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1、The Model of the Family Education毕 业 论 文(设 计)题目:家庭教育的典范浅析小妇人中马奇太太的教育方式(英文):The Model of the Family Education- The Analysis of the Education Way of Mrs.March in Little WomenThe Model of the Family Education- The Analysis of the Education Way of Mrs.March in Little WomenAbstractLittle Women is an auto

2、biographical novel, which records the growth process of four girls under their mothers teaching in an ordinary family during the American civil war. This process is reflected by the conflicts of the four girls growing: performing traditional women duties or pursuing individual character development.

3、 Mrs. March is not a specialist in education, but she is a real educational art executor. She is the intimate friend of the daughters and sets a good family situation. Key words: family atmosphere;practice;education毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标

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5、文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权 大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。

6、涉密论文按学校规定处理。作者签名:日期: 年 月 日导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日家庭教育的典范浅析小妇人中马奇太太的教育方式摘要摘要:美国女作家奥尔科特的小妇人一直深受广大读者的喜爱。小说中马奇四姐妹的光辉品质一直都是众多读者关注的对象,但是这四位优秀女性的培养者马奇太太却常常被人忽视。马奇太太不是教育方面的专家,却是真正的教育艺术的践行者。可以从创造良好的家庭氛围、做孩子的知心人、让孩子从实践中接受教育等三个方面了解马奇太太的教育方式,这只是马奇太太教育艺术的一部分,从马奇太太身上我们可以借鉴和学习的家庭教育方式还有很多,如言传身教、循循善诱、立身为范等等。 关键字:教育方式;家庭氛围;实

7、践;教育Content1. Introduction12. The Reflection of Family Education in the Marches22.1. The Way of Family Education22.1.1.Talent Improvement22.1.2. Language and Behavior22.1.3. Valuation Affirming52.2. The Effects of the Education Art for Children52.2.1. For Meg52.2.2.For Jo62.2.3 For Beth72.2.4 For Am

8、y72.3. The Meaning of the Family Education82.3.1. The View of the All-around and Elementary Education82.3.2. The Favorable Value of the Family Education83. Conclusion9References10Acknowledgements111. Introduction1.1. Rationale and Significance In the last few years, with the development of diathetic

9、 education stricken root into the hearts of people, the family education has been a hot spot of society, because good family education is closely related to childrens quality and behavior, and related to the future of our country. At present, the situation of family education is good, large number o

10、f parents and schools have created successful experience, even many parents study the family education knowledge initiatively, so the educational idea has undergone the profound change. The novel Little Women quite caters to the social change. Therefore, the thesis will focus on the family education

11、, and analyse how Mrs.March educates her four daughters and the effects.In the past, there were some researches on the family education in the novel Little Women. For example, the doctrine of education and the childish standard, written by Yi Lexiang, personality and family education(Xu Qi), the tra

12、vel of soul in growing-up ( Wang ruixue), analyse the character structure in Little Women. While the novel talks about the disturbances and vexations which the four sisters experience, then tells us how they overcome difficulties and get success. According to the clue, this thesis will explore the f

13、amily education in the novel, and highlight the effects of the family education.1.2. Research Questions There are three research questions in this thesis. The first is how Mrs. March educate her four children. The second one is what the effects of the family education for the four children are. The

14、third one is what the meaning of the family education is.1.3. Outline of the Thesis There are five chapters in this thesis. Part One is introduction. Part two is the reflection of family education in the Marches. Part three is the effects of the education art for children. Part four is the meaning o

15、f the family education. The last one is conclusion.2. The Reflection of Family Education in the Marches2.1. The Family Education Way2.1.1. Talent Improvement Little women mainly refers to the story in which the four sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. They grow up in the difficult circumstance. The Marc

16、h sisters are industrious and kind, but each of them also has their shortcomings. And their father letter encourages them to overcome their weaknesses, and improve their spirit self-cultivation. The writer Alcott. L. M named some chapters in the name of matters in the name of matters in the novel of

17、 the Pilgrims Progress, hinted that the sisters would reach the goal after encountering difficulties, just like the pilgrims. Although the sisters have different personalities and talents, they all pay attention to the improving of soul, and make it perfection, and strongly keep independence. In the

18、 progress, the encourage from their fathers letters and the right guide-ness from their mother play a very important role in their growth. Jo becomes an obedient and tame Little Women, but before that, she was a naughty and rebellious tomboy. Beth overcomes timidity, and gets her lovely piano, and r

19、eaches her beautiful palace. Amy becomes an elegant and dignify fair maiden from a selfish and arrogant girl.2.1.2. Language and Behavior Mr. and Mrs. March in the novel set a good example for their children. They play an essential role in perfecting personalities in their grown-up. Mr.March, seekin

20、g perfection of moral, is a gentle prudent and over-intelligent man. He is also honest and loyal. And he always takes pity on everyone, so he is the pillar of the family, while his wife is well-educated and reasonable, and knows how to teach by language and behavior. Just the excellent couple cultiv

21、ates their four outstanding daughters. They never blame their daughters when they make mistakes or when they lose hearts confronting hardships. On the contrary, they always tell their experience patiently to educate them. In the Chapter One, in his letter, their father emphasizes that: Give them all

22、 my dear love and a kiss. Tell them I think of them by day, pray for them by night, and find my best comfort in their affection at all times. A year seems very long to wait before I see them, but remind them that while we wait we may all work, so that these hard days need not be wasted. I know they

23、will remember all I said to them, that they will be loving children to you, will do their duty faithfully, fight their enemies bravely, and conquer themselves when I come back to them, I may be fonder and prouder than ever of my little women.Next, the girls talk about what they should correct and pe

24、rfect-Amy hides her face on her mothers shoulder and sobs out, “I am a selfish girl! But I will try to be better, so he may not be disappointed I me.” “We all will!” cries Meg, “I think too much of my looks and hate to work, but wont any more, if I can help it.” “I will try and be what he loves to c

25、all me, a “little woman”, and not be rough and wild, but do my duty here instead of wanting to be somewhere else.” says Jo, thinking that keeping her temper at home is a much harder task than facing a rebel or two down south.(Little Women, 2000: 18-20) Without doubt, Fathers words are always warming

26、 them what should they do or not. When their father comes back, he is satisfied with their behaviors, and praises them.He says, to Meg, he remembers a time when this hand was white and smooth, and her first care was to keep it so. It is very pretty then, but to him it is much prettier now-for in the

27、se seeming blemishes he read a little history. A burnt offering has been made of vanity, this hardened palm has earned something better than blisters; and he is sure the sewing done by these pricked fingers will last a long time, so much goodwill goes into the stitches. He values the womanly skill w

28、hich keeps home happy more than white hands of fashionable accomplishments. He is proud to shake this good, industrious little hand, and hopes he should not soon be asked to give it away.For Jo, he says, in spite of the curly crisp, he doesnt see the “son Jo” whom he left a year ago, he sees a young

29、 lady who pins her collar straight, laces her boots neatly, and neither whistles, talks slang, nor lay on the rug as she used to do. Her face is rather thin and pale just now, with watching and anxiety, but he likes to look at it, for it has grown gentler, and her voice is lower; she doesnt bounce,

30、but moves quietly, and takes care of a certain little person in a motherly way which delights me. He rather misses his wild girl, but he gets a strong, helpful, tenderhearted woman in her place, he should feel quite satisfied. He doesnt know whether the shearing sobers their black sheep, but he know

31、s that in all Washington he couldnt find anything beautiful enough to be bought with the five-and-twenty dollars her good girl sent him.For Beth, he says, there is so little of her. He is afraid to say much, for fear she would slip away altogether, though she is not so shy as she used to be.For Amy,

32、 he says, he observes that Amy takes drumsticks at dinner, runs errands for her mother all the afternoon, gives Meg her place tonight, and has waited for everyone with patience and good humor. He also observes that she does not fret much nor look in the glass, and has not even mentioned a very prett

33、y ring which she wore; so he concludes that she has learned to think of other people more and of herself less, and has decided to try and molded her character as carefully as she molded her little clay figures. He is glad of this, altough he should be very proud of a graceful statue made by her, he

34、should be infinitely proud of a lovable daughter with a talent for making life beautiful to herself and others.While Mrs.Marchs education to their daughters embodies in the daily life, she let daughters send breakfast to a poor woman as a Christmas present. In the chapter of Playing Pilgrims, to mak

35、e daughters understand that human existence and life is a really drama, Mrs. Marchs talked: “We are playing all the time in one way or another. Our burdens are here, our road is before us, and the longing for goodness and happiness is the guide that leads us through many troubles and mistakes to the

36、 peace which is a true Celestial City. Now, my little pilgrims, suppose you begin again, not in play, but in earnest, and see how far on you can get before Father comes home.”(Little Women, 2000:23) When their children complains about poor and tired, Mrs. March tells an old man to send his four sons

37、 to battlefield to them and makes a comparison to let them understand how rich they are and how happy they are for the sake of God. Later they make an experiment. That is, the children could try their experiment for a week and see how they like it. Next morning, Meg does not appear till ten o clock;

38、 her solitary breakfast does not taste nice; and the room seems lonely and untidy, for Jo has not filled the vases, Beth has not dusted, and Amys books lay scattered about. It seems that they get something. In the end of the experiment, mother says: “Work is wholesome, and there is plenty for everyo

39、ne; it keeps us from ennui and mischief, is good for health and spirits, and gives us a sense of power and independence better money or fashion.” (Little Women, 2000: 34) What Mother said lectures greatly inspire them? They say they will work like bees, and love it too.2.1.3. Valuation Affirming The

40、re are so many preaches in the novel. In the circumstance, the children are growing up, overcoming difficulties and correcting shortcomings. Whats more important, the couple always set a good example with their own conducts. This is an important reason which let the children get success. For example

41、, when Jo is anxious about how to get rid of her bad temper, and when Meg is not getting well on with John. Mrs. March makes Jo understand that it would take a long time to correct bad temper with her own experience, Meg understands that she should not have neglected her husband, and let him join in

42、 her life. In a word, whether teaching by words of mouth or examples, the four sisters get a lot of valuable information which taking a positive effect.2.2. The Effects of the Education Art for Children.2.2.1. For Meg Meg is a gentle and soft girl, and likes to perform, and writes dramas, but someti

43、mes, she is vain, and easy to be allured by wealth and fame. After experiencing ups and downs of Vanity Fair, mother says she wants her daughters to be beautiful, accomplished, and good; to be admired, loved, and respected; to be loved and chosen by a good man is the best and the sweetest thing whic

44、h can happen to a woman, and she sincerely hopes her girls may know this beautiful experience. If her daughters marry rich men merely because they are rich, or have splendid houses, which are not homes because love is wanting, money is a needful and precious thing- and when well used, a noble thing-

45、 but she never wants Meg to think it is the first or only prize to strive for. She would rather see her daughters as poor men wife, if they were happy, beloved, contented, than queens on thrones, without self-respect and peace.But later Meg is not vain any more. Because of this, her father thinks hi

46、ghly of her. She married John. Even after they get married, Meg also listens to her mothers criticisms with an open mind. When she does not get on well with John because of housework and children, her mother told her: “John is a good man, but he has his faults, and you must learn to see and bear wit

47、h them, remembering your own. Peace and happiness depend on keeping his respect. Watch yourself, be the first to ask pardon if you both err, and guard against the little piques, misunderstanding, and hasty words that often pave the way for bitter sorrow and regret.” (Little Women, 2000: 45)She also

48、tells Meg that she has only made the mistake that most young wives make-forgets her duty to her husband in her love for her children. For children should draw her nearer than ever, not separate her, as if they were all her, and John has nothing to do but supporting them. Besides, she owes something

49、to John as well as the babies; doesnt neglect husband for children, doesnt shut him out of the nursery, but teaches him how to help in it. His place is there as well as her, and the children need him; let him feel that he has his part to do, and he will do it gladly and faithfully, and it will be be

50、tter for she all. Young married people are apt to grow apart, and the very time when they ought to be most together; for the first tenderness soon wears off, unless care is taken to preserve it; and no time is so beautiful and precious to parents as the first years of the little lives given them to

51、train. Dont let John be a stranger to the babies, for they will do more to keep him safe and happy in this world of trial and temptation than anything else, and through them she will learn to know and love one another as she should. Therefore, with the help of Mother, Meg and John have cleared up mi

52、sunderstandings and live a happy life.2.2.2. For Jo Jo is an active, lovely and outstanding girl. She is good at writing. And she has strongly responsibility for family and society, but she is impatient and rough. When Jos booklet is burnt by Amy, Mother tells Jo, “My dear, dont let the sun go down

53、upon your anger, forgive each other, help each other, and begin tomorrow. However, she refuses to forgive, shaking her head. Because of her stubbornness, she nearly makes a tragedy in ice-skating. At this time, she decides to correct bad temper. Mother catches the chance and tells her, “I have been

54、trying to cure it for forty years, and have only succeeded in controlling it. I am angry nearly every day of my life, but I have learned not to show it.” She also tells Jo, “ I have learned to check the hasty words that rise to my lips, and when I feel that mean to break out against my will, I just

55、go away a minute, and give myself a little shake for being so weak and wicked.” (Little Women, 2000: 54-60)Mrs. March has a hard time, and sheds a good many bitter tears over her failures, for in spite of her efforts, she never seems to get on. Then Mr. March comes. He helps and comforts her, and sh

56、ows her that he must try to practical all the virtues she would have her little girls possess, for she is their example. It is easier to try for her daughters sakes than for her own; a startled or surprised look from one of her daughters when she speaks sharply to rebuke her more than any words coul

57、d have done; and the love, respect, and confidence of her children is the sweetest reward she could receive for her efforts to be the woman I would have them copy. Watch and pray, Jo, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer her fault. From now on, Jo begins to restrain

58、 her bad temper, and keeps for a long time. During the period, Mother often writes letters to encourage her. Besides, the couple put forward their opinions and suggestions to her creative work. After Beth died, Jo feels very sorrowful. So Mother advises Jo to write something. At that time, Jos works

59、 not only made an unprecedent success, but also found her own writing style- Writing with heart, not for wealth and fame.2.2.3. For Beth Beth is decided and pretty. She is a music fan and performance lover, but sometimes she is uncommunicative. And she has a heart of kindness for the world. But she

60、is sentimental and susceptible, shy, crowd and self-abased. Beth is a nearly believer in the eyes of the author. She conquers timidity, and gets her beloved piano, and reaches her “palace beautiful”. When their father is ill, Mother has to leave home to look after him. The four girls start to self-i

61、ndulgent, for lacking of monitor and instruction. Jo reads books with all her might; Amy does her mob-cake again when she finds housework could not connect with art; Meg spends so much time on writing letters to her mother, or reading the express mail from Washington again and again. While Beth stil

62、l loyally performs her duty, she does housework and helps the poor. 2.2.4. For Amy Amy is charming and elegant. She has a deep love for art, especially drawing. And she has a strong sense of honor, so she suffers from corporal punishment for showing off and experiences her valley of humiliation. Aft

63、er this, Mother teaches her:You are getting to be rather conceited, my dear, and it is quite time you set about correcting it. You have a good many little gifts and virtues, but there is no need of parading them, for conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or good

64、ness will be overlooked long; even if it is, the consciousness of possessing and using it well should satisfy and the great charm of all power is modesty.Therefore, in the coming trade meeting, Amy does not take revenge on the woman who once snatched her booth, but helps her. What all she experienced is an advantage for becoming a noble lady. She makes great progress.2.3. The Meaning of the Family Education 2.3.1 The View of the All-around and Elementary Education The novel Little Women describes a peaceful family life

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