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1、科 目英语模 块高一英语必修2时 间第 章 节 共 课时 模块总 课时 教学设计编号: 课题: Unit 2 The Olympic Games授课班级授课教师 学情分析 教学目标知识与技能a. To know some basic information about the ancient and modern Olympicsb. To catch the key words or phrases in the readingc. To enhance the skills fast-reading and careful-readingd.To improve the reading a

2、nd speaking skills过程与方法a. To summarize the similarities and difference between the earlier and latestOlympics through the long dialogues.b. To arouse the students interests of English-speaking skills情感态度与价值观a. To know some basic information about the ancient and modern Olympicsb. To make the student

3、s take an active part in all kinds of sports and keep fitc. To get them to know the importance of the team and build up their bodies for their country.教学重点a.To improve the reading and speaking skillsb.To catch the key words or phrases in the readingc.To make simple sentences using the key words and

4、phrases. d.To ask them to recite some good and useful sentences.教学难点a. To summarize the similarities and difference between the earlier and latestOlympics through the long dialogues.b. To arouse the students interests of English-speaking.c. To analysize and make sentences in the lesson教学方法a.To use p

5、ictures to show the sports. b.To discuss and talk. c.To do some exercises to consolidate the text.教学资源a. A tape_recorder. B. guide materials(plans) for the students. C.reference books.教学环节教师活动学生活动教学预设Teaching ProceduresPeriod 1 Warming up设计思路:根据本班的学生水平,同时也为了增强教材的趣味性,教师在此环节做了改动,把warming up原问答形式改为选择题,

6、题目也适当地进行删减,增加一些学生感兴趣的题目,同时还给每道题加上分数,让学生进行抢答或比赛,最后还有一个自我评价表。通过比赛,增强学生的集体合作精神和集体荣誉感,加强学生对奥运会的认识,让课堂气氛继续上升,这是对Pre-reading和Reading 做准备。Ask the students to finish a quiz to check how much they know about the Olympic Games.1) When and where did the ancient Olympic Games start? (4 points)A. in 1896 in Gree

7、ce B. in 1906, in Greece C. 776BC, in Greece2) When did the ancient Olympic Games stop? (2 points)A. 776 BC B. 393 AD C. 390 AD3) When and where did the modern Olympic Games start? (4 points)A. In 1896, in Athens, Greece B. In 1896, in Sydney, Australia C. In 1896, in Los Angeles, America4) When and

8、 where was the last Olympic Games held? (4 points)A. On August 14th , 2004 in Athens B. On July 14th 2004 in AthensC. On August 14th, 2004 in Sydney5) How many gold medals did China win in the 28th Olympic Games?(2 points)A. 28 B. 31 C. 326) Who won the first gold medal for China in the 28th Olympic

9、 Games? (2 points)A. Du Li B. Wang Yifu C. Guo Jingjing7) What event did Liu Xiang win? (2 points)A. Swimming B. hurdle C. Shooting8) When and where will the next Olympic Games be held? (4 points)A. in 2008 in Sydney B. in 2008 in Los Angeles C. in 2008 in Beijing9) What do the five Olympic rings st

10、and for? (2 points)A. Five continents B. Five well-known athletes C. Five important events10) Do you know the three words that show the spirit of the Olympic Games?(4 points)A. Swifter, Stronger, Further B. Swifter, Higher, Stronger C. Swifter, Stronger, healthier Your score_ 2230: Congratulations!

11、You really know the Olympic Games well! 12-22 : Good. You know a lot about the Olympic Games. 1-12 : You do not seem to be interested in sports or the Olympic Games课堂小结作业布置课后反思 教学过程(第 学时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学预设Period 2 ReadingStep1 Pre-reading设计思路:以往学生觉得学单词比较枯燥无味,为了改变这种现象,教师首先出示图片,通过让学生描述图片,学习一些新的单词。在选择图片时

12、,教师注意选择与新单词能相结合的图片,达到图文并茂,轻松学单词,印象深刻的效果A. Let us have a competition to see who can speak out the English names of the following sports as quickly as possible?(show the students some pictures by the multi-media.) B. Tell the students some knowledge about the olive wreath and the medals in the Olympic

13、 Games Teacher: An olive wreath was made, and used to crown the Ancient Olympic champions.For the Ancient Greeks, the olive tree was a symbol of peace, wisdom and victory.The medals are the golden medal , silver medal and the bronze medalStep2 While-reading1. Fast reading 设计思路:让学生快速通读全文,了解文章的大概框架, 培

14、养学生对文章整体的理解和中心的把握。Teacher:Pausanias is from the ancient Greece, and Liyan lives in the modern times. They are from different times. How can they have an interview? Please read the text.Let the students read the text fast with this question:What is this interview mainly about?Suggested answer: The di

15、fferences and similarities between the ancient and modern Olympic Games.After reading, the teacher ask the students to analyze what Pausanias says to have a group discussion with this question: What kind of feelings does Pausanias experience during the interview? (Teacher:You can find some adjective

16、 words to answer it and tell me the reasons)Suggested answer: surprised reason: “Winter games?”amazed reason: “Please wait a minute!.”happy reason: “Thats good news. how interesting!2. Careful reading设计思路:让学生带着目的更容易地找出答案,通过以下表格,学生更清楚地了解古、现代奥运会的异同点,达到本节课的教学目的。这个环节的设置对于学生知识的储备和接下去能力的提升起了至关重要的作用,培养了学生自

17、主探究的能力,让学生理解细节,熟悉课文,增强阅读理解能力,为consolidation 打下基础。Ask the students to read the text carefully and have a discussion with their partners, then finish this table. Tell the difference between ancient and modern OlympicsAncient Olympic Games Modern Olympic Games sets of Games What events Athletes Host ci

18、ty Houses to live inPrizesThe similarities between the ancient and modern Olympic Games 1.Both are held every _. 2._are allowed to take part in both in ancient and modern Olympics.3.The athletes compete not for money but for _.4.The mottos are the same. They are: _.5.Some events are the same, such a

19、s running _ Step 3. Consolidation(Retelling)The teacher write the key words on the blackboard and lead the students to retell the text设计思路:以重点词连句,以课文中原句成文进行复述目的是培养学生语法词汇的运用能力、语言材料的组织能和语言的表达能力。这样既加强了学生对课文的理解和巩固,又提高了学生的语言表达能力。Introduction Pausanias, who lived what,has come to present-daySets two main

20、sets-and,and heldfour onbasisAthletes Onlywhoagreedforwill admittedEvents It is in that running with,sailing andteam Womennot only,butinHouses Avillageforto ,reception,stadiums for and aas wellHost cities countryto hostIt is a but also a .to beMedals The olivebeenIts all about beingto run,jumpand .T

21、hats theof the Olympic Games“, , ” Step4: Post-readingDiscussion设计思路:开展四人小组讨论,课堂气氛达到高潮。以下问题学生感兴趣,难度适中,与课文内容相关,又有所扩展,能充分调动学生的积极性,活跃学生的思维,同时提高学生的听说能力,学会如何表达自己的观点,从而让学生在个人参与、同伴互导、互相观察的过程中,不断地自我提升。Topic:Hosting the 2008 Olympic Games has had good or bad effects on the host city, Beijing?让学生在课堂上展开辩论,赞成什么

22、,反对什么,并阐述理由。(at least three)Suggested answer:Good effects: a great honor /responsibility /new sports facilities /improve the tourismBad effects: too much money/ more buildings ,less space /make little use of the facilities and stadiums for the Olympic GamesStep5. Homework From the interview we know

23、many things about the Olympic Games. After class you can surf the Internet to find more about the Olympic Games and make a poster according to Page 13.设计思路:作业是整个施教工作中不可缺少的一部分,是帮助学生熟悉和掌握基础知识,基本技能和巩固已学知识的有效手段。上网收集资料、了解信息,制作海报等丰富多彩的作业形式有助于学生激发兴趣、增长知识,开拓视野,并且让学生学会探究学习。课堂小结作业布置课后反思 教学过程(第 学时)教学环节教师活动学生活动

24、教学预设【原句回放】How many countries competed in the ancient.? (Warming Up)【点拨】compete具体用法如下:compete vi. 比赛;竞争 compete in 参加比赛/竞争 如:Over one thousand athletes will compete in the race. compete with/against sb. 与某人竞争 如:He will compete with others for a prize. compete in sth. 在方面竞争 competition n. 竞争,比赛 compet

25、itor n. 比赛者 competitive a. 有竞争力的;【拓展】 compete for sth. 为得而竞争 compete to do sth. 竞争做某事【随时练】Many competitors compete _ the game _ the gold medal. A. in; for B. for; in C. against; in D. with; for【答案与解析】A。句子的意思是“很多选手为了争夺这枚金牌参加了这个比赛”所以选择compete in.for.结构。2admit【原句回放】All countries can take part if their

26、only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitor (page10, line 16)【点拨】 admit (vt./vi.)(1) 许可(人或物)进入;让进入admit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(2) 承认;供认 admit to sb. sth./ doing sth. / that clause. 如:He admitted his crime. 他供认了他的罪行。He never admits that he is wron

27、g. 他从来不承认他错了。John has admitted breaking the window. John承认是他打碎了玻璃。admit sth./sb. to be 承认某人是(3) 容纳(admit sb.), 容许 (admit of sth.)The cinema admits about 2000 people. 这个电影院能容纳2000人。His illness admits of no delay. 他的病情不能容许推迟。【拓展】be admitted as 作为被接受He was admitted as a member of the baseball. 他被接受为棒球队

28、的一名队员.be admitted to 准许进入,获准做某事He was admitted to the club他被准许进入俱乐部. 【随时练】1. The thief admitted _ his wallet.A. to steal B. stealing C. to have stolen D. having stolen2. Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong. (上海2001)A. admit B. admitted C. admittingD. to admit【答案与解析】1. D 2.A

29、1句意:这个小偷承认了偷了他的钱包。承认;供认admit doing sth.2. can do nothing but要求后面接动词原形but并列前后两个动词原形,表“只有做”,另一表达 法have no choice but也表“除了别无选择”,但后面须接to do形式。3as much【原句回放】Theres just as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.(Page10, line39)【点拨】as much + 名 + as + 名 (与同样地) 如:Its

30、as much your responsibility as mine. 这件事你和我一样都有责任。She is as clever a student as you (are). 她和你一样都是聪明的学生.【拓展】倍数+ as much as 如:It is reported that the United States uses twice as much energy as the whole of Europe.据报道美国使用的能源是整个欧洲的两倍。【随时练】1. It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science.A

31、. much as an art as B. as much an art as C. an art as much as D. as much as an art2. The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _ here. A. as three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much【答案与解析】1.B 2. D1符合“as much + 名

32、词 + as + 名词”这一倍数表示法。 2“倍数+as much”放在句末,表示“几倍于”4take part in【原句回放】When did China take part in the Olympic Games? (Warming Up)【点拨】take part in = join in take (an active) part in 积极参加 如:He takes an active part in school activities. 他积极参加学校的活动【拓展】一组表示“参加”的同义词的辨析:1. take part in 常指参加较大型的活动。2. join in 常来表

33、示参加某种活动,可指小型游戏活动。3. join为及物动词,表示参加某个组织。如:join the Party 入党4. attend 是指参加会议,集会等。【随时练】My grandpa was in the Red Army, and he _the Long March.A. joined B. attended C. took part in D. took【答案与解析】C这题考察take part in常指参加较大型的活动.长征是大型的活动。5every four years【原句回放】The Summer and the Winter Olympics and both are h

34、eld every four years. (P.10)【点拨】every与数词或few,other连用,表时间或空间的间隔。 1. every + 基数词 + 复数名词,表“每;每隔” every four years(=every fourth year) 每四年;每隔三年 *注意 every ten meters(=every tenth meter) 每十米;每隔九米 Take the medicine every five hours. 每五个小时吃一次药。2. every + 序数词 + 单数名词, 表“每第” every third year(= every three years) 每三年,每隔两年3. every + other +单数可数名词,表“每隔” every other day(=every two days) 每两天;每隔一天 every other year(=every two years) 每隔一年 every second day;every other day;every two d课堂小结作业布置课后反思

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