The unity of the thought of Lu Xun[文档资料]

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《The unity of the thought of Lu Xun[文档资料]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The unity of the thought of Lu Xun[文档资料](6页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、The unity of the thought of Lu Xun 本文档格式为WORD,感谢你的阅读。 【Abstract】from the macro point of view, Lu Xun thought the whole show the characteristics of individualism and socialism integrity and unity. With strong individual color early thoughts of Lu Xun, a liberal, focuses on human existence, freedom, v

2、alue of life, the problems of life. 30 years after Lu Xun thought has obvious characteristics of socialism and collectivism, living condition and social issues of concern to the masses, way of thinking about the social and political. They are come down in one continuous line, a complete and unified,

3、 does not exist after the first who, who is good who bad question. Lu Xun thought reflects the changing process Chinese modern thought, is a clear portrayal of modern ideological and cultural change. 【Keywords】Lu Xun; thought individualistic; liberal socialism 【】I24 【】A 【】2095-3089(2014)01-0192-01 S

4、ince the modern times, a large amount of western advanced ideas, science and technology into the China. After the new culture movement, many scholars begin to self organize these ideas and the social and cultural experience, trying to establish the new order of modern thought and culture China new s

5、pecification. In this context, Lu Xun through in-depth research and thinking, will undoubtedly become the master of contemporary thought. Lu Xun thought deeply, and the construction of advanced culture in modern thought for the new order China provides valuable reference and experience. Chinese trad

6、itional and feudal superstition ingrained, serious impact even by the ideas of freedom and democracy, still affect most peoples mental state and thinking habits. Since the new culture movement, the discovery of man fundamentally the collapse of the feudal system was the foundation of moral ethics, h

7、as gradually established humans subjective initiative and the peoples freedom, equality, democracy and respect for the rights of the. People began to get rid of the slavish consciousness monarchy imposed on the people for a long time, the self awakening requirements. Lu Xun in the years 1924-1926 we

8、eds permeated with Lu Xun early on the existence of individuals seeking and thinking. Lu Xun on life, values, world, life and many other ideas for exploration and thinking deeply, and in time and space, the negative and positive, finite and infinite, nihility and existence, life and death, hope and

9、despair philosophy proposition established understanding of ordinary people can not match the high degree. Lu Xun with a strong life force denied pessimism, fear, just struggle the negative in the Lu Xun to complete the philosophical thinking of life and death. Life is limited and the inevitability

10、of death and many people live in a dark, gloomy atmosphere. Lu Xun feel deeply the absurdity and death pessimistic. We in the struggle Lu Xun endured great pain, and would rather own a person to bear the pain pain and misery mass. This is willing to sacrifice oneself fearlessness. Lu Xun has been wa

11、ry of his dark side, and to the rebels and the challengers attitude to achieve self transcendence. In twentieth Century thirty Lu Xun joined the League of leftist writers, marks the further deepening of Lu Xun early liberalism, individualism - march towards socialism, collectivism. The failure of th

12、e great revolution in 1927, the national government was established, have been arrested Communists, intellectuals and advanced individuals. Many of the revolutionary masses was mercilessly killed, society has entered a new round of white terror period. The Kuomintang reactionary rule aroused peoples

13、 revolt, Lu Xun saw the Kuomintang government is corrupt and incompetent, see clearly the autocratic rule of the KMT and the reactionary nature, therefore intended to be separated from the Liberals stand, stand to the side of the broad masses of the people. Lu Xun cared about the peoples sufferings,

14、 pondering the future way out China, become a communist propaganda will practitioners and adherents. A lot of critical of the government, concerned about the revolutionary masses essays emerge as the times require. Lu Xuns essay writing is sharp, insightful, style rhinoceros Jun, an indelible Lu Xun

15、 wind in the academic circles. This style of writing is largely to adapt to the trend of social development, and a learning atmosphere formed in the 40s Yanan Jiefang District. In order to explore the individual rights and freedom of individualism is a blow to the feudal autocratic and revolt, only

16、to seek the value of self awakening, can truly become the equality and freedom of the road to democracy. Can be said that liberalism, individualism, the collapse of the slavish thinking and consciousness of feudal superstition thought, broke the authoritarian dominance, promote the Chinese modern de

17、mocracy. The process of democracy, equality is the core content of the topic to be on the agenda, entered the people discuss the vision. The issue of expansion is based on the individual existence significance on the basis of. The way in which people are thinking, completed the independent, free way

18、 of being sure. When democracy was widely expand, individual freedom problems gradually into the freedom of the majority of the problem. Chinese society is faced with capitalism and socialism are two way choice. Although the government of the Republic of China ended the chaos warlord era, entered a

19、period of domination of capitalism, but peoples life situation has not been improved much, people still in dire straits, the war continued, The people are destitute., society is still in the dark rule. This has a direct impact on the transformation of Lu Xuns thought of individualism collectivism el

20、ement to element. Individualism of Lu Xun thought is the foundation and the soil of socialist ideology, Lu Xun thought as an inseparable part of the. Socialism is the further deepening of individualism, range regardless of horizons of thinking or exploration has further development. To socialism fro

21、m the individualism, the development process of Lu Xun thought is natural, is the Lu Xun thought continue to mature and improve performance, not the merits before and after the two good points. The development process of Lu Xun thought was focused reflection of modern China ideological and cultural

22、change process. Since twentieth Century, intellectual circles, various thoughts confusing thriving, contention of a hundred schools of thought state, individualism, liberalism, socialism, rationalism have boarded the stage of history. Changes in these trends largely depend on the Chinese social envi

23、ronment, to adapt to the social development and China final. From the mainstream, Chinese ideology has gone from the individualism as the theme of the liberalism to age concern the toiling masses and processes the revolutionary masses as the theme of the socialist. 感谢你的阅读和下载*资源、信息来源于网络。本文若侵犯了您的权益,请留言或者发站内信息。我将尽快删除。*

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