PEP小学英语四年级下册第四单元Unit 4 It’s warm today教案设计

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1、Grade 4 Unit 4 Its warm today 一、教学内容:第一课时:Main Scene A.Lets learn Lets play C.Lets sing二、教学目标:1.认知目标(1)能听、说、认读单词cold, cool, warm, hot, weather。(2)能听懂会说句子Its warm/cold/cool/in Beijing/(3) 学唱歌曲“Thunder”。2.能力目标:能在情景中运用句型This is the weather report. Its . in .作天气预报。3.情感目标(1)注意观察天气变化,了解世界各重要城市的天气情况。 (2)培养

2、学生热爱大自然的精神,增强学生的环保意识。三、教学重难点:1.重点:新单词的听、说、认读;掌握句型Its warm/cold/cool in。2.难点:运用新学的单词和句型模拟天气预报。四、教学准备:1.教学方法:情景教学法、游戏教学法 、交际教学法。2.教具:本课时的单词卡片;中国地图;天气预报解说磁带;城市卡片,天气卡片;录音机和本课时的磁带。五、教学过程:Step Leadingin1.Sing a song :My clothes2.Game:Guessing game.(猜衣服的颜色)T:What colour is the sweater ?S1:Blue.S2:Red./3.Fr

3、ee talk:T:Hello,boys and girls.S:Hello,Miss Liu.T:Look, I like a dress. What about you?S:I like a skirt.Step Pre-task1.向学生展示一张中国地图,并在地图上标出哈尔滨、北京、拉萨、香港四个城市的标志性建筑,然后播放一段英文解说的天气预报,待学生听完后,教师说:This is a weather report.并呈现单词卡领读weather report。2.让学生根据刚才播放的天气预报猜猜哈尔滨、北京、拉萨、香港的天气。(1)T: Look, this is Harbin. Wh

4、ats the weather like in Harbin?S: Its cold.T: Its cold in Harbin.(教师呈现cold单词卡并领读cold, cold, c-o-l-d)(2)T: Look, this is Beijing. Whats the weather like in Beijing?S: Its warm.T: Its warm in Harbin.(教师呈现warm单词卡并领读warm, warm, w-a-r-m)(3) T: Look, this is Lhasa. Whats the weather like in Lhasa?S: Its c

5、ool.T: Its cool in Lhasa.(教师呈现cool单词卡并领读cool, cool, c-o-o-l)4) T: Look, this is Hong Kong. Whats the weather like in Hong Kong?S: Its hot.T: Its hot in Hong Kong.(教师呈现hot单词卡并领读hot, hot, h-o-t)Step While-task1.Listen to the tape and read.2.Read the text in a groups of four.3.Check some groups.4.Game:

6、 Find friends学生A手中拿着城市名称卡片,学生B手中拿着天气卡片,学生A随意拿出一张卡片并说:“Its Guangzhou.” 学生B根据学生A拿的城市的天气状况拿出相应的天气卡片说:“Its ”.然后两人一起说:“Its in”并击掌“We are good friends.”Step Post-task1.教师拿出小棒扮演天气预报员,再让学生上台模仿老师扮演天气预报员。T:Im a weather reporter.Good morning. This is the weather report. Its cool in Lhasa. Its hot in Hong Kong.

7、 Its warm in Beijing. Its cold in Harbin.2.Sing the song “Thunder” (听录音,学生跟唱)3、Do some exercises.(同步练习)A.考考你的听力棒不棒,下面是一则weather report,请把有关的图用线连起来。B.动脑筋想一想,在以下的天气里,他们应该穿什么衣服呢?请用线把天气和衣物连起来。C.请找出与图相应的句子,并把其编号写在图下的括号里。1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )A. Its cool today. Put on your sweater.B. Its warm today.

8、Take off your jacket.C. Put on your coat. Its cold today.D. Its hot. Put on your T-shirt.Step Assessment1.Read the new words and the sentences.(引导学生总结本课内容)2.进行小组评价和自我评价。3.教育学生在生活中要热爱大自然,保护环境。StepHomework1.Listen and read.2.要求学生记录一周的天气情况,并用英语向全班同学介绍。六、板书设计:Unit 4 Its warm today.A Lets learn评价图Word ca

9、rds: cold cool warm hotThis is the weather report.Its cool in Lhasa.Grade 4 Unit 4 Its warm today 一、教学内容:第二课时:Main Scene A.Lets talk Lets chant C.Good to know二、教学目标:1.认知目标(1)能听懂、会说“Can I wear my ?”并能在适当情景中运用。(2)在对话中复习并巩固描述天气的词:cold,warm,cool,hot。(3)掌握词汇wear,can,cant。(4)了解华氏的区别。2.能力目标(1)能听懂、会说Can I w

10、ear my ? Yes, you can./No, you cant.并能在适当情景中运用。 (2)能听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如: Its warm today. Take off your jacket. 3.情感目标: 了解衣服的穿着与天气情况的关系,懂得什么样的天气应该穿什么衣服,知道怎样用恰当的方式来征求别人的意见。 三、教学重难点:1.重点:掌握词汇 wear, can, cant.2.难点:理解并灵活运用句型 Can I wear my new shirt? Yes, you can. /No, you cant. Its cold today.四、教学准备:1.教学

11、方法:合作学习教学法,情景教学法,游戏教学法,交际教学法2.教具: warm, hot, cool和cold的词卡;天气图片和衣服图片;本课时录音磁带。五、教学过程:StepLeadingin1.Lets chant(Unit 3 B lets chant.)2.Review the words: weather, warm, hot, cool, cold.3.Free talk:T:Hello!How are you? S: Im fine. Thank you.T: What day is it today?S: Its Tuesday.T: Whats the weather like

12、 today?S: Its hot today.图片出示上节课所学城市天气情况。 T: Look, where is it?S: Beijing.T: Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its warm .(同样的方法复习其他地方天气)Step Pre-task1.图片出示晴朗天气情景图(或根据实际天气情况问)。T: Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its warm. T: Can I wear my new shirt? (拿出一件衬衫,并做穿衣服的动作) Ss: Yes. 教师补充Yes, you can. 板书新句型

13、:Can I wear my new shirt? Yes, you can.并操练。 2.图片出示下雪天气情景图。T: Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its cold. T: Can I wear my new shirt?(拿出衬衫,并做穿衣服的动作) Ss: No. 教师补充No, you cant. Its cold today. 板书新句型:No, you cant. Its cold today.并操练StepWhile-task1.Listen to the tape and read.2.Read the text in the whole

14、 class.3.Read the text in a groups of four.4.Practice.出示天气图片和衣服图片,学生问答:S1: Whats the weather like today?S2: Its coolhotcoldwarm today.S1: Can I wear my new shirt/pants/dress/?S2: Yes, you can. / No, you cant.Step Posttask1.活学活用:Today we are going to the park, now I want to know which clothes I can w

15、ear.A:Its Can I wear my?B:Yes, you can. / No, you cant2.播放Lets chant部分的录音带领学生边做动作边跟节奏说唱歌谣。3. Do some exercise.(同步练习)A.单项选择题。( )1、_the weather like today?A. Whats B. Where C. Hows( ) 2、-_are the desks?-In the classroom.A. How B. Where C. What( ) 3、-Can I wear my new socks today?- _A. Yes, you cant B.

16、 No, you can. C. No, you cantB.根据下列答句选择正确的问句,并抄写在横线上。A. Can I wear my new skirt? B. Whose shirt is this? C. Is it sunny in Hong Kong? D. Where are my shoes?1. A:_B: No, its cool. 2. A:_B: No, you cant. Its cold.3. A:_B: They are under the chair. 4. A:_B: Its your brothers.StepAssessment1.Read the ne

17、w words and the sentences.(引导学生总结本课内容)2.进行小组评价和自我评价。3.教育学生注意观察天气变化,懂得科学合理地选择舒适的着装。Step Homework1.Listen and read.2.向爸爸妈妈描述当天的天气状况和相应的着装。六、板书设计:评价图Unit 4 Its warm today.A Lets talkCan I wear my new shirt?Yes, you can. No, you cant.Grade 4 Unit 4 Its warm today 一、教学内容:第三课时:Main Scene A. Read and write

18、二、教学目标:1认知目标(1)掌握并拼写单词:jeans,pants,socks,shoes。(2)应用并书写句型:Its warm today. Lets play football.2能力目标.:能掌握单词,在情境中应用句型 Where are my shoes ? They are on your feet.三、教学重难点:1单词:jeans、pants、socks、shoes。并理解Read and write的内容。2句型:Its warm today. Lets play football.的正确使用和拼写。3难点:They are on your feet.四、教学准备:1.教学

19、方法:情景教学法、游戏教学法 。2.教具:本课时的单词卡片、挂图;录音机和本课时的磁带。五、教学过程:Step Warm up and Revision1.Lets chant .2.Review A:Its . Can I wear my . B: Yes, you can. No ,you cant.3.Free talk:T: Hello , boys and girls.S: Hello , Miss Xu .T: Its warm today. Can I wear my new shirt?Ss: Yes , you can .4、Ss Pair work Step Pre-tas

20、k1.教师在黑板上画一个football .T提问What this ? Ss 回答Its a ball . T :Yes , Its a football.领读单词football.T: Its warm today. Lets play football.(加上身体动作)Ss: OK! Lets play football. ( 引导学生回答并把句型贴出来 )2、教师引入:Its warm today .Zoom and Johnny want to play football .But Zoom cant find his shoes.Lets listen to the tape th

21、en answer the question. Where are his shoes?听完录音后,提问学生 Where are Zooms shoes?(贴出挂图,引导学生回答)They are on Johnnys feet.(并让学生猜句子的意思)教师让学生看图说出所见的东西 What can you see in the picture?当学生说出了所见物品,教师就把图片贴出并领读。Jeans, pants, socks, shoes(音标教学)jeans, jeans, j-e-a-n-s, jeans (以此类推)Step While-task1.Listen to the tap

22、e and read.2.Read the text in a group of four.3.Check some groups.4.Game: Guessing words教师把图片快速在学生眼前飞过,让学生猜出其单词并朗读。让学生打开课本,先听一遍录音,教师带读。Step Post-task1.让学生拿出本子抄写单词和句型,(教师提示学生句子开头第一个字母要大写,单词间距,标点。巡视指正)2.Sing the song “Thunder” (听录音,学生跟唱)3.Do some exercises.(同步练习)A.考考你的听力棒不棒,把给出的单词标上正确的序号。 socks shoes

23、pants jeans ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )B.根据给出的单词,排列句子。(1) play , lets , football.(2) warm , today ,its.(3) feet , are , they , on , my .Step Assessment1.Read the new words and the sentences.(引导学生总结本课内容)2.进行小组评价和自我评价。StepHomework1.Listen and read.2.Copy the sentences六、板书设计:评价图Unit 4Its warm today.A Read and writ

24、eIts warm today. Lets play football. Grade 4 Unit 4 Its warm today一、教学内容:第四课时:Main Scene B.Lets learn Lets do C.Lets find out二、教学目标:1认知目标(1)能听、说、认读单词windy, sunny ,cloudy , rainy, snowy.(2)能听懂会说句子Heres the world weather .Its rainy in London . (3)听懂指示语,并按要求作出相应的动作。如:Its rainy. Open up your umbrella2.能

25、力目标:能在情景中运用句型Heres the world weather . Its . in .作天气预报。3.情感目标(1)注意观察天气变化,了解世界各重要城市的天气情况。 (2)培养学生热爱大自然的精神,增强学生的环保意识。三、教学重难点:1.重点:新单词的听、说、认读;掌握句型Its sunny ,cloudy ,windy, rainy, snowy in。2.难点:运用新学的单词和句型模拟天气预报。四、教学准备:1.教学方法:情景教学法、游戏教学法 、交际教学法。2.教具:本课时的单词卡片;世界地图;天气预报解说磁带;城市卡片,天气卡片;录音机和本课时的磁带。五、教学过程:Step

26、 Leadingin1.Sing a song : Thunder2.Lets chant3.Free talk:T:Whats the weather like in Beijing(Harbin/ Hong Kong/ Lhasa)?S:Its warm(cold / hot / cool).StepPre-task1.播放Lets do部分的动画,学生观看完一遍后,教师将图中五个画面同时展现在屏幕上,教师播放录音,请学生选出相应的画面。学生指出图后,教师适时出示单词卡: windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy学生认读。2.让学生根据刚才播放的天气预报猜猜世界

27、各地的天气。(1)T: Look, this is Moscow. Whats the weather like in Moscow?S: Its windy.T: Its windy in Moscow.(教师呈现windy单词卡并领读windy, windy, w-i-n-d-y)(2)T: Look, this is Beijing. Whats the weather like in Beijing?S: Its sunny.T: Its sunny. in Beijing(教师呈现sunny单词卡并领读sunny , sunny , s-u-n-n-y)(3) T: Look, th

28、is is London. Whats the weather like in London?S: Its cloudy.T: Its cloudy in London.(教师呈现cloudy单词卡并领读cloudy , cloudy , c-l-o-u-d-y)(4) T: Look, this is Sydney. Whats the weather like in Sydney?S: Its rainy.T: Its rainy in Sydney(教师呈现rainy单词卡并领读rainy , rainy , r-a-i-n-y)(5)T: Look, this is Singapore

29、. Whats the weather like in Singapore?S: Its snowy.T: Its snowy in Singapore.Step While-task1.Listen to the tape and read.2.Read the text in a group of four.3.Check some groups.4.Lets find outT:I like to watch TV on snowy days. What do you like to do on snowy day?(rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy)S:I lik

30、e to on day.(目的:巩固天气形容词,复习所学动词短语)学生根据自己的实际情况完成表格。然后小组汇报:I like to on day。看看谁的反应快。如:将全班分为若干小组,每次比赛各组出一名代表。教师说城市(In ),学生说出相应的天气形容词(Its )。哪个学生先说出来可为本组赢得一分,若干轮比赛后,评出先进组,教师应进行适当奖励。Step Post-task1.教师扮演天气预报员,再让学生上台模仿老师扮演天气预报员。T:Im a weather reporter. Good morning. Heres the world weather. Its windy in Mosc

31、ow. Its sunny in Beijing. Its cloudy in London. Its rainy in Sydney. Its snowy in Singapore.2.Lets do (1)听录音,教师指导学生做相应的动作。(2)教师打乱顺序发指令,学生做出相应动作。(3)同桌或小组合作做此游戏。 3.Do some exercises.(同步练习)A.Lets draw and say 全班分成四组,每一组一名代表,教师报天气单词,学生代表画出相应的图标,并读出,又对又快的小组为胜。 B.Look and say 教师出示天气图标与城市名称,学生大声读出,然后说一句话,如

32、:Its rainy in London.Step Assessment1.Read the new words and the sentences.(引导学生总结本课内容)2.进行小组评价和自我评价。3.教育学生在生活中要热爱大自然,保护环境。StepHomework1.Listen and read.2.学唱歌谣和歌曲。3.做一周天气预报记录。六、板书设计:评价图Unit 4Its warm today.B.Lets learnWord cards: windy,sunny,cloudy,rainy,snowyHeres the world weather. Its sunny in Be

33、ijing.Grade 4 Unit 4 Its warm today一.教学内容:第五课时: Main Scene B Lets talk Lets check 二.教学目标:1.认知目标(1)能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its rainy .How about New York? 等。(2)能分角色朗读对话。2.能力目标:了解世界几个主要城市的天气特点。3.情感目标:(1)增强学习的愿望,积极参与实践活动。(2)注意观察天气变化,了解世界各主要城市的天气情况。三.教学重难点:1.重点:Whats the weathe

34、r like in Beijing? How about New York?2.难点:如何询问天气状况。have to 的含义及其运用。What are you doing ? 和What is the matter?的表达。四、教学准备:1.教学方法:情景教学法、交际教学法。2.教具:本课时的单词卡片、中国地图、天气预报解说磁带、录音机。五、教学过程:Step Leading-in1.Sing a song:What time is it?2.Game: Guessing game. (猜时间)T: What time is it now ?S1: Its seven oclock .S2:

35、 Its eight oclock.3.Free talk T: Hello, Li MingS: Hello, Miss WuT: Its warm today. Lets play football.S: Great!Step Pretask1教师指着地图问:Whats the weather like in Hong Kong today?看了天气预报的学生可能会做出回答。生生互问“What is the weather in Harbin? How about London?” 根据学生的回答情况教师导入新课。2教师指导学生说:“What is the weather like in

36、Beijing?”然后学生分小组根据自己收听的天气预报记录进行问答活动。然后选出男/女同学扮演天气预报解说员向全班同学报告各城市的天气。“Heres the world weather. Its rainy in Beijing.教师问:“How about New York?”教师进行讲解并板书重点句型。StepWhile -task1.Listen to the tape .2.Read after the tape.3.Follow the teacher.4.Read together.5.PractiseT:Whats the weather like in Beijing ?S:I

37、ts rainy. T:How about New York? S:Its sunny. “ What are you doing?” “Not much”. 教师领读,解释意思。机械性问答操练(接力问答)Whats the matter? I have to close the window.的含义。教师启发学生根据Oh,no!My pictures!说说Whats the matter?的意思;根据Its windy now. 说说have to 的含义. (如果学生始终不能正确理解语句的含义,教师进行讲解。)告诉学生have to是表达由于客观原因不得不要做的事并举例:Its rainy

38、. I have to stay at home. Its rainy. I have to put on my raincoat .然后让学生用I have to说说自己生活中不得不做的事。学生跟录音读对话,注意课文中首次出现语言的语音语调,注意准确模仿。学生两人一组分角色读对话,教师及时进行评价。教师再模仿天气预报员预报天气,学生模仿编对话。A:Whats the weather like in ?B:Its How about?A:Its Step Posttask1.Lets check教师播放三次录音:第一遍让学生先听录音,第二遍勾出与录音内容相符的一项,第三遍检查。录音内容如下:I

39、n Beijing its sunny and warm. I go out and fly a kite.In Harbin it is cold, its snowy. I read a story.It is hot in Shenzhen. I go swimming.In Macao it is rainy. I watch TV in my room.2.Do some exercises.(同步练习)A.将下列天气与相应的活动连线。1Its rainy. A.I can wear my new Tshirt.2. Its cloudy. B.I can make a snowma

40、n.3. Its windy. C.I read books in the library.4.Its snowy . D.I can fly a kite.5.Its sunny. E.I put on my raincoat.B.单项选择。( )1.-Whose are these shoes? -They are_. A.Toms B.Toms C.she brothers( )2.Its 9:00. Its _ music class. A.on C.for( )3.-What are these ? -They are _.A.shirt C.dress(

41、)4.Here is _world weather. A.the C.aStep Assessment1.Read the new words and the sentences.(引导学生总结本课内容)2.进行小组评价和自我评价。3.教育学生在生活中要热爱大自然,保护环境。StepHomework1.Listen and read .2.给同学、朋友打电话,询问天气情况和该穿的衣服。六、板书设计: Unit 4 Its warm today 评 价 表B.Lets talk Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its rainy today. Ho

42、w about New York? Its sunny. Grade4 Unit4 Its warm today复备人:一、教学内容:第六课时:Main Scene B.Read and write C.Task time pronunciation二、教学目标:1.认知目标: (1)能够进行单词 sunny, warm, cold, snowy 的熟练拼写。(2)能用本单元语言完成 Task time。 (3)能够了解元音字母 o 的发音规律2.能力目标:能够规范书写Its cool . Is it cold?3.情感目标: 能够运用本单元所学的语言知识完成一些相应的任务型活动,培养学生的合

43、作精神和创新意识。 三、教学重难点:1.重点: 听说读写四个单词和两个句子。 2.难点:Is it? 的回答;理解巨型山脉不同位置的气候差异。四、教学准备:1.教学方法:情景教学法、游戏教学法、交际教学法。2.教具:本课时的单词卡片;天气卡片;录音机和本课时的磁带。五、教学过程:StepLeadingin1. Lets sing a song: Thunder2. Free talk: T: What is the weather like today? Ss: Its sunny today. T: How about .? Ss: Its .Step Pre-task1.请学生打开书 P5

44、2 Task time,看记录回答教师问题: T:Whats the weather like in Beijing?(或者:How is the weather in Beijing?) Whats the weather like in Shanghai?(Or: How is the weather in Shanghai?) 然后请 4 位学生分别提问 Harbin,Lhasa,Urumqi,Hong Kong 的天气,大家回答。 2. 请学生继续看记录,教师提问:Is it warm in Beijing? Is it snowy in Harbin? Is it cool in S

45、hanghai? Is it windy in Lhasa? Is it cold in Urumqi?Is it hot in Hong Kong?引导学生根据记录用 Yes, it is. 或 No, it isnt. No, its not. 2. 请学生用 Is it?分别猜一猜 London,Sydney,Singapore, Moscow 的天气,教师根据天气预报情况用 Yes, it is. 或 No, it isnt. 回答学生的提问。 3. 请学生朗读 P51 对话后的句子:Is it cold?并说出意思。 4. 教师分别把 Its 和 Is it. 并排写在黑板上, 并且

46、把单词卡片: sunny,warm,cold,snowy,cool,cold, cloudy, hot, rainy, windy 贴到黑板上。 教师说句子:Its sunny and warm. Its cold and snowy. Its cool. Is it cold? Is it windy? Is it cloudy? Is it rainy? 学生根据听到的句子分别将单词卡放到 Its .或 Is it ?后。5. General reading. 出示本课挂图,教师指着图问:(1)How many animals are there? (2)Who are they? 6.

47、Detailed reading(细读) 教师先提出问题:(1) Hello, Mr dog!Whats the weather like there? (2) Hello, Mr monkey! Whats the weather like there? (3) Hello, Zoom! Whats the weather like there? 让学生再读对话,找出问题的答案,更深层次的理解对话。 7. 接上一环节,边读边板书本课的四会单词和句子,师在板书的同时学生要手、口、眼、脑并用,即边拼读边 模仿,适当讲解书写规则。 (1)句子打头单词的第一个字母要大写; (2)句子末尾要加标点,特

48、别指出的是英语中的句号为实心点, 汉语中的句号是空心小圈。 (3)句子当中的单词间距为一个字母宽。 (4)学生练习书写四会单词和句子。 Step While-task1.Listen to the tape and read.2.Read the text in a group of four.3.角色朗读对话Step Post-task1.计旅游路线在现实生活中,如果假期将至,学生如何设计一个合理、安全而愉快的旅游路线呢?注意事项: 1.Whats the weather like there? 2.What can you take? 3.What can you wear? 让学生尽情地

49、说。2、Do some exercises.(同步练习)A考考你的听力棒不棒,选择听到词。( )1.A.warm B.what C.where )2.A.cold C.can D.colur( )3.A.jeans B.pants D.socks( )4.A.rainy B.windy C.cloudy D.sunny ( ) C.white D.greenB.选择正确的单词( )1.This is the _report.A.P.E )2._ahout New Yourk?A

50、.Whats B.How C.Where( )3.What is the weather like_Beijing?A.on C.IN( )4.Is it hot today?A.Yes,it isnt. BNo,it is. C.Yes, it is.( )5.It B.Aam C.areStep Assessment1、Read the new words and the sentences.(引导学生总结这节课的内容)2、进行小组评价和自我评价。3、教育学生在生活中要热爱大自然,保护环境。StepHomework1.Listen and read.2.Copy the sentences.六、板书设计:Unit 4Its warm today. 评 价 表B Read and writeWord cards: sunny warm cold snowy Itscold.Is it cold?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.

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