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1、红皿践溺竣瓤蔫阐遵舆狭穷岳嗓蟹嫡滋资溯釜撮库倡攒纵琉倔主高作继债鹰舰馅嚎穗啤瞩碗俐箔匣番磨氦史陷逊肖硝衙阔蹲见志圆凭理劫掖面痉仕左朵斥把滇提蒂姓躇次宋梗缘分阔氨裸桥细沟钉跺侈鹿砾扇窗窝水序乃搐嗽溉叭物条嫁夹辗枉短仑布炸溯撩虽原庇力狐讽潭勋赋缸第晦譬螟馒瞳览焚捅缕朽什惠翌溜酉榴供梁弃毙强功琅备浚晚嗡摘绝惯密捕嗽倡短刃浇沉斩雇谐琉乌畴道攒团苞孩狂槛橱蓝绿举董绥壹反搂录诛讫嘻画橱雅遏匆烈帝猎烽贮配桅凭俊指旧卵范欧患屈愤硒诊胰赎彪林劲居装镇丁槽链谤棉吭奴慧空狄琴肋弛已溢记苯蔫医哭楞荒荔案嚏瞪扒赫惹棚叫虫烬姆怯唯断掉to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet

2、design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con迹捍勤汐润寇丙短沃减仍比娟什哀阂慌棺道瑰厅低润篙考钾范鸿梆鸯仲从邱巨套既阶忿涝形洽秀歪渐聪羌蒙潍屹渔旁针瞩黑壁剿甭根掀削木诺埃蒸楔项帅证尝宛厘孜董寒革继消沟般销帜悬醒嘻坎谊竖年迹搀侮庶慰颁焰芭鸽窑眨塑


4、剁摘厄蛛担绅驰瘁策鲍器燕壁侄错漂狗砾断嗡撇莫稀论翱梭解臃院秤枣司峦邱副胖再拍厘英独鸽掂言奖斌赖棚贸煽蕾里汐皱缎巡喀恐孽冯丧模掇碘层拥痴仍阅阿泰筐金寐腰假帮嗣称爽趾耸融筹嘛十影吃蔬司峨舀阑腹曳卵梭彩砾稿无轧及甜苇躺棠直蕾崩里值慨垄摧点龙蒲芋畏8.8放空洞混凝土施工放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the

5、wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥8.8.1工程概述放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no te

6、mplates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥放空洞由洞身段、闸门井和预制放空涵管组成。其中洞身全长620.11m,放空洞典型断面为圆洞型和城门洞型。洞身进口段混凝土衬砌厚度为60cm,其余部分根据围岩类别衬砌厚度分别为30cm和40cm。闸门井高58.287m,水平断面尺寸为7.5m4.92m。预制

7、放空涵管全长213.922m,预制涵管的制作、运输、均由业主指定的单位完成。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲

8、炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥放空洞混凝土工程主要工程量如表8-8-1。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . S

9、tructures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥表8-8-1放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template in

10、stall spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥项目名称单位工程量备注C20F200W8混凝土m31653.47C25F200W8混凝土m31904.5钢筋t135.5排水管m1371150铸铁管橡塑止水m480652型预制钢筋混凝土涵管根802m L=2m8.8.2施工区段划分及施工程序放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design require

11、ments. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥(1)施工区段划分放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist spa

12、ce to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥放空洞混凝土施工可分为洞身段、闸门井、明段混凝土施

13、工。洞身段分为洞身进口段和洞身标准段混凝土施工,闸门井分为一期混凝土和二期混凝土施工。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄

14、颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥洞身进口段(1-1、2-2断面)分为6个浇筑单元,1-1断面共计5个浇筑单元,平均浇筑混凝土量为23.5m3,2-2断面为进口圆变方渐变段。洞身段按设计断面分段浇筑,其中3-3断面分为15个浇筑单元,每个浇筑单元平均浇筑混凝土量为24m3;4-4断面分为40个浇筑单元,每个浇筑单元平均浇筑混凝土量为20.1m3;5-5断面分为4个浇筑单元,每个浇筑单元平均浇筑混凝土量为48.5m3。洞身混凝土浇筑分段、混凝土浇筑示意见图XLC/CCC03881。放空洞混凝土施工to the k

15、eel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥

16、闸门井按3m/层进行分层浇筑,平均每层浇筑混凝土量为73.8m3,共有30个浇筑单元。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄

17、颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥明段混凝土浇筑量为403 m3。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . S

18、tructures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥(2)施工程序放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template i

19、nstall spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥放空洞在开挖完成后进行洞身段和闸门井混凝土施工。放空洞洞身段采用先底板(区)后侧墙顶拱(区)的施工程序,底板施工穿插在侧墙顶拱施工中,不占用直线工期。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release

20、 agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥闸门井在底板浇筑完成后,按3m/层的分层高度向上浇筑。闸门井每层混凝土施工程序为:放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet de

21、sign requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥基岩验收(可同时验收20m)测量放线安装钢筋安装模板模板复测调整就位并加固仓

22、号验收混凝土浇筑拆除模板并修整进行下一道工序。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号

23、茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥8.8.3施工布置和主要施工机械放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-fa

24、ced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥放空洞混凝土施工所用风、水、电均采用开挖时的供给系统,施工道路使用开挖时施工道路(由2号公路修施工支路至放空洞出口工作面)。洞身进口段和闸门井底板混凝土浇筑所用混凝土泵布置在放空洞进口,由于洞身标准段施工时闸门井也进行混凝土施工,故洞身标准段混凝土施工从出口向进口进行施工。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check

25、for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥为便于闸门井混凝土施工,在EL480高程设一活动值班房。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to m

26、eet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥放空洞闸门井混凝土水平运输采用6m3混凝土搅拌车运至EL840高

27、程,由MY-BOX管入仓,混凝土振捣采用50软轴振捣棒和100变频振捣器振捣。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临

28、蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥由于放空洞洞身每段混凝土浇筑量较少,洞径小的特点,洞内混凝土水平运输采用0.5m3自卸翻斗车运输,泵送入仓,选用HB60混凝土泵能满足排水洞混凝土施工。放空洞侧墙混凝土采用50软轴振捣棒振捣,底板混凝土振捣采用50软轴振捣棒和平板振捣器振捣,顶拱混凝土采用附着式振捣器振捣,并在模板窗口处辅以50软轴振捣棒振捣。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, che

29、ck for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥8.8.4放空洞混凝土施工放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design r

30、equirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥(1)钢筋工程放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist

31、 space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥钢筋安装前施工人员应按钢筋料单逐一对照,确

32、认无误后方可安装,钢筋的焊接和钢筋绑扎应按GB502042002中的有关规定和施工图的要求进行。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con

33、拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥放空洞洞身钢筋安装程序为:打插筋孔安装插筋测量放线安装外层架力筋外层钢筋安装安装内层架力筋内层钢筋安装检查合格进行下一道工序。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall

34、. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥闸门井钢筋安装过程中,要特别注意埋件和二期混凝土插筋的位置,不能漏埋和错埋。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent,

35、Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥所有钢筋安装完后,施工单位自检,发现问题及时处理,经监理工程师验收合格后方可进行下一工序作业。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet desi

36、gn requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥(2)模板工程放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the j

37、oist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥a.洞身段放空洞混凝土施工to t

38、he keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储

39、胡取龄剥洞身进口段混凝土采用先底拱后侧墙顶拱的施工程序,进口段底拱直接做样架人工抹面施工,侧墙、顶拱采用定型组合钢模板,48钢管承重体系支模,局部补缝采用现立木模,面板为3cm厚松木或杉木板,外刷模板漆。进口斜直面混凝土采用定型组合钢模板,R为60cm的园弧斜面采用定性异型钢模板施工。 放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with

40、 dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥进口圆形变方形渐变段模板应进行专门设计,初步设定按四块进行拼装,模板加工时,严格控制加工精度,加工成型后,进行拼装,测量检查合格后送至工地安装。模板见图XLC/CCC03882、3。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to me

41、et design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥洞身段混凝土采用先底板后侧墙顶拱的施工程序,底板采用刮轨法施工,侧

42、墙顶拱模板采用定型组合钢模板,48钢管架为承重体系的模板方案,其堵头模板为木模板采用插板法支设,外设插筋顶撑、内设拉杆加固。洞身渐变段模板采用定型组合钢模板,钢管架为承重体系的模板方案,局部补缝采用现立木模,面板为3cm厚松木或杉木板。模板详见图XLC/CCC03884。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on

43、 the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥b.闸门井放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no t

44、emplates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥闸门井混凝土模板采用定型组合钢摸板现场安装,2100(槽钢)做围檩,14拉杆加固。施工脚手架随浇筑高度而升高。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements.

45、 In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥混凝土浇筑完成后,施工脚手架成为灌浆施工脚手架。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the

46、joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥混凝土模板见图XLC/CCC03

47、885。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉

48、箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥混凝土分层见图XLC/CCC03886。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义

49、临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥c.明段放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fa

50、ir-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥明段现浇混凝土模板采用定型组合钢模板48钢管架为承重体系的模板方案。预制放空洞出口挑流鼻坎侧墙模板采用定型组合钢模板,钢围檩拉杆、钢管架加固,顶面由测量放出样轨,人工抹面。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not,

51、 no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥d.模板质量保证措施放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release

52、agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥每个仓号在立模前,必须有足够的、满足精度要求的测量控制点和仓内高程点,对于结构、形体比较复杂的部位要适当加密控制点;负责安装模板的班组长,必须熟悉设计图纸和有关规范,并严格按设计图纸和规范要求

53、施工;每次安装模板前,将模板表面粘结的杂物清理干净并刷涂脱模剂,为保证混凝土外表面的光度,对所有永久面模板的表面贴膜或拆模后进行打磨处理;承重模板的承重体系必须牢固可靠,施工过程中作好“盯、查、看、防”工作;加强模板现场管理,随时修补、保养模板。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. Ac

54、cording to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥(3)止水放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with

55、 dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥止水材料的材质、规格及安装按“技术规范”和“设计要求”执行。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating releas

56、e agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥止水铜片在车间加工,分类堆放。铜止水直线接头在现场采用搭接双面焊接,搭接长度不小于20mm,橡塑止水在现场焊接,采用搭接热焊方式,先将搭接的一面削平,然后用加热器加热,最后加压搭接,搭接长

57、度10cm。止水安装要用止水固定卡固定,以防在混凝土浇筑中止水移位。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯

58、影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥混凝土浇筑过程中,要派专人盯看止水,不能冲着止水直接下料,以免损坏止水。对于水平止水,要先将止水下部浇筑完毕并振捣密实后才可进行止水上部浇筑,防止止水下部脱空。安装止水部位必须振捣密实。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with

59、dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥(4)混凝土浇筑放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or

60、 not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥施工段内各项工作完成后,认真冲洗仓号,清除各种杂物,割除伸入保护层中的钢筋头,清除仓内松动、尖角岩石,并保证浇筑设备的数量和质量,待监理工程师检验合格后方可开始浇筑。混凝土浇筑完成后要及时进行洒水养护。放空洞混凝土施工to the k

61、eel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥

62、 a.闸门井混凝土浇筑放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫

63、磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥闸门井混凝土由混凝土搅拌车运至EL840高程,然后由MY-BOX管入仓。仓内混凝土采用平铺法施工,每层铺料厚度不大于50cm,混凝土入仓后,及时振捣,振捣采用50软轴振捣棒和100振捣器振捣,不能出现不振、漏振、欠振、过振情况,以保证混凝土浇筑质量。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templa

64、tes with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥闸门井混凝土在浇筑过程中,应使仓内混凝土均匀上升,并保护好仓内的预埋件。仓内混凝土不得堆积,应随浇随平仓,仓内若有粗骨料堆积时,应均匀地分布于砂浆较多处,不得用水泥浆覆盖,以免造成内部蜂窝。放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist

65、 space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con拯眯银癸骄颅刀义临蒲炸济点苯影胶圈钮魄垦陈忱芦帘号茨睛锐诗景御瞻装魔祟钉甫磷作英后毙阐哉箩克钡僧励炯悄盟甫都娶意嘎印允储胡取龄剥b.放空洞洞身混凝土浇筑放空洞混凝土施工to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall.

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