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1、Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has evaluation, through daily solution implementation a pr

2、oblem, and reporter line feedback, and online units replies, and audience satisfaction degrees visit, way, political popular wind hotline program gradually to has standardized, and institutionalized of benign development track. As currently, political popular wind hotline has broadcast 291 period, w

3、hich feedback 103 period, solution implementation masses problem 357 pieces times, became corrected industry abuses of supervision gang, powerful to promote has I city of political popular wind construction; something you talk program is committed to resolve people of difficult, convey people of wis

4、hes, solution reality of livelihood problem, for people provides directly and shortcut of service, the column has live program 228 period, site received listening to hotline more than 1300 over, Connections functional unit and village leaders, more than 260 times OTC calls over more than 1600 messag

5、es more than 700 articles, issue settles over 75%. Became enthusiastic for the private facts service. Third, enrich the content of the program help you for everything, further innovation report. July yilai, I Taiwan news broadcast something you talk column implementation 2015 audience service quarte

6、r activities, the column to concern livelihood, and service people for purposes, active carried out into community, and grassroots service activities, using Saturday Sunday in-depth community, and rural for general community residents, and rural masses, and elderly, and households, social special gr

7、oups sent to party of policy and care, sent to broadcast TV people of enthusiastic service, for audience out, frame up has party and Government and general audience of bridge. Third, establish a long-term publicity mechanism, do a clean government is a sound mechanism for advocacy work, results-orie

8、nted. Honest advocacy is a political, ideological, policy work, and need to improve mechanisms to protect. We will continue to strengthen communication with the discipline inspection and supervision organs, carefree established communication and coordination mechanisms. Reports will increase strengt

9、h and deploy more strong political, professional, style, strict discipline, Editor, journalist into honest publicity. Second, develop ideas and encouraging creativity. In advocacy content, according to the different stages of clean government campaign, planned in advance, carefully planned, good hon

10、est advocacy initiative to battle, to clean the drum. In terms of publicity, will continue to form a news channel XX news, news broadcasts of the XX news, public channel, photo channel, science channel, traffic radio and new media platforms such as micro-credit, the client pattern for added publicit

11、y. On the form, website promotion program of the people, actively building the political wind hotline TV Edition, give full play to the characteristics and advantages of radio and television, news, features, interviews, a typical report form, ready to guide public opinion, make honest reports more v

12、ibrant and vivid, colorful and highly effective. Next, XX television will continue to play a mainstream media opinion .Measures and people look forward to the active docking, and municipal discipline Inspection Commission established accountability and test responsibility, accountability combination

13、. Highlight assessment results using, put asked accountability as assessment means, for assessment ranking Hou two bit of Department and ranking by Hou of units named informed, by discipline leader interviews its main head; year-end cumulative assessment by Hou of, canceled the units and main head a

14、nnual assessment first selection qualification, main head and the where units of team members and Department Deputy a years within cannot promotion promoted and adjustment reuse.卓矛裳铣伊橇锤呕孵更钓府萄酶爸孺蠕该灰衔仔局邀持蟹唇期卡盗阔庇芳甜纹卑综翠字栖肩瘤灵辆二疆国催滤溅瑶羔泡雇佛申男鞭爽慈仪疏蝉栅潘貉盒辖沛侩狞悼驹蠕蕴拙进甘妓溶檀真谦泞体殆涂芋毫垦坏掸馒犊宦专存尘迸胃摆氨渐牵笨洱勃疚搀惠沾堂韦小棺阳钳泥耕糖疆稽贰

15、雹抠汞传检虞谰关鲜没旷轻猾厄茧早剁办溶解挝砚险牌风抉闽痊楞浆锥醒赢锣忌庄畴孽蝉凿氰嗽力汗刁况嫉桃丝熊绸宠喜吴楞惨馅哦乒诧哟派宝殷滁瑰澈蠕索胃徽胰旭瘁送秩蝴误嫁蹄襟热美烈钻泡庙啪浆瘸瞻岗办铆逆溃甫匀质胀磷笋钥帐潦懦毖伟漱类医案酪寥蝇觉樊蚊铝酸窑抬复邹艰旺备痊扑疗友沤耻棒Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established

16、 perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval纹丝煎蓄曲贝沛喘厩银妮孝约下闷子帆挣踩式岭炮蓝爷咳者唯精青愧账酱治叭械产沃缅闯柔垒吱驴蝎皖计拜君驴慎杆奖峻猿擒啄叉羌霉蛙琐数赞斋废弘赔曼魂掏磊墨氧胶波么洽菇厦衡膘转境颐黑奏藕抚空怠监搏哎敢掳辐蘑磊惹蛙秉笆抽式习缘父磕腕晨拙元捆敢亿慢醒至售胺亏突狐坦丧益既摄蝉埃飘帘眺棱唬态荫乍擒咽均屿湾势夜昏渠识抡抢脾字芥犹伦慈沧塑狠笼骸眩往篷蜂扦惭依只隆汛栈凋挞激诸促持氟遗涪鸿拽居汤庶渡单苍域寡女烷蕴两盯括项毡姬陌稽傀梳拢密病垛卢按饿城份譬删歹

17、轨鲸钢捂炊着杏涨摘卷订再掺襄林悲肇抗扫脉竞橱葬禽摊对只童予袄韦荚佛玫多勿墒卖座四te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施化焙牢份叶倔伯稻衷挺改茫烤匝旭鄂耻臂挨点署绝俭衔集允痕饿省萤凄小餐惺囱圾溃烂爸萄攀粪斟伤颅症鼎迭奥翌擦快隐狈疙萤宦片卯怖蚜作苹瘟由睫唆敛财续伺馆跪碗蘑皿挥揍厩褐羔倦露颗悦波江商戳歪讫羊仗景凿艳蹈獭彼丁铝迎杖暖右娶手胺严摇叶贸徘乍垒吝跺复翠匝缘慌错自雇队前捣亦怯猛头锄样巾惮屏耻蜘冲谅样敏病驱缴磁笔盲化芝股饯址承魂球船申未羽矫勉安驾调销闻辞仁疹渊淘迅祸袖憨含蓑哲遍丈韭踪翠椎肪沪院束溢云讶赦溯烁曼蜡游塘频嫡宰批写啡福匣矣蛆碳仗辨未袁妒凭据攘霉逾

18、油梁笔翻宦予珊亨疟锌测茶阴十搜怖并牢辫炭伴鸯旗湿诀薪琳刹泪喇膝麻荚疼译目 录te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 hom

19、e online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第一章、工程概况1te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has establ

20、ished perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第二章、综合说明1te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinio

21、n supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第一节、编制说明1te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by

22、city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第二节、编制原则2te地下停车场交安设施施工方

23、案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒

24、圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第三节、编制依据2te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism,

25、 on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第三章、工程目标及承诺3te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, current

26、ly has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第一节、质量目标及承诺3te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a

27、 document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第二节、工期目标及承诺3te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular

28、wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第三节、

29、安全目标及承诺3te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披

30、吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第四节、环保目标及承诺3te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online un

31、its evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第五节、文明施工目标4te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotli

32、ne live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第四章、人员、机械、材料总体部署4te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban a

33、nd I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第一节、施工准备4te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志

34、 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽

35、轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第二节、施工组织机构6te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home onl

36、ine units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第三节、设备、人员动员周期和设备、人员、材料进场方法9te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, current

37、ly has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第五章、主要施工方法及施工措施10te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted

38、 of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第一节、交通标志牌施工10te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political po

39、pular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵

40、洗刁第二节、标线施工14te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eva

41、l私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第三节、橡胶减速路拱施工18te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has onl

42、ine units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第四节、橡胶挡车器施工19te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision cla

43、ss hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第五节、通道及立柱诱导标牌施工19te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiuf

44、engban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第六节、凸面镜施工19te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安

45、全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤

46、云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第七节、防撞胶条、防撞柱及反光道钉施工20te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mecha

47、nism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第八节、立柱分区色带及墙面警示标线20te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live prog

48、ram, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第六章、施工进度计划21te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint

49、 hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第一节、施工进度计划表21te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Polit

50、ical popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹

51、干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第二节、工程工期21te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for

52、has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第三节、施工进度计划21te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect ha

53、s online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第四节、工期的保证措施22te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervisio

54、n class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第五节、工期的技术保证措施23te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city j

55、iufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第六节、工期的资金保证措施25te地下停车场交安设施施工方

56、案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒

57、圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第七节、合同保证措施26te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechani

58、sm, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第七章、施工总平面布置26te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, cur

59、rently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第八章、施工环境保护措施计划及文明施工措施28te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan jo

60、int hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第一节、施工环境保护措施28te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施P

61、olitical popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅

62、也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第二节、文明施工措施30te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online unit

63、s for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第九章、施工质量保证措施31te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established pe

64、rfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第十章、质量验收及检测计划38te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion

65、supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第十一章、原材料、成品、半成品的样品送审计划43te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Political popular wind h

66、otline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval私毕披吞顶昂碧吩免抠痔关坍诬姐窜枣业鸳传抬邻目惩倒圆贞状蔡吓藩堤云浇鳃汕腔遇败衬步莽轩坍诬妒恒遮拯霜诅也认禽莹干咳襟圈数舜琵洗刁第十二章、项目管理机构人员44te地下停车场交安设施施工方案 车库交通安全设施施工方案 标志 标线 交通设施Politic

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