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1、exciting spirit, to , not up of urgency, and slow shall not of sense, and sat not of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and Rob of consciousness, and race of momentum, and spell of courage, to fire

2、 as of passion input work. The only way to ensure the healthy development of the cause, did not live up to the Organizations trust and the porcelain people live up to expectations. (B) the practice of three Suns, requires that we adhere to the problem oriented, improving the effectiveness of Governm

3、ent. An idea that I have said many times, talking about issues is much more useful than the talk. Because the results are in the past, talking about there, but the problem is eternal, not free, ubiquitous, if not resolved, will never go away on their own, and then only by solving a problem, work in

4、order to move forward, before moving forward progress of society. Marxist philosophy tells us that catch to catch the nature of the problem, grab the contradiction to catch the main contradiction. This requires us not only to be good at resolving individual, specific issues, also to be good at looki

5、ng through the phenomenon of nature, found by accident law, so as to catch common, widespread problem. We some place and sector of comrade, work starting point is good of, wants to developed some policy, wants to help enterprise development, and for masses do points things, but is careless make a kn

6、ife cut pot, upper and lower general rough, led to file introduced Hou hard implementation, some even help has pour busy, to enterprise increased has burden, damage has masses of interests; some place in do city development planning or industry development planning Shi, to self for Center, pursuit w

7、ishful thinking, not focused on and city general planning phase convergence, Final conflict for planning land cannot be submitted for approval, the project cant fall, wasted time, energy and money. In addition, there are many comrades often complain about difficult, superiors know the problem instea

8、d of trying, often report to prepare funding conditions. In fact, if any conditions are prepared properly, who called that is not the same?, conversely, if you are really looking for the right reasons, there is a good solution, the Government will provide support in terms of manpower, material and f

9、inancial resources. Government agencies set is a science, departments does the difference between good and bad, the difference only work well. Can get the attention and support, the key achievements and contributions to the Department. We carry out Government work, do anything to stick to problem-or

10、iented, be sure to have clear links to, take practical measures to achieve real results. This requires that we must reach out before the decision, . Help, in order to help companies ride out the storm. Last month, the City Government carried out a steady growth and development of research, many comr

11、ades told me that, in the course of land, some farmers dont understand municipal government decisions, even plain, block construction. On this issue, we should not only see the appearance of land expropriation, but on the other hand, thought the masses why conflict? worried that without a job, there

12、 are still other worries? can then take specific measures to resolve it. For example, baic Changhe automobile new bases in the land acquisition process and for surrounding farmers making a special people Club sector statistics, finds out, and organizations develop the skills training, Government文件编号

13、:ZY01-028-2010作 业 指 导 书(粗集料针片状颗粒含量试验(游标卡尺法)编写: 日期: 审核: 日期: 批准: 日期: 受控状态: 持有者姓名: 分 发 号: 持有者部门: 江苏省交通科学研究院股份有限公司coordination with baic, fight for some of its recruitment quota, used to solve the employment problems of landless farmers around. Due to properly solve the landless farmers worries, our wor

14、k has been fully understood, guarantee baic Changhe automobile demolition and subsequent construction of new base project smoothly. Of course, for those who obey the law and regulations, irrational, strong-hold engineering, sales of building materials of the wrongful act, or to law and regulation, s

15、everely and quickly dealt with. There is also a problem, our superiors issued by various departments of various types of files, not mechanically copy, but based on actual Jingdezhen, and meet the markets opinion, carry through the spirit of purpose that is also exploring fresh experience. (C) the pr

16、actice of three Suns, requires that we adhere to the face of contradictions and difficulties, to take in the pioneer. The event is difficult to see as dare to play are the basic qualities of leading cadres, best test leaders spirit of play before the conflict difficult. XI put forward by General Sec

17、retary of the cadres in five criteria had to take. For a long time, there is a mentality in our cadres at all levels: afraid of problems. Of course, the inability to say no. Strict is an advantage. But when overdone, it is easy to go to the other extreme cant play. Some leaders fear problems, come i

18、nto conflict, walk around, do not do not solve the problem; once out of the problem, not to solve, but to do everything possible to avoid the question, problem or even big problems Said to small problems, problem as small no problem. In fact, such leaders will eventually lead to big trouble, this un

19、it will eventually be the bigger problem. There is such a phenomenon, some comrades have already agreed not to implement, not to wait for minutes, a copy of form; oral work assigned by the leadership not to do it, to wait for written instructions. Named about program, but cant play, afraid of respon

20、sibility. Because they dare not play, many gays believe in growing flowers and planting thorn less vulgar philosophy, without the principle of harmony, safe seats, mediocre, dawdle, found the problem is not raised, more reluctant to face up to and resolve, until small problems become big problems. P

21、ractice has proved that numerous small problems become difficult to pack in such a perfunctory questions, numerous projects were delayed waiting for, numerous development opportunities are lost in such a delay. As leading cadres must have a kind of still, smoke exits, in the face of contradiction on

22、 a dare to face difficult but, in the face of crisis can stand up, face the mistakes accountable. Especially in the face of disaster insurance mandates, not contrary to law and policy, cracked the difficult to decipher, hard, truth run down hard, this is the performance to take, is the ability to wo

23、rk is all about. Recently in promoting urban management system in the process of deepening reform, municipal Bureau of commerce market service center staff did not understand the policies, constantly appealing. , Business Bureau executive team in the face, but the problem is not due to take, all thr

24、ough the night, days and nights, door-to-door work, publicity explain policies, laws and regulations, and eventually succeeded in resolving the conflict, which is to take the reality show. Of course, if you want to do to take on the assumption that good play. Some cadres are afraid to play in the re

25、al work, encounter specific problems overwhelmed, confused, not more, problems, skills are not strong, the lack作业指导书 粗集料针片状颗粒含量试验(游标卡尺法)目 录1.开展项目32.依据文件33.主要仪器设备34.操作规程35.试验/检测工作程序46.安全注意事项77.数据处理78.测量不确定度99.原始记录表格101. 开展项目表1 开展检测项目开展检测项目项目名称适用范围目的粗集料针片状颗粒含量试验路面用粗集料用于评价集料的形状和抗压碎能力2. 依据文件表2 依据文件依据文件依

26、据文件试验方法公路工程集料试验规程(JTG E42-2005)T 0312-20053. 主要仪器设备表3 主要仪器设备主要仪器设备仪器名称规格型号生产厂家测量范围准确度等级游标卡尺0-500等成都/0.01mm配套仪器设备仪器名称规格型号生产厂家测量范围准确度等级电子天平TE6101-L塞多利斯科学仪器公司06100g0.1g4. 操作规程4.1操作步骤 4.1.1电子天平4.1.1.1打开电源;按下标定开关(即Tare键);放上需标定的砝码待显示屏出现所要标定的质量时即可取下砝码;将称量的试样放在天平上,待数字不再变动时即可记下读数;

27、如还需测量下一个试样的质量时则需要清零,然后再称量;试验结束后,关闭天平的电源再将托盘擦拭干净。4.2注意事项4.2.1操作人员需要熟悉试验操作规程,能熟练操作仪器方可进行本试验;5. 试验/检测工作程序5.1试验准备 5.1.1设备有效性检查:试验前先检查电子天平、游标卡尺、沥青砼集料筛是否在使用有效期范围内。如果在使用有效期范围内,可继续进行试验;如果不在范围内,通知设备管理员进行设备检定。5.1.2仪器设备准备5.1.2.1调平天平:将天平平放在操作台上,看水准气泡是否居中,如果不居中,调节天平下方的角螺旋,直至水准气泡居中为止;校核天平:取一个砝码放置在已经

28、清零的天平上,看天平显示的读数是否与砝码的质量一致,如果一致即可进入下一步试验,如果不一致要对天平进行校核。校核方法为:接通天平电源,按下校核按钮,将一套总质量为5000g的砝码迅速的全部放上天平,待数据显示为5000g即可。 调平天平 校核天平5.1.2.3检检查游标卡尺是否能正常使用。经检查,若试验主检设备能正常使用,在试验前将设备使用记录“使用前”一栏填写“正常”;若试验主检设备不能正常使用,填写设备维修单,通知设备管理员进行维修。5.1.3 试验辅助用品准备:粗集料针片状颗粒含量试验过程中所需要的试验辅助用品如表4所示:表4 试验辅助用品表序号试验用具名称数 量用 途14

29、.75mm沥青砼集料筛1个筛分样品29.5mm沥青砼集料筛1个筛分样品3手套1副试验用4料铲1只试验用5.1.4试验样品准备5.1.4.1将样品标签上“在检”一栏划“”。将试样用4.75mm和9.5mm标准筛过筛,取4.75mm9.5mm和大于9.5mm两档,用四分法缩分至要求的质量,对粒径4.75mm9.5mm每份不小于800g, 对粒径大于9.5mm每份不小于1200,且试样数量不少于100颗。 粒径9.5mm 粒径4.75mm-9.5mm每份样品需放上样品标签,标明样品编号,并根据试验状态在样品标签上标明“在检”或“已检”。 标明样品编号、试验状态5.2试验步骤 5.2.1

30、按现行集料随机取样的方法,采集集料试样;5.2.2 将试样平摊于桌面上,首先用目测挑出接近立方体的符合要求的颗粒,剩下可能属于针状和片状的颗粒;5.2.3 将欲测量的颗粒放在桌面上成一稳定的状态,颗粒平面方向的尺寸lb,用卡尺逐颗测量石料的长度l,宽度b及厚度t(tbl),将l/t3的颗粒(即最大长度方向与最大厚度方向的尺寸之比大于3的颗粒)分别挑出作为针片状颗粒。称取针片状颗粒的质量,准确至0.1g。 非针片状颗粒针片状颗粒称取针片状颗粒的质量5.3样品处理及卫生要求5.3.1试验结束后,将剩余试验样品放置到样品区留存,并且将标签上“已检”一栏划“”;检查试验主检设备,若无异常,将设备使用记

31、录“使用后”一栏填写“正常”,并完整填写使用记录;5.3.2称完集料后将天平托盘擦拭干净;5.3.3试验过程中保持地面、仪器的洁净;5.3.4试验完成后,电子天平、游标卡尺擦拭干净,并放到指定位置。将游标卡尺放入盒中保存6. 安全注意事项6.1试验过程中须穿着工作服,佩戴手套;6.2接触高温物品时必须戴好干燥的隔热手套;6.3试验过程中,人员在仪器未关闭的情况下,禁止离开;6.4试验完毕后,应关闭仪器电源,下班后应切断总电源。7. 数据处理7.1试验结果计算7.1.1计算公式:按下式计算针片状颗粒含量,准确至0.1%。 式中 针片状颗粒含量,; 试验用的集料总质量,g;针片状颗粒的质量,g。7



34、则有效数字可多取一位。例如: 1.1m0.3268 m0.10300 m =1.1 m0.327 m0.103 m =0.0370 m30.037 m3运算结果为0.037 m3。若需参与下一步运算,则取0.0370 m3。7.3.3数字修约确定数字的修约间隔k(1、2、5)和有效数字位数后按下列方法进行:修约间隔整数倍数的一系列(修约数的上一个至下一个即可)数中,最接近拟修约数的数则为修约数。如1.150001按0.1修约间隔(0.1表明k=1,及1位小数),相临修约数有:1.2、1.1,两数中1.2最接近1.150001,故1.2为修约数。如果修约间隔整数倍数的一系列数中,有连续两个数同等

35、地接近拟修约数,则两个数中只有为修约间隔偶数倍的数才是修约数。8. 测量不确定度8.1数学模型:确定被测量Qe与输入量m1、m0 的函数关系式: 式中 Qe针片状颗粒含量, m0试验用的集料总质量,g m1针片状颗粒的质量,g8.1.1测量的最佳值:测得m0=800.4g , m1 =32.0g , Qe4.0% 8.2方差与灵敏系数:8.2.1方差:根据前面已建立的数学模型得 U C2(Qe)=(Qe/m0)2U2(m0)+(Qe /m1)2U2(m1)8.2.2灵敏系数: Ci=f/xi 即: C1=C(m1)= Qe/m1=0.002 C2=C(m0)= Qe/m0 =-0.000058

36、.3 标准不确定度的计算:测量读数m0 、m1的标准不确定度 U2(m0), U2(m1)U2(m0)= |/KU2(m1) = |/K 允许误差 =0.1,均匀分布,包含因子 K=1/3则: U2(m2)=0.06,U2(m1) =0.068.4计算合成标准不确定度U C2(Qe):U C2(Qe)=( Qe / m1)2U2(m1)+( Qe / m0)2U2(m0) 得:U C(Qe)= 0.000068.5扩展不确定度U: U=kUC(fcc)= 0.000128.6试验检测结果的不确定度报告: y=yU=4.0%0.000129. 原始记录表格见下页。江苏省交通科学研究院股份有限公司 第 9 页 共 11 页江苏省交通科学研究院股份有限公司 粗集料针片状颗粒含量试验(游标卡尺法)粗集料针片状颗粒含量试验记录表格编 号: ZY01-028-2010 序 号: 任务单号: 样品编号: 环境条件: 样品名称: 规格型号: 样品状态: 仪器设备名称、型号及编号: 游标卡尺 0-500 3110103 试验方法: T 0312-2005 岩性次数试样总质量(g)针片状颗粒质量(g)针片状颗粒含量(%)平均值(%)备注1212试验: 复核: 日期: 江苏省交通科学研究院股份有限公司 第 11 页 共 11 页

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