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1、名词术语受电设备 The electric power acceptor与低压电力网有电气连接的一切设备,它包括:1)供给用户电能时需要设置的电路、监测、控制、保护、计量等电器;2)将电能转换为其他能源的电器。中性线 The neutral wire字符N,与变压器低压侧中性点连接用来传输电能的导线。保护线 The protective wire字符PE,在某些故障情况下电击保护用的电线,在本规程中系指在TNC系统中受电设备外露可导电部分与保护中性线连接的电线。保护中性线 The protective neutral lead字符PEN,起中性线与保护线两种作用的导线。保护接地线 The pr

2、otective earthing lead字符PEE,在某些故障情况下电击保护用的电线,在本规程中系指在TT系统与IT系统中受电设备外露可导电部分与接地体地面上的接线端子连接的导线。外露可导电部分 Exposed conductive part受电设备能被触及的可导电部分,它在正常时不带电,但在故障情况下可能带电。直接接触 Direct contact人或家畜与带电部分的接触。间接接触 Indirect contact人或家畜与故障情况下已带电的外露可导电部分的接触。接触电压 Contact voltage绝缘损坏时能同时触及部分之间出现的电压。预期接触电压 The anticipative

3、 contact voltage在受电设备中发生阻抗可忽略不计的故障时,可能出现的最高接触电压。通称电压极限 The generally called voltage limit在正常情况下人能允许的最高接触电压的极限。一般为交流50V(有效值),特殊情况下可能低于此值。耐气候型绝缘电线 The climate bearable insulated wire系指符合JBDQ7147规定的绝缘电线。剩余电流 The remnant current系指通过剩余电流保护器主回路的电流矢量和。分级保护 The classified protection由剩余电流总保护、剩余电流中级保护和剩余电流末级保

4、护组成的保护系统。保护器分断时间 The disjuction time of the protection instrument为了切断电路使剩余电流保护器的主触头从闭合位置转换到打开位置的动作时间。额定剩余动作电流 The rated remnant operant current在规定的条件下使剩余电流保护器动作的电流。弱电线路 The light current circuitry系指电报、电话、有线广播、信号等线路。净空距离 The headroom distance架空线路的导线、过引线、引下线在最大风偏时,过引线、引下线之间或导线、过引线、引下线对电杆、拉线的空间相对几何尺寸。电

5、气间隙 The electric clearance两导体部件间的最短直线距离。爬电距离 The creepage distance在两个导体之间,沿绝缘材料表面的最短距离。污秽 Nastiness任何附加的外界固态、液态或气态(游离气体)的物质,凡能使绝缘的电气强度或绝缘电阻降低,均称作污秽。电感性无功负荷 Inductive character reactive termination在负荷电路里,电流与电压不同相,电流滞后电压90相位角,负荷与电源之间仅是相互传递功率而不消耗电能。电容性无功负荷 Capacitive reactive termination在负荷电路里,电流与电压不同相

6、,电压滞后电流90相位角,负荷与电源之间仅是相互传递功率而不消耗电能。就地补偿 Retrieve on the spot在供给电感性无功负荷时,尽量使无功电流不在电路里相互传递,或者减少其传递量值和传递距离,为此在感性负荷的就近处对所需的无功电流进行适量补偿。机械负荷惯性 The inertia of the mechanical load泛指物体(或机械器具)从静止状态转变为运动状态时所需力或力矩的大小程度。放电电阻 Discharge resistance当电容器从电源断开后能有效地把电容器上的剩余电压降低到安全值之下装设的电阻。切合电阻 The cutoff and close resi

7、stance为了降低电容器(组)投合时的涌流和防止开关重燃而引起的过电压而装设的电阻。涌流 Surge current当电容器(组)投入回路时可能产生高频率和高幅值的过渡过电流。残压Residual voltage当电容器(组)断电并放电到一定时限(本规程规定为lmin)后其端子上残存的电压(本规程规定为75V)。自激过电压 Self-excitation excess voltage电动机退出运行时,电容器对其定子绕组放电产生的过电压。工作接地 Working earthing电力网运行时需要的接地,如配电变压器低压侧中性点的直接接地等。保护接地 Protective earthing为防止

8、人身触电而作的接地,如TT系统、IT系统中受电设备外露可导电部分所作的接地。防雷接地 Lightningproof earthing 为将雷电流泄人大地而作的接地,如线路绝缘子的铁脚接地等。接地电阻 Earthing resistance电流经金属接地体流人大地土壤时呈现的电气阻力,其值等于接地体的对地电压与通过接地体流人大地电流的比值。如果通过接地体流人大地的电流是50Hz(我国的电能频率是50Hz)的交变电流,则呈现的电气阻力即称作工频接地电阻。如果通过接地体的电流是雷电流,则呈现的电气阻力即称作雷电接地电阻或冲击接地电阻。雷电日 Thunder day在一天24h内,如果发生了雷电现象,

9、不管其雷电的次数是多少,就算一个雷电日。泄漏电流 Leakge current系指网络中各相导线通过绝缘阻抗向大地泄漏的电流。高土壤电阻率地带 High soil resistivity area系指土壤电阻率p500m的地区。低土壤电阻率地带 Low soil resistivity area系指土壤电阻率p200m的地区。导电能力 Conducting power系指金属导体通过电流的难易程度,用导电率表示。携带式电器 Carriabl eelectrical equipment非固定使用,工作需要时可随身携带至任何地点的电器。固定式电器 Fixed electrical equipmen

10、t固定使用或质量超过18kg又无携带手柄的电器。移动式电器 Movable type electrical equipment非长期固定使用,工作时可以移动或在连接电源后能容易地从一处移到另一处的电器。 dynasty11 学员帖子 75Products Diesel Generating SetMarkets 来自 Jiangsu注册 2006-1-10状态 离线 广告: 如何申请福步外贸论坛商业广告? 发电机行业专业术语库!AC Alternating Current (AC) is electric current that alternates between a positive m

11、aximum value and a negative maximum value at a characteristic frequency, usually 50 or 60 cycles per second (Hertz).交流 交流是指电流在正负最大值之间以特定的频率变动,通常频率为50或60赫兹。 ANSI American National Standards Institute. 美国国家标准协会 美国国家标准协会 Acoustic Material Acoustic material is any material considered in terms of its aco

12、ustic properties, especially its properties of absorbing or deadening sound.声音材料 声音材料,特指有吸音或隔音特性的材料。 Active Power Active power is the real power (kW) supplied by the generator set to the electrical load. Active power creates a load on the generator sets engine and is limited by the horsepower of the

13、 engine. Active power does the work of heating, turning motor shafts, etc.有功功率 有功功率(kW),是指发电机组实际供应给负载的功率,它由发电机组的发动机提供,受到发动机马力大小的限制。发热和驱动马达转动靠有功功率完成。 Air Circuit Breaker An air circuit breaker automatically interrupts the current flowing through it when the current exceeds the trip rating of the brea

14、ker. Air is the medium of electrical insulation between electrically live parts and grounded (earthed) metal parts. 空气线路断路器 空气线路断路器的功能是当电流大小超过断路器的过流跳脱设定值后自动断开。空气是带电零件和接地金属零件之间的绝缘介质。 Alternator Alternator is another term for AC generator.交流发电机 交流发电机 Amortisseur Windings The amortisseur windings of a

15、synchronous AC generator are the conductors embedded in the pole faces of the rotor. They are connected together at both ends of the poles by end rings or end plates. Their function is to dampen waveform distortion during load changes.阻尼线圈 同步交流发电机的阻尼线圈是指嵌绕在转子磁极间的导线,他们分别在两极用端环或端板相连接,主要功能是减弱因负载变化而引起的波

16、形畸变。 Ampacity Ampacity is the safe current-carrying capacity of an electrical conductor in amperes as defined by code.载流容量 载流容量是以安培数来定义导线安全载流能力。 Ampere The ampere is a unit of electric current flow. One ampere of current will flow when a potential of one volt is applied across a resistance of one oh

17、m.安培 安培是电流单位。1伏电压作用于1欧姆的电阻上就会产生1安培的电流。 Annunciator An annunciator is an accessory device used to give remote indication of the status of an operating component in a system. Annunciators are typically used in applications where the equipment monitored is not located in a portion of the facility that

18、is normally attended. The NFPA has specific requirements for remote annunciators used in some applications, such as hospitals.指示器 指示器作为一个附属装置常用于远程显示系统的各个组成部分的运行状态。指示器通常使用在监测设备不在设备现场的应用。美国国家防火协会对指示器在某些行业的应用有特殊要求,例如医院等。 Apparent Power Apparent power is the product of current and voltage, expressed as

19、kVA. It is real power (kW) divided by the power factor (PF).视在功率 视在功率是电流和电压共同作用的产物,用kVA表示。它等于有功功率(kW)除以功率因数。 Armature The armature of an AC generator is the assembly of windings and metal core laminations in which the output voltage is induced. It is the stationary part (stator) in a revolving-field

20、 generator.电枢 交流发电机电枢的是金属芯和绕组的总成,产生感应电压。电枢是旋转磁场交流发电机的不动部分(定子)。 Backup Protection Backup protection consists of protective devices, which are intended to operate only after other protective devices have failed to operate or detect a fault.后备保护装置 后备保护装置是在其他保护装置动作失败或发生故障时动作的保护装置。 Bandwidth The amount o

21、f data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, it is expressed as bits per second, or bytes per second. For analog devices, it is usually expressed as cycles per second, or Hertz.带宽 在固定时间内可传输的数据量。在数字化设备中以位/秒或字秒表示,在模拟(数字)设备中以周/秒或者赫兹表示。 2006-1-14 01:18#1 dynasty11 学员帖子

22、75Products Diesel Generating SetMarkets 来自 Jiangsu注册 2006-1-10状态 离线 广告: 下载FOB论坛资料整理大全!&sid=uyPfXM 回复 #1 dynasty11 的帖子Base Load Base load is that portion of a building load demand which is constant. It is the base of the building demand curve.基本负荷 基本负荷是指建筑负荷需求量中不变的那一部分, 是构成负荷需求曲线的基数。 Baud Rate The sp

23、eed of data transmission in serial data communications approximately equal to the number of code elements (bits) per second (BPS). Bits per second are also termed BPS, with the prefix (k) denoting thousands.波特率 串行数据传输速率,约等于每秒钟传输的比特数。比特/秒也可以用BPS表示,kBPS表示千比特/秒。 Binding The process of making the logica

24、l connections to the network (also called connecting). This involves connecting network variable outputs to network variable inputs using LonWorks software.绑定 与网络进行逻辑连接的过程(也可以叫做连接),包括把输出变量与输入变量用LonWorks软件绑定。 Bit Binary Digit.位 2进制数字 Black Start Black Start refers to the starting of a power system wi

25、th its own power sources, without the assistance from external power supplies.黑启动 黑启动是指依靠系统内部的电源,而不借助外部的电力进行的启动。 Boolean A logical system used to express one of two states, such as on or off (yes or no, 1 or 0, etc.)布尔类型 用于表示2种状态之一的逻辑系统,例如开或关(是或否,1或0等)。 Bus Capacity Bus capacity is the maximum load

26、that can be carried on a system without causing degradation of the generator frequency to less than a prescribed level (usually 59 Hz in a 60 Hz system).母排容量 母排容量是指在发电机频率不被压低的情况下,系统所能带动的最大负载。 CT (Current Transformer) Current transformers are instrument transformers used in conjunction with ammeters,

27、 control circuits and protective relaying. They usually have 5 ampere secondaries.电流互感器 电流互感器是一种仪表变压器,通常与电流表、控制电路、保护继电器配套使用。 Circuit A circuit is a path for an electric current across a potential (voltage).电路 电路是电流通过电势(电压)的路径。 Circuit Breaker A circuit breaker is a protective device that automatical

28、ly interrupts the current flowing through it when that current exceeds a certain value for a specified period of time. See Air Circuit Breaker, Main Breaker, Molded Case Circuit Breaker and Power Circuit Breaker.线路断路器 线路断路器是一个保护装置,当通过它的电流超过某个安全设定值一定时间后,它就能够自动切断电流。(见空气线路断路器、主开关、塑壳线路断路器等)。 Circulating

29、 Harmonic Currents Circulating Harmonic Currents are currents that flow because of differences in voltage waveforms between paralleled power sources, or induced by operation of non-linear loads. 谐波环流 谐波环流是由并联电源间不同的电压波形或者非线性负荷运转而产生的电流。 Continuous Load A continuous load is a load where the maximum cur

30、rent is expected to continue for three hours or more (as defined by the NEC for design calculations).持续负荷 持续负荷是指使电流在3个小时或更长时间(根据NEC的定义)内需保持最大值的负荷。 Current Current is the flow of electric charge. Its unit of measure is the ampere.电流 电流是电荷的流动,以安培为单位。 Cycle A cycle is one complete reversal of an altern

31、ating current or voltage from zero to a positive maximum to zero again and then from zero to a negative maximum to zero again. The number of cycles per second is the frequency.周期 周期是指交流电流或电压从零到正最大值再到零,然后从零到负最大值再到零这样一个往复的过程;而频率则是指每秒可完成的周期数。 2006-1-14 01:19#2 dynasty11 学员帖子 75Products Diesel Generatin

32、g SetMarkets 来自 Jiangsu注册 2006-1-10状态 离线 广告: 下载FOB论坛资料整理大全!&sid=uyPfXM 回复 #2 dynasty11 的帖子Dead Bus Dead Bus refers to the de-energized state of the power connections between outputs of paralleled generator sets. The term bus in this usage can either be rigid solid bus bars or insulated flexible cabl

33、es.不带电母排 不带电母排是指连接并联发电机组输出之间的电力连接处于不带电状态。这里所指的母排可能是坚硬的实心汇流条,也可能是柔韧的绝缘电缆。 Delta Connection Delta connection refers to a three phase connection in which the start of each phase is connected to the end of the next phase, forming the triangle-shaped Greek letter Delta. The load lines are connected to th

34、e corners of the triangle.三角形连接 三角形连接是指在三相连接中,相临两相首尾相连,构成三角形的希腊字母Delta,负荷线连接在三角形的角上。 Differential Relay A differential relay is a protective device that is fed by current transformers located at two different series points in the electrical system. The differential relay compares the currents and pi

35、cks up when there is a difference in the two, which signifies a fault in the zone of protection. These devices are typically used to protect windings in generators or transformers.差动继电器 作为保护装置,差动继电器由位于系统中两个不同位置的电流互感器提供反馈信息。差动继电器对电流进行比较,如果存在不同则表示受保护区域内有故障存在。这些装置常被用于保护发电机或变压器的线圈。 Digital Master Contro

36、l (DMC) This device is designed to control the power systems in a facility. It is offered as an option on Cummins switchgear. 数字主控制器 数字主控制器是用于控制设备电力系统的装置。在康明斯开关柜中数字主控制器是选配件。 Direct Current (DC) Direct current is current with no reversals in polarity.直流 直流是指没有正负极性往复变化的电流。 Distributed Control System A

37、 collection of nodes that interact to control a system whose components are spread out over some distance. Each node has intelligence for operating its own particular component of the system. Different parts of the system communicate status and control information with one another to form a distribu

38、ted control system. Typically, they communicate on a peer-to-peer level. This is different from a type of system where all control and interaction between components is dictated by one central control. This is a common master/slave arrangement.分布式控制系统 分布式控制系统是由分布在不同位置但互相作用的节点构成。每个节点具有智能,可以对各自系统操作控制。

39、系统不同部分之间的通信状态和控制信息交流构成了分布式控制系统,这种系统内的通信是点对点方式,有别于所有的控制以及组成部分之间的通信都由一个中央控制器完成的系统。 Distribution Circuit Breaker A distribution circuit breaker is a device used for overload and short current protection of loads connected to a main distribution device. 配电线路开关 配电线路开关是给连接在主配电设备上的负荷提供过载和短路保护的装置。 Droop Loa

40、d Sharing Droop load sharing is a method of making two or more parallel generator sets share a system kW load. This is accomplished by having each governor control adjusted so that the sets have the same droop (reduction of speed). Typical droop is two cycles in frequency from no load to full load.转

41、速降负荷分配 转速降负荷分配是两台或多台机组负荷分配的一种方法。这通过每台并联机组调速器具备相同的转速降。从空载到满载转速降一般为两赫兹。 Efficiency (EFF) Efficiency is the ratio of energy output to energy input, such as the ratio between the electrical energy input to a motor and the mechanical energy output at the shaft of the motor.效率 效率是输出能量与输入能量的比率,例如输入到电动机的电能与

42、电机轴承输出的机械能的之间的比率。 Emergency System An emergency system is independent power generation equipment that is legally required to feed equipment or systems whose failure may present a life safety hazard to persons or property.应急系统 应急系统是指根据相关法规要求,为那些可能会危及生命安全或造成财产重大损失的设备或系统提供电源的独立发电设备。 Energy Energy is ma

43、nifest in forms such as electricity, heat, light and the capacity to do work. It is convertible from one form to another, such as in a generator set, which converts rotating mechanical energy into electrical energy. Typical units of energy are kW/h, Btu (British thermal unit), Hp/h, ft/lbf, joule an

44、d calorie.能量 能量以电能、热能、光能等形式存在,可以做功,也可以从一种形式转换为另一种形式,例如发电机组能把机械能转变为电能。经常用的能量单位有: 千瓦/小时、英国热量单位、马力/小时、焦耳、卡等。 Fault A fault is any unintended flow of current outside its intended circuit path in an electrical system. 故障 故障是指在电力系统中任何电流跑出正常电路以外的情况。 Feeder Circuit Breaker See Distribution Circuit Breaker.

45、馈电线路开关 见“配电线路开关”。 Fiber Optic Cable A technology using glass or plastic threads (fibers) to transmit data. A fiber optic cable is a bundle of either glass or plastic threads capable of transmitting messages modulated into light waves. Typically, fiber optic cable has greater bandwidth allowing them

46、to carry more data than metal wires. Fiber optic cable is lighter and less susceptible to interference than metal wires. Also, data can be transmitted digitally rather being transformed into analog data for transmission as is the case with metal wires when used for computer data transmission. Fiber

47、optics are becoming increasingly more common for use with Local-Area Networks (LANs). 2006-1-14 01:19#3 dynasty11 学员帖子 75Products Diesel Generating SetMarkets 来自 Jiangsu注册 2006-1-10状态 离线 广告: 快用福步币购买正版Easyboss外贸软件 回复 #3 dynasty11 的帖子光缆 光缆是指使用玻璃或塑料束(光纤)来传输数据。光纤是一束可以用来传递被调制成光波的信息的玻璃或塑料管。与金属电线相比,光缆的特点是带

48、宽更大,质量更轻,可以传导更多数据,抗干扰性能更好,并且数据是以数字形式而不是模拟形式传播。光缆在局域网领域的使用越来越普遍。 First Start Sensor A first start sensor is an electronic device within some paralleling equipment that senses generator set and bus voltage and frequency, and determines whether or not a generator set is the first unit ready to close to

49、 the bus following a call to start under black start conditions. 首启动传感器 首启动传感器是应用于某些并联设备中的电子装置,功能是感知发电机组和母排的电压、频率,判断哪个机组在接到“黑启动”信号后第一个可以合到母排。 Frequency Frequency is the number of complete cycles per unit of time of any periodically varying quantity, such as alternating voltage or current. It is usua

50、lly expressed as (Hz) Hertz or CPS (cycles per second).频率 频率是指周期性变化的事物(如交流电压和电流等)在单位时间内完成的周期数,常用单位是赫兹(Hz)或周期/秒(CPS)。 Frequency Adjust Potentiometer A frequency adjust potentiometer is used to manually bring the frequency (speed) of the incoming set to that of the bus for synchronizing purposes. When

51、 the generator set is paralleled, operation of this potentiometer will adjust the kW load assumed by the generator set.频率调整电位器 频率调整电位器是用于手动调整输入机组的频率使之与母排同步。当机组并联后,电位器可以调整为机组输出功率值。 Frequency Regulation Frequency regulation is a measure that states the difference between no-load and full-load frequenc

52、y as a percentage of full-load frequency. 频率调整率 频率调整率是指空载和满载之间频率的差别与满载频率的百分比。 Gateway A device that acts as an interface between two different communication protocols. The Network Gateway Module (NGM) provides a communication protocol that a PC can understand. Other gateway devices may be used to in

53、terface between our Lontalk protocol and other systems such as a SCADA or Building Automation System. Typically, a gateway becomes necessary when a SCADA or BAS does not have a driver developed for Lontalk.网关 网关是两个不同的通讯协议之间的接口,网关模块(NGM)提供了个人电脑可理解的通讯协议。其他网关设施可能被用作我们的Lontalk 协议和其他系统(如SCADA或楼宇自动化系统)之间的

54、接口装置。当SCADA或楼宇自动化系统没有Lontalk的驱动时,网关就是必不可少的。 Generator A generator is a machine which converts rotating mechanical energy into electrical energy. 发电机 发电机是把(旋转)机械能转化为电能的装置。 Genset Communication Module (GCM) The GCM provides a communication gateway between the Model 3100 PowerCommand Control (PCCI) and

55、 the network. The GCM communicates with the PCCI control over a serial data link. The GCM gets data from the PCCI controls such as voltage, current, engine speed, oil temperature, etc. and then sends it out on the network if another network node is bound to it or requesting data. 机组通讯板 机组通讯板(GCM)是 P

56、CC3100 控制器和网络之间的通讯接口。GCM与PCC通过串行数据连接。GCM从PCC得到如电压、电流、发动机转速、油温等,再把它们发送给需要这些信息的网络节点。 Governor A governor is a device on the engine which controls fuel to maintain a constant engine speed under various load conditions. The governor must have provision for adjusting speed (generator frequency) and speed

57、 droop (no load to full load).调速器 调速器是安装在发动机上的一个装置,在不同的负载条件下通过控制燃料量来保持发动机的恒定转速。调速器必须具备转速调整(发电机频率)和降速降调整(零负荷到满负荷)功能。 Grid The utility-owned power distribution system.电网 电网是指电厂的电力输送系统。 Ground A ground is a connection, either intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit and the earth or som

58、e conducting body serving in place of the earth. 接地 接地是电路与地面或地面上的导体的连接,可以是有意的也可以是意外的。 Ground Fault Protection This function trips (opens) a circuit breaker or sounds an alarm in the event that there is an electrical fault between one or more of the phase conductors and ground (earth). This ground fa

59、ult protection function may be incorporated into a circuit breaker. 接地故障保护 当一个或多个相导线与地之间出现电气故障时,接地故障保护通过跳脱断路器或报警来示警。这种功能可以一体化设计在断路器上。 Hertz (Hz) The term Hertz is the preferred designation for cycles per second (CPS) and is used to describe frequency. 赫兹 赫兹是频率单位,也等于周期/秒(CPS)。 Hub A common connection

60、 point for devices or nodes in a network or sub-network. Hubs are commonly used to connect segments of a LAN and contain multiple ports.分支器 分支器是网络或子网络中设备和接点的集线器,包含很多端口,一般应用于连接局域网的分支。 Hunting Hunting is a phenomenon that can occur upon load changes in which the frequency or the voltage continues to rise above and fal

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