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1、.高二英语选修七根底知识Module 1知识导学重点单词1.He attached two baskets to two tall poles at each end of the gymnasium. 他把两只篮子分别固定在体育馆两边的高柱子上。attach vt.系,绑,贴;固定【用法例如】1 Attach a recent photograph to your application form. 申请表上请贴一照。2Its easy to bee attached to the children you work with. 很容易喜欢上和你相处的孩子们。3People attach t

2、oo mach importance to economic forecasts. 人们把经济看得过于重要。【归纳比拟】be (bee) attached to 喜欢,依恋attach importance to 重视【稳固运用】1We shouldnt _to his speech. 我们不应该过分重视他的讲话。2She _ her homeland. 她对祖国很有感情。2. He attended the university of North Carolina for a year before leaving to join the Chicago Bulls. 在参加芝加哥公牛队前,

3、他在北卡罗莱纳大学学习了一年。attend vt.出席,参加;照顾,护理【用法例如】1Will you attend her wedding ne*t week 下周你会参加她的婚礼吗?2There was no one to attend (on) him but his sister. 只有他的姐姐一人照料他。3I may be late -I have got one or two things to attend to. 我也许会迟到,我有一两件事要处理。【归纳比拟】attend to 处理;接待顾客attend on(upon) 照顾,侍侯【稳固运用】1All children be

4、tween the ages of 5 and 16 must_. 所有5至16岁的孩子必须上学。2He has two nurses_. 有两个护士照顾他。3I have an urgent matter _. 我有一件紧急的事要处理。3. But there is no doubt that he deserves the title outstanding player of his generation. 但是毫无疑问,他无愧于一代出色球员这一称号。 deserve vt.值得,应当【用法例如】1These proposals deserve serious consideration

5、. 这些建议值得认真考虑。2The team deserves to win. 这个队该赢。【归纳比拟】deserve to do 值得做,应当做deserve doing = deserve to be done【稳固运用】1They_. 他们应当受到惩罚。2Such good behavior _. 这样好的行为值得表扬。4.Which record do they both hold 他们都保持有哪些记录? hold vt.占有,担任;持有看法;容纳;举行【用法例如】1Most of the senior positions are held by men. 大多数高级职位都由男性担任。

6、2She holds e*treme political views. 她持有极端的政治观点。3The movie theatre holds 500 people. 这家电影院能容纳500人。【归纳比拟】hold out 维持,够用hold up 耽误,推迟hold on 坚持;别忙挂,等一等 hold on to 抓住;执着于;固守【稳固运用】1They didnt know if they would be able to _ until help arrived. 他们不知道自己是否能够坚持到救援到来。2Will the water supply_ through the summer

7、 供水能维持整个夏天吗?3The building work has been_ by bad weather. 由于天气不好,建筑工程被耽误下来了。 高考 The Chinese are proud of the 29tth Olympic Games _in Beijing in2008.(2006 ) A. hold B. holding C. held D. to be held 答案 D. We thought of selling this old furniture, but weve decided to _it. It might be valuable.(2002全国)A.

8、 hold on to B. keep up with C. turn to D. look after 答案A5. So theres less risk of a collision between two players.因此两个球员碰撞的风险性很小。 risk vt. 冒的危险 n.冒险,风险【用法例如】1Are you prepared to risk traveling without an armed guard 你准备冒险不带武装警卫行吗?2Mary risked her life to save her dog from the fire. 玛丽冒着生命危险从火场中救出她的狗

9、。3Anyone traveling without a passport runs the risk of being arrested. 任何不带护照旅行的人都有被逮捕的危险。【归纳比拟】risk doing 冒的危险做take (run) a risk 冒风险run(take) the risk of 冒的危险【稳固运用】1The workers who broke the strike _ when they left the factory. 那些破坏罢工的工人在离开工厂时遭受被攻击的危险。2Youre_ driving so fast. 你车开的这么快是在冒险。 高考 If you

10、r race car isnt insured, you may _losing everything when it hits something solid.A. delay B. deny C. avoid D. risk 答案D He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk _the good opportunity.( 2005) A. to lose b. losing c. to be lost D. being lost 答案B重点短语1. At one point, Chamberlain wa

11、s so much better than all the other players that they changed the rules of the game to try to stop him. 一度,伯伦比其他所有球员都优秀的多,以至于他们改变了比赛规则来试图限制他。at one point 一度,曾经【用法例如】1My friend and I saw a film yesterday and at one point she was moved to tears. 昨天我跟朋友看电影了,其间她一度被感动得落泪。2The message was short and to the

12、 point. 这条消息简短扼要。3I was on the point of leaving when the telephone rang. 我正要走的时候铃响了。4Theres no point in lying; Ill find out anyway. 撒谎没有什么用,无论如何我都会查清楚的。【归纳比拟】to the point 中肯,切题off the point 不切正题be on the point of 正要去做*事e to the point 谈正题Theres no point in doing 做没有意义【稳固运用】1The coach_ when our team s

13、cored two points. 教练正要放弃比赛这时我们的队得了两分。2As I was in a hurry I asked him _ at once. 因为我很忙,我让他马上谈正题。2. He has been brought up and trained in this way. 他是被这种方式教育和培养起来的。bring up 抚养,养大;提出;呕吐【用法例如】1The witness brought up fresh evidence. 证人提出新的证据。2He brought about a quarrel between his parents. 他引起父母之间的争吵。3T

14、he sale of the house brought in about $4500. 卖房子赚了4500美元。4Difficulties can bring out a persons best qualities. 困难能使一个人最好的品质显示出来。【归纳比拟】bring about 引起,导致,造成bring in 引进;赚钱;请来bring out 显示出来,使表现出来【稳固运用】1puters _ in the workplace. 电脑已经给工作场所带来了很多变化。2Why did you have to _ the subject of money 你为什么非要提钱这个话题3E

15、*perts_ to discuss the problem. 专家们已经被请来讨论这个问题。高考 His idea of having family meals together , which seemed difficult at first ,has _many good changes in their life. A. got through B. resulted from C. turned into D. brought about 答案D3. By the time he retired, Wilt held many NBA records. 一直到退役,威尔特还保持多项

16、NBA记录。 hold a record 保持记录【用法例如】1Keep a record of any money you pay out. 把你支出的每一笔钱都做个记录。2He did very well, but he failed to break the record. 他很出色但他没有打破记录。3The singer has made lots of records. 那位歌手已经录了许多唱片。【归纳比拟】keep a record of 把记录下来make records 灌制唱片set a record 创记录break a record 打破记录【稳固运用】1_ how mu

17、ch you spend every day.把你每天花的钱记录下来。2Who _ the high jump谁保持有跳高的世界记录?句型探究1、But theres no doubt that he deserves the title outstanding player of his generation. 但是毫无疑问,他无愧于一代出色球员这称号。 Theres no doubt that 毫无疑问【用法例如】There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something unsatisfying.毫无疑问我们的教育制度令人

18、不满意。There is no question that he is by far the best.毫无疑问,他是最好的。【归纳比拟】There is no chance/opportunity that 没有可能There is no need to do 没有必要做There is no sense/point in doing 做什么没有意义【稳固运用】There is much chance_ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.A. that B. which C. until D. if2、Teacher

19、s at the school were shocked and angry but Webb Elliss schoolmates enjoyed this new game, which they named after the school. 该校的教师大为震怒,但韦布埃利斯的同学都喜欢这种新运动,就用他们的校名作为该运动的名字。which 引导的非限制性定语从句【用法例如】The new er is from Tibet, which I can tell from his appearance. 那位新来的是人,从他长相可以判断出。【归纳比拟】as 和which 都能引导非限制性定语

20、从句,都能代替整个主句或主句中的一局部,有时可互换。但as引导的从句位置灵活,可位于主句之中、之前、之后,而which 引导的从句只能位于主句之后。as有正如,就像的意思。As we know, Bell invented the telephone. 我们都知道贝尔创造了。【稳固运用】A war is so cruel that it always causes great losses, _ has happened in Iraq and other countries.A. what B. which C. as D. one语法精要 词的转化【考点解析】熟练掌握大纲单词的词性、词义、

21、词形,以及一些构词的规律。【稳固运用】(1) I am surprised that a pany with the good_ would produce such poor quality goods.A. enjoyment B. appreciation C. entertainment D. reputation(2) The government is taking _ steps towards dealing with the countrys economic problems arising in the reform and opening-up.A. subjectiv

22、e B. attractive C. respective D. tentative(3) The motorist was _ with e*ceeding the speed limit.A. accused B. charged C. declared D. sentenced(4) Our understanding of human genetics has _ considerably.A. gained B. e*posed C. advanced D. e*perienced例题精析1.Will $ 200_ Im afraid not . we need at least 5

23、0 more dollars.(2004年 )答案D解析do 作不及物动词时的意思是行,适宜。句意为200美元可以吗?2. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found.(2005)A. which B. that C. what D. whether答案B解析在there is no doubt 后常跟that 引起的从句表示毫无疑问。3.When we plan our vacation, mother often offers_ suggestions.(2004全国)A.

24、careful B. practical C. effective D. acceptable答案B解析practical意为实用的。妈妈经常提一些实用的建议。4. Most of what has been said about the Smiths _ also true of the Johnsons. (2006 )A. are B. is C. being D. to be答案B解析most 的单复数由of 后的成分决定, of是主语从句所以主语为单数。5. _ homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest

25、.(2006 )A. So much B. Too much C. Too little D. So little答案A解析so+ 形容词位于句前时,后接倒装句。参考答案【知识导学】重点单词1. (1) attach too much importance (2) is much attached to2. (1) attend school (2) to attend(on) him (3) to attend to3. (1) deserved to be punished (2) deserves to be praised/deserves the praise.4. (1) hold

26、 on (2) hold out (3) held up5. (1) risked being attacked (2) taking a risk重点短语1. (1) was on the point of giving up the game (2) to e to the point2. (1) have brought about many changes. (2) bring up (3) have been brought in3. (1) Keep a record of (2) holds the world record of句型探究1.A2.C语法精要 (1) D(2) D

27、(3) B(4) C Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year知识讲解11. settle1) 定居 After years of travel, we decided to settle here.2) 停留 Clouds have settled over the mountaintop.3) 使处于舒适的位置 He settled himself on the sofa to watch TV.4) (使*人/*物)平静,放松 He had been quite an*ious, and I managed to settle his mind.5) 解

28、决(分歧等), 完毕(争端等) Its time you settled your dispute with him.Settle down 舒适的坐下或躺下,定居I hate travel; I want to get married and settle down.Settle up with sb. 结帐,付清欠帐They settled up with the waiter after the meal.2suit 1) n. 一套衣服 I have ordered a new suit for my wife. 2)v. 尤指服装,颜色等适宜 The colour of the sk

29、irt doesnt suit your ple*ion. 3) n. *活动专用服装 They dived down in special suits to walk on the bed of the sea. 4) v. 对*人方便, 合*人的心愿 The seven oclock train will suit us very well. 5) v. 适宜,有利于 This hot weather doesnt suit me.辨析: suit, fit, match 1) fit 用做动词, 与.相符, 使适合.多指衣物等尺寸大小合身合脚. The shoes fit me well

30、. 用做形容词, 适宜的,称职的 .后接for和动词不定式 He is fit for the job. 2) suit 适合 多指衣服的颜色,款式,质地上适合.符合需要, 口味,性格, 条件,地点等A green dress wont suit her.Which date suits best 3) 使相称, 使相配,使一致 The color of the shirt doesnt match that of the coat. He matches words and deeds. 3elect 1)v. 选举*人,选择或决定 They elected a new president.

31、 She elected to bee a layer. 2) adj.中选而尚未就职的 The president elect 候任总统辨析: Choose, select, elect, pick out, pick1) Choose 通常指在所提供的对象中,经过考虑,凭个人的判断力进展选择,名词 choiceHe chose his words carefully, hoping to avoid a quarrel.2) Select 有目的的,仔细认真的选择,有精选的含义,名词 selectionPlease select a few nice apples for my mothe

32、r.3) Elect 遵照一定的规章,规则来挑选,用投票或举手来选举The chairman was elected by secret ballot.4) pick out 比拟通俗,按个人喜爱或希望进展挑选,多用于有形的东西I want to pick out a tie to wear with my coat.5) pick 相当于choose,比choose更通俗 Please pick a good book for me.4辨析: attend, join, join in, take part in, go in for. 1) attend 出席,参加会议,讲座,婚礼,听报告

33、How many people will attend the meeting2) join 参加*一团体,并成为其中一员,如入党,参军,入团,后接人则表示参加*人的活动 She joined the army last year.Will you join us3) join in 参加比赛或活动,参加竞赛,娱乐,游戏,谈话等具体活动,常用于口语 I first watch the game, then was invited to join in.4) take part in 参加会议或群众性活动,重在说明句子主语参加该项活动, 在活动中发生作用 We will take part in

34、 social activities during the summer vocation.5) go in for 参加*项比赛,考试,还有爱好的意思 Which events is he going in for at the Olympics知识讲解21attract . attraction 名词, 吸引,吸引力,具有吸引力的人或事物 attractive 形容词, 有吸引力的,有迷惑力的Attract vt.吸引 attract sb. to sth. The traffic accident attracted a large crowd. 交通事故吸引了一大批人. What at

35、tracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.这份工作最吸引我的是有时机去旅行.vi.吸引,有吸引力Opposite poles attract. 正负极之间相互吸引.His unusual manners were intended to attract.他异乎寻常的举动目的在于引人注意.2keen1) adj. (1) 热情的,热切的Im not keen to go again.Shes keen that we should go.(2) 灵敏的, 敏锐的Dogs have a keen sense of smell.Keen

36、on sb./sth.热衷于*事物Im not too keen on jazz.Mrs Hill is keen on Toms marrying Susan.2) v. 为死者哀号Keening over her murdered son.知识讲解31in ones opinion ( view ) 据.看来 as far as sb. be concerned 就. 而言In my view, school holidays are too long. 在我看来, 学校的假期太长了.In the doctors opinion, I should be well enough to tr

37、avel by ne*t week. 根据医生的看法,我下周就能恢复安康去旅行了。As far as the host is concerned, that you e to the party is better than anything. 对主人而言,你能来参加聚会是最好不过的了.as far as sth. be concerned 就.而言,用于你想谈论*种特别的事物时As far as traffic is concerned, there are no delays at the moment.就交通而言, 那时没有耽误.Reading PracticeActivity 21.

38、the happiest days of your life 2. be sent to a boarding school 3. sew my name tag into woolen sweaters. 4. be shown to the dormitory where I would sleep with five other innocent boys 5. Im ashamed to admit that I sobbed as I fell asleep that night.6. My first task was to multiply seven by three.7. A

39、 dynamic English teacher inspired me my life-long love of literature.8. school regulations 9. go for a five-kilometre run 10. on freezing cold November days. 11. attend morning assembly every weekday 12. polish shoes 13. to my great disappointment/joy/sorrow/surprise/astonishment/happiness 14. a sen

40、se of liberation Cultural corner1. the American art of cheerleading 2. do gymnastics 3. encourage crowds to cheer their sports teams 4. a cheerleading squad 5. e*ist in America 6. in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries 5. It was not until the 1920s that pompoms began to play an importa

41、nt part in cheerleading.6. the National Cheerleading Championships 7. at most athletic events 8. Many Americans see cheerleading as rather a stupid activity.9. play a very important part Module 3 LiteratureI 单词/ 短语1. appetite n. 食欲,胃口lose ones appetite 食欲不振2. whisper n. in a whisper=in whispers 低声说

42、v. whisper to sb.3. in great e*citement 十分冲动地 in +抽象名词可以做状语,表示伴随状态类似的词组还有:in surprise, in peace, in silence, in despair, in anger4. hang 1)吊着,悬挂hung,hung 2)吊死,绞死hanged,hanged5. reward n. 报酬,奖金 Its a reward for virtue. 那是对美德的回报。 v. 犒劳,奖赏 How can I reward your kindness 我如何犒劳你的好意呢?6. scream v.&n. 高声喊叫,

43、尖叫 scream with laughter 高声大笑7. rough adj. 1) 粗糙的,不平滑的 2不确切的,大致的a rough drawing 一个草图 3粗暴的,粗野的 4犯罪盛行的,充满暴力的,危险的 5汹涌的,风浪很大的 6困难的,讨厌的,令人不快的have a rough time 困难重重 7味道差的,刺耳的,令人难受的 A rough wine/ voice8. be fond of 喜欢9. repay v. 归还,报答,报复 repay a call 回 repay kindness with kindness 以恩报恩10. distribute v. 分发,分

44、配,散步,分布,分类,分区 distribute books to students distribute grass seed 播散草种11. attain v. 到达,获得 attain ones goal 到达目的 attain the top of a mountain 到达山顶12. concern n. 关心,担忧 (about/for/over), (that) Its no concern of mine. 这事与我无关。 v. 影响,涉及;与有关 be concerned with; 让*人担忧 concerned adj. 1)担忧的,担忧的 be concerned ab

45、out/ for sth. , bethat 2)感兴趣的,关注的,关切的 be concerned about/with sth concerning prep. 关于,涉及 He asked several questions concerning the future of the pany.12. accumulate v. 积聚,积累 His debts accumulates 他债台高筑13. acplish vt. 完成,到达,实现 acplish ones mission 完成使命feed vt 1)喂养,饲养,放牧2)供应.东西吃 Feed cows _grass. Feed

46、 grass _cows.vi. 吃东西Cows feed on grass.乳牛以草为食他得抚养五个小孩子He has to raise five children.servevi/vt 1)为.效劳, 接待顾客 serve the people2)服役,供职 He serves in the navy.3)适合,可做,适于 This bo* will serve as a seat.4)开饭,上菜,斟酒 Dinner is served. 饭已经准备好了。as的用法:1)引导时间状语从句 He noticed someone nodding to him as he got off the

47、 bus. 2)引导方式状语从句 He told them to watch carefully and do as he did.3)引导让步状语从句 Old as he is,he works as energetically as young people. 4)引导定语从句 As is announced in todays paper, he is to visit China ne*t Monday.be eager for 渴望*事 He is eager for success.be eager to do 渴望做*事 She is eager to meet her chil

48、d.be eager +从句 Im eager that they should win.be wild with hunger 由于饥饿而发狂他气的脸煞白 He turned white with anger.no sooner.than=hardly.when 一.就,刚.就,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时no sooner或hardly 位于句首时,要用倒装语序。他刚到就又走了No sooner had he arrived than he went away again .escape n. 逃, 逃亡, 溢出设备, 出口v 1)(常与from连用) 逃走, 漏出, 防止危险或不愉

49、快的事情 escape from death 九死一生2)疏忽, 忽略Nothing escaped his attention.3)引申为没记住 不自觉地发出I m afraid your name escapes me.intend1) 打算做*事+doing / to do 2) +从句I intend that he (should) do it at once .3) intend sb to do 想让*人做*事My fathaer intended me to bee a doctor 4) 希望*人干什么He intended his son for a doctore*per

50、ience n.1) 经历(不可数)I have no e*perience in teaching 2) 经历(可数)He told us a lot of e*periences in Africav. 体验 e*perience nature Module 41.difference: n 差异,不同different between and. different in.There be (s) between A and Bmake a/ no/ some/ any/ much 有无关系different: adj 不同的be from.be in.differ:vi from2.in

51、strument: n 乐器;精细仪器,工具比拟:tool 工具、用具、手段3.play: v 玩游戏 with sb/sth football/chess 玩弄 a tride/ joke on/upon sb 演奏,弹奏 the flute 扮演 a part in 播放 a new CD4.rhythmic: adj 有节奏的,节奏清楚的rhythm: n 节奏、韵律the of ones heart-beatrhyme:n 押韵5.make up: 编造;组成;弥补;打扮;和解 高考05 everybody in the village likes Jack bacause he is

52、 good at telling and _jokes.A.turning up B.putting up C. making up D. showing up6. sophisticated:adj 复杂的plicated 高级的advanced 精通的e*pert7. no longer: 不再指时间不再延续,在句中作状语。1)、位于实义动词前助动词或be动词之后,可用notany longer 替换2)、位于句首时倒装区别: no more: 1)、不再指数量不再增加在句中作主、宾、状、定语时常置于句尾。2)、不再存在,死了,作表语 He is no more.3)、也不 You did

53、nt e, no more did he.8. consist of: 包含,包括,由.组成不用被动语态及进展时态 be made up of / be posed of9. technique: n 技艺,技巧,技能,手法 unique 精湛的技艺technology:n 技术,科技,工艺总称technical: adj 技术的,技能的technician: n 技师,技术员technologist: 技术专家,工艺师10. side by side 并排,并肩地from side to side 从一边到另一边from all sides/from every side 从四面八方on o

54、nes side 站在*人一边on the other side of the .的另一边take sides 说明立场n + prep + n: arm in arm hand in hand face to face shoulder to shoulder year by year year after year failure after failure bus after bus one by one step by step11. e*periment with: 用方式进展实验e*periment on the在.上做实验e*periment in the.在.方面做实验12.

55、approach: n 接近,方法,手段a new to language teaching The of the e*amination made some students nervous. V:1). (时间,空间,水平,数量或质量上)靠近,接近,临近 2. 对付,处理 高考06At the meeting they discussed the different _ to the study of mathematics.A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways (A)13. the moment 名词起连词作用,引导时间状语从句。 类似短语有

56、: the first time / the last time / the ne*t time/ the minute /the second / by the time高考06 The moment the 28th olmpic Games _open,the whole would cheered .A.decleared B.have been decleared C.have decleard D.were decleared14.indedine:在下降,在衰退中 deline: n/v 衰退, 下降,减少,婉拒 on the 在衰退,在削减 fall / go into a 衰

57、败,下降 区别:deline 常指影响力的降低,记忆力的衰退,身体的衰弱等 decrease 指速度,体积,数量,价值等的减少,缩短,变小 reduce 指物体在大小外观的减少,降低也常指价格的降低15.base: n 根底,基地,根据地有形而具体 V 把.建立在.以.为依据 at the of 在.底部 base . on/upon. be based on 以为根底eg: We should find out adequate grouds on which to base our theory. base sb in/ at sp 把*人安置在*地工作,活动 basis: 根底无形而抽象on the of us 以为根底 form the of 构成.主要成分;打下.根底16.influence:v 影响,对.起作用 n 影响,作用 have an on / upon sb have an effect on/upon 比拟:effcet / influence17.emerge:v 出现,露出= appear 显露,暴露= be known 幸存下来,摆脱出来=survive n: em

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