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1、2011年职称英语卫生类A级真题与答案一、词汇选项答案:1. urging (pushing)2. tolerate (stand ) 3.obsecure ( unclear) 4. trembling (shaking)5. steady (continious) 6. grasp ( undestasnd) 7. provoked (caused) 8. finds faults with (criticizes)9. approach (handle ) 10. remarking (saying )11. hailed (praised ) 12. asserted (maintai

2、ned) 13. considerabaly (greatly) 14. scared (afraid)15. vigorous(energetic )二、阅读判断16-22参考答案BCABACB标题:Relieving the Pain主旨大意:运动对于治疗各种痛疼有益处16. To treat pain, patients should stop moving around答案:B(wrong:错)17. Headaches are partly caused by lack of excecise答案:C(not mentioned:未提及)18. Exercise helps to t

3、ake the pressure off the site of pain答案:A(right:正确)19. Doctors often use drugs such as endprphins to treat patients答案:B(wrong:错)20. Backache sufferers often end up taking more than one drug to kill pain答案:A(right:正确)21. Excercises helps pain sufferers to recover more quickly than traditional treatme

4、nt答案:C(not mentioned:未提及)22. New pain clinc ask patients to give up drugs completely答案:B(wrong:错)三、概括大意与完成句子23-26参考答案 DECA标题:Owls and Larks主旨大意:早起的人和晚起的人的差别及形成原因23. 答案:D (why do we need sleep?)24. 答案:E (what makes paople owls or larks ?)25. 答案:C( which is better,being an owl or a lark?)26. 答案:A (Wha

5、t should we avoid ?)完成句子27-30参考答案:FDAB27. Sleep helps brains to 答案:F rebuld memories stored during the day28. Parents with very young children tend to 答案:D get up quite early29. A good lifestyle means one can 答案:A sleep enough to bring most refreshment 30 It is good advice for most people 答案:B keep

6、away from coffee in the eveing四、阅读理解 (一) Cells Phpnes: Hang Up or Keep Talking? 说明:文章主要讲用手机的伤害。31. People buy cell phones for the following reasons A they are cheapB. they are popular C they are useful D they are convinient 32. The word “detected” in paragragh 3 could be replaced by A curedBremovedC

7、 discovered D caused33. The salesman retired young because A he couldnt remember simple tasksB. he disliked using Mobile Phones C he was tired of taking on his mobile phonesD his employers doctor persuaded him to 34. On the safty issue of mobile phones, the manufacturing companies A.deny the existen

8、ce of mobile phones radiation B develop new technology to reduce mobile phones radiation!C hold that the amout of radiation is too small to worry about35. The writers purpose of writing this article is to advise B to use mobile phones less often 31-35参考答案:ACACB(二)Immune Functions说明:此篇文章难度比第一篇的要大36.

9、What is used to descibe the comunication network consisting of cells in the immune sysytem?B Bees flying around a hive37. The immune cells and other body cells coexist peaceably in a state known as C self-tolerance38. How do the immue cells recognize an antigen as “foreign”or “nonself”?B Through cha

10、racteristic shapes on the antigen surface39. Which of the following statement is Ture?B Antigens can trigger an immune response40. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage?A The basic function of the immune system is to distiguish between self and nonself36-40参考答案:BCBBA(三)

11、Be Alert to1 Antimicrobial Resistance来源说明:第三篇文章来自于教材卫生A第三十四篇Be Alert to1 Antimicrobial Resistance换题说明:第一个题问法差不多,正确选项的说法有更改第二题是换成了词汇题第三题是在原文第二题的基础上换题了,正确选项说法有变动。第四题是在原题的基础上就题目和正确选项进行了更改第五题题目是差不多,但是选项全部更换了41. Antibiotics resistance has become a global public health issue because_ .Athere may be few or

12、 no treatment toinfectious caused by multi-drugs resinstent 42. The word “prudent” is closest in meaning to _ .D careful43. The article published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases found that _ .A some bactetia have developed a new gene to resist almost all antibiotics44. WHO recommends the following

13、 EXCEPT_ .A Keeping hospitals from storing more antibiotic drugs than they can use45. We learn from the passage that _ .BFuther study is needed to41-45参考答案:A DAAB五、补全短文46-50参考答案:D E A B C文章标题:Mt Desert Land主旨大意:本文是一片描述文,主要介绍因冰川等地质原因形成的天然的岛屿。A. It is split(大致讲“这个岛屿被一分为二”)B. It also lies in(大致讲“这个岛屿也是

14、很多鸟类栖息的地方)C. This mountain rises(大致讲“这个山的高度&rdquoD. The terms comes from(这个term指的是句子前面的“drown coast”, 说的是这个术语来自于哪儿)E Mt Desert island is one of the(大致讲“Mt Desert”岛屿是所有岛屿中最有特色的岛屿。)F Local people.selfishly.(大致讲“Mt Desert岛屿上的当地居民自私地将此岛屿据为自由。)六、完形填空1. 文章来源:卫生A新增文章第十二篇 Pandemic H1N1 2009(A级)2. 换题说明:完形填空考的是本类别本级别的新增文章,8个空换了。留的原题中有三个是短语,考试的时候都将介词给出来了,有的选项顺序已换,有的备选项的四个选项单词有换。3. 正确答案51. B reported 52. D exists53. B particularly 54. B active 55. B however 56. D addition 57. along 58. suggest 59. peak 60.returned61. declining 62. over 63. remains 64. active 65.except

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