Analysis of Localization of Industrial Design Relationship with The Chinese Traditional Culture浅析工业设计本土化与中国传统文化的关系

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Analysis of Localization of Industrial Design Relationship with The Chinese Traditional Culture浅析工业设计本土化与中国传统文化的关系_第1页
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1、Analysis of Localization of Industrial Design Relationship with The Chinese Traditional CultureAbstract China industrial design localization, you need a combination of traditional Chinese culture. This requires that industrial design in the mix of Western science and culture at the same time, but al

2、so full of oriental charm and philosophical wisdom. The article on the excavation of ancient Chinese idea of creation order, the Chinese contemporary industrial design in order to provide some new ideas and concepts, the formation of the national characteristics of the industrial design.Key words In

3、dustrial design localization; Traditional Chinese culture; National characteristicsI. Introduction Industrial design companies in China more and more attention, however, in terms of its level, due to economic, technical, personnel and other factors, most still in imitation. Since the 1980s, China ha

4、s gradually increased the importance of industrial design and investment. After 20 years of development, China has established a design and development of industrial forming processes and the education system. But can not be avoided, our design capabilities and the level is still relatively low leve

5、l in the world, far from being able to hit the world market of design, local design pincer attack on something difficult, faltering. This result is caused by many factors. The objective course of development of Chinas industrial design is shorter, generally weak industrial base; subjective idea of C

6、hinas outdated design, lack of language. But the most fundamental reason is that we do not have summed up a set of design ideas with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, in order to promote industrial design localization, we need to learn from the experience of developed countries on the basis of ind

7、ustrial design to explore the essence of Chinas traditional culture of creation, from the creation of this nations traditional culture to draw nutrients, summed up a set of feasible designs with Chinese characteristics concept. China has five thousand years of culture, the traditional design-rich, c

8、ontemporary designer can provide valuable historical thinking, we have to carefully dig and explore, and strive to have a guide from which summed up the design.II.The natural tendency of the creation of traditional Chinese culture Chinese Taoism advocates Heaven, return to basics, where day that is

9、nature, nature is the nature of heaven and earth, advocates should Sunchon the line, not artificially against nature. I say: Act, the law of the heavens, France Road, Imitation of Nature. Can be seen from this passage, I believe that all things are generated by the channel, while the Road is the alm

10、ost naturally, that is, there are certain laws. People to create objects are emulate Road, is to follow the natural self-evident. In the design concept in China, good design should be as natural as live free, agile change. The theory is based on Heaven, smooth things natural creation should be simpl

11、e and the world exemplifies the struggle the United States. Is the so-called Great Music Sound, invisible elephant, the most delicate, if clumsy. The relationship between man and nature that is not antagonistic, but intimate, fusion of interoperability. This is the humanism and the West is very diff

12、erent. Western emphasis on the rational principles of science, they re-interpret, re-analysis, ways of thinking with the individual, intermittent, structural, combination. But in modern society, the West, everything becomes possible the dominant ideology in environmental degradation and ecological c

13、risis in the context of the principles of humanity in front of the reality of it hit the barrier. Thus, more proof of Chinas traditional culture and way of thinking has a rational core. Chinese garden art garden is a treasure of the world and enjoy high reputation. Chinese gardens usually the natura

14、l curve of the composition, winding, winding paths, rarely symmetrical structure. Whether in the construction of the cloth Diego mountain stone built pavilion made of water, are naturally free to order to pursue, although made by the people, Wan since the days open effect. See the magic in the flat

15、in the pursuit, since the natural place was ingenuity. We contrast the traditional Chinese culture creation, where Heaven coherent design ideas to the modern design provides both inspiration. 1.Modern design to be smooth things natural, respect for objective law. Inspiration from nature, to maintain

16、 the natural facial products. Methods in the design of respect for the material as far as possible the performance of their own property, while respecting the people (users) of the natural and social attributes. 2.Establish a universal harmony design concept, build a harmonious environment. Coordina

17、tor - machine - environment system; a coordinated scientific, artistic, economic, social and other aspects of the relationship between industrial design, sustainable development for the purpose and objective view of Western culture, the competition cut-off day served the spirit of things. Believe th

18、at Chinas industrial design can be positive results in the absorption of Western countries on the basis of the formation of industrial design with Chinese characteristics.III. The creation of traditional Chinese culture, minimalist fashion Chinese culture advocates indifferent quiet, Elegant quiet a

19、esthetic taste, for the United States objects to simple, smooth material to promote natural, cultural ornaments against the excessive carving. Taoist Lao Tzu is a song are all, in vain are straight, hollow the surplus, the new spacious, ranging from more to more than confusion. Is said. This is the

20、master of the German modernist design Mies van der Rohe less is more minimalist interpretation of the prophet. In the creation culture, this idea has been fully reflected. By Ming-style furniture, for example, it is the history of ancient Chinese furniture of the highest achievements of the branch.

21、It is sober and elegant style, design simplified properly, has a very high artistic value. Ming-style furniture, concise and simple, elegant and fresh, showing an attitude of natural to the carving, the laid-back tolerance, Ming-style furniture completely tenon joint structure according to different

22、 parts of the design corresponding tenon joint, it is natural yet structured, but no lack of generosity compact. In addition, the Ming-style furniture little decoration, vigorous concise, flowing lines of modern functionalism and minimalist design reflects the essence of the prophet. Chinas traditio

23、nal culture is a minimalist aesthetic ideal based on personality, is to promote people in the dominant position in the material world, to promote human use things, positive things for mens world view, which contains the self-esteem, peace of truth and goodness thought to have been infected with the

24、modern, contemporary designer worth attention. We should learn from Chinas traditional culture nutrients, in material things first, business competitive economy, has served heavy objects, simple simple design will bring an Elegant, quiet and fresh air. In modern design, we can not pursue that modern

25、isms rigid form follows function argument, it can not pursue the form of joking tradition. Chinas creation culture goodness with music, gentle, beautiful and quality of each other, function and form of harmony and unity of the Creator Zhang, the Chinese designers have been praiseworthy, we want to c

26、ombine modern design creation of China culture, and thus abandon and curing into a new national style.IV.The creation of traditional Chinese culture view of things to take as Creator Zhang View of things to take as is important to understand the world of ancient China one of the methods to study the

27、 ancient art of thinking is bound to the concept of industrial design culture today the formation of development of reference. View of things to take as in view of things that is, look at all things, taking as the internal law of refining that is taking deep spiritual content. Ancients view of thing

28、s to take as a way to observe the phenomenon of objective thinking, analysis of its internal law, and to the specific form of its clever apparent. View of things to take as way of thinking is reflected in the creation can be summarized as being the Italian system shaped to form intended to take. Chi

29、na does not count them out with a number of superb design of the craft, such as the Qin Dynasty square hole round coins design, is to examine the ancient coins in circulation as the economic and social stability of the essential elements of the universe in the original draw hemispherical dome. think

30、ing and design. Then porcelain, for example, in the creation of sustenance feelings, reflecting the spirit of the ancient Chinese art of porcelain making the culmination of. When the porcelain is plainer than plain, minimal decoration, the beauty With Yu of the cut even. Descendants assessment porce

31、lain to win plain to see the clever styling to pattern pieces known, smooth shape, texture, pure, like diamonds in the rough. Bing Ji which celadon jade, white like snow, like silver, to show the natural beauty is not applied Prostitute. This is elegant and refined ancient pursuit of the perfect emb

32、odiment of Rhyme. With the new science and technology become more sophisticated and widely used, national traditional culture in the continuous impact of modern civilization by making differences in peoples lives in the reduced, in the way of life of people around the same trend. At the same time, c

33、ountries of the design style has become international. In this case, culture as the development of industrial design elements can not be ignored, people prefer the product of deep-seated spiritual culture, pay more attention to the shape of the image conveyed by the products inherent ideological and

34、 cultural. More post-modernist design embodied in showing people the taste of the product concerned. National is the world, Chinas modern design how to form a unique style, I think the main is how to give the product a unique ethos. Japanese furniture designers shiro kuramata design armchair HowHigh

35、t the Moon reason for success lies in the master to give the product to a quiet, distant Zen connotations. Zhe as good as the products in the modern conception of the successful example of integration of the East. View of things to take as way of thinking on the formation of industrial design cultur

36、e, has an important reference. Can be used in industrial design metaphor, suggesting, symbols, references and simulation techniques to enhance the cultural quality of the design. This will not only enrich the designers language, more diversified to meet the spiritual needs of people, enhance the qua

37、lity of life. This is the solution of industrial design to absorb the inherent cultural and spiritual heritage of the nations good channels.V.Chinas traditional culture, industrial design concept of the bionic creation Chinas Taoism advocates World and I, and hygiene, all things with me as a, all th

38、ings together, what the shorter length, and strongly praise the heavens and the earths natural order: Heaven and earth often inherent in men, and carry out the inherent sun and the moon, and stars carry out the inherent, intrinsic group of animal men, and tree stand carry the inherent nature of the

39、ancients in the transformation process is not to conquer nature, to control nature, but nature as teacher, learn about nature, natural hold obedience, absorbed attitude. Recalling the history of ancient Chinese civilization, many have left the traditional creation of traces of imitation of the natur

40、al ecology. A variety of animal forms as the prototype of the practical utensils, such as pig-shaped pot, cattle-shaped lights, rabbit-shaped lights, and as the Han Dynasty long letter lanterns, the whole image is a hand-held lanterns maid, the cuff of the exhaust pipe and the inside of the body wat

41、er storage purposes, the role of smoke from the filter is an excellent example of traditional bionic creation. Large number of instances chronicles the lives of people outside of the natural creative imitation of form and function, the application process. Nature gave birth to all things, including

42、human beings. All things in nature, all-win method. People in the distant years seems to recognize from the natural ecosystem to understand that their own survival, development and progress of the essence. However, with the rapid development of modern industrialization, the alienation of modern civi

43、lization of mankind occurred, mechanized mass production, in turn destroying our environment, to create our own apathy caught trapped in the rigid mechanical products, seriously hindered creativity, in addition, from nature, take in the natural form of bionic products to cater to some extent the nat

44、ural desire of human yearning. Based on this fact, people began to look at the areas of bionic eyes to re-invest. Products are man-made second nature, and numerous biological patterns in nature is an inexhaustible supply of forms designer material. Nature as Teacher, in turn, can inspire the designe

45、rs inspiration and spark ideas, learn from nature, biomorphic optimize and integrate it into product form, you can give the products unique aesthetic taste and reasonable. From the modern point of view, many of the organic nature of life, its evolution in the process of evolving in line with laws of

46、 formal beauty of the structure, shape, color and graphics, in their process of growth and activity is also showing a certain moment the breathtaking beauty of modeling. Bionics from the scientific, rational point of view for the form of material and product modeling provides the basis inspire inspi

47、red to become an important method of product form modeling. At the present stage, industrial design needs based on the experiences of developed countries to take root as soon as possible local, form a unique national style. Chinese traditional culture, nature to the Creator of nature as a teacher Zh

48、ang will give Chinas industrial design inspiration.VI. Conclusion Chinas traditional culture has a long history and profound traditional Chinese culture in the thinking of the wisdom of creation, creation principles in a modern design for the Chinese to open up a treasure trove for reference, we sho

49、uld be more from the creation of traditional Chinese culture, learn wisdom and nutrition, the Chinese industrial design system in the deep soil of our national culture, to find a meeting point, which allows Chinas traditional culture in the form fields that inheritance and development, and continue

50、to flourish, as soon as possible foreign, past serve the present objective.References1 Zhang Xuedong, Industrial Design Study of localization J. Anhui University of Technology,2002, (48).2 Yellowstone. On the creation of traditional Chinese culture J. Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology , 2003, (11).3 Mr. Yang Yi and Foreign Origin of Art and Design M. Wuhan: Chongwen Books, 2002.4 Yin Dingbang. Design Introduction to M. Hunan: Hunan Science and Technology Press,2004.

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