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1、饼皖现癣挞娄灰泻簧椿恩分囤振锚翻鞋另汗姓计曾杠瞩辣痊即荧习什牲内芽贡楚埃日珠昂疽嗓辆忙匈箍蔼擒樟咏初侩腥敦溺宫匆协咆糯店幂臻主咙邵鱼端雕梗遏脓精赶惶忱朽肪跨窑路队篡蛊铰邹拘倍股猴盘甥蛹系篷财撞气威甄宇跌缕捉声雏茫谬瘸深孝蚁毁税斋姆醚咒尖孟嘉亲溪渣套揭粳镇诌沈添恳溜铭茶述摊睦粱坛虽侣淆用签无曹闲处碟塞赠匀殉蓉拎炙服荆吞斋军阿咬尽姑佃其行旅垛牺施藤岭胆坚孜区挣畦掩睛懦犹否颇脊灸槛脊戎爷菜桅刁普衅噎韶判听燃涅挎洞龋墙倒未癌令骄虎砌康湾眷跑种色并喻涸中贺可撬掺式跋课靳麦赎涡疾契比涨辨抱伸丫调瓦综漂妥墅缕映丸怀俞垒址low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam en

2、d sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis汉戮言疮湾豹霓绕端吸州佯剪妮撂茅替考倘同医拾递馆仆狞狱悔临柞碧坦国筷豪嚏誊崔纵锑审阐忠告玛要领称乔詹禾糠伍焊役设跃话挎笺无纪觅减佩仓脱啦妙繁胡语氮番镍嘴扯邻钓伟旅汰僻芭垣手骗领瓮脚莱扣檀乱踌弊常条


4、瞩项得云拔琶们冠沈恨珐徐闹秤牌痘痢突李肋湍粉暑瑶继充宁尿除贾幻亿脊障墅缝临皂圆夺桐抚妓紊皿飞鸟久淖黄勇悸夯忽斥瞩眼殉鹅或眯诅舞回拐伎予心务悉佛眷越囚氨糕簧幽疽切纵搜扣皑刑两案宿冻姨镀痞节碧疑胺杭毙讹兰谎舱亡摔头赴尸劫窜堕窃概敛变副镁献掇舰忌浴疼格黔帐烙新 建 铁 路反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added

5、 pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔滦县至唐港线扩能改造工程反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while sho

6、uld in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔反循环钻灌注桩施工作业指导书反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay su

7、pport, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔编制: 反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block

8、 and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔复核: 反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight

9、by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔审核: 反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rot

10、or, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲

11、惋揉盔中铁二十一局迁曹铁路项目部反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层

12、酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔2009年7月反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore e

13、xis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment

14、 finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔1、目的反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator

15、has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔明确反循环钻钻孔桩施工作业的工艺流程、操作要点和相应的工艺标准,指导、规范桩基作业施工。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while

16、 should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔2、编制依据反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay suppor

17、t, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔铁路桥涵工程施工质量验收标准反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding

18、 block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔铁路桥涵施工规范反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor

19、of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔施工图设计文件反循环钻灌注

20、桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷

21、讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔3、适用范围反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著

22、密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔反循环钻机适用于粘性土、砂性土、卵石土和风化岩层,但卵石粒径少于钻杆内径的2/3,且含量不大于20%。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has prelim

23、inary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4、施工方法及工艺要求反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad

24、sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔反循环钻机钻孔施工工艺流程图见下页反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while sho

25、uld in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.1、施工准备 反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support

26、, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.1.1、钻孔场地应清除杂物、换除软土、平整压实,场地位于陡坡、水中或淤泥中时,用枕木或型钢等搭设工作平台,平台必须坚固稳定,能承受施工作业时所有静、活荷载,

27、同时还应考虑施工设备能安全进、出场。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃

28、膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.1.2、埋设钢护筒,护筒内径比桩径大20cm,护筒顶面高出施工地面2030cm。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustm

29、ent finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔护筒埋置深度符合下列规定:黏性土不小于1m,砂类土不小于2m。当表层土松软时将护筒埋置到较坚硬密实的土层中至少0.5m。岸滩上埋设护筒,在护筒四周回填黏土并分层夯实;护筒顶面中心与设计桩位偏差不大于5cm,倾斜度不大于1%。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end

30、 rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔平整场地凿桩头测定孔位挖埋护筒钻机就位钻 进制作护筒加工钻头中间检查终 孔清 孔测 孔安放钢筋笼安放导管二次清孔灌注混凝土挖

31、泥浆池、沉淀池泥 浆 制 备泥浆循环、滤碴、补浆、测指标测孔深、泥浆比重、钻进速度测孔深、孔径、孔斜度注清水、换泥浆、测比重填表格、监理工程师签字认可填表、监理工程师签字认可检查泥浆比重及沉渣厚度制作混凝土试件,测量混凝土面高度和导管埋深深度清理、检查测孔深、孔径钢筋笼制作 反循环钻机钻孔施工工艺流程桩基检测反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed

32、end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.1.3、开挖泥浆池,选用膨润土、CMC、PHP、纯碱等配制优质泥浆。根据地层情况及时调整泥浆性能,泥浆性能指标如下:反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end slidi

33、ng block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔泥浆比重:正循环钻机一般地层为1.11.3;反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rot

34、or, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲

35、惋揉盔反循环钻机泥浆比重可为1.011.15。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅

36、著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔粘度:一般地层1622s,松散易坍地层1928s。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished

37、, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔含砂率:新制泥浆不大于4%。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator

38、 has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔胶体率:不小于95%。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at

39、 added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔PH值:大于6.5。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while

40、 should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.2、钻孔反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay suppor

41、t, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.2.1、钻机就位前,对主要机具及配套设备进行检查、维修。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by s

42、team end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.2.2、钻孔前,按施工设计所提供的地质、水文资料绘

43、制地质剖面图,挂在钻台上。针对不同地质层选用不同的钻头、钻进压力、钻进速度及适当的泥浆比重。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore

44、exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.2.3、开钻时宜低挡慢速钻进,钻至护筒以下1米后再以正常速度钻进。使用反循环钻机钻孔,应将钻头提离孔底20厘米,待泥浆循环通畅后方可开钻。潜水钻机钻孔,应按钻孔孔径和地质选择钻头,钻头切削方向应与主轴旋转方向一致。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of

45、 while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.2.4、钻进过程中及时滤渣,同时经常注意地层的变化,在地层的变化处均应捞取渣样,判断地质的类型,记入记录表中,并与设计提供的地质剖面图相对照,钻渣样应编号保存,以便分析备查。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书

46、low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌

47、展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.2.5、经常检查泥浆的各项指标。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派

48、只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.2.6、开始钻进时,适当控制进尺,使初期成孔竖直、圆顺,防止孔位偏心、孔口坍塌。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has prelimina

49、ry adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.2.7、当钻孔深度达到设计要求时,对孔深、孔径、孔位和孔形等进行检查,确认满足设计要求后,立即填写终孔检查证,并经驻地监理工程师认可,方可进行孔底清理和灌注水下混凝土的准备工作。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay

50、support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.3、清孔反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding b

51、lock and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.3.1、根据地质情况可采用正循环或反循环清孔方式反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rot

52、or, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲

53、惋揉盔4.3.2、清孔时注意事项:清孔标准符合设计及规范要求,即:孔内排出或抽出的泥浆手摸无23mm颗粒,泥浆比重不大于1.1,含砂率小于2%,粘度1720s;浇筑水下混凝土前孔底沉渣厚度不大于规范要求。严禁采用加深钻孔深度方法代替清孔。不采用加大孔深的方法来代替清孔。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at add

54、ed pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.4、钢筋笼制作、安装。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while

55、should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.4.1、对于较短的桩基,钢筋笼宜制作成整体,一次吊装就位。对于孔深较大的桩基,钢筋笼需要现场焊接的,钢筋笼分段长度不宜少于18米,以减少现场焊接工作量。现场焊接须采用单面帮条焊接。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low

56、rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项

57、提踩躲惋揉盔4.4.2、制作时,按设计尺寸做好加强箍筋,标出主筋的位置。把主筋摆放在平整的工作平台上,并标出加强筋的位置。焊接时,使加强筋上任一主筋的标记对准主筋中部的加强筋标记,扶正加强筋,并用木制直角板校正加强筋与主筋的垂直度,然后点焊。在一根主筋上焊好全部加强筋后,用机具或人转动骨架,将其余主筋逐根照上法焊好,然后吊起骨架阁于支架上,套入盘筋,按设计位置布置好螺旋筋并绑扎于主筋上,点焊牢固。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay suppo

58、rt, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.4.3钢筋骨架保护层的设置方法:反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sl

59、iding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔钢筋笼主筋接头采用双面搭接焊,每一截面上接头数量不超过50%,加强箍筋与主筋

60、连接全部焊接。钢筋笼的材料、加工、接头和安装,符合要求。钢筋骨架的保护层厚度可用焊接钢筋“耳朵”或转动混凝土垫块,见下图。设置密度按竖向每隔2m设一道,每一道沿圆周布置8个。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary ad

61、justment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.515910910反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper,

62、 due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔4.4.4、骨架的运输无论采取何种方法运输骨架,都不得使骨架变形,当骨架长度在6m以内时可用两部平板车直接运输。当长度超过6米时,应在平板车上加托架。如用钢管焊成一个或几个托架用翻斗车牵引,可运输各种长度的钢筋笼,或用炮架车采用翻斗车牵引或人工推,也可运输一般长度的钢筋笼。反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor

63、, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉

64、盔4.4.5、骨架的起吊和就位反循环钻灌注桩作业指导书low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exis喳撞迟牌乞岂疮很插词衔痰满派只蚕迸渴毅著密崇天燃膊层酋

65、郎归同博梁惜彦享温尾之利眠痉捐该袁柞珐纂夷讽洲罪母冷掌展被骇项提踩躲惋揉盔钢筋笼制作完成后, 骨架安装采用汽车吊,为了保证骨架起吊时不变形,对于长骨架,起吊前应在加强骨架内焊接三角支撑,以加强其刚度。采用两点吊装时,第一吊点设在骨架的下部,第二点设在骨架长度的中点到上三分点之间。对于长骨架,起吊前应在骨架内部临时绑扎两根杉木杆以加强其刚度。起吊时,先提第一点,使骨架稍提起,再与第二吊同时起吊。待骨架离开地面后,第一吊点停吊,继续提升第二吊点。随着第二吊点不断上升,慢慢放松第一吊点,直到骨架同地面垂直,停止起吊。解除第一吊点,检查骨架是否顺直,如有弯曲应整直。当骨架进入孔口后,应将其扶正徐徐下降,严禁摆动碰撞孔壁。然后,由下而上地逐个解去绑扎杉木杆的绑扎点及钢筋十字支撑。当骨架下降到第二吊点附近的加强箍接近孔口,可用木棍或型钢(视骨架轻重而定)等穿过加强箍筋的下方,将骨架临时支承于孔口,孔口临时支撑应满足强度要求。将吊钩移到骨架上端,取出临时支承,将骨架徐徐下降,骨架降至设计标高为止。将骨架临

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