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1、bec 中级口试答案【篇一: bec 中级口语考试:基础篇】xt1.1 第一部分考试形式 (test format of part 1)在第一部分考试中,考官就考生的个人情况或工作、学习情况向其提问,考生作答。然后考官再提问,考生再作答。考官一般会对每个考生进行两轮提问,每一轮三至四个问题,随后转向另一名考生,在两名考生间交替进行,直到规定时满为止,一般大约 3 分钟。这部分考试的特点是:话题涵盖的范围一般比较简单、浅显,不会超出日常会话的范畴,而且大部分话题都比较类似,是由主考官从剑桥大学考试委员会印发的 question list 上随机挑选的。考前的充分准备足以保证考生应付大多数问题。而

2、且在第一部分考核过程中,考官提问的问句大部分都是简单句,一般不超过15 个单词,清晰易懂。1.2 应试建议 (tips on how to cope with part 1)(1) greet upon entering the exam room.进入考场后,考生应当充满自信,自然大方地向考官问候致意。话不需多,但自然、新切的问候语,可以给考官留下良好的第一印象。常用的问候语包括:good morning, sir / miss / madam.good afternoon, sir / miss / madam.nice to meet you.(注:有两位男老师在场,可以称呼gentle

3、men. 有两位女老师在场,可以称呼misses. 有一位男老师和一位女老师在场,可以干脆免去后面的敬呼语,或直接采纳上面第三种问候方式,以免去敬呼语太长、太繁琐的尴尬。 madam 一般用于明显很年长的女教师,否则改用 miss ,因为女性对年龄认可度比较敏感。)(2) relax yourself, yet do avoid over relaxing yourself.大部分考生都有过这样的经历:平时跟同伴一起练口语的时候说得挺流畅的,但一到课堂上回答老师问题时,或是一进入口语考试房间时,所有头脑中的思路都不翼而飞,头脑一片空白。因此,在很多情况下,口语考试表现不好并不是口语水平问题,而

4、是过分紧张导致的发挥失常。因此,平时试着让自己多练练紧张时放松的能力,对于克服进入考场后突然情绪紧张导致的发挥失常很有帮助。(3) familiarize yourself with the pronunciation and intonationof the interlocutorand the other candidate.由于考生来自不同的地域,很多方音重的考生在说英语的时候也同样如此,这在很大程度上会影响其他同一考场的考生的理解和反应。考官尽管发音准确,但因为不熟悉他(她)的语音语调,也有可能造成误解。因此,进入考场后,要尽快熟悉他们的语音语调及语速,以免由于误听导致反应错误。(4

5、) be precise in understanding the questions.考官的提问也好,同伴的问题也好,没听清的情况下切不可盲目作答,一定要问清楚问题是什么。考生要清楚的一点是, bec 口语考试是 “口语 ”考试,而非听力考试,也许没听清对方的问题会影响你的分数,而在没听清问题的情况下盲目作答而导致答非所问,更会真正丢分。在以往的考试中,有些考生由于事先针对第一部分做了充分的准备,因此在考官提问的时候没有全神贯注,而是凭着准备过的问题想当然,背诵事先准备好的答案。这种错误是极不应该的,不仅会给考官留下作弊( cheating )的不良印象,还会由于听力水平不佳而被扣分。要求对

6、方重述问题的常用句型包括:pardon, please?i beg your pardon?sorry, could you please say that again?i m sorry, but i didn t quite catch you. would you please repeat what you vejust said?(5) avoid reciting your prepared answers.由于第一部分的考试题目不外乎就那些常见的问题,考生通常会在考前准备一些问题的答案。由于有了充分的准备,当考生被问及那些准备好答案的问题的时候,他们往往会朗朗作答,仿佛是在表演朗

7、诵诗般流利而富有感情色彩。这就犯了口语考试的大忌。口语考试的过程中,考生无论是回答问题还是参与讨论,都要采用自然的说话的语调和节奏,要有适当的犹豫和口语表达特有的语言衔接,比如“um” 、 “well ”、 “in fact 、” “actually 、” let me see ”,等等,既表示自己在进行紧张的思考,又是一种合理、老练的衔接。(6) speak to the examiner, and do not interrupt your partnerwhen he /she is speaking.第一部分没有考生同伴间的问题回答和两者之间进行的讨论。因此,在这一部分考试过程中,考生

8、是要面对考官回答其问题的,当一名考生作答时,另一名考生不要插言打断。(7) use complete sentences rather than elliptical sentences.第一部分考试中的问题的回答一定要使用句法结构完整的句子回答,最好跟上一句简短的情感描述性语言或原因,而不要用很突兀的省略句、无主句甚或简单的“yes”或“no”来回答问题。试看下面这两个例子: example 1interlocutor: do you come from a large family or a small family?candidate: a large family. (ora smal

9、l family (不淳议采用的回答)candidate: i come from a large family, with my grandparentsand parents livingtogether. we are a happy family. example 2interlocutor: are you happy with your job?candidate: yes. (or “yes, i m happy with my job (不建)议采用 的回答) candidate: yes, i m very happy with my job, bec ause i can

10、learn a lot of new things from my work.(8) avoid talking about unfamiliar topics.有时候,考官可能会对考生的回答即兴追问一个问题,这个问题往往不在事前可准备的 question list 中,这就需要考生现场发挥灵活应变的能力。一般来说,考官追加的问题也都比较粗线条,不会故意出一些刁钻古怪的话题。但是,仍要提醒考生注意,在回答考官提问时尽量避免谈及自己不熟悉的话题。例如,某考生不是很熟悉滑冰,在回答考官提问“what do you like to do in your free time?时,却随口提起“ i li

11、ke skating very much.考官接着追问: ”“ canyou give us some detailed information on skating ? 时他便表 ” 现出了无所适从。总之,第一部分虽然形式简单,但考生在这部分考试中的语音、语调、语言表达能力,甚至表情、手势和状态,都会给考官留下深刻的第一印象,因此必须引起充分的重视。1.3 真题及答题思路(authentic testing items answer cues)(1) can you tell me something about yourself?(这是第一部分考试经常出现的一个问题。面对这样的问题,考生的

12、回答应该包括如下信息: your name, your age, youroccupation (or your school and major) and your personality.)sample answer for your reference:well, my name is zhang peng. i m twent-yone years old. i m now studying in dalian maritime university towards a bachelor degree (of engineering / ofscience / of arts), ma

13、joring in navigation / marine engineeringm-gaoninogupterson; i love/physics / english. i think i making friends.(2) what kind of person would you say you are?(问及个人性格特点的问题也是一个常问见问题。该问题的各种不2.3.1 的讲解) sample answer for your reference:i m always trying to be optimistic, no matter what kind ofm confident

14、 anddifficulty i have met with. and i suppose i positive, always working hard and sparing no effort to achieve my goals. also i m a person with a strong will and an independent mind. but that sometimes leads me to being impulsive, not calm enough, which is one of my major drawbacks.(3) can you tell

15、me something about your friends?(这个问题要求考生描述一下自己的朋友,考生可以考虑从朋友的数量、如何相识、朋友的性格、共同爱好等方面作答。) sample answer for your reference:former school-mates /work-mates. they are all open, diligent and smart. we have a lot of common interests. we share both happiness and bitterness, and support each other in times o

16、f adversity /difficulties (4) what has been your most valuable experience?(这类问题要考生叙述自己最宝贵的经历,考生应当有所展开,略加描述。) sample answers for your reference:1. up till now, i believe my most valuable experience is studying here, in pekinguniversity, which is regarded as the harvard of china. ive got the chance to

17、 know many talented young people, and have learned a lot from them. also, i have gained large amounts of knowledge, both in and after class. in addition, the first rate educational facilities enable me to gain access to both the outside world and the research fields.2. as regards my most valuable ex

18、perience, i suppose it should be traced backto the year before last, when i managed to have a large order placed on our products through all sorts of hardships. there were so many government restrictions and so much red tape in international trading at that time that it was really an unforgettable m

19、oment when the contract was finally signed.(5) how important is it to you to have opportunities for promotion in your career?(这类问题考察的是考生的职业规划。回答这种 “个人观点 ”( personal views )类问题,很重要的一个方面是切入点。不同的看问题的角度,会有不同的见解。考生平时应注意培养自己多角度看问题的能力。) sample answers for your reference:1. well, in fact, the opportunities

20、for career promotion areimportant toeveryone. no one would prefer to stay in one position for thewhole of his or her life. certainly i m no exception. but what isequally important to me is the kind of job satisfaction i can derive from my work. one might say that career promotiondoes contribute a lo

21、t to one s job satisfaction, but as i see it,there are many other things that also contribute a lot to one s job satisfaction, for example, harmonious inter-personal relationship, recognition from co-workers or line managers, and so on.2. well, you know i m a person who is quite reconciled with my s

22、tatus quo, sothe opportunities for career promotion are not so important tome. i prefer to do my proper work well and enjoy my life. asyou know, higher position in a company means more responsibilities and much more pressure, and i would choose to lead an easy life rather than strain myself for some

23、thing as vain as higher position in a company.(6) is it better for your career to stay in one company or towork for a number ofcompanies? (why/why not?)(事实上这是一个关于 “跳槽( job-hopping ) ” 的老话题。跳槽到底优劣各占多少,仁者见仁,智者见智,只要让你的回答具有说服力就可以了。而谚语的引述可能在这种问题的回答上就起到了画龙点睛的作用。) sample answer for your reference:in fact,

24、different people will adopt different attitude towards“ job-hopping ” . as i see it, the proverb“ a rolling stone gathersno moss ” really holds water. and, though job -hopping sometimes does bring about immediate financial benefits, what most contributes to one s job satisfcation is not solelyconfin

25、ed to material gains. in most cases, his or her loyalty tothe company and the recognition he or she gets fromcolleagues and executives do count a lot.(7) what creates a good or bad impression at an interview?(在面试过程中,给面试官尽可能多地留下好的印象和尽可能少地留下坏的印象是每个面试者的目的。 这个问题就要求考生在回答中列明什么动作或语言会分别留下好的或不好的印象。当然回答要简洁,不能

26、长篇大论地啰嗦。) sample answer for your reference:in fact every interviewee wants to leave a good impression onthe interviewer. good impression will certainly result fromone s decent dressing, proper answers and being responsive.on the contrary, sloppy answers plus untidy dressing willcertainly leave a bad

27、 impression on the interviewer. what smore important is that, when the question is related to yourspecialty knowledge, you are supposed to talk in professionalterminology rather than in layman s terms.(8) do you think interviews are the best method of judging anapplicant ssuitability for a job?( “th

28、e best 题目本身就走了一个极端:俗语说” “没有最好,只有更好” 。所以遇到此类话题完全可以从一个折中的角度切入,看到事物的两面性。) sample answer for your reference:as i see it, interviews do reveal a lot about an applicant scapabilities. yet we can not say that they are the best methodof judging an applicant s suitability for a job. as the sayinggoes, “ firs

29、t impressions are always misleading” . so in order tofind out whether an applicant is suitable for a job, we may need more time to find out about the applicant, so usually an internship is required for a newly recruited staff member.(9) how important is english in business life in your country?(这个问题

30、本质上是要问 “商务英语 ”的重要性体现,而不是问英语的重要性,因此该问题的回答不要超出 “商务英语 ”这个范畴。)s businesssample answer for your reference:in fact english is playing an important role in chinalife; it is an essential skill for those who are engaged in foreign trade. what is noticeablethis that, since china adopted the open door policy i

31、n the latter half of the 20century, foreign trade has been developing at a dazzling (耀眼的,眼花缭乱的) speed. in addition, now many largemultinational corporations are operating on a global basis, andenglish is an important lingua franca (族际通用语) for the employees of those multinational companies.(10) how i

32、mportant are imports or exports to your country?(在全球化程度日益加深的国际大背景下,任何谋求发展的国家都不能忽视进出口贸易的重要性,因为它从经济上担保了一个国家的政治安全。) sample answer for your reference:we can not say that china is a country that wholly relies onimports and exports for its national income, but foreign tradedoes play an important role in c

33、hina s national economy. formany years china has been maintaining a favorable balance oftrade (贸易顺差) , so that its foreign-exchange reserves (外汇储备)are massive(大量的,巨大的) . this certainlyguarantees the smooth operation of the national economy (国 民经济) .【篇二: bec 中级口语真题】class=txtpart one name;come from; w

34、hat do you like most inyour study?what skills should a manager have?part twowhat is important when looking for a job in another country1)professional advice 2)search on internet 3)part threeyour company is planing to set up a online magazine whatinformation should be included, and what kind of write

35、rs you should choose.question : 怎么让大家知道online magazine【 bec 中级口语真题2 】part onestudent or at workwhich section of study/work do you like?the importance of using foreign language in work do you likethe manager?part two选择物流时的考虑因素:1)reliability 2)speed 3)与同事处理好人际关系的重要性part threecompany plans to choose sp

36、orts events to sponsor.【 bec 中级口语真题4 】part onenamecome fromwhat skills should a manager have? 根据表现来定工资重要吗?平衡各项工作难吗?part twowhat is important when planning for a brochure1)target customer2)information should be included3)part threeyour company is planing to set up a online magazine what information s

37、hould be included, and what kind of writers you should choose.【 bec 中级口语真题6 】part one should the manager take all responsibilities whenthings go wrong? part twowhat is important when selecting an administrative staff?1)2)efficiency 3).part three your company is planing to setup a online magazine wha

38、t information should be included, and what kind of writers you should choose.【 bec 中级口语真题 8 】part one part twowhat is important when organizing staff development?part threeshift work 有什么优点;是否要考虑员工意见【 bec 中级口语真题9 】part onedo you prefer modern building or an old one? why part twowhat is important why

39、selecting delivery service? 1)safety2)speedpart threeshift work 同上【 bec 中级口语真题10 】part one公司的 outside appearance 对客户会有影响吗?part twoworking at team 和同事的关系starting a new business part three shift work 同上【 bec 中级口语真题11 】part 1 e公司的 outside appearance 对客户会有影响吗?do you prefer modern building or an old one?

40、 whypart 2 olaunch an advertising campaign:1)timing 2)target customer【bec 中级口语真题12】 part oneshould the manager take all responsibilities when thingsgoing wrong?should the salaries be related to behavior?what is important when looking for a job in another country?同上what is important when designing a

41、brochure? 同上part threeonline business magazinewhat information should be included?who should write the articles?question :should it be free? how to make customers know it?【 bec 中级口语真题15 】part 1 epart 2 o what is important when building a good relationshipwith colleagues? 1)reliable 2)work in a teamw

42、hat is important when setting up a new business? 1)location part threeclothing storeon website or shop website 卖得多为什么会发生这种情况如何处理这个问题【 bec 中级口语真题16 】part 1 epart 2 owhat is important when selecting administrative staff?1)teamwork skills 2)efficiency part threeonline magazine【 bec 中级口语真题17 】part two公司

43、环境带来的影响因素 1 ) comfort【 bec 中级口语真题18 】part onehow to balance work and homelifepart tworenting a machine part three online magazine【 bec 中级口语真题20 】part onedo you think it is necessary to read business news every day? part twowhat is important when organizing a meeting what isimportant to choose the fu

44、rniture.【bec 中级口语真题24】 part one company goal part twostart a business 1)recruitment of staff 2)locationwork teampart threeclothing retails sales on website better than on shopreason and actionquestion : 网上购物的 disadvantages【 bec 中级口语真题26 】part two求职信的时候要考虑资历经验,还有一个不记得了搭档的是办公室家具应该考虑的舒适度还有健康和安全part thr

45、ee是班倒工作制的优点还有是否要问员工得意见【 bec 中级口语真题27 】part twowhen manufacturing the product1)raw materials2 )technologe part threeshift workquestion:should offer transporation to staff when night shiftunhealthy for staff【 bec 中级口语真题30 】part two如果产品出现了问题怎么办? 1 ) find the reason2)recall the product part three sponso

46、r sports event【 bec 中级口语真题35 】part oneshould the company put a large cost in the buildingpart threea new range of products :advantages and disadvantageshow to research on ranges of products2015 年 5 月 24 中级1part one part two自己创业要什么支持1 )资金2)人脉part three领导与员工相处的讨论question :怎么知道公司员工的真实想法怎么建设团队team build

47、ing怎么改变公司的环境 中级2part onename come fromnecessary to work with your familypart twochoose in job in another department in your company. 1)newresponsibilities 2)new colleagues 3).part three discussabout changing the working condition: what s the advantage of3asking the opinions of the staff what differe

48、nt ways to gather the opinions of the staff 和中级 2 大致一致 中级 4part one name where are you from?are you a student or at work?what s your major? what s your favorite part in your study? what skills are needed when you start a business?do you think it is a good idea to employ the family members in your co

49、mpany? part twowhat is important when attending a business social event?1)make new contacts 2) personal appearance3)part threediscuss about changing the working condition:what s the advantage of asking th e opinions of the staff what arethe different ways to gather the opinions of the staff question

50、:do you think it is a good idea to ask the advice from staff? 中级 5part one【篇三: 2014 年 5 月 bec 中级部分口语真题】ss=txtpart 11 .name,major,come from,hometown , favorite part about your studies. , major job or study, 最感兴趣的课程2 . 你喜欢便装还是正装,对公司规定着装有什么看法。3 . set up your own company ,建公司最大的困难4 . 与同事成为朋友关系好不好?5 . 和外

51、国同事一起工作有什么好处?6 . 跨国公司搞员工培训去适应当地生活和文化有必要吗?7 . 跨国公司有必要让员工学习另一种语言吗?8 . 跨国公司对员工有什么好处?9 . 你更喜欢传统的公司还是跨国公司?10 .你认为让员工出国旅行有必要么?11 .你觉得在城市工作能学到什么?12 .参加国际会议,参加国际会议独自去还是跟同事一起?13 .做 presentation 有什么好方法以及要准备什么?14 .what do you think about family company?15 .do you like running a company on your own,and why?16 .

52、the formal or informal relationship between senior manager and junior staff.17 .attending conference abroadpart 21.increase sale1)find new customers,2)reducing price2 .what s important when predicting market trends?1)marketing research,2)competitors analysis3 . select the team leader1)communication

53、skill2)length to service4 .what is important when choosing a new supplier?1)reputation5 .attending a meeting1)preparing well,2)keep notes6 .motivate staff1)career development,2)program7 .meet with foreign clients8 .selecting a business school to attend1)courses offered;2)reputation9. 选择 program 要考虑的

54、因素11 .组织节目选 staff 的要求12 .advertising on television1)target audience,2)budget available13 .employing shop staff1)offering training;2)offering discount14 .工作场合选正装或休闲15 .改变办公室样子layout1)regular meeting17 .trying to win a contract1)speed of service;2)package19 .warehouse rent20 . 你觉得开展一个项目有哪些重要因素?1)ident

55、ifying goals;2)setting deadlinespart 31,公司合并两个部门为一个,怎样通知员工,合并的 result2.create a new website 最后问我的问题是是不是所有的公司都要开网店。1) 怎么让 website attract 顾客2) 怎么选择网页设计公司提问:1.你喜欢做一名网站设计师吗?3) 你喜欢在店里购物还是在网上购物?4) 在工作中是否有必要学习外语?3. 每周一次的 tv program about business 应该包括哪些任务.4. 超市要怎样留住顾客。1)怎样去刺激顾客消费;2) 怎样让顾客知道我们的超市活动q: 问了在跨国

56、公司的好处。问了奖励游戏对吸引客户有用吗品牌忠诚度对所有公司都重要吗?如果你忠诚一个品牌,你会一直在那儿买吗?5.your company has planned to launch a new product into themarket. (产品推荐会)1)analysis the date (how to choose the time);2)preparations before launching the new product提问:1.你认为顾客忠诚度能为公司带来什么?2. 你怎么看待产品的包装?3. 怎样让顾客买你的产品?1)what should be prepared bef

57、ore exhibition;2)what can u do to get profits for your companyq:staff 需不需要提前做report?7 . 选择手机商标需要考虑的因素以及需不需要和其他作比较q :阅读文章来了解产品是个好方法吗?8 .encourage staff to apply the management position within the company?1)benefits;2)supply supportq:whether manager should work longer hours than staff,why?why some people are unwilling to be managers?manager 的 organization skill 重要还是 personality 重要?9 . 手机品牌+新老顾客选购产品之原因10 .顾客忠诚度1)对顾客有什么奖励机制;2 )怎样让顾客知道有活动q :顾客忠诚度对你来说意味着什么?失去忠诚的顾客对你而又有什么困难?

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