高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom Reading Puzzles in geography教学设计 新人教版必修5

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1、Unit 2 The United KingdomReading: Puzzles in Geography一、 教学对象分析本校教学对象为高中二年级学生,智力发展趋于成熟。他们的认知能力比高一学生有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,因此我特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力,以及培养学生信息转换处理能力。他们学习英语方法由死记硬背转型向理解型并应用到交际上,他们有自己的学习技能和策略,学会把语言学习与现实生活和兴趣联系起来。通过任务型课堂活动和学习,学生的学习自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时

2、也加强了与他人交流合作的能力。学生已经完成了高中英语四个模块的学习,渐渐习惯了我的教法。虽然一开始他们觉得与初中教学很不相同(初中老师注重手把手式的语法教学),但经过一年半,他们适应得很快,而且还取得一定的进步。他们会对课文内容提出自己的疑惑和勇于阐述见解,并且从课内知识拓展到课外,通过多种渠道获取学习资源。不过,本班学生的水平参差不齐,有些差距还相当大。因此在教学过程中,布置的任务要兼顾各个层次的学生,使他们都有所收获。二、教材内容分析 (人教版必修五第二单元)这一课是本单元第一个课时。在上这一节课前并没有让他们了解太多的与课文内容相关的知识,只是由于这课出现的人名和地方名比较多,我在课前教

3、他们读了一下。我在备这一课时,发现它的 warming-up部分会花费比较长的时间,于是我没有采用,而使用了我自己另外准备的引入(只是花了4到5分钟的时间),让学生对这课的话题作好心理准备,也为了完成本单元的目标作了铺垫。我觉得在今后也必须合理使用手中的教材,根据学生水平和教学设计进行整合或增减,让不同层次的学生在课堂上都有所收获。三、 教学目标本课为阅读课型,从地理、历史、政治、文化等多角度说明了联合王国的形成、发展以及它的风土人情和人文景观。使学生对英国有了一个比较详实的认识,拓宽了知识面,有助于深入理解和领悟英国语言和英国文化习俗。教师根据课文内容用不同的形式来让学生自己归纳,提高阅读技

4、能。教学目标大致有以下几个方面: (1) 理解文章功能和写作意图;概括文章主旨大意;识别段落主题句;(2) 分块式阅读长篇幅文章技巧;(3) 培养初步的语篇分析能力;(4) 培养学生信息转换处理能力(本单元主要以图表式呈现);四、教学过程Part 1 Lead-in (5 mins)话题导入:教师用图片和文字导入苏格兰全民独立公投,激发学生对进一步了解英国基本情况的兴趣,以此导入到本课的课题。T: HELLO, boys and girls, The Scotlands independence referendum (公民投票) was to be held on Sept 18, 2014

5、, announced First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond on March 21. At that time everyone over the age of 16 who lives in Scotland would be asked: “Should Scotland be an independent country?” They would decide if their 5 million people should end a 300-year-old union (联盟) and leave the UK. Voters in Sc

6、otland have to decide whether theyll break away from or remain a part of the United Kingdom. “To go, or to stay-that is the question.” This is a question that Scottish people faced recently, as they decided whether or not to stay in the UK. T: Now a question for you to think it over: How come that S

7、cottish people could decide to break away from, or to stay in the UK? 意图说明教师由此启发学生对英国政治、地理及历史的兴趣。Part 2 ReadingStep 1 Skimming & Prediction (5 mins)浏览文章标题、图片及文章布局,预测文章写作目的及功能,预测文章体裁意图说明教师由此培养学生预测、浏览阅读文章的习惯和能力。Task 1 T: Now you will have 2 minutes to study the title, pictures and layout of the text,

8、then make prediction about the AIM&FUNCTION, and the GENERAL ORGANIZATION of the text AIM&FUNCTIONto convince the reader to give him information to ask him for something to explain sth for him . . GENERAL ORGANIZATION argumentative narrative informative descriptiveexpository . . Step 2 Listening & N

9、ote-taking (6mins)(1) 将较长的文章进行分块处理;特别将文章的第二和第四段作为学生听力训练。意图说明教师将听读结合,减轻学生阅读长篇幅文章的压力; 引导学生识别文段内的语言衔接手段;Task 2 T: Listen to a short paragraph and work out the table below: NAMES TIMEINCLUDESENGLAND 13th century, A.D.England&WalesGREAT BRITAIN 17th century, A.D.England, Wales&Scotlandthe UNITED KINGDOM

10、20th century, A.D.England, Wales,Scotland&Northern IrrelandTask 3 (3mins) Read para.2 carefully and identify the lexical cohesive devices within the paragraph: LEXICAL COHESIVE DEVICES INDICATES Line.1-9 First; next; finally sequential order Line.10 However transitionLine.11 So cause &effect Task 4

11、T: Listen to another short paragraph and work out the table below: ZONES FEATURES the SOUTH OF ENGLAND most of the population of UK the MIDLANDS most of the industrial cities of UK the NORTH most of the industrial cities of UK Step 3 Detailed Reading 要求学生细读文章。意图说明(2) 引导学生把握文章的整体布局结构;(3) 引导学生识别文段的主题句

12、;(4) 引导学生对文章信息进行转。Task 5 (5 mins)Read para.4&5 carefully and pick out the topic sentences respectively: TOPIC SENTENCES RELATION OF EXPANSIONS TO THE TOPIC SENTENCES Para.4 the 1st sentence supporting details Para.5 the 1st sentence supporting details Task 6 Reading & Note-taking (5 mins) Read para.

13、 5 carefully again and work out Table A below Table ASETS OF INVADERS WHAT DID THEY BUILD? TIME the Romans the oldest port the 1st century, A.D. the Anglo-Saxons the oldest building in 1060s the Vikings the Normans the oldest castles in 1066 Table BSETS OF INVADERS LEGACY-WHAT DID THEY LEAVE BEHIND?

14、 the Romans Towns & roads the Anglo-Saxons Language & government the Vikings Vocabulary & place-names of the north of England the Normans Castles & new words for food Task 7 (5 mins)T: Read the whole text carefully, divide it into 3 parts, and write down the main ideas of each part: INCLUDES MAIN ID

15、EAS Part 1 Para.1-3 What England includes; about Great Britain; the UK Part 2 Para.4 The geographical division of England into zones; their similarities and differences Part 3 Para.5-6 The cultural importance of London Step 4 Summarizing (5 mins)在精读文章的基础上,概括文章大意。意图说明训练学生对文章大意的整体把握和概括能力。T: Can you wr

16、ite a summary within 35 words of the whole passage?Possible summary: The writer examines how the UK developed as an administrative unit; it shows how England is also divided into three zones, and explains why London became the cultural capital of England. Step 5 Consolidation (3mins)Language and Geo

17、graphy, History, Politics, CulturePart 3 Homework (2 mins)1. Research: make a comparison between the political systems of the UK and China: Surf on the Internet and answer the question for you in Lead-in: What do you think entitles Scottish people to decide to break away from, or to stay in the UK?

18、Can we, say, Fujian Province or Guangdong Province, hold a referendum for independence? Why?讨论课前导入部分提出的话题。意图说明训练学生阅读之后并学以致用的能力。2. Assessing the text Discussion:a. Fact versus opinion? b. Writers intention: 1 who wrote this text?(occupation)2 what is the aim of the message?(informing, teaching, entertaining)3 who was it written for?(specialists, consumers, children, students of Enlish)4 do you think it fulfils its aim? (i.e. Is it successful?) 五、板书设计7

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