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1、大连理工大学21秋ACAD船舶工程应用平时作业1答案参考1. What is considered a Serious Marine Incident?A.an allision that results in $500 damage toWhat is considered a Serious Marine Incident?A.an allision that results in $500 damage to a boat dockB.an injury to a crewmember,passenger,or other person which requires profession

2、al medical treatment beyond first aidC.grounding of a vessel on a sandbar that does not result in injuries and/or any damage to the vesselD.None of the above正确答案:B2. 在块及其属性中,有大量的数据,其中包括( )等等。A.块名B.块的插入点坐标C.插入比例D.各个属性值参考答案:ABCD3. 文件管理指如何创建新图形、打开已存图形文件以及文件的存盘等操作。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A4. 侧移式舱口盖通常由一块或两块盖板组成,

3、舱口盖上设有滚行装置、顶升装置、密封装置、链接装置、限位装置及驱动装置。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A5. 控制东亚地区的主要天气系统是: A夏季冷高压,冬季副热带高压 B冬、夏季均为冷高压 C冬季冷高压,夏季控制东亚地区的主要天气系统是:A夏季冷高压,冬季副热带高压B冬、夏季均为冷高压C冬季冷高压,夏季副热带高压D冬、夏季均为副热带高压C6. 船舶货舱通风不良会导致发热并蓄热的货物本身自燃。船舶货舱通风不良会导致发热并蓄热的货物本身自燃。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:7. 在船舶发生火灾被困火场时,被困人员应在必要时可由舷窗外逃,或破门逃生。在船舶发生火灾被困火场时,被困人员应在必要

4、时可由舷窗外逃,或破门逃生。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:8. 下列哪项不属于二副在职务调动时交接的内容?A.助航仪器使用方法和误差情况B.船体保养计划C.国旗、下列哪项不属于二副在职务调动时交接的内容?A.助航仪器使用方法和误差情况B.船体保养计划C.国旗、信号旗、号型是否齐全D.驾驶台求救信号、器材的情况正确答案:B9. After an occurrence of oil pollution,what shall be done first by a vessel in Chinese port?After an occurrence of oil pollution,what sh

5、all be done first by a vessel in Chinese port? _.A.use oil dispersion agent and wait for investigationB.try to collect the oil on deck or in waterC.report to Harbor MasterD.B and C正确答案:D10. A light used to signal passing intentions must be an _.A.all-round yellow light onlyBA light used to signal pa

6、ssing intentions must be an _.A.all-round yellow light onlyB.all-round white light onlyC.all-round blue light onlyD.alternating red and yellow light正确答案:B11. 柴油机曲轴拐挡差的测量与轴线状态分析柴油机曲轴拐挡差的测量与轴线状态分析正确答案:1、查拐挡表的灵敏度,检查无误后,根据臂距的大小选择并调整拐挡表测量杆的长度,使之比臂距大1-2mm。 2、盘车至195位置,清洁两曲柄臂上的冲孔,将拐挡表装入两曲柄臂的冲孔中。如没有冲孔,应在距曲柄销

7、轴线为(S+D)/2处的曲柄臂两边打上冲孔,安装正确后,将表指针调“0”位。 3、正车转动曲轴,对装有活塞连杆组件的曲轴,分别转至左平、上止点、右平和下止点前15左右,即曲柄销自195位置开始,经270,0,90及165,共五个位置,记录各位置拐挡表的读数。 4、拐挡表的记录方法参见“动力设备拆装”指导书。 5、拐挡表的计算与轴线状态分析 上下拐挡差上下为:上下L上-L下,左右拐挡差左右为:左右L左-L右。拐挡差上下为正(),曲轴轴线呈下弧线弯曲,该曲柄两端的主轴承比其相邻的主轴承低;拐挡差上下为负(-),曲轴轴线呈上弧线弯曲,该曲柄两端的主轴承比其相邻的主轴承高;同样,拐挡差左右为正(+),

8、轴线在水平面呈右弧线弯,反之,拐挡差左右为负(-),轴线在水平面呈左弧线弯。12. At _ an occasional survey has been carried outA.the remind of the masterB.the referAt _ an occasional survey has been carried outA.the remind of the masterB.the refer of the masterC.the render of the masterD.the request of the master正确答案:D13. 海上求生的三个要素之一是。A.

9、救生设备B.难船位置C.淡水、食物海上求生的三个要素之一是。A.救生设备B.难船位置C.淡水、食物正确答案:A14. AutoCAD中调整视图显示有4种方式。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A15. ACAD中“点”菜单中有哪些项?( )A.单点B.多点C.定数等分D.定距等分参考答案:ABCD16. The safety of the port should _ in respect of a vessel properly manned and equipped,aThe safety of the port should _ in respect of a vessel properly

10、 manned and equipped,and navigated and handled without negligence and in accordance with good seamanshipA.be watchedB.be seenC.be viewedD.be inspected正确答案:C17. 发生危险事故后,若采取了抛货措施控制局面,应及时宣布共同海损。发生危险事故后,若采取了抛货措施控制局面,应及时宣布共同海损。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:18. 在地面图的填图格式中,“PP”等于-15,这表明: A3h气压变量为15hPa B3h气压变量为负的1.5hPa

11、C3h气压在地面图的填图格式中,“PP”等于-15,这表明:A3h气压变量为15hPaB3h气压变量为负的1.5hPaC3h气压变量为1.5hPaD3h气压变量为负的15hPaB19. 热带气旋警报中的LOW COULD DEVELOP INTO TROPICAL CYCLONE是指: A低气压可能发展成暖性气旋 B低气压可热带气旋警报中的LOW COULD DEVELOP INTO TROPICAL CYCLONE是指:A低气压可能发展成暖性气旋B低气压可能发展成台风C低气压可能发展成热带气旋D低气压可能发展成赤道气旋C20. The implied condition(s) with re

12、spect to the doctrine of deviation in a marine insurance pThe implied condition(s) with respect to the doctrine of deviation in a marine insurance policy is(are) _.A.that the cargo be discharged from the vessel with customary dispatchB.that the voyage be commenced in a reasonable timeC.that the voya

13、ge be pursued over the usual and direct routeD.All of the above正确答案:D21. 浓度及发生时间不受气温日变化影响的雾是: A辐射雾和锋面雾 B沿海平流雾和蒸气雾 C锋面雾和蒸气雾 D浓度及发生时间不受气温日变化影响的雾是:A.辐射雾和锋面雾B.沿海平流雾和蒸气雾C.锋面雾和蒸气雾D.海上平流雾和锋面雾D22. 在AutoCAD软件中,定义块之后,要定义块的属性。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B23. AutoCAD窗口界面中主要包含下列哪些内容?( )A.菜单栏B.各种工具栏C.命令行D.绘图区域E.状态栏参考答案:ABCDE

14、24. The first indications a mariner will have of the approach of a warm front will be _.AThe first indications a mariner will have of the approach of a warm front will be _.A.large cumulonimbus (thunderclouds) building upB.high cirrus clouds gradually changing to cirrostratus and then to altostratus

15、C.fog caused by the warm air passing over the cooler waterD.low dark clouds accompanied by intermittent rain正确答案:B25. A copy of the Articles of Agreement,less the names,is required to be posted.This documentA copy of the Articles of Agreement,less the names,is required to be posted.This document is

16、called the_.A.Shipping ArticlesB.Focsle CardC.Voyage AgreementD.Articles Copy正确答案:B26. 航迹推算在航行过程中_。A.在由GPS或陆标定位的水域可以中断B.在狭水道可以中断,但应将中航迹推算在航行过程中_。A.在由GPS或陆标定位的水域可以中断B.在狭水道可以中断,但应将中止点和复始点在海图上画出并计入航海日志C.不得无故中断D.B和C均正确正确答案:D27. A natural fiber rope can be ruined by dampness because it may _.A.rotB.shrin

17、kC.stretcA natural fiber rope can be ruined by dampness because it may _.A.rotB.shrinkC.stretchD.unlay正确答案:A28. 冬季常位于西伯利亚及蒙古一带的气压系统为: A冷低压 B冷高压 C暖高压 D热低压冬季常位于西伯利亚及蒙古一带的气压系统为:A冷低压B冷高压C暖高压D热低压B29. 气旋的爆发性发展是指: A6小时内加深率每小时大于或等于1百帕 B24小时内加深率每小时大于或等于1百帕气旋的爆发性发展是指:A6小时内加深率每小时大于或等于1百帕B24小时内加深率每小时大于或等于1百帕C12

18、小时内加深率每小时大于或等于1百帕D48小时内加深率每小时大于或等于1百帕B30. 要维持人的生命空气中含氧量不少于( )。A.11%B.16%C.21%要维持人的生命空气中含氧量不少于( )。A.11%B.16%C.21%正确答案:B31. 在AutoCAD中,断开某对象时,采用下列中的哪一命令?( )A.trim(tr)B.extend(ex)C.break(br)D.chamfer(cha)参考答案:C32. “选项”对话框中有12个选项卡。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A33. AutoCAD中文字对正的对象可以是单行文字,也可以是多行文字。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B34.

19、AutoCAD软件中,recloud修订云线命令可用来显示图纸中已修改的部分,还可将已绘制好的闭合对象转换成云线。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A35. 北太平洋上,船舶受北行台风影响,测得真风如何变化,可判定船舶处在危险象限? ANWWSW BESES CSE北太平洋上,船舶受北行台风影响,测得真风如何变化,可判定船舶处在危险象限?ANWWSWBESESCSEENEDNNEED36. AutoCAD是通过“工具”对话框来设置系统环境。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A37. A fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel. You sho

20、uld maneuver your vessel so theA fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel. You should maneuver your vessel so the wind _.A.comes over the bowB.blows the fire back toward the vesselC.comes over the sternD.comes over either beam正确答案:A38. 在AutoCAD中,拉长某对象时,采用下列中的哪一命令?( )A.stretchB.scaleC.lengthen

21、D.extend参考答案:C39. AutoCAD的主要功能有哪些?( )A.绘图功能B.编辑功能C.图形显示功能D.二次开发功能参考答案:ABCD40. 在使用dimbaseline命令标注之前,在图形中可以没有已标注的线性标注、对齐标注或角度标注等。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B41. 电动起重机常用的有( )和可控硅控制系统两种。A.发电机系统B.电动机系统C.发电机-电动机系统D.以上皆不是参考答案:C42. An American Shipowner can _ in an American port any ship in the same ownership as theAn

22、 American Shipowner can _ in an American port any ship in the same ownership as the one with which he has collided,in spite of the fact that the collision may have occurred in some distant part of the worldA.attackB.attachC.attainD.attend正确答案:B43. AutoCAD软件中,以下哪一项为关闭图形文件采用的快捷键?( )A.Ctrl+SB.Ctrl+OC.C

23、trl+F4D.Ctrl+C参考答案:C44. The grip of a joint represents the _.A.thickness of the connected membersB.diameter oThe grip of a joint represents the _.A.thickness of the connected membersB.diameter of the headC.entire length of the rivetD.diameter of the shank正确答案:A45. To determine which grades of cargo

24、a tank vessel is permitted to carry you should _.ATo determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry you should _.A.refer to the vessels Certificate of InspectionB.examine the cargo tanks and fittingsC.ask the terminal supervisor or his representativeD.check the loading order正确答案

25、:A46. 货船每舷应配备1艘或多艘全封闭救生艇,其总容量应能容纳船上人员总数。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A47. 在绘制圆的下拉菜单中包含几种绘制圆的方式?( )A.5B.6C.7D.8参考答案:B48. Which of the following marine insurance policies is normally purchased by the cargo owner?Which of the following marine insurance policies is normally purchased by the cargo owner? _.A.HullB.CargoC.Protection and IndemnityD.Pollution正确答案:B49. AutoCAD软件中,选择对象命令行中有17个选项。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A50. 冷高压加强和减弱与温度平流有关,使冷高压发展,中低空温压场配置关系为: A高压对应高空槽 B高压处在高冷高压加强和减弱与温度平流有关,使冷高压发展,中低空温压场配置关系为:A高压对应高空槽B高压处在高空脊前,伴有暖平流C高压对应高空脊D高压处在高空脊前,伴有冷平流D

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