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1、附录二:译文1 分子印迹整体柱在色谱分离中的应用摘要分子印迹整体柱是二十世纪九十年代兴起的一种新型分离柱,典型的整体柱材料无须通过烦琐的研磨、筛分、装柱等程序而可以直接在不锈钢柱或毛细管中制备。此外,分子印迹聚合物的制备,由于模板分子的使用量相对较少,使其更为经济。近年来,整体柱以其制备简单、重现性好、用途广泛、传质速度快等优点引起人们的广泛关注。它常作为高效液相色谱和电色谱的固定相。关键词液相色谱柱 毛细管电色谱 整体柱 分子印迹聚合物引言分子印迹技术是制备具有特殊分子识别性能的固定相的有效方法。分子印迹的原理是聚合过程中通过使用交联剂将功能单体和目标分子或模板分子混合物聚合。从功能基团中移



4、物和氟化表面活性剂限制了该方法在实际中的应用。最近,Ye et al.用沉淀聚合法来制备分子印迹微球体,尽管有很高的产率,在实验中由于大的稀释效应,需要大量的模板分子。为了简化实验制备步骤,Matsui et al.首先使用原位聚合技术来制备分子印迹整体柱,与传统方法相比,过程相对简便,而且制备的整体柱的大孔结构具备良好的通透性。通过使用该技术合成的分子印迹整体柱可以避免烦琐的研磨、筛分、装柱等过程,并且可以直接在不锈钢柱或毛细管柱中进行合成。此外,这种制备分子印迹聚合物的方法效率较高,模板分子需求的量较少。整体柱整体柱作为一种分离介质,在形式上可以看成是一个大的“颗粒”,但没有典型的填充床的


6、效果,近年来固定相整体柱技术在色谱固定相制备领域得到了快速的发展有些技术还得以商业化。有些色谱研究员把整体柱看成第四代色谱分离介质。分子印迹聚合物的发展和应用在高效液相中的发展和应用1993年,Matsui et al.用原位聚合方法来制备毛细管整体柱,将模板分子和引发剂加入到功能单体(甲基丙烯酸或2-三氟甲基丙烯酸),交联剂(乙烯,乙二醇,二甲基丙烯),极性溶剂(环己烷和1-十二烷酸)混合液中,搅匀,注入到干净的钢柱中,聚合反应在水浴中进行。当聚合完毕,用甲醇、醋酸混合液彻底洗去模板分子和极性溶剂。将L或D形的苯基苯胺作为制备分子印迹聚合物整体柱的模板分子,该整体柱可以将苯基苯胺对映异构体区

7、分开,因此只需简单的步骤就能使整体柱具备合适的选择性,然而它却表现出低分离度,这可能是因为原位制备过程中使用了1-十二烷醇和环己醇作为致孔剂,它们严重干扰了氢键,在印迹过程中,通过静电作用影响模板分子和功能单体的作用。Sellergren 在15cm长,5mm内径的玻璃管中通过分散聚合制备多孔MIP,这种方法是将微尺寸的球状颗粒聚集于柱中。异丙醇水溶液作为分子印迹中的溶剂。用色谱法对该柱进行评估,显示在分离液为0.3mL/min的情况下模板戊烷咪分子与对照化合物苄脒的分离度为6.8。(确定整体柱选择性的方法是通过评估非极性在相同的分离环境下的分离情况。基于MIP选择性可以通过非印迹聚合物的归一


9、速的条件来达到对辛可宁和辛可尼丁的分离。因为手性整体柱中存在大孔,在分离过程中背压较低,流速为1.0mL/min情况下分离度可达3.18。当流速达2.0mL/min时,背压只达到1.08Mpa。Yang et al.用氨基安替比林作为模板分子来制备MIP棒,它能识别氨基安替比林与其类似物。分子识别过程的机理也被提出,它研究了在分离过程中化学功能团和离子键对分离的干扰。可以使用那格列奈N-(反式-4-异丙基环已基-1-甲酰基)-D-苯丙氨酸作为模板分子来制备MIP整体柱,整体柱在手性分离和特征性分子识别中得到了研究。 后来,Huang et al.改进了制备分子印迹整体柱的方法,得到了高通量的整


11、的。Huang et al.制备了短柱和盘状的分子印迹整体柱。通过制备不同长度但体积相同的整体柱,发现在分离非对映异构体中,柱长一般不影响分离效果。因为一个30mm长,8mm内径的容器中,流体阻力较小,柱可以在较大的流速下工作。在短柱中,通过逐步提高流速的方法可以在3min内达到对弱金鸡纳碱非对映异构的辛可宁与辛可尼丁和对映异构的Cbz-Dl-Try与Fmoc-Dl-Try的分离,同时制备一个尺寸为10mm长,16mm内径的辛可宁印迹整体柱。在色谱中圆盘整体柱表现出与长整体柱同样的性能。在流速为9.0mL/min情况下,只需2.5min可达到辛可宁和辛可尼丁的分离。实验研究发现流速对流体动力学





16、的工具。结论 虽然整体柱是应用于HPLC,且形式相对较新的固定相,很多研究才刚刚起步,立足于整体柱制备现在取得的成绩,对制备新型整体柱有了新的展望。把具有精确定位性能的整体柱作为“第四代固定相”。前不久,Guiochon认为整体柱的发明和发展将成为柱技术方面主要的技术转变。 近年来,因为整体柱的独特性能,它在HPLC和CEC方面的应用得到了极大的关注。它们在应用过程中表现出制备简易、重现性高、应用广泛和传质速度快等特点。这些优点在快速分离生物分子和合成分子中得以证明。虽然它不太可能完全的取代颗粒填充柱,但它却可以作为一种后备选项。分子印迹整体柱很可能在手性分离方面得以发展。虽然MIP整体柱还很




20、多孔聚合物。2实验部分21实验材料实验中使用到生物可降解的多乳酸(PLA)。购得的PLA样品是0.25mm厚的薄片。将其压缩成1.1-1.3mm厚的样品。此时样品的密度为1.25g/cm3。PLA是一种半晶体状聚合物,通过压缩的样品的结晶度为5%左右。玻璃化温度为60摄氏度。用医用级的CO2作为致孔剂。CO2是从Airgas Pac,Inc公司购买。22实验设备和实验步骤PLA样品通过一个标准的固体发泡过程产生孔隙,在发泡之前,首先进行PLA在室温,大气压为3-5Mpa时对CO2的吸附研究,接着进行5Mpa下的CO2吸附研究,将样品从高压容器中取出,有间隔的测定它在常温常压下的解吸情况,通过吸

21、附和解吸的研究以确定随后的发泡过程中所需要的浸润时间和解吸时间。 发泡实验分为两组进行,第一组的浸润时间和解吸时间保持恒定,改变发泡的主要参数,如对浸润压力,发泡温度,发泡时间进行改变。改变数据详见原文表1。解吸时间限定为将样品从高压容器中取出至对样品进行发泡这段时间,这组实验的目的是确定发泡过程中主要因素与孔径的关系,第二组实验探索浸润时间和解吸时间对实验的影响。表2显示了第二组实验时主要因素的情况。通过发泡之后,参照ASTM(美国材料试验协会)标准测定样品的相对密度。在发泡过的样品中选取相对密度最小的样品,对它进行超声波处理。(该超声波仪是Sonics Concept. In公司生产的型号

22、为VC750)。该超声波仪处理器可发出20kHz频率的超声波,它的最大功率为750W。样品固定在蒸馏水中,水槽放置在实验桌上通过电脑(MAXNC公司的型号为MAXNC)监控。超声波探头置于样品表面2mm处。脉冲超声波的起落比率为1:9,平均电功率保持100W。超声波处理时间为60s。水温为21。23样品特征描述用FEI Siron XL 30 EDAX EDS 扫描电镜探测样品的微观结构特征。图象处理软件,ImageJ,是从NIH网站上下载,用于分析孔径的大小分布情况。孔径是Feret直径,从SEM图象中测量出来。最长的距离是空隙边界两个对应点的直线长度。3结果和讨论31 CO2浸润和PLA的




26、的浓度相对还是很高,它们会形成空隙,为样品内部的气体制造逃出的通道,使这些气体不参与发泡过程。因此,为制备低密度的致孔剂就需要确定合适的解吸时间。另一方面,不能进行长时间的解吸,因为气体能容易通过扩散过程逃离。相对密度是随解吸时间而变化的,可以选择15min-45min的解吸时间,此时样品的相对密度比较恒定。这么长的时间足够将样品从高压容器中取出,完成发泡的过程。3.3超声波处理对相对密度的影响超声波应用于相对密度比较低的发泡剂(该实验发泡剂的密度为9%)。这些样品在大气压为5Mpa的情况下浸润3.5h,解吸时间为40min,发泡温度为100,气泡时间为10s, 通过超声波处理前后的显微结构如

27、图6所示。在超声波处理之前,很多孔都是封闭的,经过超声波处理之后大部分的空隙都被打开了。为检测超声波对空隙大小的影响,可以通过图7比较超声波处理前后的空隙分布情况。在超声波处理之前,闭合空隙的直径为30m-70m。经过超声波处理,相连通的空隙直径变成30-90m。从图片中显示,全部的孔稍微向图片右边移动,这说明经过超声波处理的空隙稍微增大了。 致孔剂中互相连通的孔是孔壁被打破的结果。当聚合物经过气体浸润法产生空隙,气泡团聚形成空隙。当气泡长到足够大,它会与相连的气泡发生碰撞,使空隙扩大到另外一边。在固体致孔过程中,气泡破裂是一种不良的反应。当很多气泡同时发生破裂时,致孔剂会发生塌陷,使致孔剂在


29、隙的连通性。通过固体合成法和超声波处理技术结合可以提供一种制备应用于组织工程的多孔聚合物的方法。附录三:译文原文一Monolithic Molecularly Imprinted Columns for Chromatographic SeparationAbstractMonolithic molecularly imprinted columns are a new class of column that emerged in the early 1990s. These monolithic materials are typically prepared directly insid

30、e stainless steel columns or capillary columns without the tedious procedures of grinding, sieving, and column packing. Furthermore, the preparation of this type of MIP is more cost-efficient, because the amount of template molecules required is much lower. In recent years monolithic supports as sta

31、tionary phases in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and capillary electrochromatography (CEC) have attracted significant interest because of their ease of preparation, high reproducibility, versatile surface chemistry, and rapid mass transport.KeywordsColumn liquid chromatography Capilla

32、ry electrochromatographyMonolithic columns Molecular imprinted polymersIntroductionThe molecular imprinting technique is an effective strategy for preparing stationary phases with specific molecular-recognition properties 13. The principle of molecular imprinting is the polymerization, by use of a c

33、rosslinking reagent, of a mixture of functional monomers and a target molecule or template. After removal of the template the functional groups in the resulting binding sites are arranged in positions suitable for interaction with the template molecule so the molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) can

34、 selectively recognize the template molecule among other structurally related molecules. MIP are resistant not only to mechanical stress, high pressure, and elevated temperature, but also to acids, bases, organic solvents, and metal ions. The advantages of MIP over biopolymers are low cost and good

35、physical and chemical stability. In analytical chemistry molecularly imprinted polymers have found application in solid-phase extraction4, ligand-binding assays 5, sensors6, and chromatography 7.MIP can be prepared in several forms for use in chromatography. The conventional approach is to synthesiz

36、e the MIP in bulk, grind the resulting polymer block into particles, and sieve the particles into the desired size ranges. Particle sizes25 lm are usually used in chromatographic studies. Such ground and sieved particles have been packed into conventional HPLC columns 8, 9, immobilized on TLC plates

37、 10, and entrapped 11,12 in capillary columns using acrylamide gels or silicate matrices. Although bulk polymerization is simple, and optimization of imprinting conditions is relatively straightforward, the grinding and sieving steps are tedious, and only a portion of the polymer is recovered as use

38、ful packing material. The ground particles are polydisperse both in shape and size, which limits efficiency and resolution.Polystyrene particles have also been used as shape templates for synthesizing MIP via a two-step swelling seedpolymerization technique 13, 14. Although particles obtained using

39、this technique are comparatively monodisperse in size and shape and well suited for chromatographic applications, the requirement for aqueous emulsions can interfere with the imprinting process and the selectivity of these particles is still not completely satisfactory. To avoid such interference, s

40、uspension polymerization in perfluorocarbon solvents has been studied 15. Excellent chromatographic performance was obtained from polymer beads produced by use of this method and selectivity was good even at high flow rates. Unfortunately, the specialized perfluorocarbon solvent and fluorinated surf

41、actant impose limits on the applicability and practicality of this method.Precipitation polymerisation was recently used by Ye et al. for production of molecularly imprinted microspheres16. Despite the higher yields, a large amount of template is needed for the preparation process, because of the hi

42、gh dilution factor.To simplify the preparation procedure, Matsui et al. 17 first used the in-situ polymerization technique for preparation of molecularly imprinted monoliths. The method is very simple compared with the conventional procedure and its macroporous structure has excellent hydrodynamic p

43、roperties. By use of this technique MIP can be synthesized directly inside stainless steel columns or capillary columns without the tedious procedures of grinding, sieving and column packing. Furthermore, the preparation of this type of MIP is more cost-efficient, because the amount of template requ

44、ired is much lower.Monolithic Columns Monoliths are separation media in a format that can be compared with a single large particle that does not contain the interparticular voids typical of packed beds. The first attempts to make singlepiece separation media dates back to the late 1960s and early 19

45、70s. They can be prepared by polymerization of monomers in a column. The process seems to have greater flexibility than packing a column with particles in that a wide range of monomers can be used to prepare monoliths with integrated structures that can have much higher external porosity than densel

46、y packed particles. The high porosity leads to high permeability, or low pressure drop. Coupled with the presence of small skeletons, high efficiency can be expected, and is actually obtained. In recent years, monolithic supports as stationary phases in HPLC and CEC have attracted significant intere

47、st, because of their ease of preparation, high reproducibility, versatile surface chemistry, and rapid mass transport. Large through-pores present in this type of stationary phase enable mobile phases to flow through the adsorbent with low flow resistance at high flow rates and convection becomes a

48、dominant mass transport mechanism, which is much more rapid than diffusion in conventional stationary phases 1820. A variety of applications using rapid separation on this type of stationary phase have been reported 2123. Monolithic stationary phases have become a rapidly expanding field in chromato

49、graphic stationary phase preparation in recent years and some have even been commercialized24. Some chromatography researchers regard them as fourth-generation chromatography adsorbents 25.Development and Application of Monolithic MIPDevelopment and Application in HPLCIn 1993, Matsui et al.17 used i

50、n-situ polymerization for preparation of molecularly imprinted monoliths. A template compound and initiator were dissolved in a mixture of a functional monomer (methacrylic acid or 2-(trifluoromethyl)acrylic acid), a cross-linker (ethylene glycol dimethacrylate), and porogenic solvents (cyclohexanol

51、 and 1-dodecanol) and the mixture was degassed and poured into a stainless steel column. Polymerization was performed in situ in a water bath. When polymerization was complete the template and porogenic solvents were removed by exhaustive washing with methanolacetic acid. Enantiomers of phenylalene

52、anilide were resolved by use of monolithic molecularly imprinted polymers produced with the L or D form as template. The polymer imprinted with the L form had a higher separation factor (1.7) than that imprinted with the D form (1.4). Although columns with reasonable selectivity were obtained in a s

53、ingle step, poor efficiency resulted in low-resolution separations. This may be because of the use of 1-dodecanol and cyclohexanol as porogenic agents in the in-situ procedure, because these seriously interfere with hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions between template molecules and the f

54、unctional monomers during the imprinting process.Sellergren used a variant of dispersion polymerization to prepare porous MIP in 15 cm3 mm i.d. glass tubes 26. The approach gave rise to aggregates of micro-sized globular particles in the column. A mixture of isopropanol and water was used as the sol

55、vent for molecular imprinting. Chromatographic evaluation of this column revealed a corrected selectivity of 6.8 between the template pentamidine and the reference compound benzamidine at a flow rate of 0.3 mLmin-1.(Corrected selectivity is determined by evaluating a nonimprinted polymer produced in

56、 a manner otherwise identical with the MIP under identical separation conditions. The MIP-based selectivity is then normalized to that of the nonimprinted polymer.)Later, a cinchona alkaloid molecularimprinted polymer rod was prepared with methacrylic acid or 2-(trifluoromethyl)acrylic acid as monom

57、er 27. A 5.3 stereoseparation factor was obtained with the 2-trifluoromethylacrylic acid monomer. The diastereomers of cinchonine and cinchonidine, quinine and quinidine were successfully separated on a cinchonine-imprinted monolithic column by use of stepwise or linear gradient elution; the peak sh

58、ape of the later-eluted compound was much better if gradient elution was used.Although some monolithic MIP columns have been prepared successfully, such columns often suffer from high backpressure and low efficiency 28, 29, which limit their application in practical separations. Several methods, for

59、 example increasing the amount of cyclohexanol and adding the latex beads to the polymerization mixture, have been used to overcome this problem by increasing the permeability of rods, but the results have been unsatisfactory.To improve selectivity and efficiency, a new in-situ molecular imprinting

60、polymerization process was introduced in which toluene and 1-dodecanol, in appropriate ratios, were used as porogenic solvents of relatively low polarity30. Diastereomers of cinchonine and cinchonidine were fully separated by both isocratic and gradient elution on the chiral monolithic column obtain

61、ed. Because of the large pores in the chiral monolithic column, backpressure was low during the separation process and a separation factor of 3.18 was achieved at 1.0 mL min-1. When the flow rate was 2.0mL min-1 the backpressure reached 1.08 Mpa only.Yang et al. 31 prepared MIP rods using aminoantip

62、yrine as template. Recognition by the molecularly imprinted polymer rod was evaluated by comparing the retention of aminoantipyrine and its analogues. A mechanism was proposed for the molecular-recognition process and the effects of chemically functional groups on the separation and contributions of

63、 ionic and hydrogen-bonding interactions to the separation were also investigated. A monolithic molecularlyimprinted polymer was also prepared using nateglinide(N-(trans-4-isopropylcyclohexylcarbonyl)-D- phenylalanine) as template 32. The column was successfully used for chiral separation and the ch

64、aracteristics of molecular recognition were studied.Later, Huang et al.33 used their improved method for preparation of molecularly imprinted monolithic stationary phases with both good flowthrough properties and high resolution in the liquid chromatographic separation of chiral compounds. Selected

65、enantiomers of amino acid derivatives and diastereomers of cinchona alkaloids were completely resolved by use of the monolithic stationary phases. These stationary phases had large through-pores and, therefore, developed very low backpressure, leading to accelerated separation of enantiomers and diastereomers at elevated flow-rates. This result is particularly impressive, because long separation times are usually a serious drawback in s

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