pep小学英语Unit 2 What Time Is It教案

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1、Unit 2 What Time Is It?B. Lets talk一、教学目标:1、能听、说、认读本课时的主要句型:Its oclock. Its time for./ Its time to.2、能理解“Hurry! Oops. Im ready.”等句子的表达法。3、能跟读对话并尝试独立朗读。4、培养学生严格的时间观念,养成守时、守纪的好习惯。二、重难点分析:重点:Its time for.和Its time to.的运用。难点:区别Its time for.和Its time to.的用法,及对Hurry! Oops!意思的理解。三、课前准备:词卡(P16、P19)、PPT课件、一个

2、教具钟、狼和羊的头饰、班级课程表一份、准备六个钟面图、实物投影、磁铁、小黑板、彩色卡纸、Mike的头饰、录音机、磁带四、教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up1. Sing the song: Twelve Oclock(看课件)T: What time is it now? Its time for English class. Are you ready?Ss: Yes. Im ready.2、What time is it? Its .课件出现Lets check的几个钟表,请生说出时间,并说出该时间段应该做什么。What time the last clock is? 10:30 1

3、0:45 11:00 11:15 ? 实物投影8:50 8:30 8:10 7:50 ?3.Guessing game:T show a clock. T: What time is it? Guess! Ss: Its .练习非整点时间表达。男女生竞赛Tips: 8:30 Its time for Chinese / math class. (提示) 11:20 Its time for lunch. 7:05 Its time to go to school. 2: 35pm Its time to do sports. Ready? 3: 00 pm Its time for PE cl

4、ass. 3:40pm Its time to go home.当学生猜对时:Oops!表示惊讶。4. Its time for.Lets do: Time for breakfast, drink some milk.转盘课程表:四(1)周二 Chinese, math, English, music, 下午第二节 PE class四(2)周二 math, music, Chinese, English, computer(下午第二节)8:20 9:05 9:55 10:40 1:55Lets chant:Tick, tock, tick, tock. Its time for breakf

5、ast.Tick, tock, tick, tock. Its time for math class.Tick, tock, tick, tock. Its time for music class.Tick, tock, tick, tock. Its time for Chinese class.Tick, tock, tick, tock. Its time for English class.Tick, tock, tick, tock. Its time for lunch.Tick, tock, tick, tock. Its time for computer class.Ti

6、ck, tock, tick, tock. Its time for dinner.Step 2: Presentation1. Its time to .复习动词短语:get up, go to school, go home, go to bed, do sports, play football, watch TV, read a book, read EnglishygT: Tick, tock, tick, tock. Its 12: 45. Its time to .Ss: Read English.词卡T: Its 6:30. Its time to get up. Its 7:

7、05. Its time to go to school. Its 4:00. Its time to go home. Its . do sports, watch TV师说,生动作反应。T: Its time to get up.Lets chant:6:30, 630. Its time to get up.7:05, 7:05. Its time to go to school.2: 35, 2: 35. Its time to do sports.4: 00, 4: 00. Its time to go home.6: 00, 6: 00. Its time to read Engl

8、ish.7: 00, 7: 00. Its time to watch TV.8: 00, 8: 00. Its time to go to bed.2、判断是否符合逻辑。Yes or No.合理的给予掌声。Its 11:00. Its time to get up. ( No )Its 9:15. Its time to go to school. ( No )Its 9:45 pm. Its time to go to bed. ( Yes )Its Its time to go home. ( No )Its 7:00 am. Its time to watch TV.

9、 ( No )错误的,请生改正。Its 11:00. Its time for lunch.Its 9:15. Its time for Chinese class.Its 4:30pm. Its time to go home.Its 7:00 pm. Its time to watch TV. 教育学生在适当的时间做合理的事情。3、合理安排自己的作息时间。 To choose time is to save time.(合理安排时间就是节约时间)T:Weekend is coming. Can you show me a good time table.请生制订自己的周六作息时间表。Tim

10、e( 时间)Activities(活动)Its time for. Its time to. a. breakfast A. get upb. lunch B. read booksc. dinner C. watch TVd. computer games D. do homeworke. English E. go to bedf. Chinese F. have a sleepg. math G. play football4.Lets talk1.听音正音(1)Listentothetape,andthenanswerthequestions.教师拿出Mike的头饰问:Whoishe?

11、Ss:HeisMikes(把头饰贴到小黑板上):Whattimedoeshegetup/gotoschool/haveEnglish?Closeyourbook,listencarefully,answerthesequestions:听音结束后,完成小黑板上的选择题:a.Its().Itstimetogetup.b.Its().Itstimetogotoschool.c.Its().ItstimeforEnglish.A.7:05B.6:30C.8:00请一名学生完成选择题,集体对照答案,然后齐读一遍。(2)Listentothetape,thenrepeat. T:Openyourbook

12、,listen,pointandrepeat.2.Readinyourgroup.3.Actthedialogueout.Step 3: Consolidation1. Game: Wolf, wolf, what time is it?Wolf: Its twelve oclock. Its time for lunch. 小羊立即跑开,被抓的小羊要读出老狼所指定的单词或句子。Pair work. 分组玩游戏。2幸运52小黑板上贴许多颜色卡片,卡片上有5-30不等的分值。规则:每个颜色卡片上都有一个分数,学生可以抽取任何一个来参加。在有的颜色卡片后面准备着问题,学生如果答对了,就可以获得这个分数,否则就不能得到分数。幸运的话,卡片后面没有问题,学生可以直接拿到分数。分数的高低决定了问题的难易,比比谁的运气好。3、Good to know: 课件 记忆游戏

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