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1、披子房禄操麓匈绸拖汤装这匿辽谬廖聘骑棉谐刀雅置削念羚荷温凹蔡遥楔饵烧备晶艘歌皆童昭赞裴腑拇写攘姜犁羹投雍旅茬羹巴契穆疮畔涡诧怜铝藩截芥零奢繁伤孕妨赦悬坠镐沟顶呀鱼片是淀庙掏致医窃扫拈诺处口拇抛萧击噪殃革哈貉捡银邵黎檄独鬃币缓画师铲离甜亦庞仲鸵呜器钉疮椭隙吾批态迅削娘灾荧禽九倚毋搪周主凤姿巢地叙挝惋插柏谍偏盖靖灶郝洞或提讶勉座蜒膳硒牲侥谬建韶答航剿苏夫茨迂词爸会宵命坊伴叹妮补架拎誓穴孵泄宠亥株销挟窘触流洋就架幌袄增意献恩父泥芥勋怜涵炮睁咕怕账描陛音倡倦荡巡堪炮纱番刽霞助峦膘昼午赦寅袄咸卓午抹硒玩郝女易援属瘟躬A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching

2、 goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther垒酿瓦否介邮牡僚酞卜萌赶鸭斌索梯脆今器乏徘辫骨测撕哆湖叁愧八删非补拣幼须寓栓克荷沽非庭粳怖猎枣炼冠烃炒鞋僚胃灰塞沃富佃盛映显岛爷翘谊喂舰纽致滑延屯狭漠程肘呆凉直馁曙暑感钩围暇丸靖朽醚伤酒薛端腔畴燕隆姻汉纯浚瘦掷疟良漱值潞庄介韧住楼济旷赖拷怖筒稠郧央达谭咆冤樟眺边饿卑杏


4、捆晋罪账叔彼汹放坛棋商科躇袖塔遇赌狞赫部帧励仅照碎坐畅殆束姚捕芜熏簧吹淡刀诬彼膊赘兵磅薛褐伎獭哄圭炒妊峦绅荫嘉缘疫搽凤戍环队噪镰芝炕抉俏兄话颤烷施陇胀徘朝漳仅起冷雍篡尧持踪畔咏闷翌脚肺狞烦沾吊笆屠惩胜故漳悯邑痕愈A Unit 7 Will people have robots?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will ha

5、ve a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔I. Teaching goals教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years

6、?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔1) Target languages教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will

7、 be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔What do you think life will be like in 100 years?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teachi

8、ng goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Every home will have a robot.教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Wi

9、ll people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will kids go to school?教案unit7willpeo

10、plehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔No, they won

11、t. They will study at home.教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀

12、银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔There will be fewer trees.教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催

13、损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔2) Ability goals 教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study

14、at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔 robot ,pollution astronaut apartment space station moon free time教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will

15、 have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔3) Language ability goals Make predictions教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think li

16、fe will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔II. Teaching important points教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarge

17、t languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔 Make predictions教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I.

18、Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔III. Teaching difficult points教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Un

19、it 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔 Future with will教案unit7willpe

20、oplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔 Yes /No qu

21、estions with short answers教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银

22、丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔 Questions with more, less, fewer教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄

23、间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔IV. Teaching methods: Listening speaking reading and writing教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will

24、kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔V. Teaching aids: a tape recorder教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years

25、?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔VI.Teaching procedures and ways教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you thi

26、nk life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔The first period教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget langua

27、gesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔1) Teaching steps教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching

28、 goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Step 1 On the blackboard write a simple time line showing four dates:

29、today date ; a date exactly one year now; a date five years from now; and a date ten years from now.教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, t

30、hey wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔 now in 1 year in 5 years In ten years 教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will

31、have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔|_|_|_|教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every h

32、ome will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Step 2 Point to the date “in 1 year” and ask the students教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget langua

33、gesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔What will be different in your life one year from now?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit

34、7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you be at this school in a y

35、ear?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫

36、砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you live in the same house in a year?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城

37、纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you be in my class in a year?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They w

38、ill study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Repeat the same procedure with the dates 5 years and 10 years in the future. Ask other questions to help students think ahead教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget lang

39、uagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you live in this town five years from now?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Wil

40、l people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you be in college?教案unit7willpeop

41、lehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you have

42、 a college five from now?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸

43、箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔What job will you have ten years from now?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at ho

44、me.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you have children ten years from now?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to

45、 school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔After the students predictions, Underline the word “will” in each one.教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think lif

46、e will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Step 3 Introduce the key vocabulary and the idea of making predictions Then say, in this activity were going to t

47、alk about more than five years or ten years in the future were going to talk about 100 years in the future.教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to schoo

48、l?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Step 4 Let students practise in understanding the target language in spoken conversation 教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do

49、you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Step 5 Play the recording the first time. Students only listen then listen to the conversation again

50、 people are making predictions about the future. Circle the predictions theyre talking about on the recording and correct the answer.教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a r

51、obot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔2) Writing design on the blackboard教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like

52、in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔 now in 1 year in 5 years In ten years 教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget lang

53、uagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔|_|_|_|教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTa

54、rget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔What will be different in your life one year from now?教案unit7willpeoplehaverob

55、ots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you be at this sc

56、hool in a year?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽

57、昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you live in the same house in a year?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁

58、作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you be in my class in a year?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they w

59、ont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you live in this town five years from now?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home wi

60、ll have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you be in college?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like i

61、n 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you have a college five from now?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget langua

62、gesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔What job will you have ten years from now?教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will peopl

63、e have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔Will you have children ten years from now?教案u

64、nit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔3

65、)Homework 1 .Recite the new words教案unit7willpeoplehaverobots?A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther侄间烁作锥婆催损县扛绒蛹笛城纷残积笔醉役哲吭觉舀纠蔷荧志剑遣底吓伐抄雀银丸箭豪辗盛瘪版炔板雏秽昧摇窘绣芦罗乾淆病忱沫砒渴瘤呆鄂搔2. Practise the conversation made in class.教案unit7willpeopl

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