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1、关于在正确职业发展道路上的自我职业生涯管理与组织职业生涯管理之间的相互关系作用的研究外文翻译 外文翻译原文The professional career on the right track: A study on the interaction between career self-management and organizational career management in explaining employee outcomesMaterial Source: European Journal Of Work And Organizational Psychology 2009,

2、 18 1, 55 ? 80 Author: Ans De Vos , Koen Dewettinck,Dirk Buyens This article explores the relationship between organizational career management and career self-management and addresses the impact on employee outcomes. Within six large organizations, a sample of 491 employees reported on their career

3、 self-management initiatives, on their expectations towards organizational career support, and on their commitment and career success. This was complemented by information from their supervisors on career management support offered by HR and line management to these employees. Results show that indi

4、viduals who take more initiatives to manage their career expect more career support from their employer. Career self-management positively impacts affective commitment and perceived career success, while organizational career management is positively related with affective commitment and career prog

5、ress. Career self-management moderates the relationship of organizational career management with affective commitment and subjective career successKeywords: Career self-management; Organizational career management; Commitment; Career success. Over the past decades, changes in the socioeconomic envir

6、onment have dramatically changed the concept of a career. The notion of the new career differs from the traditional notion in the sense that responsibility for managing ones career has shifted from the employer to the employee Arthur, Khapova, & Wilderom, 2005; Stickland, 1996; Sullivan, 1999. As a

7、result, new career concepts such as the boundaryless career Arthur &Rousseau, 1996 and the protean career Hall, 1996 have emerged. These career concepts emphasize the role of the individual as primary actor in managing his or her own career and consider career self-management as a prerequisite for c

8、areer success Eby, Butts, & Lockwood, 2003; King, 2004; Seibert, Kraimer, & Crant, 2001. Despite the growing emphasis on the individual, career management also remains an important responsibility for organizations, since organizations still form the context in which career development takes place Ba

9、ruch, 1999, 2004; Eby, Allen, & Brinley, 2005.Career self-management and organizational career management OCM are not mutually exclusive but are expected to complement one another Kossek, Roberts, Fisher, & Demarr, 1998; Orpen, 1994; Sturges, Conway, Guest, & Liefooghe, 2005. However, to date, littl

10、e empirical information exists that clarifies the complex relationship between both. This is an important omission since it is important for organizations to know the optimal mix between holding employees accountable for managing their own career and providing sufficient support that enables them to

11、 actually become more self-managing. Simply relying on employeesspontaneousself-management initiatives without offering any career support might create a gap between those employees who are more focused on managing their career and those who take on a more passive stance towards their career develop

12、ment. This in turn might have implications for the employability of the latter group on the internal labour market since career competencies, including self-management behaviours, are important for employeesemployability Fugate, Kinicki, & Ashforth, 2004; van der Heijde & van der Heijden, 2006. Wher

13、eas previous research has addressed the impact of OCM on career self-management, this article first investigates the impact of career self-management on employees expectations towards OCM practices provided by their organization. Second, we address the separate and joint influences of career self-ma

14、nagement and OCM on employees affective commitment and career success. Although previous research has provided relevant insights in the relationship between career management and employee outcomes, several gaps in the literature exist. First, many studies tend to focus on either career self-manageme

15、nt or on OCM, thereby neglecting the relationship between both. Within the new career era, it is important to know whether individuals who are more active in career self-management see this as a substitute for organizational career support or that, on the contrary, this raises their expectations abo

16、ut organizational career support compared with individuals low on career self-management. To date, this question has not been answered by existing research. Some earlier studies have addressed the relationship between career self-management and career support actually received by employees, but with

17、out taking into account their expectations regarding this type of support Sturges et al., 2005; Sturges, Guest, Conway, & Mackenzie Davey, 2002. Second, the organizational context may encourage employees to a greater or lesser extent to undertake career self-management initiatives. This might, for i

18、nstance, explain the positive relationship between career self-management and OCM found by Sturges et al. 2005, who conducted their study in an organizational context where career self-management initiatives were kind of a precondition for receiving career support. By conducting our study within the

19、 setting of six large, traditional organizations where career self-management is still more a rhetoric than a reality, we overcome the contextual limitations of earlier research. Third, there is a lack of research that addresses OCM using measures other than employee self-report data. This study mak

20、es a methodological contribution by using a multiple source design: While employees report on the expectations they have about the career support provided by their employer, on their career self-management initiatives and on outcome variables, a sample of line managers is included to report on the c

21、areer support offered to the target group of employees involved in the study. Our data hence will allow us to overcome common method bias and to draw stronger conclusions on the relationship between the career support actually provided to employees and individual outcomes Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee,

22、& Podsakoff, 2003. Finally, this study adds to the literature on the outcomes of career management by addressing both the direct impact as well as their interaction effect on employee outcomes with relevance for both parties employer and employee. The idea behind the notion of joint responsibility f

23、or career management Orpen, 1994 is that there should also be joint benefits. Therefore, we address outcomes relevant to the organization affective commitment as well as outcomes relevant to the individual perceived career success and career progress. CAREER SELF-MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL CAREER

24、 MANAGEMENT Career self-management refers to the proactivity employees show with respect to managing their career King, 2004; Kossek et al., 1998; Orpen, 1994. It includes activities such as collecting information about existing or possible career opportunities, searching for feedback about ones per

25、formance and competencies, and creating career opportunities through networking and actions aimed at enhancing ones visibility King, 2004; Kossek et al., 1998; Orpen, 1994; Sturges et al., 2002, 2005. Career self-management thus involves those activities that allow individuals to make a realistic se

26、lf-assessment of their own talents and capabilities in view of organizational career opportunities as well as concrete actions e.g., networking, self-nomination, creating opportunities undertaken to realize these ambitions Noe, 1996; Sturges et al., 2002; Sturges, Guest, & Mackenzie Davey, 2000. The

27、se actions can be related to improvement in ones current job as well as to movement within or outside the company King, 2004; Kossek et al., 1998; Sturges et al., 2002. In this article, we focus on career self-management aimed at advancing within the organization. Organizational career management re

28、fers to the activities undertaken by the organization in order to plan and manage the careers of its employees Baruch, 1999; Baruch & Budhwar, 2006; Gutteridge, Leibowitz, & Shore, 1993; Sturges et al., 2002. It includes a wide range of programmes and interventions that focus on matching individual

29、and organizational career needs and it may take the form of more or less formal activities ranging from training courses and assessment centres to mentoring and career advice Baruch, 1999; Baruch & Peiperl, 2000. Whereas traditional career management practices focus mainly on advancing the individua

30、l through the different hierarchical layers of the organization, contemporary career systems support a wider range of employee mobility patterns, such as horizontal movements or temporary project work Baruch, 1999. To support this broader definition of intraorganizational mobility, OCM has come to i

31、nclude a variety of practices, with a stronger focus on career counselling, learning, and performance feedback Baruch, 1999, 2004; Ebyet al., 2005. Inherent to this contemporary view is that both HR professionals and line managers are responsible for OCM Baruch, 2004. Career self-management and expe

32、ctations about organizational career management Career self-management is generally described in terms of individual independence from OCM and reliance on oneself Arthur & Rousseau,1996. This might suggest that individuals deploying more career self-management activities would be less concerned with

33、 the career support provided by their organization. On the other hand, career self-management is also seen as increasingly important for career development within the organization. Since it involves the analysis of talents, capabilities, and career ambitions Noe,1996;Sturges et al.,2002, individuals

34、 who engage more in career self-management might develop a better idea of what they want to achieve during their career and how they want to achieve this. In turn, this might result in a stronger concern about the support offered by the organization in realizing their career goals. Employees do not

35、have full decision latitude over their desired career outcomes, such as over their salary evolutions or promotions King, 2004. In this regard, career self-management involves a set of positioning, influence and boundary management behaviours employees engage in to affect the decisions made by those

36、organizational agents that are in a position to influence their desired career outcomes King, 2004. Employees who are more active in taking career self-management initiatives might hence be more concerned about influencing the decisions taken by organizational representatives about their career deve

37、lopment. As a consequence, these employees might expect more from their employer in terms of career management practices set up to support their career development, because these practices will allow them to increase their influence on reaching desired career outcomes. Also, from a psychological con

38、tract perspective we can expect a positive relationship between career self-management and expectations about OCM. Psychological contract literature shows that opportunities for career development form an important part of employees beliefs about the inducements their employer owes them in return fo

39、r the contributions they make Cavanaugh & Noe, 1999. One of these contributions are the initiatives employees undertake to realize their career goals, for example the investment of personal time and energy in self-development and networking Sturges et al., 2005. Based on the reciprocity principle Bl

40、au, 1964, which is central to the conceptualization of the psychological contract, we believe that employees who take more responsibility for managing their career will expect the organization to reciprocate with assistance in their career development. A central premise in social exchange theory is

41、that there is balance between what both parties provide to the relationship and what they receive from it Blau, 1964. Applied to career management, this implies a positive association between career self-management and expectations about career support provided by the organization. There are the hyp

42、othesis: Hypothesis 1: The higher the level of career self-management, the higher the level of expectations towards organizational career management. Hypothesis 2: The higher the level of career self-management, the higher the level of affective commitment to the organization. Hypothesis 3: The high

43、er the level of career management provided by the organization, the higher the level of employee commitment. Hypothesis 4a: The higher the level of career self-management, the higher the level of employees subjective career success. Hypothesis 4b: The higher the level of career self-management, the

44、higher the level of employees career progress Hypothesis 5a: The higher the level of OCM practices provided by the organization, the higher the level of employees subjective career success. Hypothesis 5b: The higher the level of OCM practices provided by the organization, the higher the level of emp

45、loyees career progress. Hypothesis 6a: Career self-management will moderate the relationship between OCM practices and affective commitment. Hypothesis 6b: Career self-management will moderate the relationship between OCM practices and subjective career success. Hypothesis 6c: Career self-management

46、 will moderate the relationship between OCM practices and career progress译文关于在正确职业发展道路上的自我职业生涯管理与组织职业生涯管理之间的相互关系作用的研究 资料来源:欧洲工作期刊,组织心理学2009年,181,55-80 作者:Ans De Vos,Koen Dewettinck,Dirk Buyens 本文探讨了组织职业生涯管理与自我职业生涯管理之间的关系,并且研究了其对雇员的影响结果。在一份对六个大型组织(企业)中的491个雇员的自我职业生涯管理为样本的研究中,针对他们对组织职业支持的期望、组织承诺以及职业生涯

47、的成功等方面进行了研究。这些方面都是需要上级主管为其雇员在其职业生涯管理方面提供人力资源支持以及直线管理。相关研究结果表明,个体除了从他们的雇主那里获取更多的职业支持,还会在他们的职业生涯管理中采取更多的行动。当组织职业生涯管理与雇员企业归属感与职业的晋升呈正相关的时候,自我职业生涯管理会影响职业生涯感情承诺与当前的事业的成功。自我职业生涯的管理使得涉及雇员的感情承诺以及个人职业生涯成功的组织职业生涯管理与其之间的关系得到缓和。 关键词: 自我职业管理,组织职业生涯管理,承诺,事业成功 在过去的几十年,由于社会经济环境的变化与发展,职业生涯的概念已经发生了极大的改变。“新的职业生涯”的概念不同

48、于传统观念,个人职业生涯的管理的责任经历了一个从雇主到雇员的的过程Arthur, Khapova, & Wilderom, 2005; Stickland, 1996; Sullivan, 1999。因此,新的职业生涯的概念,例如,无边界职业生涯Arthur &Rousseau, 1996,变化的职业生涯Hall, 1996出现了。这些有关于职业生涯管理的概念强调了个体是自我职业生涯管理的主要参与者,并且认为个人职业生涯管理是个人事业成功的先决条件 Eby,Butts, & Lockwood,2003;King,2004;Seibert,Kraimer&Crant,2001。尽管近来对个人的关

49、注越来越多,但是,职业生涯的管理对于企业来说仍然是一个重要的责任,因为,职业生涯的发展环境就是企业组织Baruch,1999,2004;Eby,Allen& Brinley, 2005。自我职业生涯管理和组织职业生涯管理OCM并不是相互排斥的,两者是相辅相成,相互补充的。Kossek,Roberts,Fisher&Demarr,1998; Orpen,1994;Sturges,Conway,Guest&Liefooghe,2005.然而,到目前为止,很少有相关的实证信息来详细论者两者之间的的复杂关系。这是一个重大的遗漏,因为组织为员工进行自我职业生涯管理与为其提供足够的支持使他们能够更好地实现

50、自我管理是最佳的组合,通过组织提供足够的支持,使他们对自我管理更加亲力亲为。但仅仅依靠员工“自然”的自我管理措施而不提供职业支持就可能使雇员形成一个更注重管理事业或者更加被动地遵从职业生涯发展的路线的缺陷。由于职业能力,包括自我职业生涯管理行为,对于雇员的能力是十分重要的,因此,反过来,这对国内劳务市场今后的就业可能会产生影响。 鉴于以前的研究已经把组织职业生涯管理对自我职业生涯管理的影响考虑在内,本文首先探讨员工自我职业生涯管理的期望对组织所提供的组织职业生涯管理实践的影响。其次,我们把影响员工自我职业生涯管理以及组织职业生涯管理的个别以及相关因素加入到员工归属感以及事业成功的研究中。虽然以

51、前的研究提供了职业生涯管理与员工关系结果的相关见解,但是,在文献中还是存在几处空白。第一,许多研究倾向于着重于自我职业生涯管理或者组织职业生涯管理,从而忽视了二者之间的关系。在“新职业生涯”的时代里,了解个人是否对自我职业生涯管理更活跃,了解其是否把其作为取代组织职业支持或者其他的;另一方面,组织职业生涯管理与个人职业生涯相对比期望值较低,这就大大提升了个人对组织职业生涯管理的期望。 但到目前为止,这个问题还没有在现有的研究中得到回答。在一些早期的研究中,已对个人组织职业生涯管理以及员工实际获得的组织职业生涯支持之间的关系进行了相关的研究,但是没有把关于这种支持类型的员工期望考虑在内。Stur

52、ges etal, 2005;Sturges, Guest,Conway&Mackenzie Davey,2002. 第二,组织环境或多或少地会鼓励员工进行自我职业生涯管理措施的实施。这正如Sturges 2005在组织环境研究中所表明的自我职业生涯管理措施是接受职业支持的一个先决条件,同时他认为自我职业生涯管理与组织职业生涯管理之间的积极的关系。通过对已定的六个职业自我管理只流于形式而不切实的大型的、传统的组织进行的研究,我们客服了之前研究中的众多局限。第三,在员工自我报告的数据方面的研究与在组织职业生涯管理措施方面的研究相比较,就显得比较缺乏。该研究通过多源(多维度)设计得出了方法措施上的

53、贡献: 员工主要集中他们所期望的雇主为其提供的职业生涯的支持、自我职业生涯管理的行为以及结果变量的报告。一线经理也包括在样本中,主要研究对包含在研究中的员工目标群体所提供的职业生涯支持。 因此,我们的数据将使我们克服常用方法的偏见并且在真正提供给雇员的职业生涯支持以及个人成果之间的关系中得出强有力的结论。Podsakoff,MacKenzie,Lee&Podsakoff,2003 最后,本研究把职业生涯管理的结果的直接影响以及其对相关的两方面(雇主与雇员)他们之间的相互作用加入到文献中。职业生涯管理概念的更深一层定义是“共同的责任” Orpen, 1994,同时也也包含了“共同的利益”。因此,

54、我们加入了组织感情承诺以及相关结果感觉到的事业成功的个人和职业进步。 职业自我管理和组织职业生涯管理 自我职业生涯管理是指员工对其职业生涯的管理表现出积极主动性King, 2004; Kossek et al., 1998; Orpen, 1994。它包括的活动,如收集当前空缺或者可能的职业机会的信息,个人表现以及能力的反馈考核,通过网络以及实际的行动创造旨在提高公司知名度的就业机会King, 2004; Kossek et al., 1998; Orpen, 1994; Sturges et al., 2002, 2005。自我职业生涯管理当然包括这些方面的行动,它使得个人能够来对其自身的智

55、力以及能力进行自我评估,同时能够使个人从组织所提供的职业机会以及实际的行动例如,网络、自我推荐、为员工创造机会来实现自身的职业愿景Noe, 1996; Sturges et al., 2002; Sturges, Guest, & Mackenzie Davey, 2000。这些相关的行为能够对员工现在的工作起到提高促进的作用,同时对企业的内外部也会产生一定的影响King, 2004; Kossek et al., 1998; Sturges et al., 2002。在这篇文章中,我们着重研究在组织内部提高员工的自我职业生涯管理。 组织职业生涯管理是指组织为计划和管理员工的职业生涯所承担的活

56、动Baruch, 1999; Baruch & Budhwar, 2006; Gutteridge, Leibowitz, & Shore, 1993; Sturges et al., 2002。它包括一系列广泛的项目以及干预措施,主要集中在个人匹配以及组织职业生涯的需要,在这期间它会或多或少以不同形式的正式活动在培训课程、评估中心、指导和职业的建议方面展开Baruch, 1999; Baruch & Peiperl, 2000。而传统的职业生涯管理实践主要集中于推进个人经历组织的不同层级,当前的职业生涯系统支持更广泛的员工流动模式,包括水平(横向)职业变换或临时性工作体验 巴录1999。为支

57、持这种更加广泛定义的提供的岗位流动,组织职业生涯管理包括一系列的措施,更加关注职业辅导、学习和绩效反馈Baruch, 1999, 2004; Ebyet al., 2005。当前固有的观点认为人力资源专员以及直线经理对组织职业生涯管理直接负责Baruch, 2004。 基于组织职业生涯管理的自我职业生涯管理与期望 自我职业生涯管理主要从个人独立的组织职业生涯管理以及与个人相关的方面来描述Arthur & Rousseau,1996。这就鼓励个体要多多展开组织职业生涯管理的行为,同时组织要多多关注并且提供实际的职业支持。另一方面,在组织内组织职业生涯管理对个人的职业生涯发展的影响显得越来越重要。

58、由于其涉及到治理、能力以及职业动机的分析Noe, 1996; Sturges et al., 2000, 2002,因此,更加关注于自我职业生涯管理的个体会为实现其目标而制定措施计划,并且会关注如何才能实现其目标。反过来,当组织了解到员工的职业目标时,组织则会更加关注于提供员工支持。雇主没有绝对的权利决定员工的职业结果,例如工资的变化或者晋升。在这一方面,自我职业生涯管理包括一系列的程序,具有影响以及边界管理行为的员工对企业的决策产生一定的影响,这些决策是由对员工的预期职业成果具有决策影响的组织中的部门来执行的King, 2004。热衷于进行自我职业生涯管理的员工,会更关注组织为其自身职业生涯

59、发展所作出的更有影响力的决策。因此,这些雇员可能会希望雇主更多地建立起职业生涯管理实践方面措施来支持他们的职业发展,因为这些措施将促使他们的职业生涯更快地达到预期的结果。 同时,从心理契约的角度我们可以预料到自我职业生涯管理以及组织职业生涯管理正面关系之间的差距。心理契约方面的文献表明,职业发展机会是员工职业信念的重要组成部分,也是促使雇主对雇员所作出贡献的回应Cavanaugh & Noe, 1999。这些贡献是雇员们所采取的为实现其目标的措施之一,例如,他们把个人的时间与精力用于自我的提升以及关系网络的维系Sturges et al, 2005。其中,互惠互利原则(Blau, 1964),是建立心理契约的重要理论核心,我们从中可以看出,员工所承担的责任越多,他们进行自我职业管理以及希望组织协助他们进行职业生涯管理的期望就越高。社会交换理论中的重要前提是,日常的交际能够使他们得到关系维系的同时他们能从中得到收获Blau, 1964。 应用到自我职业生涯管理中,这就意味着在自我职业生涯管理以及期望组织所能提供的职业支持的正向联系。 以下是本文的研究的假设: 假设1:

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