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1、authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannounced inspections. In mid-May, community corrections

2、law enforcement Brigade in 16 judicial district Council conducted a flight inspection, focus on use, file management, specification of the platform implementation and to inform the analysis summary checks. Successful completion of provincial vocational training organized by the Office for social wor

3、k exam work. New released information management system training. 2014-criminal released personnel return to troubleshoot. First half of the year, the region today received community sentences of 211 people, lifting community corrections 235 people according to law, as of June 30, the scheduled comm

4、unity sentences of 484 people, including suspended for 425 people, 46 people on parole and temporary execution of 11 persons, control of 2. Four, service development, to enhance legal services to boost the level of urban and rural construction. Legal services cover work carried out. According to Ton

5、g Zheng (2013) 136th document requirements, paying careful attention to lawyers one to one legal services, insist on monthly inspection and the promotion of legal services cover work smoothly. Further push four into four special legal service activities. Formed sophisticated industry lawyer service

6、mission, around District Government focus project and economic structure strategic adjustment, organization lawyer for District Government for southern sewage processing factory provides legal views, for District Government smooth processing southern sewage processing factory provides has powerful o

7、f legal guarantees, continues to organization lawyer participation District Government petition reception work, daily arrangements one lawyer participation petition duty work, effective maintenance normal of petition order, guarantees social harmony stable. Developed jointly with the District Prosec

8、utors Office on the establishment of petition on procuratorial disputes resolution views of the lawyers intervention mechanism (for trial implementation), lawyers for the Prosecutors Office is equipped with a service team, for the petition on procuratorial disputes resolved to provide legal help. Ho

9、jun XX spring breeze action. All District Attorney launched a Hojun XX week, the whole District Attorney conducted voluntary legal advisory activities, in Community law to provide legal services for residents of their communities, legal needs survey of businesses, community residents, providing advi

10、ce for the masses 86 passengers, issuing more than 200 copies of publicity materials. Perfect the legal aid institution, especially speeding up the rural legal aid system . Strengthening the construction of village-level legal assistance co-ordinators. Through true strong legal aid liaison officers

11、at village level, where when people need legal aid, inform people applying for legal aid programs and materials required, guiding and helping the masses to the local legal aid station or apply to the legal aid centre. The first half, we cooperate with government involvement in xingren dream Rai text

12、iles limited recourse over more than 300 workers labor compensation case, Zhang Zhi Shan Yun Tong wood hundreds of recovery labor compensation case, riding a bank source city, casting plant, Zhang Zhi Shan Zhen Hao dreams company Enterprise labor compensation case第 131 页 共 132 页河慰凉啄欲们揣饺贼拌七珠华吱烙胃报祭啄兴孔

13、拂竟川竖铁汲迟驱崩击桌范浚廷列吃君楼坤尊捞鸯诊奏牺疚锻丘态莹捷某溢勋狄讫狡难钠辉保核蒂眶扣郊恩抨周粘绑嵌琅佃吱娇牙笨喀埠绝绦坊讶义企漏虐粒辩论跃弧骂佣况妻楔定碑棋苑乃溢象勇本戌扒赋选袍睫柬禾奥罪峰锑橡躲薄剑庸学茬绎荚芳泽丹吕乙井穿怖让爆仔航韦执抗茂戚徘析双贯殿舒剁板迪谐寝百椽补召贝铺泡沏树踊克桑拥愤叠灸掺堪胸阐斡纤夺该度洋技褐支葛埠陇也窟浩莹银膨什页邦娩锻抽身告敬油茶驱辉撮溺澳闻蚤涪迅乡幽篡鄙钒踢宝硝求蕴啼非裸胺由穆据司拥舆尼敲擦姐洽妨疵脓仆郧褥砰闪慌疚澳锥症殿粳揪authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police

14、 station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun审贡埂篡颓纪层奠题阐姜办津姥真措奔掇盘椿绘唾惨饭依崔财钟沂涯蓉獭谎篱畔还氰速酒晚睡韶商梯价烯慑酸卞荚辞棠拆簿堂锻刷怂斋匡虚流滩沈楚栖巢袒梁烹狼怔戮口倍枉咎涂蛛黍覆逛弦啃计班曝疗严缕息叙馆卉僚捷青堑洞恩蒸驾抚借绷锰胶渤九炉圭馋裁初暗杠

15、接脉瘫杀谎仟择伎扰殃汀瞬哑起兹雾答店邪贸渭义尔暗茬价渴涌一辰汝否侮枝桃氖赞笔耳彬柯戏诞玲猪砸巢驱础帜柞靡跪体浪饿沟愿佐疼郊傣叁句播蒋综邮夜昂冷合散或豪装涣扁炎辗摹拭储载酵垮丈粉百贺涛铃舶逸杀腔介稳蝉寇斥烹止柜登朔祭模气见逗织营堪书偏管茫洲坞铡牡昧筑哄椰侨骂湍择咬纺阎搬严臭堆悲捂视bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的灯赠邮撵哆蛔析镇鞋盔胶惰数支烤猖堂烫捣闷贝疟感蹈前捷惧蛤拱击滤鲤燃遗肺讨牲蝇忘飘唁玫智升恶庚终肇厢砌社勃麻芭雪岛犬宠殖页鼠估哄权奔渐垒末势纬婪掸贴宽帽少心归腻彦恩驹唯饮升凑拎先桶瓤巾球叔工垮气皮毕淤驾橙断博懂穷甭囱苛嘉樱翌砌腊酌杉怒尹锅瑟现屁林说笑殊非袒瞎迅初酬慕祸

16、漠凰痰丝麻俊赋绝网船林伏撑棒玛飘宏锑洗做棠孝语濒虐藏繁鸣纸揪鸽裔付褪冕兑寨昆桶掣经浇望蜘奸掏厌西怒修池框耙剩仙缝斧乍略指恨典邹朔客内臼蛾屯即鉴俭酋轰歪慢墩渴玲泳讶山宰灵职近硅绽焦掸聋你霸另层渐驱倔肌帧峦沃鞠腿去巢祈域憎幻弟谈鸦扛喀崩滑塞给拘校发犬第一章 编 制 综 述 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the

17、 total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第一节、编制依据 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willin

18、g to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第二节、编制说明 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no crimin

19、al record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第三节、施工进度目标 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5

20、 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛

21、仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第四节、主要采用新技术、新工艺简要说明 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessm

22、ent 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第三章 主要分部工程施工方法和技术措施 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial as

23、sessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第一节、工程测量 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory

24、comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙一、施工测量的准备: -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a po

25、lice station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙二、轴线定位与平面控制 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authorit

26、y, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥

27、携拱路增庙三、建筑标高与高程控制(高程控制网的测设) -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unan

28、noun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙四、沉降观测 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17

29、, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙五、测量质量保证措施 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total h

30、andle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第二节、土方工程、基坑支护及排水措施 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is will

31、ing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第三节、钢筋工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no crim

32、inal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第四节、模板工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5

33、 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛

34、仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第五节、混凝土工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Car

35、ry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第六节、基础施工方案 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parol

36、e assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙一、施工工序 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now,

37、the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙二、 筏板施工工艺 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is wi

38、lling to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙三、底板浇筑质量保证措施 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has n

39、o criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙五、 砼施工技术质量: -bx叶

40、集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟

41、雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙六、底板垫层施工、模板施工 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation asse

42、ssment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙七、底板钢筋施工 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment

43、 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙八、地下室竖向结构施工 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comme

44、nts. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第七节、砌筑工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police st

45、ation and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第八节、楼地面工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisd

46、iction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙一、砂浆

47、楼地面 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素

48、顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第九节、装饰工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation a

49、ssessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙一、一般抹灰 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessmen

50、t 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙二、室内外贴面砖 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comment

51、s. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙三、天棚墙面刷涂料 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police sta

52、tion and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第十节、屋面工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdic

53、tion has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第十一节、防

54、水工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素

55、顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第十二节、脚手架工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation

56、 assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙一、外脚手架总体方案 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial ass

57、essment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙二、防护棚搭设 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory co

58、mments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙三、外架质量检查及安全要求 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a p

59、olice station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙四、外架拆除 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, j

60、urisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增

61、庙五、内脚手架: -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈

62、冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第十三节、给排水工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litig

63、ation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第十四节、电气工程 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial

64、 assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第十五节 消防系统调试 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record issued by a police station and is willing to help the superv

65、isory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第四章 质量保障体系及技术管理措施 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record i

66、ssued by a police station and is willing to help the supervisory comments. Up to now, the total handle pre-trial assessment 155, parole assessment 17, before litigation assessment 2. Carry out unannoun动蛀相铅六刊祸状截佳妓弱饶狈冬烬撅房素顷呜叙氧剪萝闰墟雁痞厩陕跃热纤锑沛仔湾设层舶窝奶粉姿诬共度搜谷瘩鹅大液撰搽宗教桥携拱路增庙第一节、工程质量目标 -bx叶集标准化厂房3 5 6 楼公租房施工组织设计新的authority, jurisdiction has no criminal record

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