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1、肌筋膜链理论在竞技体育中的应用探究 20xx博士 毕义明 100432011xxxx 肌筋膜理论是近几年来在物理康复领域比较常用的一种康复手段。这套理论首先是由著名手法治疗师Ida Rolf 提出,然后由她的学生Thomas Myers通过解剖手段来证实,而又由很多的Rolf学派的学生们在实践中验证的一套治疗方法。我们可以根据这套理论的特点来探索它在竞技体育中的应用。1筋膜链的特点及作用1.1对传统的肌肉解剖理念提出挑战在我们传统的解剖理念中,每一条肌肉都有特定的起止点。比如说,胸大肌起于锁骨内侧半、胸骨体和1-6肋软骨以及腹直肌鞘前壁,而止于肱骨大结节。但实际上在解剖中不是这样的,肌肉只有一



4、有可能甚至是心情不舒畅,都有可能导致。我们我们如何来解决它呢?我们只需要运用筋膜松解的技术,在短短几分钟内就会达到很好的效果。1.4迅速提高人体的力量当我们进行筋膜松解的时候,我们会发现该部分筋膜掌管的区域内的肌肉力量迅速提高。比如当松解完胫骨前肌区域的肌肉和筋膜后,足背屈的力量会迅速增强,而且增长的幅度还特别大。推测其原因,可能有以下几点:1.4.1筋膜松解后,该区域内的新陈代谢会更加通畅和旺盛,对提高力量会有一定的帮助;1.4.2 该区域筋膜与筋膜之间的间液的液化程度会改善,摩擦力会变小,那么则增强了用力的效果。1.4.3筋膜松解后,关节周围的肌张力更加均衡,关节会处于更佳的位置上,发力的




8、关节。2.5更好的理解动作我们的每一个动作,都是有相应的筋膜链来不断地轮换工作来完成的。当我们理解了筋膜链的理论之后,我们就能分析出在某个动作中占主导地位的筋膜链是哪些,那么再设计训练动作和方法的时候我们就会更加具有针对性和整体观。对于刘翔受伤的思考-结构应力过大与肌筋膜链紊乱 如果某一肌肉群长期处于收缩的状态,就会阻断作用在骨骼上的对称的平衡力量。牵引着骨骼离开适当的位置,引起身体姿态上的扭曲,最终引起结构应力。而当身体在重力场中处于不平衡的位置的时候,就会危及软组织的整体性,应力点附近的筋膜组织就会增厚,以避免该区域进一步偏离中垂线。同样,许多韧带也会一直处于拉紧的状态,以支撑偏离正常位置

9、的关节。 肌肉长期以不均衡的力量牵拉骨骼,会使牵拉的肌肉长期保持收缩的状态,与此同时,又使的相对的肌肉长期处于被拉伸状态而变得相对薄弱。其结果就会导致身体缺乏运动适应性,这使得身体极易受伤。在做快速、大力量的动作时,不能拉伸的肌肉纤维极易撕裂。损伤极易发生在肌腱的结合处,以及肌腱与骨膜的结合部。除非引起软组织和骨骼系统产生应力的因素有所变化或消除,否则,身体将进一步退化,功能障碍进一步扩大,疼痛越来越严重,直至损伤的那一刻。 肌筋膜链康复训练课程1.详细讲解贯穿人体的10对肌筋膜链,教你以整体的眼光观察人体2.详细讲解每条肌筋膜链发生紊乱时可能对人体造成的不良影响,让你在面对疼痛时快速的“对症


11、完整的整体结构,当某些“链条”发生紊乱的时候,另外一些“链条”就会被迫代偿,于是会出现动作不协调、某些部位的过度使用、下背痛、网球肘、膝关节过早退化. 在该单元,我们会通过特定的动作,来判断人体的”弱链“和”强链“,并通过快速有效地方法进行干预,让我们的患者和客户重获一个”平衡高效的身体“!3.局部评估在前两个单元的基础上,我们会针对身体关键部位进行局部的评估,如脊柱侧弯、膝关节、肩关节、肘关节、踝关节等,让你对每一个关节在各个方向上发生疼痛的可能的原因有一个全面的判断,并快速的处理!课程日期与收费:肌筋膜链康复训练课程 2013.6.13-16 4800元/人肌筋膜链评估课程 2013.6.

12、17-19 3500元/人 两课程同报 7000元/人 老学员复修政策 800元/人/课程 前几天在培训中做蹲起,一直有教练像我强调膝盖一定不要超过脚尖,而且这也已经是很多次听到了这个说法。好像不知道从何时起,这就成为一个定律了,那我们今天就来分析一下这个说法到底对不对。首先我们来思考一个问题:我们训练的目的是为了什么?是为了推起更大的重量么?是为了向异性展示我们有多强壮么?我想会有这样的原因,但最主要的原因是:健身训练是为了让我们的生活变得更轻松、简单!那么此时我们就要有一个原则:只有与生活动作越相近的练习,才更能够帮助我们的生活!那么,试想一下我们在上台阶的时候、跑步的时候、甚至蹲便的的时


14、h but not too much”,也就是“足够就好,不要过了”。下蹲的时候,我们的脚尖可以少许超过脚尖,但膝关节和脚尖的方向一定是一致的,而且是髋、膝、踝协同运动。关于具体的细节,那就要自己载把握了筋膜健康:神经肌腱膜网络训练-未来健身的大趋势(毕义明博士原创 Fascial Fitness: Training In The Neuromyofascial Web筋膜健康:神经肌腱膜网络训练-未来健身的大趋势Research shows why taking a different approach to exercise and the movement brain is the wa

15、ve of the future.肌筋膜训练法If you are interested in the role of fascia in fitness training, the following questions lead to new take-aways:假如你对筋膜在健身训练中的作用感兴趣,下面几点你可以思考一下:Most injuries are connective-tissue (fascial) injuries, not muscular injuriesso how do we best train to prevent and repair damage and

16、build elasticity and resilience into the system?There are 10 times more sensory nerve endings in your fascia than in your muscles; therefore, how do we aim proprioceptive stimulation at the fascia as well as the muscles?Traditional anatomy texts of the muscles and fascia are inaccurate, based on a f

17、undamental misunderstanding of our movement functionso how can we work with fascia as a whole, as the “organ system of stability”?大多数的损伤是结缔组织(筋膜)损伤,而不是肌肉损伤-那么我们如何才能通过训练来防止和修复伤害,如何重新建立筋膜系统的弹性呢?筋膜中的感觉神经末梢的数量是肌肉中的10倍,那么我们如何才能像训练肌肉的本体感觉训练一样,训练筋膜的本体感觉呢?传统的解剖学课本上关于肌肉和筋膜的解释是不正确的,进而我们现在的建立于此基础上的对于运动的理解也是不正确

18、的-那么,我们如何才能以整体的观点来看待肌筋膜呢?这是一个“身体的稳定性器官”Consciously or unconsciously, you have been working with fascia for your whole movement careerit is unavoidable. Now, however, new research is reinforcing the importance of fascia and other connective tissue in functional training (Fascia Congress 2009). Fascia

19、 is much more than “plastic wrap around the muscles.” Fascia is the organ system of stability and mechano-regulation (Varela & Frenk 1987). Understanding this may revolutionize our ideas of “fitness.” Research into the fascial net upsets both our traditional beliefs and some of our new favorites as

20、well. The evidence all points to a new consideration within overall fitness for lifehence the term fascial fitness. This article lays out the emerging picture of the fascial net as a whole and explores three of the many aspects of recent research that give us a better understanding of how best to tr

21、ain the fascial net.无论是有意识的还是无意识的,你在整个运动过程中都会使用到筋膜,这是不可避免的。现在,更多的研究都再次表明了筋膜和其他结缔组织在功能训练中的重要性(Fascia Congress 2009)。筋膜不仅仅是“肌肉的弹性紧身衣”,筋膜是一个关于稳定性机械规律性的器官系统。理解这一点也许会革命性的对我们对于健康概念的认识-“筋膜健康”。The Neuromyofascial Web神经肌筋膜网络Fascia is the Cinderella of body tissuessystematically ignored, dissected out and thr

22、own away in bits (Schleip 2003). However, fascia forms the biological container and connector for every organ (including muscles). In dissection, fascia is literally a greasy mess (not at all like what the books show you) and so variable among individuals that its actual architecture is hard to deli

23、neate. For many reasons, fascia has not been seen as a whole system; therefore we have been ignorant of fascias overall role in biomechanics. 筋膜就像身体上的灰姑娘-一直受我们的忽视,被分离掉或在解剖中直接删除掉。但事实上筋膜是我们身体每一个器官(包括肌肉)的容器和连接线。在解剖中,筋膜实际上是一个滑滑的,像充满油脂一样的“东西”(完全不像书上告诉我们的)。筋膜在不同人身上也是不一样的,而且是一个用语言很难描述出性状来的“东西”,因此我们对于筋膜在生物力

24、学方面的作用一直没有重视。Thankfully, the integrating mechano-biological nature of the fascial web is becoming clearer. It turns out that it really is all one net with no separation from top to toe, from skin to core or from birth to death (Shultz & Feitis 1996). Every cell in your body is hooked intoand respond

25、s tothe tensional environment of the fascia (Ingber 1998). Alter your mechanics, and cells can change their function (Horwitz 1997). This is a radical new way of seeing personal trainingstretching, strengthening and shape-shiftingas part of “spatial medicine” (Myers 1998). 谢天谢地,筋膜网络的整体机械-生物特性逐渐被人们所认

26、清。这个网络是完整的、从头到脚、从皮肤到核心、从生到死没有间断的。我们身体中的每一个细胞都是在筋膜的张力环境下相互连接、相互反应的。改变身体的生物力学,细胞就会改变其功能。这个概念让私人教练的工作-拉伸、力量和形体训练有了新的意义-“空间医药”Given the facts, many would prefer the term neuromyofascial web to the fascia-dissing musculoskeletal system (Schleip 2003). As accustomed as we are to identifying individual str

27、uctures within the fascial webplantar fascia, Achilles tendon, iliotibial band, thoracolumbar aponeurosis, nuchal ligament and so onthese are just convenient labels for areas within the singular fascial web. They might qualify as ZIP codes, but they are not separate structures (see the sidebar “Musc

28、le Isolation vs. Fascial Integration”).You can talk about the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Mediterranean oceans, but there is really only one interconnected ocean in the world. Fascia is the same. We talk about individual nerves, but we know the nervous system reacts as a whole. How does fascia web

29、bing function as a system?我们会说出很多大海的名字,“大西洋”“太平洋”“地中海”,但无论是哪个海洋,实际上都是连接在一起的,实际上整个地球上的水流都是一体的,只有一个海洋。筋膜也是一样的,筋膜网络是一个整体的,肌肉会通过收缩来分配整个筋膜的张力调整,内脏器官就像是悬挂在该系统内的水母,甚至身体内的每一个细胞都是镶嵌、悬挂、被包裹与该系统内的”小鱼“Magically extracted as a whole, the fascial web would show us all the shapes of the body, inside and out. It wo

30、uld be just one big net with muscles squirming in it like swimming fish. Organs would hang in it like jellyfish. Every system, every organ and even every cell lives embedded within the sea of a unitary fascial net.This concept is important because we are so strongly inclined to name individual struc

31、tures and think that way clinically: “Oh, you tore your biceps,” forgetting that “biceps” is our conception. Our common scientific nomenclature gives a false impression, while the New Age shibboleth is more literally true: the bodyand the fascial net in particularis a single connected unity in which

32、 the muscles and bones float.身体-尤其是筋膜-是一个统一的连接体,肌肉和骨骼是漂浮于其中的You can tear this net in injury, cut it with a surgeons scalpel, feed and hydrate it well or clog it with high-fructose corn syrup. No matter how you treat it, it will eventually lose its elasticity. In your eyes lens, for instance, the net

33、 stiffens in a very regular way, requiring you to use reading glasses at about age 50. In your skin, the net frays to cause wrinkles. Key elements like hip cartilage may fail you before you die, and need replacement, but when you finally breathe your last breath your fascial web will still be the sa

34、me single net you started with.Its no small wonder that this system, like the nervous and circulatory systems, would develop complex signaling and homeostatic mechanisms (Langevin et al. 2006). The larger wonder is that we have not really seen or explored the connective-tissue systems responses unti

35、l now.A Definition of TermsIn medicine, the term fascia designates tissues with specific topology and histology, as distinct from tendon, ligament or other specified tissues. In this article, however, we are using fascia as an overall name for this systemic net of connective tissue, because there is

36、 no generalized term (Huijing & Langevin 2009). Connective tissue includes the blood and blood cells, and other elements not part of the structural net we are examining. Perhaps the closest term would be extra-cellular matrix (ECM), which includes everything in your body that isnt cellular (see Figu

37、re 3). The ECM has three main elements:也许給与筋膜最贴切的名字是细胞外基质(ECM),它是指身体中除细胞之外的任何事情,主要包括三类:fibers: the strong pliable weaveconsisting primarily of collagen (which has 12 types) and its cousinselastin and reticulinthat both separates compartments and binds them togetherglue: the variable and colloidal ge

38、ls like heparin, fibronectin and hyaluronic acid that accommodate change and provide the substrate for other cells like nerves and epitheliawater: the fluid that surrounds and permeates the cells as a medium of exchange; mixes with the glue to make materials of differing properties; and keeps the fi

39、bers wet and pliable纤维:是一种强韧柔软的编织物-主要有胶原质、弹性蛋白、网状蛋白组成-他们彼此隔开但又绑在一起。胶合物:是指各种的像胶水一样的物质,如肝磷脂、纤维连接蛋白、玻尿酸等,他们会适应变化,并为其他细胞(如神经细胞、上皮细胞等)提供基质。水:围绕和渗透于细胞的液体,它承担这交换媒介的作用;与胶合物结合让筋膜呈现出不同的特性,保持纤维的湿润和柔软。Though the ECM will be our topic just below, the term fascia as we define it also includes fibroblasts andmast

40、cells, which give rise to the fibers and glue and then remodel them in response to the demands of injury, training and habit.筋膜还包括成纤维细胞和肥大细胞,他们会引发纤维和胶合物的再调整,来面对受伤、训练和运动生活习惯的需要The principal structural element in the ECM comprises the fibers collagen, elastin and reticulin. Collagen is by far the most

41、 common of these, and by far the strongest. This is the white, sinewy stuff in meat. The collagen fiber is a triple helix; if it was a half-inch thick, it would be about a yard long and look like an old three-strand rope (Snyder 1975). Collagen fibers can be arranged in regular directional rows, as

42、they are in tendons or ligaments (dense regular), or in random crisscross ways, like felt (dense or loose irregular).细胞外基质的主要组成部分是纤维胶原质、弹性蛋白和网状蛋白,其中胶原质是最主要的,也是最强壮的。在肉中发白的、像腱状的就是它。它是一种三链螺旋结构,假如它有半英寸粗的话,它将会有一英里长,就像跳3股的大绳子。胶原质可以是排列整齐的,如韧带或肌腱(密集而有规律);也可以自由的交错排列,就像粘结一样(稠密或疏松,但无规律)The collagen fibers cann

43、ot actually stick to each other but are glued together by other proteins calledglycoaminoglycans (GAGs), which are mucopolysaccharides, both of which are long words for snot. We are held together by mucous, a colloidal substance, which, by varying its chemistry slightly, can display a surprising arr

44、ay of properties, from thick and sticky to fluid and lubricating. The fernlike molecules of mucous open to absorb water (they are hydrophilic) or close and bind to themselves when water is absent. Depending on their chemistry, they either bind layers together or allow them to slide on each other (Gr

45、innell 2008).纤维胶原质是不能彼此相连的,除非胶状物将他们连接在一起,这些胶状物叫做粘多糖。我们的身体使用这种胶状体粘结在一起的。这些胶状物会通过他们化学成分的细微改变,而展示出惊人的特性的改变,从固态到液态、从黏着到润滑。这些胶合物的羊齿状分子会在水分充足的情况下打开吸收水分或当水分不足的时候关闭和分子间彼此捆绑。通过他们的化学成分的变化,他们既可以使筋膜层之间见胶着,又可以使各层之间相互滑动。The phenomenon we call “stretch” or lengthening (and that scientists call “creep” or hysteresi

46、s) is a function not of the collagen fibers lengthening but of the fibers sliding along each other on the glue of the hydrated GAGs (Sbriccoli et al. 2005). Take the water out of the GAGs, and the result is tissue that is mightily reluctant to stretch (Schleip 2003).我们所谓的伸展或拉长现象,其实不是纤维胶原质被拉长,而是纤维之间产

47、生滑动,但前提条件是粘多糖必须是多水的;但粘多糖缺水的时候,纤维就会黏着在一起,不容易产生伸展。Most injuries occur when connective tissue is stretched faster than it can respond. The less it is hydrated, the less elastic response it has in it.大多数的损伤的发生就是发生在伸展的过快,超出了身体可反映的时间。以及当粘多糖缺水,身体的弹性反应亦会变差。The Body Electric?Connective-tissue cells produce t

48、he fibers and the GAGs, and these materials are then altered to form a remarkable variety of building materials. If you were to try to recreate your structural body out of items you could buy at Home Depot, what would you need? Wood or PVC for the bones, silicon rubber for the cartilage, lots of str

49、ing, wire, tubing, plastic sheeting, rubber bands, cotton, nets, grease and oilthe list goes on. Would you try to build a body without duct tape?Your body manufactures all these materials and many more by mixing together various proportions of the ECMs fibers and glue and altering the chemistry in d

50、ifferent ways (Snyder 1975). In bone, the fiber matrix is theremuch like leatherbut the mucousy ground substance has been systematically replaced with mineral salts. Cartilage has the same leathery substrate, but the glue has been dried into a tough but pliable “plastic” that permeates the fibrous l

51、eather. In ligament and tendon, almost all the glue has been squeezed out. In blood and joint fluid, the fiber exists only in a liquid form, until it hits the air, when it forms a scab. This manufactory in your body is fascinating: the dentin in your teeth, your gums, your heart valves, even the cle

52、ar cornea of your eyeare all formed in this fashion.Remodeling and Tensegrity 重构与张拉整体结构Your muscles may determine your shape in the training sense, but connective tissue determines your shape in the overall sense. It holds the bones together, pulling in on them as they press out (like a tensegrity s

53、ystem; see Figure 2).The ECM is capable of remodeling itself in a variety of ways (Chen et al. 1997). Just as your muscles remodel themselves in response to training, the fascia remodels itself in response to direct signaling from the cells (Langevin et al. 2010); injury (Desmouliere, Chapponnier &

54、Gabbiani 2005); long-held mechanical forces (Iatrides et al. 2003); use patterns (including emotional ones); gravity; and certain chemistry within your body (Grinnell & Petroll 2010). The complexities of remodeling are just now being explored in the lab; the details will be revealed over the coming

55、decade.The idea of tensegrity (tension and integrity) and the phenomenon of remodeling are the basis for structural therapy, including yoga and the forms of manual therapy commonly known as Rolfing or Structural Integration and its deep-tissue relatives, including foam rolling. Change the demandas w

56、e do in bodywork and personal trainingand the fascial system responds to that new demand. This common theme points to a future where manual therapy and movement training combine to form a powerful method for张拉整体结构和重构理论是现在身体结构治疗方法的基础,其中包括瑜伽和其他形式的手法治疗,比如”罗夫按摩“或”结构整合“、深层组织疗法。在我们做身体疗法和私教训练的时候,我们需要改变思维和目

57、标,这两者一定要结合起来形成一种更强大的方法-肌筋膜疗法,它能够让我们获得:restoring natural settings for posture and function;steering small problems away from developing into big ones later on;easing the long-term consequences from injury; andextending functional movement farther and farther up the age scale.恢复身体姿态与功能的自然设置在细小的问题变为大问题

58、之前就将其”扼杀在摇篮之中“改善源于损伤的长期的慢性问题发展在患者其年龄阶段内的功能动作水平How to Train the Neuromyofascial Web如何才能训练神经肌筋膜网络呢If the fascia is a singular space-organizing adjustable tensegrity that traverses the whole body and regulatesboth locally and as a wholethe biomechanics of tension and compression, we can then ask: How c

59、an we train this system, in conjunction with our work on muscles and neural control, to prevent and repair injury and build resilience into the system?The answer to this question is still developingrapidlyboth in the laboratory and on the training floor. Some research is confirming our images and pr

60、actices as they have developed and are traditionally applied. Here we focus on a few surprising sets of findings that are (or soon will be) changing our ideas of how the neuromyofascial web really works and what role connective tissue plays in developing overall fitness for life. Finding #1:Specific

61、 training can enhance the fascial elasticity essential to systemic resilience.发现1:特殊的训练可以加强筋膜的弹性能力Fascial elasticity has not been recognized until recently, and the mechanisms involved are still being studied (Chino et al. 2008). Nevertheless, applications to training are already evident. The basic

62、news is that connective tissueeven dense tissues like tendons and aponeurosesis much more significantly elastic than previously thought. The second essential part of that news is that fascial elasticity is stored and returned very quickly. In other words, it is more like a superball than a Nerf ball

63、. Thus, fascial elasticity is a factor only when the motion is cyclic and quickly repeated, as in running, walking or bouncing, but not as in bicycling, in which the repetitive cycle is far too slow to take advantage of fascias elastic properties.身体的结缔组织,如肌腱和腱膜,要比过去想想的更加具有弹性。第二个发现是筋膜弹性的储存和恢复非常快速。换句话

64、说,他们更像橡胶球,而不像玻璃球。筋膜的弹性只会发生在循环和快速重复的动作中,如跑步、走路和弹跳等,但自行车不会,因为这个循环动作太慢了,以至于筋膜的弹性根本用不上。Measurements of calf lengthening during running have shown that much of the length required for dorsiflexion is coming from an elastic stretch of the fascia, while the muscle is contracting isometrically (Kubo et al.

65、2006). This contradicts our previous understanding that the tendon was nonelastic, and that the muscles were lengthening and shortening during these cyclic motions prior to and following footfall.在跑步中测量足背屈时小腿三头肌拉长的长度,这个长度只能说明是筋膜拉长的长度,而肌肉此时只在等长收缩。这个事实完全颠覆了我们过去对于肌肉和筋膜的理解-肌腱是没有弹性的,是肌肉的拉长和缩短产生了运动!The runners who train

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