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1、元旦文艺演出中英文主持词元旦文艺演出中英文主持词_节庆串词_演讲致辞元旦文艺演出中英文主持词女 1:金鸡高鸣,啼破骄阳,吐故纳新 ; the rooster is singing loudly, which means itto get rid of the stale and take in the fresh.男 1: 戌狗奔来,鼎故辞旧,万象更新。the dog is running , which meanseverything will look fresh and gay in the year of dog.男 2: s a year满天的雪花,是飞舞的音符,以欢乐谱成乐章,用祝

2、福奏出期盼,带给你,欢欣鼓舞的一年! the snowflakes in the skyare like the dancing notes which compose a happymovement and predicts a wonderful and encouraging newyear for all of us .女 2:让我们一起静静地等待:未来、希望和光明就要敲响春天的钟? so let s waituietlyq for thespring bell from the future, the hope and the brightness.男1: 台历翻去最后一页, 200

3、5 年即将成为历史。 回首时光年轮上又一度春秋寒暑,我们不禁感慨万千。turning over thelast page of the calender, the year 2005 will become thehistory . looking back to the past year, we are full of allsorts of feelings well up in our minds.女 2:刚刚迈越的个昼夜,彷佛是个台阶,横亘在未及尘封的历史上。thepast 365 days and nights seem like 365 steps which havebeen

4、recorded in the history .男 2:汗水,曾浇开多少成功的花 ;努力,曾换来多少喜悦的笑,回首走过的路,欣慰洋溢在你我心头。our efforts have come up with greatachievements and a lot of happy smiles. looking back, weare all gratified . 1/7页女 1: 春已归来,让我们打开蜂箱吧,那里有储存了一冬的甜蜜。今天,就让我们乘着歌声的翅膀,向着明天飞翔spring has been back. let s open thebee box where there s so

5、 much honey stored over thewinter. so today, let s fly towardsthefuture with the melodyof the songs.男 2: 华东师大一附初中2006年辞旧迎新元旦文艺演出现在开始。the new year s day celebration by no.1 junior middle school affiliated to east china normal university , now begins ! 男 :岁末岁首,正是祝福的时候, it s the best time to give regar

6、ds at the beginn ing and ending of the year. 女 :过去的一年,我们有欢乐也有遗憾,而此时此刻, 就让我们虔诚地祝福, we had both happinessand regret in the past year. now , lets sincerely男 :bless为我们华初祝福,为新年祝福,为未来祝福。bless ourhuachu, bless the new year and our future女 :请听,校合唱队为我们带来的精彩节目,合唱东方之珠太阳熟透的苹果指挥李红老师, 钢琴伴奏陈欣如、 张乐东。 well,let s enj

7、oy the wonderful programs by our school choir.master: ms. 李红 piano accompanist:陈欣如、张乐东女 :新春将至,我们祝愿我们伟大的祖国更加繁荣昌盛,thenew spring is round the corner. we wish our greatmotherland prosperity day by day男 :祝愿我们的华初涌现出更多的才俊,创造更多的佳绩,we wish our huachu willbring up more talents and create more achievements女 :祝

8、愿在座的嘉宾、老师、同学快乐幸福2/7页we wish allthe distinguished guests, teachers, schoolmates presenthappiness!男:华初藏龙卧虎, 人才济济, 男生相声说得好,女生贯口也出彩,请听包世烨同学为我们表演的贯口:报书名indeed, huachu is full of talents. some boy studentsare good at peforming cross talks and girls as well. so letinvite包世烨 to give us a the performance.男:华

9、初的教师才气逼人,讲台上他们各领风骚,生活中他们关爱学生,那么舞台上的他们呢,一样燃烧着激情, 一样拥有着时尚的韵律美。请欣赏教师舞蹈队给我们带来的韵律舞:燃烧的激情it is known that the teachers in huachu are gifted with talent far beyond the average persons in class. then what about their performances on the stage ? next, shall we enjoy therhyming dance by our teachers dancing g

10、roup女? :进入华初,热爱华初,华初是我们梦想的起点,华初为我们展示才华搭建着舞台,华初管乐队培养了一批又一批出色的管乐人才。请听管乐队三位优秀的号手白奕忻、朱诗云、何雄飞精心准备的节目 :小号三重奏号手的假日 。 studying in huachu has become the beginning of our dream and we love her very much because she provides us a good opportunity to demonstrate ourselves. for example, the orchestra has produce

11、d plenty of outstanding students. ok, shall we share the trumpet trio elaborately prepared by白奕忻、朱诗云、何雄飞? 男 :如果说往年我们的联欢会节目难忘,那么,我们的每一台节目最亮彩的,一定是我校共建单位 91962 部队的解放军叔叔阿姨为我们带来的节目,今天他们又带来了两首歌曲, 让我们掌声欢迎。 dear friends, do you still remember the programs by the soldiers from plaunit 91962 at the previous g

12、et-together ? today, they are going to sing us another 2 songs .i suggest giving them our warmest applause. 女 :一代又一代的革命者和建设者的努力,打造了我们今天富饶的中国,我们幸运,因为我们生长在这个古老而又永远年轻的国度; we are lucky because weare living in an age-old but young and prosperous nationthrough the revolutionists and builders struggle and

13、effortsgeneration after generation.男:我们骄傲,因为我们有一个伟大的祖国,新年到了,我们最想说的话就是,3/7页we areproud because we have a great motherland. as the newyear arrives, we want to say:合 :祖国,我为您祝福,祖国,我为您喝彩china, i shall give my best regards to you;china, i shall give my cheers for you男:大家都知道 2008 年我们将迎来奥运会,而2010 年的世界博览会也将欢

14、迎来自全球的朋友们,刚才有人告诉我,甚至连外星人也想来上海世博会上走一走,看一看 ,您瞧,正说着,他们就来了 ? as youknow, the olympic games will be held in 200 and friendsfrom all over the world will visit the shanghai world expo.just now someone told me that even the aliens will bepresent . you see, they re coming?男:刚才初二 4 班同学表演的外语小品外星人上海世博会之行荣获上海迎世博

15、“忘不了杯”首届中学生英语情景剧创作及表演大赛表演二等奖,创作三等奖。今天我们欣赏的是其中几个片段。英语小品登上我们的元旦舞台还是第一次,让我们再次用掌声鼓励他们。the en glish short play called aliens visit to theshanghai world expo was performed by class 4, grade 2 . and the play won the second prize in shanghai middle school student english short play performance competitionin

16、 honour of world expo .we ve just enjoyedafew episodesof it. i suggest we give our warmest applause once moreas it s the first time for us to watch the english play atthenewyear s day get-together.女 :世博会迎来世人瞩目,作为上海的中学生, 我们要脚踏实地, 刻苦努力,多学本领,等到上海世博会召开之时,我们将尽我们的绵薄之力,为世博添彩。 the world expo attracts worldw

17、ide attention. so i think ,as middle school students, we should work hard tocontribute ourselves to the world expo.男 :是的,我们是幸福的一代,我们生活在灿烂的阳光下; it s true that we are ageneration full of happiness ;女:是的,我们是富有活力的一代,我们生活在灿烂的阳光下; it s true that we are ageneration full of vigour.男 :我们拥有激情,我们拥有梦想 ;we are e

18、nthusiastic; we have dreams; 4/7页女 :我们青春健美,我们意气风发。 we are young and healthy, we haveinspiration . 男 :请欣赏歌舞表演 在灿烂的阳光下 。演唱唐慧倩等,伴舞 :校舞蹈队。 therefore, let s welcome唐慧倩 sperformance called“ in the bright sunshine” . danceaccompaniment: our school dancing group.男:心存感恩,才会使我们的生命更加厚重 ; to learn to thank other

19、s makes our life more valuable; 女 :心存感恩,才会使我们的道德根基长存。 to learn to thank others makes ourmoralitypermanent.男 :吃水不忘挖井人,成功不忘摆渡人,我们的点滴进步,有老师的心血付出,我们的智慧开发,离不开老师的辛勤耕耘。as the saying goes,“ when we drinkwater from the well, we shall neveryou know, ourprogress lies in our forget the person who digs thewell.”

20、 teachers diligent cultivation女. :华初的教师队伍中,有一批不但教艺精深,而且担负着培养青年教师任务的老教师,他们老骥伏枥, 志在教育, 他们的高风亮节, 感人心田,催人奋进,让我们为华初的老教师们唱一首赞歌。i m sureyou have ever noticed some old teachers in our school who are old but they still cherish high aspirations in teaching as well as bringing up the young teachers. therefore,

21、 shall we sing a song of praise for them ?男 :请欣赏配乐诗朗诵赞老教师作者徐赋葆老师,朗诵:袁杨玲等would you please cherish a poem recitation with the music,written by mr.徐赋葆 performers are袁杨玲and otherstudents.男 :江南好,风景旧曾谙,日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝, 能不忆江南。 这自然之景如诗如画, 春天到了,好想现在就到江南走走。 everyone knows that south of the reaches of the changjiang river is a picturesque and poetic destination for many people. when spring comes, manypeople want to enjoy the beautiful scenery.女 :我说呀,江南虽美,美不过人,这世界上最美的还是人,你看人类身上拥有智慧美、自信美、形象美、时尚美、心灵美、情操美、语言美 ? 5/7 页

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