七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look like Section C教学设计

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《七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look like Section C教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look like Section C教学设计(6页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look like Section C教学设计The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. (1)Learn some words about clothes:T-shirt, shoe, cap, coat, skirt, dress(2)Learn other useful words and expressions:at, look at, photo, strong2. Review peoples

2、appearances and clothes: (1)She has short brown hair. (2)He has blond hair. (3)Her hair is red. (4)What color is this/that T-shirt?Its red. (5)What color are these/those shoes?Theyre green. (6)The girl in yellow is Maria.(7)He is in a black cap and blue shoes. Teaching aids 教具服装图片/录音机/相片/拍子/小黑板. Fiv

3、e-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)1. (利用实物进行师生互动问答。复习各种颜色的词。)T:Whats this?Ss:Its a pen.T:What color is it?Ss:Its yellow.(展示同样颜色的两支笔。)T:What are these?Ss:They are pens.T:What color are they?Ss:Theyre yellow.(可以利用学生书桌上的书、笔等进行提问。全面复习有关颜色表达方式的句型。)(由物转向人的外貌特征。)T:S1. What color is y

4、our hair?S1:It is black.T:S2. What color are your eyes?S2:My eyes are black.2. (利用服装图片和颜色引出生词。)(展示帽子的图片。)T:Whats this?Ss:帽子。T:Its a cap. What color is this cap?Ss:Its green.(展示鞋的图片。)T:What are these?Ss:鞋。T:Theyre shoes. What color are these shoes?Ss:Theyre white.(提问一个学生。)T:S3. What color are your sh

5、oes?S3:Theyre (用同样方式导出文中其他生词,板书并把全班学生分成两个小组进行对话操练。)What color is ?What color are ?cap, shoe, coatskirt, T-shirtG1: What is this?G2: Its a coat.G1: What color is it?G2: Its brown.T: Good. Exchange. (译为“替换”。)G2: What are these?G1: They are shoes.G2: What color are they?G1: They are white. (引导学生用that/t

6、hose进行问答。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (出示1a挂图,让学生听1a录音,跟读,并注意语音语调。)T: Listen to 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. (学生对自己的服装进行对话操练,先师生问答,然后学生间进行类似的问答。) T: Hello, S8. What color is your shirt? S8: My shirt is red. S9, what color is your coat? S9: My coat is

7、blue. S10, what color is your skirt? S10:My skirt is pink. S11 3. (请一名高大的男学生到黑板前,进行问答,导出新句型和新单词。) T:Whos this boy?Ss:He is T:Is he tall?Ss:Yes, he is.T:Does he have short hair?Ss:Yes, he does. His hair is black.T:OK. What color is his coat?Ss:His coat is green.T:Good. Let me describe him.T:This is a

8、 boy. His name is He is in Class One, Grade One. He is tall and strong. (肢体语言表示strong) He has short black hair and big eyes. He is in a green coat. The boy in green is (板书关键语句和新句型、新单词,然后扩展让学生模仿描述。)He is tall and strong.He is in a green coat.The boy in green is Lin Qiang.4. (利用2的相片来呈现主要内容,引出新词组。)T:No

9、w look here. Whats this?Ss:Its a photo.(出示2相片挂图。)T:Look at this photo. There are four people in the photo.(分别指向不同的人物问答。)T:Who is this?Ss:She is Maria.T:Good. Who is this?Ss:She is Jane.(用同样方法引出Kangkang, Michael)(分别描述这四人,提问,呈现并解释新句型。)(教师指向Maria,向学生提问,呈现新句型。)T:Look at Maria. What does she look like?S1

10、:She is tall.S2:She has short hair.S3:She has short brown hair.T:OK. What color is her dress?Ss:Her dress is yellow.T:Very good. The girl in yellow is Maria.(板书)The girl in yellow is Maria.(然后指向Jane,进行同样问答,呈现新句型。)T:Please look at Jane. What does she look like?S1:She has long hair.S2:Her hair is red.

11、S3:She has a wide mouth.S4:Her T-shirt is purple.T:Very good. She is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt.(板书)She is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt.(以同样的方式向学生提问Michael和Kangkang,呈现出新句型。)He is in a black cap and blue shoes.The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:9分钟

12、)1. (听2录音,让学生跟读并在服装类名词下划线,圈出颜色类名词。然后核对。)2. (让学生读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F),并核对答案。)(老师出示小黑板。)(1)The girl in yellow is Jane.( )(2)Maria is tall. She has short black hair.( )(3)Michael is strong. He is in a black cap and blue shoes.( )(4)Kangkang is in a white T-shirt.( )(5)The girl in a pink T-shirt and a purpl

13、e skirt is Jane.( )3. (让学生朗读短文后看图描述。)4. (放录音,完成3。并核对答案。)T: Listen to the tape and complete the sentences, then find the children in the picture.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (设计一个小游戏,以小组为单位,每组推荐一名同学到讲台前参加活动。首先教师把一幅黄色短裙的图片、一幅白色鞋子的图片,一幅蓝色裤子和一幅橘黄色长裙的图片贴在黑板上,然后给每个学生一个拍子。这时老师用1a句型发指令,同学们抢答同时要拍到这幅图片上,

14、谁先拍到,并回答得准确为胜者,为小组获得一颗星。通过游戏可培养学生们力争上游的竞争意识,又使学生能在轻松愉快的气氛中巩固本节课所学习的新知识。完成1c。)2. (把全班学生分成两个小组完成1b,检查完成情况。)G1: What color is this skirt?G2: Its yellow.G1: What color is that dress?G2: Its red.G1: What color are these shoes?G2: Theyre white.G1: What color are those pants?G2: Theyre blue.(提醒学生注意名词的单复数形式

15、。)3. (老师在学生间走动,运用手势对学生的服装进行提问。)T:What color is your T-shirt?S1:Its blue.T:What color is his T-shirt?Ss:Its blue.T:What color are your shoes?S2:My shoes are black.T:What color are her shoes?Ss:Theyre black.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1. (小组活动。六人一组描述自己最喜欢的衣服颜色,每小组派一名学生在班上作汇报。)2. (六人一组进行滚雪球式的练习,表颜

16、色和衣物的单词搭配词组,不能重复。) S1: A red coat. S2: A red coat, a white cap. S3: A red coat, a white cap, black shoes. S4: S5: S6: 3. (班级活动。完成4。) T: Lets chant.4. Homework:(1)模仿2写一篇关于自己和朋友的短文。(2)复习Section A、B、C的单词。(3)描述自己房间中物品的颜色。板书设计:What does she look like?Section Ccoat 1.What color is this/that T-shirt?skirt Its red.dress 2.What color are these/those shoes?T-shirt Theyre green.strong 3.(1)Look at this photo. (2)The girl in yellow is Maria. (3)He is strong. He is in a black cap and blue shoes.- 6 -中考资源网期待您的投稿!zkzyw

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