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1、The Art of Rhetoric in Trade Marks 商标中的修辞艺术【摘 要】 :Rhetoric is one of the art of using as a means to persuade. Along with grammar and logic or dialectic, rhetoric is one o language f the three ancient arts of discourse. From ancient Greece to the late 19th Century, it was a central part of Western ed

2、ucation,filling the need to train public speakers and writers to move audiences to action with arguments. Contemporary studies of rhetoric address a more diverse range of domains than was the case in ancient times. While classical rhetoric trained speakers to be effectivepersuaders in public forums

3、and institutions like courtrooms and assemblies, contemporary rhetoric investigates human discourse.A trademark or trade mark is a distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify that the products or services to consumers with which the t

4、rademark appears originate from a unique source, and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities. As we all know, a trade mark is very important for the market of a company. In order to attract consumers, it should be both persuasive and informative. So rhetoric is thebest c

5、hoice that can make the trademarks attractive to consumers.Thus the thesis will focus on the art of rhetoric in trade marks. Through the research, theauthor attempts to find out the practical meaning of rhetoric toward trade marks, and tries to make some contribution to the proposition of trade mark

6、s.【关键词】 : rhetoric, trade marks, quotation, idiom, metonymy, puns, geminate.Chaper1 IntroductionA trademark is the offspring of highly development of market economics, which plays a crucial role in modern society. Its an art form composed of words and patterns designed by producers and sellers to di

7、stinguish their commodities and service from others. Trademarks act as a window for consumers to understand, distinguish, and judge commodities, thus determine our impressions of commodities. The significance of trademarks is widely recognized and at the same time, the design becomes rather importan

8、t. Thus a good trade mark should be informative, persuasive and also extraordinary. That means it should use a technique-rhetoric.The earliest mention of oratorical skill occurs in HomersIliad, where heroes like Achilles, Hektor, and Odysseus were honored for their ability to advise and exhort their

9、 peers and followers (the Laos or army) in wise and appropriate action.With the rise of the democratic polis, speaking skill was adapted to the needs of the public and political life of cities in Ancient Greece, much of which revolved around the use of oratory as the medium through which political a

10、nd judicial decisions were made, and through which philosophical ideas were developed and disseminated. For modern students today, it can be difficult to remember that the wide use and availability of written texts is a phenomenon that was just coming into vogue in Classical Greece.Rhetoric thus evo

11、lved as an important art, one thatprovided the orator with the forms, means, and strategies for persuading an audience of the correctness of the orators arguments. Today the term rhetoric can be used at times to refer only to the form of argumentation, often with the pejorative connotation that rhet

12、oricis a means of obscuring the truth.At the turn of the twentieth century, there was a revival of rhetorical study manifested in the establishment of departments of rhetoric and speech at academic institutions, aswell as the formation of national and international professional organizations. The ri

13、se of advertising and of mass media such as photography, telegraphy, radio, and film brought rhetoric more prominently into peoples lives. And trade marks, as a form of advertising, also make great contribution to the popularity of rhetoric.The thesis will do some research on the application of rhet

14、oric in trademarks in four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction about the relationship between trade marks and rhetoric. The second chapter mainly focuses on literature review on some rhetoric theories to introducethe art. The third chapter concentrates on the introduction about trade mar

15、ks. The fourth chapter will study the application of rhetoric devices in trade marks with some examples. The last chapter is the conclusion.Chapter2 Characteristics about Trade marks 2.1 The Definition of trade marksThere are various kinds of definitions of trademarks.According to encyclopedia, A tr

16、ademark, trade mark? or? is a distinctive sign of some kind which is used by a business to uniquely identify itself and its product and services toconsumers, and to distinguish the business and it products or services from those of other businesses. A trademark is type of industrial property which i

17、s distinct from other forms o intellectual property.The popular definition of trademarks in west is: A trademark can be a word, name, symbol, device or any combination thereof which is used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one company from goods or services of another. From the d

18、efinitions, we learn that the essential meaning is the same, that is, a trademark is the mark of a product or service.Not all the words, signs and pictures are trademarks, usually a trade mark is a word or a graph or a combination of word and graph. Conventionally, a trademark comprises a name, word

19、, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, or a combination of these elements. There is also a range of non-conventional trademarks comprising marks which do not fall into these standard categories.2.2 Functions of Trade MarksAs a logo for a product, a trademark is always beautiful, impressive and disti

20、nctive. It tries its best to please consumersand take positive effect on purchase. According to a marketing survey conducted in America, the trademarks of cosmetics withromantic flavor are popular in market, like Apr s Rasage, Co Girl, Clair de Jour, Nuite d Ardente, with the names stimulating the p

21、assion of buying.Good trademarks reflect utility, quality and function of products, thus serve as guidance to make efficient choices. The result of a survey conducted in England showed that nearly 50%of products are recognized and purchased by their trademarks and no less than 25% are recognized by

22、color, with only 6%are recognized by designs. The brand takes the role of identifying the product. With the help of a brand, the customers can not only see you and talk about you, they can also remember you. The brand is the means by which you can differentiate your offering from that of everyone el

23、se, it is the way to signal that this is the product that has all the advantages the customer is looking for.In consumers eyes, a trademark is a guarantee of value and quality. Sometimes, we buy products not only for the quality, but also for good credit and public image. A brand is anembodiment of

24、honor, which companies value the most. So in this way, producers have to keep improving quality and service for the intangible brand value.A brand name is a valuable treasure for producers, but some players will take advantage of the occupation, fake the trademark and deceive consumers. Therefore, t

25、rademark registration is a must-be way to protect brands and curb illegal practice. In one word, a trademark must be registered.Besides providing fine products and fair price, a company has to spend money on advertising. An excellent advertisement will highlight the product, and brand the trademark

26、in consumers minds. The truth each advertiser should bear in mind is that the core of advertisement is the trademark.2. 3The characteristics of the rhetoric in trade marksAs trade marks have so many unique characteristics, we need rhetoric in trade marks and the rhetoric here should also have its ow

27、n characteristics in order to persuade the consumers.All the words have their rhymes and rhymes. We shouldavoid partial tones and some ambiguous words. For example, the trade mark Hewlett-Packard, in the mainland of China it was translated as 休利特 • 帕卡德 , but after that Hongkong translated it a

28、s 惠普 , after that this kind of computer has become more and more popular just because these two characters are much easier to pronounce and with better wishes than the original nonsense six characters. Rhetoric on this level can make people have good associations. For example, 孔府家酒 makes people asso

29、ciate Chinese long history and Confucian culture.Trade marks must be made according to peoples common psychology and identity. They will achieve consumers identification. And the trade marks should have good connotation and denotation.That means that the trade marks should satisfy the need of lingui

30、stic level, and should also suit consumers psychological need as well as aesthetic enjoyment. This is the highest state of application of rhetoric in trade marks. For example, Luhuanong( 露华浓 ) which is a kind of cosmetics, it comes from the poet of a famous Chinese ancient poet Libai 云想衣裳花想容 ,春风拂槛露华

31、浓。 which is used to describe the beauty like pearls or jades. It has satisfied both the needs to be feminized and the needs to be elegant and aesthetic.Chapter 3 The Application of Rhetoric in Trade Marks Since we have learned a lot about both rhetoric and trademarks, we can easily analyze the appli

32、cation of rhetoric in trade marks. Specifically speaking, we use following rhetoric devices in trade marks.3.1 QuotationThe language used in trade marks have literariness and artistic quality. The creators of trade marks usually take nutrition of our familiar idioms, proverbs, and famous poems.Idiom

33、 is the crystal of Chinese culture, the ancient tradition of Chinese culture, and the linguistic form that people are willing to accept. The words in idioms are classical, elegant, coherent and with unique style and privileged force, all of which are the must characteristics of a trade mark. Idioms

34、are brief and concise and with plenty of meanings. Using idioms in trade marks can make them familiar to consumers. For example, Yuli( 玉立 ), a kind of ventilator. Obviously, it is quotated fromthe idiom Tingtingyuli( 亭亭玉立 ) which makes people associate womens gentle and soft characteristic and make

35、people associate its unique image. And another example, Fenghua(丰华 ) which is a kind of pen. It is quotated from part of Fenghuazhengmao ( 丰华正茂 ), making people associate Chairman Maos beautiful poet 恰同学少年 ,风华正茂 ,书生意气,挥斥方遒。指点江山 ,激扬文字 ,粪土当年万户侯 。 These kind of trade marks are both active and deep, fre

36、sh and familiar, full of modern breath and also classical, so they can attract the consumers attention. The meaning of idioms has globality and coagulability. When they have any change, people will pay special attention to it. Partial quotation of idioms can use limited space to convey plentiful inf

37、ormation. This kind of quotation goes along with peoples acknowledge psychology. Thus the partial quotations from idioms are very common.Proverbs are also a kind of common phenomenon which is popular among people. People are very familiar with them thus they are very easy to spread and easy to remem

38、ber. For example, Tiantang ( 天堂 ) which is a kind of umbrella in Hangzhou. It make people associate the famous Chinese proverb 上有天堂 ,下有苏杭 which means that it can givepeople a great enjoyment like living in the paradise and make people avoid the hot sunshine and the heavy rain. And at the same time,

39、it has suggested the original home-Hangzhou. Thus this trade mark has satisfied the two requests ofit-persuasive and informative. Another example, Jiatianxia(甲天下 ) which is a kind of cigarette. It makes people associate the famous proverb 桂林山水甲天下 which reflects this cigarette can be the best among t

40、hese all cigarettes. And it can also suggest the original home -Giuangxi, and at the same time it has also aroused peoples memory about the mountains and beautiful scenery in Guilin.The language in poetry is brief and full of new meanings,and with good rhymes. For example, Hongdou( 红豆 ) which is a k

41、ind of clothes. It makes people to associate Wangweis poem相思 红豆生南国 ,春来发几枝 ?劝君多采撷 ,此物最相思。 thus when it is promoted into the market, it has got a good fame. Another example, Xinghuacun( 杏花村 ) which is a kind wine. It makes people associate the famous poet Dumus lines 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂;借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。 W

42、hen looking at this kind of trade marks, we canthink that the commodity has got plenty of culturalconnotation.3.2 PunsPuns are called as linguistic talent. Puns make use of theambiguous language to convey two kinds ofmeanings-connotation and denotation. And we have phoneticpuns and semantic puns. ph

43、onetic puns mean that puns areconstructed by the same or near sound. For example,Tingmei( 婷美 ) which is a kind ofbra. It makes people willingto associate the good shape of women in China just because ithas almost the same sound like Tingmei( 挺美 )。 Thus thecreator has achieved a characteristic- aesth

44、etic result. Anotherexample, Shuxin ( 舒欣 ) which is a kind of skin care product. Ithas the same sound as 舒心which means happyand withoutworry. The third example, 中意 which is a kind refrigerator. Itmeans that the commodity will satisfy your needs, and at thesame time, it suggests the commodity is the

45、crystal of Chineseand Italian technology.3.3 MetonymyIn trade marks, metonymy is also commonly used. We can always see people use the places of interests as trade marks. For example, 西湖 (washing agent) 、南泥湾 (cigarrette) 、黄果树(cigarrette) 、红塔山 (cigarrette) 、五指山 (cigarrette) 、长城(lubricant). In China, t

46、here are many places of interests. That can bring people aethetics psychology3.4 Geminate (or repeated sound)That means that you can use the repeated sound to give people aethecstic appreciation, and can attract peoples attention. For example, 娃哈哈 (food) 旺旺 (food) 、 鸭鸭 (down coat) 、 维维 (soy ancient

47、yogurt.Chapter 4 ConclusionRhetoric is the ancient art of argumentation and discourse. When we write or speak to convince others of what we believe, we are rhetors. When we analyze the way rhetoric works, we are rhetoricians. The earliest known studies of rhetoric come from the Golden Age, when phil

48、osophers of ancient Greece discussed logos, ethos, and pathos. Writers in the Roman Empire adapted and modified the Greek ideas. Across the centuries, medieval civilizations also adapted and modified the theories of rhetoric. Even today, many consider the study of rhetoric a central part of a libera

49、l arts education.Trade marks are a kind of advertisement. Its main function is to be informative and persuasive. A good trade mark is actually a art work. And has plentiful meaning. It shouldintroduce people what are they and their ingredients, and should also can be vivid and give people a sense of

50、 beauty and arouse peoples association. And then it attracts peoples attention to its commodity and have desires to buy them.ReferencesChen, Y.J.(2000). The Rhetoric of Translation of Trade marks. Liuan normal College Journal.Guo, S. X.(1995). Talking about Trademarks Creation and Translation. Chine

51、se Technological Translation,4:28-31.Jiang,H.(2006). The Rhetoric Inspect of Trade marks.Language Application Research,8.Salzmann,Z. (1998), Language,Culture,and Society:An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology,2nded.MNew York:Westview Press.39-65.Wang, B.C.(1996). National Psychology Differences and Literature Translation. Chinese Translation, 1.

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