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1、中式面点(Chinese pastry)Sesame pot friedIngredients: starch 70 grams, flour 70 grams, accessories: egg three, white sugar, fried sesame seeds, milkCooking method:1, the egg in the bowl, add starch, flour, milk and stir evenly, wok, pour a little water, open water behind the side stir into batter, stir u

2、ntil cooked, remove and cool styling in the container;2, the sesame seeds into the grinder shattered, and mix together sugar, flour block after setting out and dry starch, cut into rectangular, into the pan to fry the yellow fish, sesame flour mixed with good can be sprinkled on top.Homemade soupIng

3、redients: flour, egg accessories: black and white sesame, pine nuts and spices: sugar, baking powder, honeyCooking method:1, take a container, the flour and eggs to 3, 4, two flour, two eggs in the proportion of mixing, knead into dough, roll open, cut into thin noodles, into the pan fried, cooked f

4、ish out, drain oil;2, take a container at the bottom of the brush a layer of oil, evenly sprinkle black and white sesame seeds, pine nuts and wok, add a little water, add sugar to fry, pour some honey, add fried noodles, stir it evenly coated with sugar, out into the container with the pine nuts and

5、 sesame seeds in the press after setting out to.Egg cakeIngredients: flour, egg, green onion and saltCooking method:1, the flour with warm water and into the dough, Tang spare 20 minutes, chopped onion into the egg, add salt and stir well;2, the board and a layer of dry flour, the dough is placed ab

6、ove the roll out, even with oil, sprinkle a little salt, rolled up dough after harvest roll into a round cake, into the pan and bake until almost cooked, stir up the pie crust, will pour into the egg and fry for 2 minutes.Vegetarian PancakeIngredients: 500 grams of refined flour: egg, leek, vermicel

7、li seasoning: onion, ginger, salt, chicken essence, cooking wine, sesame oil, cooking oilCooking method:1, use warm water to flour gradually merged into soft face, into the pot with a wet cloth cover net up 30 minutes;2, the onions, ginger, leeks washed, cut into the end, vermicelli soaked, cut into

8、 the end;3, with the scattered eggs, minced pork at the end into a paste, add onions, ginger, leeks at the end of the tune into stuffing;4, to wake up the surface into notes, pressed into pastry bag into the stuffing, by hand press into a pie;5, take the pot ignition, add oil, oil, hot into the cake

9、, when you want to flip.Native son noodle brandedIngredients: Flour accessories: ground beef, leek, egg, Jiang Moyan, cooking wine, chicken, mayonnaise, pepper powder, fried sesame, sesame oilCooking method1, the beef into the dish, add salt, pepper powder, flour, chicken, sesame, egg, cooking wine,

10、 sesame oil, ginger Moshun a stir, add the leek stuffing stand-by end modulation;2, put the flour into the pot, boiling water Tangmian, cool after rubbing strips, pulling roll the pieces into wafer, each wafer placed in the hands, into the stuffing, the skin side up, filling in the middle of both si

11、des together, with small edge cut along the semicircle, the noodle sub trim;3, seat pan ignition, into the amount of oil, put into the pot with a small child? Flame until both sides are golden yellow, pour a little water to a simmer cooked.Sesame seed sesame fireIngredients: Accessories: sesame sesa

12、me cake flour sauce: salt, pepper, sugarCooking method:1, add appropriate amount of water and pour into the dough up 30 minutes (to soft dough).2, salt and pepper powder into a small bowl together, stirring evenly.3, the dough into a large, with sesame paste, sprinkle salt and pepper evenly, volume

13、growth, and then cut into appropriate size uniform section made of a small fire, with a thin layer of water on top, stick on Sesame with dianbingcheng roast to be mature.Pan-Fried Turnip PancakeMaterial: radish 500 grams, 80 grams of ham, lard 100 grams, 200 grams of lard, white sesame, egg white po

14、wder 500 grams, a littleSpices: salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, refined oil amount.Method of making:1. ham sliced onions, chopped green onion, diced suet.2. radish mix ham, green onion, salt, sugar, fat, grain, MSG, sesame oil, lard is stuffing.3. 300 grams of flour add lard, kneaded

15、into dough with warm water and oil, another 200 grams of flour, add lard knead the pastry.4. will be crisp bread into the water and oil dough, roll into a rectangular bar and 2 fold, roll open from the outward growth of the rolled up and cut into sections after a split in two, will cut down. Roll th

16、e crust.5. lines will be leather bag into the flame, shut out, stained with egg, white sesame, pan fried cooked.Steamed salty cakeIngredients: 5 eggs, 150 grams of sugar, 180 grams of flour, 50 grams of meatAccessories: soy sauce 1 tablespoons, salt 1/4 teaspoon, sugar 1 teaspoon, red onion crisp 3

17、spoonsPractice:1, with 1 tablespoons of oil fried fried meat stuffing powder, dry granular, add soy sauce, salt and sugar, stir fry until sauce dry, stir fried shallot, a braised pork stuffing.2. Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Beat the egg whisk until frothy. Add the remaining sugar and continue to

18、make Milky white.3. Sift the flour into the egg juice, then mix the flour and egg juice into batter.4, the model oiled, sprinkle some flour, pour half of batter into steamer, steaming water boil, put on the steamer, steam over high heat for 10 minutes.5, on the surface of the cake and braised pork s

19、tuffing, and then poured into the other half of the batter, the pot continued steaming 20 minutes, cooked out, upside down on the plate, sliced food.Coconut rollsMaterial: 500 grams of flour, baking powder 60 grams, 75 grams of yeast, the amount of water, egg 500 grams, 250 grams of butter, milk 100

20、 grams, 500 grams of sugar, vanilla powder and a little amount of coconut oil.Method of making:1., in the pot into the egg, turn the butter and milk, sugar and evenly into the pot steamed. Remove add vanilla powder, coconut oil mix, made of coconut stuffing for cooling.2., flour, add baking powder,

21、yeast, water, synthetic dough pulling agent, each agent 25 grams. The agent twist, disk shaped rolls, put the temperature at 40 degrees up 15 minutes on the steamer, steam for 10 minutes, the middle point of coconut stuffing can be eaten.Alveolus headIngredients: 500 grams of cornmeal, 125 grams of

22、soybean flour, 50 grams of milk powder, 50 grams of glutinous rice flour, 250 grams of sugar, water amount.Method of making:1., the first cornmeal into the pot, add soy flour, milk powder, glutinous rice flour, sugar and evenly; and then slowly add water side and side knead until soft and moderate.2

23、. pulling the dough into 50 grams each, with the right hand thumb tip dipped in a little water, to a surface agent, his left hand side turn into shape Wotou into semi-finished products.3. the semi-finished products placed in the steamer and steam for 12 minutes, can be removed.Straw cakeIngredients:

24、 Flour 1.1 kg, soybean oil 250 grams, salt 20 grams, pepper face a littleMaking method1. to 1 kilograms of flour on the board, plus 475 grams of water, 10 grams of salt and a slightly harder than fried dough, Xing 15 minutes.2., 100 grams of noodles placed in the bowl, add 10 grams of salt, pepper n

25、oodles and 150 grams of soybean oil into a soft crisp, spare.3. knead dough, rub into strips, pulling into surface agent, 250 grams of a slightly oil shizhangzi press, rolling into 33 cm, 13 cm wide sheet, soft pastry evenly. Hold hands and then the upper horizontal head, a positive anti repeatedly

26、fold Daotou date, long stretch. From left to right over the face, and then from left to right up a hat shaped cake agent, Xing 10 minutes.4. the cake agent turned over, according to a rolling pin roll into a round cake, with a diameter of about 46 cm is.5. put the pan heat seven to 80% hot, first br

27、ush a layer of oil, and oil shizhangzi under the care of pan first grab the face, looking after the fire, with two hands to push forward, to see both sides of a golden yellow cake, a T-shaped flower that is cooked. With the shovel to shovel out, all 5:30, the table. Changhaibincuiyi 2010-03-04 20:10

28、:39 Tianjin steamed raw material: 5 kg of flour, 500 grams of fertilizer, 2.5 kg water, alkali amount; pig fat lean meat (3:7) 4 kg, mushroom soup 1.2 kg, 800 grams of soy sauce, sesame oil 400 grams, chopped green onion, ginger, monosodium glutamate amount.Method: 1. The fertilizer water loosened,

29、add the flour into the dough and, static fermentation. Chop the pork (minced) into minced meat and mix it with soy sauce 3 times. Then stir and add mushroom soup, until the end of Tonga, sticky meat stuffing into paste, then add green onion, ginger, MSG, sesame oil, mix well into the stuffing. Third

30、, the fermented dough will be rubbed evenly with the base, and then the dough will be rubbed into 4 strips per 50 grams. The surface agent rolling into a round form, with stuffing, knead round buns, stir steamed on the steamer for about 10 minutes until cooked. Features: freshandtenderstuffing a pat

31、ina, delicious soup shunzui Qingkou flow. Shandong dumplings raw material: 5 kg of flour, 500 grams of fertilizer, 2.5 kg water, alkali amount; pig pork 3 kg, 5 kg of cabbage, 500 grams of carrageenan, sweet sauce, lard, sesame oil, green onion, ginger, coriander, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper

32、amount. Method: the fertilizer water loosened, add the flour into the dough and, static fermentation. The pork cut into the size of the red bean Ding, chopped cabbage squeezed water, carragheen soak into powder, then mixed with coriander mince, salt, sesame oil stir, add green onion. Mix well into t

33、he stuffing best. The hair of alkali dough kneading, rubbing agent (2 per 50 grams), dough, knead stuffing steamed, stir steamed on the drawer for about 15 minutes until cooked. Features: fat and not greasy, with Shandong flavor.The making method of Yangzhou three Ding baoziRaw materials: dough 650g

34、, pork ribs cooked chicken meat 500g, 100g 100g 75g, fresh bamboo shoots, soy sauce, sugar 50g, shrimp seed 5g,Starch, 20g, ginger, onion, rice, right amount.Method: 1, the pig rib meat wash water, into the pot, put onion, ginger, wine, boil seven mature, remove and cool, cut into 0.7cm square cubes

35、, cooked chicken into 0.8cm minced chicken, cooked bamboo shoots cut into 0.5cm Ding, the other into the wok lit fire. Bottom oil, onion gingerRice stir incense, into three Ding, add soy sauce, sugar, shrimp, chicken soup boil, add right amount, simmer to color flavor, to the fireWith the wet starch

36、 hook material glass Qian, flip up and down to three D to fully absorb the marinade, Sheng Liang cool.2, knead dough, strip into 12 noodles agent, with palm into 10 cm diameter round skin, scraping cold cool filling heart, left hand palm hold leather,Palm slightly concave, left hand Bao P Pinto in t

37、he chest, right thumb and index finger from right to left in order to pinch 32 folds; with the right hand middle finger and thumbPinch the leather edge folds, each pinch pleats, thumb and middle finger pinching, dont separate; the thumb and index finger slightly outward pull, makeThe final form of n

38、eck, steamed carp mouth, put the cage awake for a while, in a cage pot, steam for about 12 minutes, until the skin is not sticky, that is to make a sauce can be dished out the mouth wang.Features: Leather suction when stuffing marinade, soft and delicious. Stuffing heart soft and hard corresponding,

39、 salty with sweet, sweet in crisp, oil and not greasy, steamed stuffed bun shape beautiful, is a representative of Weiyang snacks varieties.Method for making corn bun with corn kernelCorn headIngredients: 500 grams of corn flour, 50 grams of glutinous rice flour.Seasoning: 50 grams of white sugar, h

40、ot water.Production method: the cornmeal, glutinous rice flour with hot water and add sugar and knead into a dough, the next agent into the shape of the nest by hand, the cage is steamed into.Flavor: sweet corn flavor, soft waxy.Technical essentials: corn flour should be made of glutinous corn flour

41、.corn flour bunsIngredients: corn flour, flour, sugar, yeastPractice: flour. Corn flour. Sugar. Knead the dough and yeast, fermented for 2 hours, then knead the Steamed Buns on the steamer ignition in the fermentation ten minutes after the water is boiled, steam for 10 minutes.Remark: sorghum flour,

42、 black rice flour and buckwheat powder can be made into steamed bread in a similar way. The flavor is simple and the flavor is unique.Teach you steamed buns1, how can not stick Steamed Buns steaming tray cloth: Steamed Buns steamed not to discharge the drawer.The first steamer cover opened, to steam

43、 for 3 to 5 minutes. To be in the top drawer Steamed Buns soon dry after unloading the drawer turn buckle board, remove the tray cloth. This is not sticky, Steamed Buns drawer cloth, do not stick a. Wait 1 minutes and then remove the second drawer, as are unloaded.The optimum temperature of 2, the m

44、ost suitable baking baking temperature is 27 30 degrees. The dough will ferment at 23 hours at this temperature. In order to reach this temperature, according to climate change, baking temperature of the water can be properly regulated, with cold water in summer; spring and autumn with warm water ab

45、out 40 degrees; 60 70 degrees hot water available in winter and surface covered, placed in a warm place.Detection of 3, pH: leavened dough fermentation, must be on the amount of lye, knead. The following methods are used to test its ph:(1) beat. Take the dough by hand, if you hear bang bang sound, t

46、hat pH is appropriate; if you hear the empty sound, that base put less; if a Da, Da sound, that put more alkali.(2) look. Cut the dough, such as sesame seeds size profiles with uniform pore distribution, which indicates that alkali and put it right; if the hole is small, elongated strip of dough, th

47、e color yellow, which indicates that alkali put more; where there is a large hole uneven dough, dark color, that put less alkali.(3) smelling. Push aside the dough and smell it. If there is an acid, it means that the alkali is less. If there is alkali flavor, it means that the alkali is much more. I

48、f you only smell the dough, it will make the base right.(4) grasping. Grasp the dough, such as dough sink, no elastic, that the base put more; if not sticky, nor heavy, and there is a certain flexibility, that the base is just right.(5) taste. The kneaded dough pulled a lye into the mouth to taste,

49、such as sour alkali that put less; such as alkali astringency, that alkali put more; if you feel sweet, is to put the appropriate alkali. YL1368 2010-03-04 20:51:30 several home pastry production portalTwo color Ruyi roll coarse grainsIngredients: 2 pounds of flour, corn flour 4 two, 3 two, 4 two fe

50、rtilizer bean paste, sugar 2 two.Making method:1, the dough will be rolled into a rectangular surface of unlimited length.In 2, large patches covered half of bean paste, the other half covered with mixed sugar from corn flour paste, double barrel into the same thickness of bilateral volumes, two vol

51、umes of intermediate water with adhesive.3, after a good roll cut into small pieces, knife edge at the top drawer, atmospheric steam cooked 20 minutes.Features: double color, sweet taste.Eggplant noodlesIngredients: 200 grams of noodles, 50 grams of pork lean, 100 grams of tomatoes, 200 grams of coo

52、ked lard, onions, silk 10 grams, ginger 10 grams, 20 grams of salt, monosodium glutamate 3 grams, pork soup 1000 grams.System: 1, wash pork, cut into filaments. The tomato is scalded with boiling water. It is torn and peeled and sliced. 2, wok lit, scoop into the lard till 5 mature, into the shredde

53、d meat, onion, ginger, little stir, add broth boil. 3, put the noodles into the pot and cook until almost cooked. Add tomatoes, salt, monosodium glutamate, boil clean wok serve.Tip: the tomato is slightly scalded with boiling water. It is easy to tear and peel. Put the tomato slices in instant noodl

54、es when cooked, to keep the red.Features: this surface is bright and colorful, noodles have biting strength, meat, fresh eggplant tender, simple and fast.Double rolls of vegetable juice fresh noodlesJilin, one of the innovative pastry, using vegetable juice natural color agents, with unique shape, r

55、ich nutrition, beautiful color featuresMaterials: fine powder, pineapple juice, carrot juice, yeast, baking powder, white sugar salad, oil and waterMethod: adding yeast powder, baking powder, sugar, water, Pineapple Juice, Fresh Carrot Juice, respectively, and 3 pieces of dough, while xing. The gree

56、n and yellow dough stretch filament, brush oil cut, white dough round bag is green in color. Green in front of the drawer Xing good after steam cooked 10 minutes on the table and cut into sections set.Steamed spicy fish slicesRaw materials: 500 grams of net herring, coriander, pepper, scallion, ging

57、er, chili sauce,Refined salt, cooking wine, sesame oil each amount.System: 1, the middle section of the black carp along the spine split, and then chop to the spine and chest thorn, with pepper, salt, cooking wine, onions, ginger pickled for 4 hours. 2, the fish after washing on the plate, add sprin

58、g onion, ginger, cooking wine, cage steam cooked, remove to cool, scallion, ginger. 3, cooked fish cut into 6-7 cm long segment, and then cut into strips, row stacked plate, pour spicy soy sauce, sesame oil, put parsley into.Features: spicy appetizer.Mapo Tofu1. preparation of materials: bean curd d

59、ices, beef mince, bean paste, salt, wine, dry red pepper, leek, ginger, pepper powder, starch, soy sauce, a little sugar.2. pot add a little vegetable oil, fire heating, oil heat, followed by adding bean paste, salt, red pepper, garlic, ginger, pepper, beef, beef can also be at the end of the season

60、ing Yan Hao later joined together. Saute.3. add in diced tofu. Change the heat to a boil.4. be cooked tofu, the fire changed by adding water starch, sugar, wine, MSG, soy sauce, a good tune sauce. Turn off the fire until the sauce evenly attached after the pot.5. pot, sprinkle with pepper, fragrant,

61、 full of Mapo Tofu Sichuan on the table!Cola Chicken WingsIngredients: 6-8 chicken wings, a small cup of Coca-Cola, a little chili powder, a little cumin (granulated cumin, no powder).Step: drain the water in the pan, boil the chicken wings after the water is boiled, and make the chicken wings 7 mat

62、ure. Filter dry water reserve.Put oil with chopped onions and garlic, fry, chicken wings, put cumin and chili powder, fire, stir fries, fried to pillo coke as the best.Use the spoon to skim the excess oil, coke added, salt and monosodium glutamate, a little water is not put, when the fire burned cok

63、e quickly turned back micro juice.While baking the coke, you can skim the garlic and green onions with a spoon.In the end, dont forget to bring the juice together.This dish tastes better than the chicken wings of Kentucky Fried chicken. The chicken wings are hot and crisp and go to the bone.Twice-co

64、oked porkMaterial: Pig haunch, garlicIngredients: soy sauce, onion, ginger, fermented black bean, pepper, aniseed, cinnamon, meat Yellow Wine, boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, which put onions, ginger, pepper, aniseed, cinnamon, Yellow Wine, skim, the chopsticks can be inserted into the meat, turn off the heat and soak for 5 minutes, and then out of the potGarlic slap cut knife, cut the meat into thin slices, see your knife work, the thinner the betterPan put a little oil, the next white m

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