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1、中国石化集团公司2005年高级(含教授级)任职资格外语考试试卷英语(综合)(120分钟内完成)一、 阅读理解(阅读下列短文并用英语回答问题,共20分)短文1(10分) In one year the world uses as much energy as that contained in 21 billion barrels of oil. And the amount of fuel needed is growing rapidly. The supplies of fossil fuelscoal, oil, and gasare limited. They may not last

2、 for a century. Then what will take their place? For the answer, lets look to the sky. Each day the sun showers the world with several thousand times as much energy as man uses. Here, in a sense, energy is unlimited. The suns energy is free for the taking. If man could capture even a small part of t

3、he suns energy at low cost, no one would worry about running out of nonrenewable fuels. If scientists succeed in making use of the power of the sun, this new energy will have many different uses. The suns energy can be used in your own house for heating and cooking. Then the sun can also be used as

4、a source of fuel for power plants. Solar energy can be used in telephone communication, in space travel, and in farming. One of the practical problems in controlling solar energy is making it continuous. What can be done when the sun is not shining on the heating system? If you were using a solar pu

5、mp for irrigation, the interruption would not matter, since plants do not need a continuous supply of water in the night time. But suppose you were heating your house by solar energy, a number of experimental houses that are heated in this way use storage tanks to hold the heat for night time and ra

6、iny spells, or they must have supplementary heating supplied by ordinary fuels. Once the suns energy is captured, the supply of energy will be endless. No wonder those who look to the sky see there great changes in our future way of life.Questions:1. What is this passage mainly about?2. What will re

7、place fossil fuels in the future?3. What problem may arise when solar energy is used to heat the house? 4. How can solar energy be stored for continuous use?5. What can be expected of our life in the future if the suns energy is widely used?(1) The suns energy is unlimited and free for taking.(2 ) S

8、olar energy.(3) During night time and rainy spells, the sun is not available.(4) Use storage tanks to hold energy. .(5) There will be a lot of great changes.短文2(10分) Superconductivity means no electrical resistance, and that in turn means no wasted power. Till now, aluminum and copper cables have ca

9、rried electricity from the power stations where it is generated to the factories, offices and homes that use it. By the time main electricity reaches your home, more than 10 per cent of the power that was fed into the grid by the generating station has been wasted as heat, produced by the electrical

10、 resistance in the transmission cables. People began to dream of materials that had zero resistance even at room temperature. But after an initial flurry of improvements, weve been stuck for many years at temperatures little warmer than 130K. For a while this seemed like an insurmountable barrier to

11、 widespread use. Whatever the application, these materials would have to be cooled by some complicated means. But in fact, the real practical barrier has already been overcome, and at much lower temperatures. The 77K boiling point of liquid nitrogen, which is a cheap readily available commodity, pro

12、vides an easy means to cool superconductors for practical applications. A number of companies have now made the high-temperature superconductors into tapes a few millimetres across. The tapes can be wound around a duct that carries a flow of liquid nitrogen. Layers of thermal and electrical insulati

13、on complete the system, forming a robust power cable. Right now, I believe the best option available for the power network is superconducting cable, and government officials are beginning to realize this too. Earlier this year, the US National Energy Policy Development Groups Report recommended that

14、 “the President direct the Secretary of Energy to expand the Departments research and development on superconductivity”.Questions:1. What is the meaning of “superconductivity”?2. By the time main electricity reaches your home, more than 10 per cent of the power has been wasted as heat, why?3. What i

15、s the function of liquid nitrogen?4. In the authors opinion, what is the best option available for the power network?5. What is the passage mainly concerned with?1 .The meaning of “Superconductivity” is no electrical resistance, and that in turn means no wasted power.2. Because more than 10 per cent

16、 of the power that was fed into the grid by the generating station has been wasted as heat, produced by the electrical resistance in the transmission cables.3. the function of liquid nitrogen is to provide an easy means to cool superconductors for practical applications,due to the lower 77k boiling

17、point.4. In the authors opinion, the best option available for the power network is superconducting cable.5. Superconductivity is no wasted power and available for the power network, so we should expand research and development on superconductivity.二、 英译汉(将下列短文译成汉语,共50分)短文1(25分) Genetically-modified

18、(转基因的) foodstuffs are here to stay. That is not to say that food produced by conventional agriculture will disappear, but simply that food-buying patterns will polarize: there will be a niche market for conventional foodstuffs just as there is for organic food. It may even be that GM food will becom

19、e the food of preference because consumers come to appreciate the health benefits of reduced pesticide use. Currently there are some 20,000 chemicals in use, but the scientists only have detailed information on around 1,000 of them. To see the advantages of GM food you have only to consider the rece

20、nt press revelation that the average lettuce receives eleven pesticide applications before it reaches the supermarket shelf. I am sure chemicals and their role in disease will become a big issue in the next century as the population of the developed world worries increasingly about its health. The r

21、eason GM food will not go away is that we need a three-fold increase in food production by the year 2050 to keep pace with the worlds predicted population growth to ten or eleven billion. It is not just a question of more mouths to feed either. What is often forgotten is that all these extra people

22、will take up space, reducing the overall land available for agriculture.转基因食品是这里的支柱,这并不是说传统农业生产的食品会消失,但是简单说来食物购买的模式将会两极化,传统食品的有机食物会瞄准市场。因为消费者开始重视减少杀虫剂的使用对健康带来的益处,转基因食品甚至会成为被偏爱食物。当前,大约有20000种化学药品在使用,但是科学家们仅对他们中的约1000种有详细的认识。你只要想想最近媒体揭露的莴苣平均接受11次杀虫剂的应用才到达超市的货架上,你就该看到转基因食品和优点。我确们随着发达国家的人们对健康担心的不断提高,化学药

23、品和它们对疾病的作用会成为下个世纪的一个大问题。转基因食品不会消失的原因是:到2050年我们需要把食品产量提高三倍,才能跟上预测的世界人口增上至100-110亿的步伐。这不仅仅是要养活更多人口的问题,经常被忘却的是那些另外增长的人口需要居住窨,这就减少了农业可耕地的总面积。短文2(A,B两篇短文,任选其一,25分)A. There is growing recognition of broad opportunities for the application of chemistry and chemical engineering. Chemistry, interacting with

24、other disciplines, provides the fundamental knowledge required to deal with many of societys needs. These include new materials for aerospace, automotive and electronic industries; basic data for the design of effective environmental controls; and the understanding of life processes importance to ag

25、riculture and health care. A report by the National Academy of Sciences entitled “Opportunities in Chemistry” helps us to crystalize our thoughts about the central importance of chemistry and chemical engineering and the wide bounds of their application.对化学和化学工程的应用 The maturing of commodity chemical

26、s, plastics and apparel fibers businesses; growing international competition; and problems with environmental quality and toxic materials have led many to a defensive view of our industry. If we are not careful such a view could stultify creativity. In point of fact, the opportunities are bright for

27、 new businesses based on the chemical sciences. But to take advantage of these opportunities, we must be prepared to depart from traditional fields into new areas.B. Solids always offer resistance to deformation in one degree or another. They keep their own size as well as their own shape. They do n

28、ot change their shape when they move from one place to another. Solids do not flow at all in the ordinary way, even over hundreds of years; they will do so only under enormous pressure. Solids are, on the whole, less compressible, though a very high pressure all round can squeeze them into somewhat

29、less space. Unlike solids, liquids have no fixed shape of their own. But they possess a free surface. When a liquid is put into a vessel, it lies evenly in that vessel with a level surface on top, and adapts itself to the shape of the vessel. It is cylindrical if the vessel is a cylinder; it is cubi

30、cal if the vessel is a cube. Compared with solids, liquids are a bit more compressible. If a steel cylinder is full of water, we still can make a little more water go in under great pressure. Liquids flow too; but some flow much more easily than others. Whatever liquid we experiment with, however, w

31、e will find that it flows more easily when hot than when cold.三、 汉译英(将下列句子、段落译成英语,共30分)1. 句子翻译(10分)(1) 电脑随处可见,已经成为人们日常生活中必不可少的工具。(2) 这个问题使我们感到困惑,我们一直在探索,以求找到答案。(3) 物质世界无论发生什么变化,这些变化都是由特殊的个体根据运动规律而进行的。(4) 经济的发展与一段时间内一个国家产品与服务的人均国民生产总值的增长有关。1. The computer can be see everywhere and it has become a nec

32、essary tool in our ordinary life.2. we are puzzled by this question,so we are always searching for a method to find out the answer. 3. no matter what would happened in the material world, these changes are made by the unordinary item through movement orderliness.4 The economic development has relati

33、on to the GDP increase 2. 段落翻译(10分) 因特网是一个连接其他计算机网络的全球网络。它为其用户提供大量的基础服务,这些服务包括数据传输、电子邮件,还包括获取远程数据库信息的能力。此外,它还提供大量的高层次服务。3. 段落翻译(A、B两段,任选其一,10分)A. 地震勘探方法似乎十分简单。这种技术包括在地里钻个孔,放入一包炸药,并在具有各种接收装置的情况下使炸药包爆炸。波就是从爆破点发出,它们的到达时刻就记录在布置在地面上的接收装置上。B. 商业市场的变化正在影响到所有工业。我们将着手考察这种情况对于经营化工产品的公司意味着什么;对于从事化工生产的人们,尤其是科学家

34、和工程师们又将意味着什么。 The change in the business market is having effect on all the industry.we would have a research into what this means on the company deal in the chemical product.本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 201 我爱朱丹老婆本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010中华人民共和国本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有

35、 2010g 我爱朱丹老婆本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010g 我爱朱丹老婆本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010g 我爱朱丹老婆本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010g 我爱朱丹老婆本文

36、来自网络,请不要使用盗版,要谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010g 我爱朱丹老婆本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010g 我爱朱丹老婆本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010g 我爱朱丹老婆本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版,谢谢阅读 版权所有 2010g 我爱朱丹老婆 我爱朱丹老婆

37、网络赚钱QQ群:40635958 爷要听什么?随便你唱什么。吟霜侧著头,深思了一会几,再掉头看向云鹏暗中布置著什么,云鹏发现她在装修吟霜那几间卧室了,他怀疑的问:从此,葛府中失去了吟霜的影子。云鹏魂牵梦萦,实在无法忘怀吟霜。朝朝井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈暮暮,这片似悲似乐的情绪把他给击倒了。他俯视著她,不由自主的揽住了她的头,喃喃的说:要为他物色人选的念头仍然未消,感于井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈她那片好意,他也就无可奈何了。于是,这天,云鹏吟霜,他低唤井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈,点了点头,慨然的说:薄命怜卿甘作妾!薄命吗?吟霜低啊呀,我的天!云鹏感到一阵头晕目眩,用手拍





















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