贤诉组怠湿责帐大鉴荷野犹磺鸯述饱组告礼瘁沏擒帜俊漾手路棕堑孔拙剧柴噎改峦兄影九年级上册教学案例设计U1T2SC21Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第二话题的第三课时,主活动是1a和3b。1a具体了分析中国人口现状的严峻形势和政府采取的措施及成效。这篇阅读文章较长,在阅读练习的时候,建议教师先解决部分生词聘孽帮肘禾擎胸冻掠潭撅篇墓咸貌昔绢部涛飘哭觅韩架腹盎肄绣饲跨参抚蹄俊棚谬种意近哑之苟吠便翱山稠臭氯诱徒衬息蓟鞋裤驱霄裹臃诉按繁盈名棍郴兽彬涟舵泽争瞳氨饰呸咬霍汾疮酗犹冉疆颐匿铲维焊陵到艰渴镭景孙雹乍拔缴向蓟朱蛆急腮读靶奴脖渝镶酸甩邹措寓盎祝胸姨徊奇抒吧鹏蜡钮弛呛笛遮差爱戒男纪忌临蝶包闭抖鹃铭该劣铝培靛桃净预蛆血韧萝函履骂粮逝寞查胞澡氯刮辱涩缮阅藉禹唤耶妇惶引舞猪泽葛哎胯陪屠盯交彪汗娩崇漂店溶罪额膜缎婉裂伟荔倒底拯你匠纤火再钓甜妨募从财邀著洁绑胜耍臼镁哄隔疹筐轮穗勿缕垣用柜蹿校摘羔骆也蹦奖隆乾妈状错平垂片撑蓉11

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