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1、 精品资料Unit 8 It must belong to Carla【学习目标】1、熟记本节单词,达到灵活运用。2、熟记重点单词的用法,并能组词、造句。【预习合作探究】1 whose adj. & pron. 谁的;2 truck n. 卡车;货车 3 picnic n. 野餐 go for a picnic 去野餐 ;at the picnic 在野餐中 have a picnic 野餐 4 rabbit n. 兔;野兔 5 attend v. 出席;参加 attend 指参加会议、婚礼、葬礼、典礼,去上课、上学、听报告等 I attended his wedding . (我参加了他的婚

2、礼)6 valuable adj. 很有用的;宝贵的 be valuable for / to sb 对某人有价值 be worth doing sth 值得做某事 7 pink adj. 粉红色的 n. 粉红色8 anybody pron. 任何人 9 happening n.时间;发生的事情(常指不寻常的) 10 noise n. 声音;噪音 可做可数名词, 也可做不可数名词 noisy adj 喧闹的 make a noise / make noises 制造噪音 sound 泛指各种声音 ; voice 一般指人的声音11 policeman n. 男警察 policewoman 女警

3、察 pl. policemen policewomen12 wolf n. 狼 (pl) wolves 13 uneasy adj 担心的; 不安的14 laboratory n. 实验室 pl. laboratories 简写:lab15 outdoors adv 在户外; 在野外 adj. outdoor 户外的 sports 户外运动16 coat n. 外套;外衣 raincoat 雨衣 17 sleepy adj. 困倦的;瞌睡的 sleepless adj. 睡不着的,失眠的【难点解析】1.Do you have anything valuable in your schoolba

4、g?(2d) 你书包里有什么贵重的东西吗?【解析】value n 价值 valuable adj. 贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的 I think nothing else in the world is more _ (有价值的) than my parents love.2. I remember I had my schoolbag with me at the picnic.记得野餐时我背着我的书包了。(2d)【解析】remember v记住(反)forget (1)remember doing sth 记得做过某事(已做了) (2) remember to do sth 记住要做某事(还没

5、做)Dont you remember _(see) somewhere in England last week?Please remember _(close) the window when you leave.3. I left early, before the rest of my friends. 我先于我的其他朋友早早就离开了。(2d)【解析】rest v休息 n 剩余部分 “the rest of +名词 ”时,谓语动词的数要与the rest of所表示的名词的数保持一致( ) The rest of the students _ in the classroom. A.

6、is studying B. are studying C. be studying D. is studied【拓展】由body组成的不定代词:body some somebody某人;有人 + body any anybody任何人no = nobody 没有人 every everybody 每个人;人人Who helped Betty tidy up the bedroom? _. She cleaned it all by herself. ASomebodyBNobody CEverybody DAnybody 【拓展】不定动词的用法:(1)构成:some, any, every,

7、 no都能和one, body, thing 一起构成复合不定代词a. some构成的复合不定动词(something, somebody, someone) 用于肯定句b. any构成的复合不定动词(anything, anybody, anyone)用于否定句或疑问句;c. no构成的复合不定动词(nothing, nobody)用于肯定句,表否定意思d. every 构成的复合不定动词(everything, everybody, everyone) 用于肯定句(2)复合不定动词作主语,谓语动词用单数 Everybody is here.(3)修饰不定动词的定语要后置 something

8、 interesting / something to eat (4)在表示请求、建议、反问等语气的疑问句中,问话者希望得到肯定回答时要用something, somebody, someone Would you like something to drink? Yes, please.(5) 在反意疑问句中,somebody, anybody等作主语时,附加问句用he或they; something, everything等作主语时,附加问句用it. Nobody is in the classroom, is he/are they? Everything is ready, isnt

9、it?We cant find _ in the house.A. something strange B. anything strange C. strange something D. strange anythingHave you done _ to improve the environment ? A. something useful B. anything useful C. nothing useful D. useful anything._ was born being good at all things. You can do well in things through hard work. As an English learner, you cant be excellent without enough practice. A. Everybody B. Somebody C. NobodyMum, Im hungry. Is there _ to eat? Yes, you can have some bread on the table. A. something B. nothing C. anything

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