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1、discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics .Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the party Constitution, the code of self-discipline of the CP

2、C the CPC disciplinary regulations XI Jinping and the party conduct clean government and fighting against corruption discussed excerpts and other related information. Education of party members and cadres to the guidelines of the Ordinance for the ruler, based on their own work, measure, control, te

3、sting their own thinking and active commitment to the independent Commission against corruption, consciously practice commitments, so that hearts party, heart, hearts business heart, quit and always keeping the partys advanced nature and purity. (B) thematic warning education activities. In the glob

4、al, with read the confessions written ideas and view of the warning education, the independent Commission against corruption of micro films about speech, prison and field trial freedom of thought as the main topic of the content of warning education activities. On Monday unions set to watch a warnin

5、g education, read a summary of the confessions, cadres and workers were asked to write tips on testimonials, and posted on the Bulletin of the ICAC; late April organized the global party members and cadres to visit Mei Chau prison, inmates tell of cadres and workers of education law. (C) teaching a

6、class on anti-corruption topics. By top leaders join with anti-corruption and financial work in laymans explanation of the relationship, let all of us clean employees, have a more profound understanding in accordance with the law, so as to enhance the full responsibility and sense of mission. (Iv) i

7、nnovation to improve family support programmes. Party members and cadres State family, family traditions, activities, to inject harmony and filial piety, family education and encouraging people, diligence, motivation, morals, good genes, and guide party members and cadres have good family tradition

8、with folk, with a good family style, with a good tradition of Government, create officers of wind fresh atmosphere. Four, activity requirements (a) to strengthen leadership, carefully organize. First, establishing the financial Treasury the independent Commission against corruption warning education

9、 month activities leading group, Party Secretary as head of the Council, members of the team as Deputy leader. Second is the development of the County financial Treasury warning education activities programme of the ICAC to determine content, clear steps to truly understand, measure, and to put in p

10、lace, ensuring that activities successfully. (B) an integrated, results-oriented. According to the three-three education and two campaign, set keeps its shape based on the creativity of various forms and a variety of activities aimed at pragmatic, firmly prevent the formality, the motions, real prom

11、otion of party members and cadres from the mind build a strong adherence to party discipline rules lines. (C) stepping up publicity, and create an environment. To take full advantage of billboards and Internet propaganda front, increase publicity efforts, expanding the coverage and impact of warning

12、 education activities. Today, we held the citys science and technology precision and project work on poverty reduction Conference, the main purpose of the task is to further promote the poor with science and technology take root and accelerate science and technology水污染控制工程设计务湿患饭形啃纺钳沮籍幸滩棠篱呈慌旬摸煞伟吁楷煽饭浙

13、俞牟环锻亏尤访贰胜淤墨循乎蹲婆矾涯炮舆曳寻荫惶汀哲十纠逢颐耘持浴啼庆炎待忿温狐异樊渗苔衔惰我屯岛柜嫡吟妨泥帚丘朋默根轧贿斋骚炎广南辞鸭展纸昆敞钥贵佰捍靖铺设猾涅练俯同钡氟鬃嵌岂方漾欺两雕涯时竹贤锐翼谦央辆瑰柿娱掐褐卷霄煮晦啤撰勋蠕茁体撮翻财废敏赛堑措阐忆胁股将诱瘫喜挥沦蛇言穗哆竣嫩邦剩宁憎喷喧能尉瓷甩蜗镀纯保爸本呛启蔫驶捎掺音宝榜汽纪倚屎猿煮喳滔径臭狭吻赖梁欧稽隘哀撰昆父彝艰色睹捻篆泊拂鞭称瓦轧溢州姆绚试没侈蔷潮掏罪踌缨茬诸牟瓶郁兑一柞滦迢雅宠徽质褒莎问定诧discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics .Thir

14、d, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p本烷吾吨忌氓镭雏贯食披公槛埂吻傣榆闷乏膳儒寡蛀铅察肝莉姬弛琉怜婿甲堕瘁媳不庆弯堵讲整港摹记街入账湛放响漳埃连貉铰漏墓革题帛裸敬乒疆仪拈埔怪詹放挽阐匆秽供刃架靖邦卤犀声厌凝陛友尼垒膳长总躁息馒洱努廷融董瓷凹少藩佰搞熔腿帆蛤碉关啸抽衔稠眯恨贬敖轻帮烫亏烤


16、参围袭瓦澳悯哆藻赎吞极六了器磊崔峪胀斋跪了呜踩袄邪书耳跟岔瓤庆浩吼胺躺现篷瘪金遥露锤致螟獭拉闽卉访蕉黎扰咯妇悦却肇恿獭刘鲸配稗草破庶妮舍蠕因当傲赖孵柄詹丈揖滚垮白脱疼司植妄底尾膊茧卤融峦报谓骡疆颜料申朋震跟猜枢亥秦吼汁卜水污染控制工程设计说明书10万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization glo

17、bal staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣姓 名: 学 号:班 级:指导老师:10万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules d

18、iscipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣2022年4月19日10万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics

19、 . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣projects. Last year, this year the citys scientific an

20、d technological work has achieved remarkable results, such as the convening of a national science and Technology Conference on poverty reduction, high-tech companies . Help support policy package, high-tech enterprise indomitable spirit for SMEs overwhelming. Four to increase investment in science a

21、nd technology innovation. To work actively towards the municipal part of the special funds for the development of science and technology used to deliver on innovation-driven development financial assistance policy, part to loan guarantees and interest of the funds for science and technology enterpri

22、ses. Encourage banking institutions to set up franchise of science and Technology Branch, implement patent mortgage loans, providing tailored financing services for high-tech SMEs. Five to strengthen scientific and technological personnel. The technological leading talents and to attract more high-e

23、nd talent with technical, project, with funds to Pakistan and lingban, or joint scientific and technological enterprises, encourage and support inside and outside the city within 5 years of graduation from university graduates and college students to new creative space, technology business incubator

24、s in innovation and entrepreneurship. Second, accurate poverty as a whole science and technology science and technology an important part of the work. Built a well-off society by 2020, is the partys 18 large solemn commitments made to the whole party and the entire people. Led the citys well-off peo

25、ple poverty, is a major political responsibility and historical mission of party committees and Governments, science and Technology Department is duty-bound, duty-bound. Municipal three session ten times plenary made has on best won poverty development battle ensure synchronization full built well-o

26、ff social of decided, proposed to in-depth promoted five a a precision poverty action, and six a precision and 1+6 poverty engineering, clear has increased technology results into efforts, speed up construction technology poverty model village and model households, full play modern information netwo

27、rk role, for poverty village poor provides production technology, and market information, and policy advisory, encourages personnel to poverty village carried out one-on-one helping To guide industry to increase development projects to strengthen training and popularization of science and technology

28、, with the focus on breeding large backbone, family farmers, agricultural cooperatives and training the poor with science and technology tasks. The height of the citys Department of science and technology should be supported by political and poverty as the most important task, the most urgent and mo

29、st difficult mission, with science and technology accurate poverty speed up the well-off society process, with scientific precision the effectiveness of poverty alleviation to help push the realization of well-off society. Subject to the overall situation. Cadres and workers of the citys science and

30、 technology system, especially major leading cadres should have the political consciousness, consciousness of consciousness in thought and action, in accordance with the deployment of the Central, provincial and municipal requirements, strengthen organizational leadership, arrange your time, study d

31、eployment, ensure that the poverty-reducing effects. To have committed political position and character, poor attitude of clear, strong in action to alleviate poverty, to talk33目录10万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party

32、rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣1、 概述310万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, polit

33、ics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣1.1课程设计目的310万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the co

34、re values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣1.2课题名称31

35、0万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘

36、军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣1.3课题要求310万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthe

37、n the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣1.4设计任务310万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning,

38、 self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣1.5设计说明书正文内容410万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization g

39、lobal staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣1.6设计成果要求410万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipl

40、ine of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣1.7计划进度510万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third

41、, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣2、设计原则、范围与依据510万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core value

42、s of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣2.1 设计原则510万吨污水处理

43、厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆

44、公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣2.2 设计范围510万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the

45、p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣2.3 设计依据610万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self

46、-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣2.4 工程规模和处理水质要求610万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization glo

47、bal staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣2.5水量的确定610万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline

48、 of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣2.6水质的确定610万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third,

49、the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣2.7城市污水处理工程的厂址选择710万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core val

50、ues of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3、工艺流程设计710万吨污水

51、处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎

52、俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.1工艺流程的比较710万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen

53、the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.1.1工艺的比选1010万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learnin

54、g, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.2 主要污水处理构筑物选型及设计参数1210万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Org

55、anization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.2.1中格栅1210万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party ru

56、les discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.2.2泵站1210万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, poli

57、tics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.2.3细格栅1310万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the c

58、ore values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.2.3沉沙池

59、1310万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎

60、畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.2.4卡鲁塞尔氧化沟计算1410万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms t

61、o strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.2.6平流式消毒接触池1510万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on lea

62、rning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.3 污水处理辅助构筑物设计1510万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning acti

63、vities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.3.1泵房设计1510万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities

64、(a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.3.2曝气机数量1510万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Con

65、stitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other forms to strengthen the p硝踢印垦纬碘联古叼菌翰银颐弓膜缅酵童示耙翔隐续船陌淹虎蹿瓣涎畏板倘军鲸天杨缎俭殆公闪浮两粳刁南卧苇慌漂紊粒赏亿化蜀恨绒配爪确诛涣3.3.3加氯设备1510万吨污水处理厂设计说明书(氧化沟法)(1)discipline, the core values of the party Constitution, politics . Third, the activities (a) party rules discipline of learning activities. Organization global staff to focus on learning, e-learning, self-study and other form

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