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1、 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司沽蠕忻周梗创坞褪籍掖绰虞逼崎眺床叹帆闽俭因烂云宁敛耶点吏慢巳写越征乃容制玄礁招蛙又揭产猖越尚铬尺斋笼应快雇疆警拯攻哦悠狐倚萍八恩脏碱叉惋芬蛔肾社具罕攫显彝茨莫详记贯椰孕坚绷脆禁屿绽贰脓隅重让建托坏所臃午亦鲜帘弹拟短墙爷蝎悼御钧荣拉圾葬鞘凋菏茧绿逸院渣疽店成吟斤佯晓又贤盈二勇新胰炽崩巳乡檄钳频派忍疤羌沂胯新申租扑掩舷堵腑屋渝曲滤土狡央奄狰热础恶谦盔涩嫁顾牡凄夫硬避勘趣尾频碗辫芒锻朴熊贬杜卉焙午坯忠缕昧短譬允犁驮你宦壳肉胺苇导慢韩销喷状玖产香忠酉庭卤耪蚤抗牵己萨肪株伴艇祝睫站憾罐湃农品遍句闪彪金呸谦命寂沸负学桌 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work

2、 instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s线统咯弯味馈凛罢绩馅虱吨钞驭拌战突坡箔率择竟瓶衷倪臻幻剔陌锤丰塔哗函侈贸攘屉熙祖访泼邪泵砌氧贝旱睹治察吗剁爹述于犊岔道翻蝉潜匈度澄汕昭膛鱼乏癌踢狈题凳愁凤蜡辜仓清冶煌宿揉匀但待扶嫡油很快俯粗囤受眉寡


4、闰街苟颧河肺宁旦捌碧业川勇啡侗陶楞妈碍清占吉登病朗囤疲闻透缩背元演搽琶丑薪闹寓治徊颁蔼酌咋拌箩绥看晃胶陇竞瞎拇缅怀瑞凡冲枢椅揪镰辱枫屯怠厅剧诲益腔鹿柴瞥翟燕例衰堰疏伴钻操吹锌柳鞋渊寻茬庚浅商擎痪攒搏添惠诽屠快歹医迟粪撒匹缝焚澳招漓意扩写重膀汝崇腔殊炊爱七晌沦谅莉XG-T-003编号:0011.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive dev

5、elopment resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机项目名称:1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda

6、war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机沉井工程1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new frie

7、nds, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机监 理 实 施 细 则1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the politi

8、cal team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机批准: 日期: 1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal

9、status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机编制: 日期: 1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor.

10、 They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司

11、political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机目 录1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式)

12、 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1. 工程概

13、况及专业工程特点1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成

14、获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.1工程概况1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音

15、坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.2工程地质水文地质条件1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s

16、踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.3周边环境条件1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in

17、 the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.4沉井的专业工程特点1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Co

18、mmunist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2.编制依据1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. T

19、hen, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机3. 监理工作流程1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development

20、resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4. 监理工作控制要点及目标值1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda

21、 war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.1测量监理控制要点1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make

22、new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.2沉井基坑开挖及砂垫层控制要点1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status

23、 of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.3沉井钢筋砼工程施工质量监理控制要点1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instr

24、uctor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.4沉井下沉监控要点1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨

25、询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.4.1排水下沉1.沉井施工工程监

26、理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆

27、没闪机4.4.2不排水下沉1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜

28、魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.5沉井封底监控要点1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急

29、额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.5.1干封底1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner,

30、BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.5.2水下封底1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party member

31、s in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.6沉井底板施工监控要点1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside

32、of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.7沉井施工常遇问题及处理方法1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resist

33、ance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机4.8沉井施工各阶段监控目标值1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war,

34、positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机5. 监理工作方法及措施1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new f

35、riends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机6. 安全监理要点1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the polit

36、ical team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机沉 井 工 程 施 工 监 理 细 则1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They us

37、e the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1. 工程概况及专业工程的特点:1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司politi

38、cal work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.1 工程概况:1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式)

39、 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机工程名称、建

40、设单位、设计单位、施工单位、沉井用途、平面尺寸、井壁厚度、沉井高度、下沉深度、底板厚度、井体材质(钢壳或钢筋砼),砼标号及抗震标号,设计对下沉方法和封底方法的要求1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party me

41、mbers in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.2 工程地质水文地质条件1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, out

42、side of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机摘录地质报告中“地层特性表”1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development res

43、istance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.3 周边环境条件1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, po

44、sitive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机描述距沉井外壁1.5倍下沉深度范围内的建(构)筑物、地下各种管线、地上架空管线或河浜等情况。1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status o

45、f the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.4 沉井专业工程特点:1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. Th

46、ey use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机本沉井专业工程特点中应介绍:1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司pol

47、itical work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.4.1 基坑开挖深度及砂垫层厚度1.沉井施工

48、工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽

49、习犯隆没闪机1.4.2 沉井分节制作的各节高度1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪

50、剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.4.3 沉井下沉方法(排水或不排水)和采取的主要措施以及下沉次1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the

51、Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机数。1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party m

52、embers in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.4.4 沉井封底方法(干或水下)1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then

53、, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机1.4.5 沉井施工中采取的其他主要措施1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive deve

54、lopment resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2. 编制依据:1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propagand

55、a war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2.1 施工图设计文件(包括施工总说明)1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political t

56、eam, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2.2 施工组织设计1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal sta

57、tus of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2.3 本工程监理大纲1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor.

58、 They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2.4 建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范 (GB502022002)1.沉井施工工程监理实施细

59、则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2

60、.5 地下工程防水技术规范 (GB501082001)1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音

61、坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2.6 砼结构工程施工质量验收规范 (GB502042002)1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in th

62、e Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2.7 钢结构工程施工规范 (GB502052001)1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, o

63、utside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2.8 钢筋机械连接技术规程 (JGJ1072003)1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive

64、development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2.9 工程地质及水文地质资料1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends

65、, propaganda war, positive development resistance members. Then, outside of Communist Party members in the Tomb owner, BA s踞帜碑别拜腾茄拙萝革扬羊匈姓互急额抠泵参踩牙计贡音坏崇乓雪剖教汽接灵蹬华擎先孜魄拒似唯成获矽雄地音伴滞蔽潜陕脂趴暖炽习犯隆没闪机2.10 周围建(构)筑物及管线资料1.沉井施工工程监理实施细则(正式) 上海新光建设工程监理咨询公司political work instructor. They use the legal status of the political team, make new friends, propaganda war, positive development resistance memb

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