chapter 商务英语专业跨文化交际 案例 理论 习题答案PPT课件

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chapter 商务英语专业跨文化交际 案例 理论 习题答案PPT课件_第1页
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1、Joke appreciation for cultural diversity A young ladys miniskirt was accidentally torn open by a young man. Please decide where they come from according to their responses to this incident. 第1页/共43页Joke appreciation for cultural diversity 1. Before the man saying sorry, the woman bowed down and said

2、 in a tender voice: sorry, it is all my fault. It is all the bad quality of my skirt. I am sorry for the trouble I have brought to you. JapanOver-courtesy and male-dominated第2页/共43页Joke appreciation for cultural diversity 2. Before the man saying sorry, the woman gave him a name-card and said: “This

3、 is my lawyers phone number. He will talk with you about your sex harassment. See you in the court.”AmericaA place where law talks!第3页/共43页Joke appreciation for cultural diversity 3. Before the man saying sorry, the woman covered the torn part of the skirt with a newspaper in hand and shyly said: “S

4、ir, can you send me home? It is not very far from here.” Then the young man put his coat on the girl and called a taxi to send her home. EnglandGentle and conservative第4页/共43页Joke appreciation for cultural diversity 4. Before the man saying sorry, the woman gurgled and put her hand on the mans shoul

5、der: “Sir, if you do not mind, you can buy me a red rose to show your apology.” Then the man bought her a rose and they went to a hotel together to study more about the skirt. FranceFriendly and romantic第5页/共43页Joke appreciation for cultural diversity 5. Before the man saying sorry, the woman flew i

6、nto rage and gave the man a box on the face: “ni ge shao, xiang qi lao niang doufu, lao zi da si ni.” Then she took out a mobile phone and dialed number and a gang of people came. The whole thing developed into a riot.Wuhanhot and irritable第6页/共43页Joke appreciation for cultural diversity 6. The man

7、felt very embarrassed and made a sincere apology to the girl. But the beautiful girl smiled and said: _ThailandLadyboy, shemanDont worry, Sir. I am a man, too”.第7页/共43页Verbal Communication1Oral Communication2Written Communication3第8页/共43页1. Verbal Communication It refers to the communication that is

8、 carried out either in oral or in written form with the use of words.(Xu, 1997) It is the transferring of thoughts between individuals via spoken or written message.(Du, 2004) What is verbal communication?第9页/共43页1. Verbal Communication What factors does effective VC involve? Logical and emotional e

9、ffects Objective and subjective factors Message sender and receiver Cultural factors etc.第10页/共43页1. Verbal Communication 1.1 Language & Culture 1.2 Semantics in ICC 1.3 Pragmatics in ICC第11页/共43页1. What is language? Language is a set of symbols and the rules for combining those symbols that are use

10、d and understood by a large community to people. 1.1 Language & Culture第12页/共43页2. What is the usage of language for human beings? Language is a means to express and exchange thoughts, concepts, knowledge and information as well as to transmit experience and knowledge. 1.1 Language & Culture第13页/共43

11、页3. How is language related to culture? Language is the carrier of culture which in turn is the content of language. Language is part of culture. In turn, culture enriches and influences language. 1.1 Language & CultureHopi: 霍皮人(美国亚利桑那州东南部印第安村庄居民)第14页/共43页1.2 Semantics in ICC It is said that in Rome

12、, in front of a shoe store, there was such a sign to attract English-speaking customers: The sign caught the attention of many English-speaking tourists, but not look at the shoes displayed in the window, but to read the sign and then break into laughter. The Italian shop owner did not realize that

13、“a street walker” means a prostitute, while “to have a fit” does not mean to have a try, but to become suddenly and violently angry or upset. No wonder the amusement and laughter!第15页/共43页 1.2 Semantics in ICC Semantics is the study of the meaning of words. Words have two major dimensions of meaning

14、: & . Denotation is the meaning or of a word. Connotation is the or meaning of a word.pCulturally Loaded Words and English Language Teaching (Xu Guozhang, 1982)第16页/共43页 & 从事政治、关心政治,特别是以政治为 生涯的人(a person whose business is politics) 不讲原则,当面一套,背后一套,能言善辩,言而无信的人(a person who doesnt usually keep his prom

15、ises, often cheats for his own selfish purpose)第17页/共43页 & Happy, auspicious, joyous, flourishing (in Chinese) Something undesirable (in English)pHe got a red-eye illness. pHe is green with envy.第18页/共43页symbolsenderreceiverExample 1D=DC=C第19页/共43页symbolsenderreceiverExample 2 A symbol of wisdom as

16、wise as an owlowl A symbol of bad luck猫头鹰D=DC C第20页/共43页More examples 风水,经脉,知识份子,干部,Generic termmalefemaleyoungchickenDuckgoosecock, roosterDrakeganderhenDuckgoosechickDucklinggosling公&母第21页/共43页Case 1: A conversation Xie Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British universit

17、y for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Xie Li: I dont know where it went wrong!Tom: Dont feel so bad. Cheer up; youve done your job.Xie Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure.Tom: Relax for a couple of days. Ill face

18、the music.Xie Li: Tom, we are not playing childrens games here. This is a scientific experiment.Tom: Ive never taken the experiment as childs play, and Im playing the game.Xie Li: You say youre playing the game! Its a rather important experiment!Xie Li walks out of the laboratory angrily. Tom is puz

19、zled.第22页/共43页AnalysisAnalysis:俗语、成语等具有很强的文化内涵,经常会让非母语者产生困扰。在本案例中,谢力错解了Tom使用的两个俗语(face the music 和playing the game),导致交际失败。 Face the music:承担后果, 面对不愉快的局面 Play the game:遵守规则;按章办事第23页/共43页Case 2: An Introduction “Ladies and gentlemen, Im delighted to introduce to you a very pretty girl, Miss Brown. Sh

20、e is an excellent teacher from the United States of America.”p“Ladies and gentlemen, Im delighted to introduce to you Doctor Mary Brown, a new teacher from the United States. She is a PhD of American literature with ten years of experience teaching English as a foreign language.”Rephrased wording第24

21、页/共43页1.3 Pragmatics in ICC Li Hongzhang, one of the top officials in the Qing Dynasty, was invited to visit the US. He was warmly welcomed. One day, Li was hosting a banquet for the American officials in a popular restaurant. As the banquet started, according to the Chinese custom, Li stood up and

22、said, “I am very happy to have all of you here today. Though these dishes are coarse and not delicious and good enough to show my respect for you, I hope you will enjoy them” (今天承蒙各位光临,不胜荣幸。我们略备粗馔,聊表寸心,没有什么可口的东西,不成敬意,请大家多多包涵)第25页/共43页 The next day, the English version of his words was shown in the l

23、ocal newspaper. To his shock, the restaurant owner flew into a rage. He thought it was an insult to his restaurant and insisted that Li should show him the evidence of which dish was not well-made and which dish was not delicious. Otherwise, Li intentionally damaged the reputation of the restaurant,

24、 and he should apologize. All the fuss made Li rather embarrassed.第26页/共43页 What Li said is just some formulaic polite expression and they do convey the meaning of respect. Almost all Chinese people know this and could hear that nearly everywhere. Here, the language form is different from its conten

25、t, a phenomenon only found in the Eastern culture. However, America is a country with highly valued individualism and they express themselves rather directly. They could not understand the Easterners over-modesty, for they tend to comprehend what they hear literally, and a clash was inevitable.第27页/

26、共43页1.3 Pragmatics in ICC Pragmatics is the study of the effect that language has on human perception and behaviors. Pragmatics is the study of how speakers use the language to reach successful communication.第28页/共43页1.3 Pragmatics in ICC How to address people Different perceptions of titles How to

27、show gratitude Conversation topics Being modest uGreeting uCompliments and the responses第29页/共43页How to address peopleextended system in Chinese: 警察叔叔(Police Uncle), 大姐(sister), 爷爷(grandpa), 奶奶(grandma), 阿姨(aunt)Differences of kinship in C and E: Uncle (叔叔,舅舅), sister(姐姐,妹妹), brother(哥哥,弟弟),etc.Chin

28、eseEnglishFormal Relationship /Situationsurname+given.Surname +TitleGiven + surnameTitle + SurnameNeutral Relationship /Situationsurname+given.Surname + TitleGiven + surnameTitle + SurnameGiven NameClose Relationship /SituationGiven Name Given Name 1.3 Pragmatics in ICC第30页/共43页Different perceptions

29、 of titlesChina: Surname + Title Other similar cultures: Japan, Korea; German, Russia, Italy; Maxico Western countries:pTitle + SurnamepIn political, judicial, military, and academic circles, pe.g. Senator Brown Judge Brown Professor Brown Doctor Brown 1.3 Pragmatics in ICC第31页/共43页Different percept

30、ions of titles Different perceptions of titlespWhen Diplomingenieur (工程硕士) Hans Weiss from Austria visits Australia, he tells people his name and title. He is upset when they smile. They seem to be making fun of him. pDo you know whats wrong?In Australia people tend to be more egalitarian than in Au

31、stria and set little store by titles. They probably thought Mr. Weiss was being pretentious.So Mr. Weiss should announce himself as “Hans Weiss”.Some one should tell him not to use his title, like “In Australia we dont use titles much, by the way. And you title is rather hard to understand because t

32、heres no equivalent here” 1.3 Pragmatics in ICC第32页/共43页Case study A famous Chinese actress married a German. One day when she was acting, her husband was there watching, saying again and again that she was the best actress. The actress colleagues present asked her afterwards to tell her husband not

33、 to praise his own wife like that in public. On learning this, the German wondered what he did wrong. Once the actress and her husband were talking with their Chinese friends at a party, her husband politely praised a Chinese lady on her beauty. The lady husband said that his wife was moderately goo

34、d looking when young, but now she was old and no longer so. The lady nodded in agreement with a smile. The actress husband was surprised. 1.3 Pragmatics in ICC第33页/共43页Analysis: 在西方国家里,家庭成员之间互相赞美是很正常的事情,被赞美者通常也会感到很愉快。但是中国人似乎很少在公共场所赞美自己的家人。在第二个例子中,西方文化里认为说自己的家人看上去很老,这样的说法是不合适的。称赞“你有一个漂亮的妻子”在西方国家里是很自然

35、的也是被高度欣赏的,而在中国同样的赞美或许会被认为是不妥当的,尤其在年长者面前。 1.3 Pragmatics in ICC第34页/共43页Conversation topics Topics acceptable to both Westerners and Chinese Hobbies A local or national event Holidays Jobs The weather Films / books pTopics that many Westerners regard as private matterspagepmoneyphealthpFamilypMarriag

36、epBlood typep 1.3 Pragmatics in ICC第35页/共43页2. Oral Communication informative / persuasive / goodwill presentation steps / tips to make an effective oral presentation第36页/共43页2. Oral Communication Telephone calls(电话铃响)B. 喂,你找谁?A. 请问张人杰在吗?B. 等一会儿,我去叫他。 / 他不在。(电话铃响)B. Donald Kane. / Deans office. / 67

37、301760.A. Can I speak to Jane, please?B. Sure. Hang on.B. 宏大计算机公司,你好。A. 你好,请问张总在吗?B. 在,请问您有什么事?A. 第37页/共43页A ringing phone is answered this way in Arab:Receiver:May your morning be good.Caller: May your morning be full of lightR: Praise God, your voice is welcome. C: Welcome, welcome. R: How are you

38、? C: Praise God. R: Praise God.C: What news? Are you well? Your family well? R: Praise God. How are you?C: All is well. All is well. Welcome. Welcome. 第38页/共43页3. Written Communication the importance Various purpose Effective skills第39页/共43页收文人发文人正文事由日期3. Written CommunicationDate: December 5, 2011

39、What is it? format purpose第40页/共43页 Assignment Make a research on the following topics and give your presentation next time with the help of a ppt. The cultural differences on 1.Kinship terms2.Different perceptions of titles3.Expressions of gratitude and compliments4.Conversation topics5.Make teleph

40、one calls6.Animal words7.Color words第41页/共43页 Practice Situation: Your foreign teacher will be back to her/his hometown. Youre going to invite her to have meals with you and give her a gift. Task: You are asked to make a dialogue or make a performance (role play) according to the situation.第42页/共43页感谢您的观看。第43页/共43页

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