Friends 第6季 第20集 中英对照文本及详细解说

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1、620: The One With Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.Scene: Joey and Rechels apartment, Phoebe is helping Joey rehearse for an audition. Phoebe is overacting her part.apartment: 公寓rehearse:排练audition: 试镜overact: 反应过度-Joey: Weve got 3 minutes till the reactor blows, were never gonna make it!reactor: 反应堆blow: 使爆炸gon

2、na=going to: 将要make it: 成功做某事还有三分钟反应堆就要爆炸了! 我们没时间了!-Phoebe: Youve got to get out of here! Save yourself! 你必须离开这里!赶快逃命吧!-Joey: No! I wont leave you! 不,我不会留下你一个人的-Phoebe: Dont worry about me, Im a robot! Im just a machine! worry about sb: 担心某人robot:机器人machine:机器别为我担心,我只是个机器人,我只是一台机器-Joey: No youre not

3、! Not to me!不,你不是,对我来说不是-Phoebe: (she stops reading from the script) Oh my God. script: 剧本天啊!-Joey: What?什么?-Phoebe: I am extremely talented!extremely:极端地,非常地talented: 具有天赋的我真是太有才华了!-Joey: Yeah, youre great! Okay, lets take it from对,你很棒。好,让我们接着-Phoebe: (interrupting) No, I mean I was really acting m

4、y ass off.interrupt: 打断act ones ass off: 超会演我是说,我真的超会演的!-Joey: Yeah, I thought I was pretty good too. pretty: 非常,很对,我认为我也不错。-Phoebe: Oh yeah, youre solid. Yeah, youre just no me.solid: (表演)精彩的对,你是很不错,只不过不是我。-Joey: Yknow what? I think thats enough for now. Yeah. I dont want to be k

5、now what: 你知道么(英语口语中常用短语,只为引出下文,并非真正的提问,可以省略不译)over-rehearse: 过度排练我看就先这样. 我不想别排练太多了-Phoebe: (tremendously overacting) Fine! Ill do it without you! (-Joey gives her thumbs up) I dont need you or anybody else! Im gonna make it on my own! (-Joey closes the door to his bedroom.) Youll see! Youll all see

6、! tremendously adv.可怕地非常地on my own: 靠我自己好!我一个人也能排练!我不需要你或是其他任何人!我自己就能搞定!等着瞧,都等着瞧吧!Scene: Joey and Rachels apartment, Joey is memorizing his lines. Chandler, Rachel, and Phoebe are there as well.memorize: 背,记lines: 台词-Chandler: (To Joey) So uh, whats this thing youre auditioning for? 这次试镜你要扮演什么角色?-Jo

7、ey: Oh, its a new TV show. Yeah. Im up for the part of Mac Macaveli or Mac. 哦,那是个新开拍的电视节目。我将扮演其中的一个叫Mac Macaveli的角色,或是“Mac”。Yeah, Im a detective and I solve crimes with the help of my robot partner.detective: 侦探with the help of: adv.在的帮助下solve: 解决crime: 犯罪我是个侦探,我跟机器人搭档一起侦破案件。Hes a, hes a Computerize

8、d Humanoid Electronically Enhanced Secret Enforcer or-or C.H.E.E.S.E. computerized: 电脑化的humanoid: 具有人的形状特征的electronically: 电子地enhanced: 增强的,提高的 secret:秘密enforcer实施者他是个具有人工智能的电子增强型的秘密特工或是“C.H.E.E.S.E-Rachel: So Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. 所以是Mac和C.H.E.E.S.E.?-Joey: Thats the title! Yeah! Yknow they really l

9、ucked out that the initials spell cheese. title: 名称,标题initial: 首字母luck out v.运气特好那就是剧名!要知道他们很幸运地让首字母拼成了干酪这个词.-Chandler: That is lucky. 真是幸运-Rachel: HuhWait so Joey if you get this, youre gonna be like the star of your own TV show! gonna=going to: 将要等等Joey, 如果你得到了这个角色, 你就会象那些明星一样自己来主演一部片子了!I mean you

10、ll be like the Big Cheese! (To Phoebe) Or the Big MacHey! You love those! 我是说你到时会有象是大干酪这样的称呼或者大Mac!嘿!你很喜欢这些的!-Joey: Well, dont get your hopes up, because probably not gonna happen.get ones hopes up v.抱太大期望probably: 也许,可能算了,不要报太大指望, 因为那也许不会发生的-Chandler: Now-now, why would you say that Joseph?你为什么这样说,

11、约瑟夫?-Joey: I mean come on you guys! My own TV show? I just I dont know if Im good enough.我是说,想想看,伙计们,我自己的电视节目? 我自己都不知道我行不行。-Phoebe: I am.我知道我行。-Rachel: Joey, what are you talking about? Youre a terrific actor.terrific: 很棒的,优秀的乔伊,你在说什么,你是个很棒的演员。-Joey: You really think so?你真的这样认为?-Rachel: Ugh, how can

12、 you even ask that question?!噢,你怎么能问那样的问题?And with that we go into the save the budget portion of the show, which features flashbacks from previous episodes. The first set of auditions feature high lights or low lights of Joeys acting career. The first flashback is from The One With The Lesbian Wedd

13、ing.Budget: 预算portion: 部分feature:特征,特点 flashback: 急转previous: 先前的episode: 情节,插曲lesbian: 女同性恋Scene: Monica and Rachels, everyone is there to watch Joeys first scene as Dr. Drake Remoray.-Chandler: Whoa, shes pretty. (Mentioning the girl on TV)mention: 提到,谈到噢,她的确很美-Joey: Yeah, and oh shes really nice

14、too. She taught me all about, you know, how to work the cameras, and smell-the-fart摄像机,照相机fart 屁对。而且她人也很好,她教了我很多表演的技巧,还有如何“掩饰尴尬-Rachel: Im sorry, what?抱歉。什么,Joey?-Monica: What?什么?-Ross: Excuse me?抱歉?-Joey: Its like, you got so many lines to learn so fast, that sometimes you need a min

15、ute to remember your next one.remember: 记得,记忆就像你一下要背很多台词,但是有时需要点时间才能想起下一句,So while youre thinking of it, you take this big pause where you look all intense, you know, like this. (Does this intense look where it looks like hes smelling a fart.)intense: adj.剧烈的严肃的pause: 暂停所以当你想不起来的时候,你可以用专注的神情来掩饰这段时间,

16、就像这样。-Chandler: Oh, ok.哦,明白了-Joey: (theres a gunshot on TV) Theres my scene, theres my scene. Joey on TV Mrs. Wallace, Im Dr. Drake Ramoray, your sisters neurosurgeon.Your sister is suffering from a. (Does the smell-the-fart look.)gunshot: 枪声,射击scene: 场景neurosurgeon: n.神经外科医生suffer from: 得了(一种病) 我的镜

17、头来了!我的镜头来了! 华莱士太大,我是Drake Ramoray医生,你妹妹的神经外科医生。你妹妹患了一种The next flashback is from The One With The Butt. The gang is watching Joey in Freud!butt: 屁股.gang: 群,对,一群人-Joey: (on stage in an Austrian accent) Vell, Eva, weve done some excellent work here, and I would have to say, your problem is quite clear

18、. (He goes into a song and dance number.) Austrian: adj.奥地利的accent : 口音,腔调number: n.韵律Eva,我们合作得很愉快,而且我要说你的问题很明显了。All you want is a tinkle,What you envys a schwang,A thing through which you can tinkle,Or play with, or simply let hang.tinkle: what little kids say when they have to pee.尿尿schwang: a sla

19、ng form of the word penis男性生殖器你只是想要一个老二,你在嫉妒男人,你想要拿它来撒尿,或是把玩,或是挂在那边。The next flashback is also from The One With The Butt and its also on the soundtrack. Hes -Joey telling everyone about his big break in Monica and Rachels apartment.soundtrack n.电影配音-Joey: I play Al Pacinos butt. All right? He goes

20、into the shower, and then, Im his butt.我扮演阿尔.卡西诺的臀部,怎么样? 他去洗澡然后我是他的臀部-Monica: (trying not to laugh) Oh my God.噢,天啊!-Joey: Cmon, you guys. This is a real movie, and Al Pacinos in it, and thats big!Cmon=come on: 别这样怎么啦,伙计们? 这是部真正的电影,Al Pacino也在里面,是部大制作-Chandler: Oh no, its terrific, its- its- yknow, y

21、ou deserve this, after all your years of struggling, youve finally been able to crack your way into show business.terrific: 极好的,非常的crack: vt.强行进入deserve: 应该得到struggle: 努力,奋斗,挣扎be able to: 能够不,别误会。你知道,这是你应得的,这是你多年努力的成果。你的职业生涯终于取得突破了!-Joey: Okay, okay, fine! Make jokes, I dont care! This is a big brea

22、k for me!big break: 突破好,笑吧。我不在乎。这是我千载难逢的机会。-Ross: Youre right, youre right, it is.没错,你说得对-Monica: Yes.是的-Ross: So you gonna invite us all to the big opening? opening: 开幕你准备邀请我们参加你的首映会吗?Cut back to Joey about to leave for his audition for Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.-Joey: All right well, Im outta here. Wish

23、 me luck.outta=out of: 出去好,我要出发了,祝我好运吧!-Phoebe: (overacting with a song this time) (singing) Gooood luck! Gooood luck! We all wish you good luuuuuuuuck!祝你好运,我们都祝你好运!-Joey: Yeah, whatever. (Exits.)对,管他怎样-Phoebe: Wow, if l could dance, ld be a triple threat.triple threat:n.具有三种专长的多面手要是我会跳舞,那就更可怕了。Scen

24、e: Central Perk, Chandler and Ross are playing chess and are both studying the board intently.chess: 象棋board: 板(这里指棋盘) intently adv.专心地-Ross: Its your turn. 轮到你了-Chandler: Oh, are we playing this?! 哦, 我们在玩这个?!-Joey: (entering, dejectedly) Hey.dejectedly: 沮丧地嘿-Chandler: Hey! Howd the audition go?嘿,试镜

25、还顺利吗?-Joey: Terrible! I messed up every line! I shouldnt even be an actor! messed up: 搞得乱七八糟糟透了。我没句台词说对了,我不该当演员的-Ross: Wait a minute, are you doing that thing where you pretend it didnt go well but it really did go well? pretend: 伪装go well: 事情进行得顺利等等。你是在假装试镜不顺利吧?而其实上很顺利?-Joey: Yeah, did I fool ya?我唬

26、弄到你们了吗?-Ross: Totally!totally: 完全地完全被骗了!-Chandler: So it did go well.那么,一切很顺利-Joey: Oh, it went amazingly well!amazingly:惊人的实在是非常好!-Ross: Great! 太好了!-Chandler: Oh thats great! 实在是非常好!-Joey: Yeah-yeah, its down to me and two other guys.没错,最后就剩我和另外两个人。-Chandler: Oh my God!哦,天啊!-Ross: Wow!喔!-Joey: And

27、I know both of them, theyre really good. One of them is the guy from those allergy commercials whos always getting chased by those big flowersallergy:n.敏感症commercial: 广告chase: 追逐,追随而且我认识他们两个。他们都很不错。其中一个就是拍那个对那些巨大的花朵有敏感症广告的家伙。-Ross: Oh, I love that guy! (Laughs.)哦, 我喜欢那家伙!-Chandler: Oh-oh, what are y

28、ou doing?噢-噢, 你怎么了?-Ross: (stops laughing) What am I doing?我怎么了?-Joey: Im just so nervous! Yknow? The callback isnt until tomorrow at five. I feel like my head is going to explode!nervous: 紧张的 callback n.回复explode: 爆炸你知道吗,我很紧张?要等到明天5点才有回音。我感到头都要炸了-Chandler: Well, it is overdue.overdue: Coming or arr

29、iving after the scheduled or expected time 晚来的呃, 你的头早该爆了。-Ross: Look, dont worry. Okay? Youre gonna be fine.不要担心. 好吗? 你能行的.-Joey: Theres just so much pressure. I mean no offense, but what you guys do is very different. I dont know if youd understand.offense: 冒犯但是压力太大了. 我是说我不能出差错, 你们的工作跟我的不一样. 我不知道你们

30、能否理解.-Ross: Yeah, none of the rest of us have to deal with pressure at our jobs.是啊, 我们在工作中从来不曾有过压力.Thus starts another series of flashbacks all dealing with the pressure the rest of the Friends have to deal with in their jobs. The first flashback is from The One With The Stoned Guy.flashback:倒叙情节Sce

31、ne: Chandlers office. Hes on the phone, agitated.agitated: adj.troubled emotionally and usually deeply 焦躁不安的-Chandler: (on phone) Yes, Fran. I know what time it is, but Im looking at the WENUS and Im not happy!是的, Fran. 我知道现在是什么时候。但我正在看着这个WENUS并且很不高兴!The next flashback is from The One With The Prom

32、Video. Monica is at a job interview at a new restaurant.-Monica: Alright, well Im tearing the lettuce.tear: .撕开撕裂lettuce: n.莴苣生菜接着我要把生菜撕碎.-Interviewer: Uh-huh. Is it dirty?呃. 它们脏吗?-Monica: Oh-oh, no no dont worry, Im gonna wash it.哦-哦, 不要担心, 我会洗的-Interviewer: Dont, I like it dirty. 不用洗, 我喜欢脏点的.-Moni

33、ca: Thats your callcall n. (比赛时裁判的)判定判决由你来定.-Interviewer: So, uh, what are you going to do next?那么, 呃, 你接下来要做什么?-Monica: Well, I thought that I would cut up the tomatoes. 我想我要切碎这些西红柿.-Interviewer: Are they, uh, firm?firm adj.坚硬的它们结实么?-Monica: Theyre alright.还行.-Interviewer: You sure they havent gone

34、 bad? Youre sure theyre not very, very bad? 你确定它们没有变质?你确定它们没有严重变质?-Monica: No really, theyre OK. 没有, 它们很好.-Interviewer: You gonna slice them up real nice? slice sth up v.切片你会把它们都切成很漂亮吗?-Monica: Actually, I was gonna do them julienne.julienne: a.切丝的切细的n. 肉汁菜丝清汤实际上我要把它们切成条。-Interviewer: Aaaahhhhhhh. 啊

35、啊啊啊啊.-Monica: Im outa here. Monica leavesouta:=out of我走了The next flashback is from The One With Rachels Crush.Scene: Bloomingdales, Rachels new job.Bloomingdale: 纽约的百货公司-Rachel: (on the phone) Monica, Im quitting! I just helped an 81 year old woman put on to my boss right now! (Pause) Yes I am! (Pau

36、se) Yes I am! Yes I am! Yes I am! Yes I am! Yes I am! thong: 丁字裤Monica, 我不干了! Monica,我刚帮了一个81岁的老太太j挤进丁字裤,而她竟然没有买!我告诉你我不干了。就这样,我现在就要去跟老板说。没错,我马上就去!马上就去!马上就去!Okay bye, call me when you get this message. (Hangs up.)好了,当你听到这口信的以后打电话给我。The next flashback is from The One With The Dozen Lasagnas, Phoebe is

37、 telling everyone but Rachel about the pass Paulo made on her.make a pass at对某人作非礼举动性骚扰-Monica: Well, what happened?哎,怎么了?-Phoebe: Well, he came in for a massage and everything was fine until. (The flashback shows Paulo lying face down on the massage table and slowly moving his hands up Phoebes legs

38、 and grabbing her butt.) massage: 按摩grab: 抓住他来按摩,本来一切挺好的,直到-All: Ohhhhhh!噢!-Ross: Oh my God! 噢,天啊!-Phoebe: And all of a sudden his hands werent the problem anymore. (The flashback shows Paulo rolling over and showing Phoebe his equipment.)all of the sudden: 突然roll over: 翻滚,滚动equipment: 设备(这里指生殖器)突然间

39、他的那双手都算不上麻烦事了-Monica: Was it.是不是.-Phoebe: Oh, Boy Scouts couldve camped under it!boy scout n.男童子军camp: 露营噢, 童子军都能在里面宿营!The next flashback is from The One With -Rosss Sandwich, -Ross his confronting his boss about him eating -Rosss sandwich.-Ross: You ate my sandwich?你吃了我的三明治?-Dr. Ledbetter: It was a

40、 simple mistake. It could happen to anyone.只是一个小小的失误. 每个人都可能犯这样的错.-Ross: (getting upset) Oh-oh really? 喔-喔, 真的吗?-Dr. Ledbetter: Now-now calm down. Come look in my office, some of it may still be in the trash.calm down: 镇定下来trash: 垃圾,垃圾桶到我的办公室来看看, 也许还有些在废纸篓里.-Ross: (jumping to his feet in anger) What

41、?什么?-Dr. Ledbetter: Well, it was quite large. I-I-I-I-I had to throw most of it away.呃, 它太大了. 我-我-我-我-我不得不把大部分扔了.-Ross: You-you-you-you (trying to remain in control) threw my sandwich away!你-你-你-你把我的三明治扔了!Cut to an outside shot of the 博物馆-Ross: (losing control, we hear him shout outsi

42、de) MY SANDWICH?!lose control: 失去控制,着了魔我的三明治?!Cut to a shot of a park.-Ross: MY SANDWICH! (-Rosss scream scares a flight of pigeons away.) 我的三明治?!Cut back to Central Perk.-Joey: I want this part so much! Yknow? If I dont get this part Im never gonna eat Macaroni and Cheese again!No, I didnt say that

43、! Thats a lie.macaroni n.通心面 Macaroni and Cheese我非常想得到这个角色! 知道吗? 假如失败的话我就再也不吃通心面(Macraoni)和奶酪(Cheese)了。不,我没那样说过,那不算的。Scene: Joey and Rachels apartment, Chandler is there talking to the chick and duck.chick: 小鸡-Chandler: Oh come on guys, its not like I moved to Europe! I just moved to ac-Ross the hal

44、l! And we would have you over all the time if it werent for (struggles to get this out) Monicas allergies. have sb over: v.将某人请过来别这样,各位,我又不是要搬去欧洲,我只是搬到了对面。而且你们随时能过来, 当然假如莫妮卡的不会过敏的话。(The duck quacks.) Youre right, I could never lie to you. She hates you.你是对的,我不能骗你们。她讨厌你们。(The phone rings.) Should I g

45、et that? (Laughs, then answers the phone.) Hello? (Listens) Uh no, Joeys not here right now. Can I take a message?我该接吗? 喂?不,乔伊现在不在,我能留口信吗?(Listens) Yeah, okay so the audition has been moved from 5:00 to 2:30? (Listens) Okay great. (Listens.) Bye. (Hangs up the phone and goes to write the message on

46、the Magna-Doodle on the door but -Monica walks in and forces him to jump out of the way.)对,好。试镜时间从5点改到2点30分?好,很好。再见-Monica: (startled) Ahh! Arent you dressed yet?你还没穿好衣服吗?-Chandler: (looks down at his clothes) Am I naked again?!我又裸体了吗?-Monica: Were supposed to meet my parents in 15 suppos

47、ed to do sth: 应该,应当我们15分钟后要见我父母。-Chandler: Yeah okay, I was just talking to the guys. Just look at them I mean, is it okay if they come visit?好吧, 我只是在跟它们聊天. 看看它们,我是说, 它们能过去看看吗?-Monica: Wh?! What about my allergies?!allergy:过敏什么?! 那我的过敏症怎么办?!-Chandler: Oh right, your allergies. (Monica leaves and to

48、the chick and duck) All her, she hates you. (Chandler leaves without finishing the message for Joey.)好吧, 你过敏. 都是因为她, 她讨厌你们.Scene: Joey and Rachels apartment, Joey and Chandler are playing foosball and Joey scores a goal.-Joey: Yes! Ha-ha! All right! Hey! How cool would it be if you could watch like

49、a real life-sized version of this? Huh? I mean how crazy would that be?version: 版本嘿! 如果你能看到这样的真人版那会有多酷? 我是说那会有多么疯狂?-Chandler: As crazy as soccer? 象足球那么疯狂?(The phone rings and Joey answers it.) -Joey: (on phone) Hello? (Listens) What are you talking about? The auditions nottil 5:00! 喂,,你在说些什么? 试镜不是5:

50、00开始吗!(Chandler suddenly remembers and looks at the unfinished message then tries to sneak over and finish it as Joey listens.) Well, nobody told me! (Listens) Whod you talk to? (Listens and turns around to see -Chandler trying to finish the message.) Nevermind! (Hangs up.)没有人通知我啊! 你跟谁说了? 别在意!-Chand

51、ler: You mean you didnt get it from this? 你是说你没有看到这个?-Joey: The allergy guy got the part! Thanks! 那个过敏男得到了这个角色! 谢谢!-Chandler: Well, maybe we can fix it yknow? Maybe we can send him some-some big-big flowers and scare him! scare: 惊吓也许还有些挽救措施? 我们可以送去些大大的花朵来吓死他!-Joey: How could you do this to me -Chand

52、ler?! This part couldve turned my whole career around! turn around: 颠覆你怎么能这样对我, -Chandler?! 这个角色可以改变我的职业生涯!-Chandler: I messed up. Okay? Im sorry, I really messed up. 我搞砸了. 好吗? 很抱歉, 我真的搞砸了.-Joey: Hey, you dont even live here anymore! What are you doing answering my phone? I have my machine! 嘿, 你都不再住

53、在这里了! 你干吗接我的电话? 我有台留言机!-Chandler: Which I bought for ya. Taught ya how to use it. You thought it was a copier. copier: n.复印机是我买给你的.,教你如何使用.,你本来以为那是台复印机.Look, if there was anything I could do, I would do it. Okay? But everybodys allowed one mistake, right?allow: 允许如果有任何事我能办到的, 我都愿意去做. 好吗? 但是人人都会犯错, 不

54、是吗?Joey just laughs as a third set of flashbacks featuring Chandlers mistakes starts. The first flashback is from The One With The Prom Video. Its Chandler telling Phoebe how much he hates the bracelet Joey bought him. Theyre both at Central Perk.bracelet n.手镯-Chandler: You know he coulda gotten me

55、a VCR, he coulda gotten me a set of golf clubs, but no, he has to get me the woman repeller! The eyesore from the Liberace house of crap! VCR: abbr.VideoCassette Recorder 录象机Repeller: 反射极(弹回装置,栏板) eyesore: 丑的东西, 眼中钉The eyesore from the Liberace house of crap: 这种刺眼的东西多么碍事golf club n.高尔夫球棍你知道他本来可以给我一台

56、摄像机,也可以给我一套高尔夫球棍, 但是没有,,他给了我这种女人玩意!这种刺眼的垃圾!-Phoebe: Its not that bad. 没有那么糟.-Chandler: Oh, yeah, easy for you to say, you dont have to walk around sporting some reject from the Mr. T collection. (Joey walks in behind Chandler)sport: 炫耀Laurence Tureaud (born May 21, 1952), better known as Mr. T, was

57、most notably a star of the 1980s television series The A-Team. Mr. T is famous for his trademark Mohawk-style haircut and for the many gold chains he wears around his neck噢, 你当然说得轻松, 你又不用带着这种T先生的收藏品走来走去.-Phoebe: Chandler, Chandler. Chandler, Chandler.-Chandler: (in Mr.Ts tone)I pity the fool who put

58、s on my jewelry, I do, I do. I pity the fool that. . . (turns around and sees -Joey)Hi!jewelry: 珠宝,首饰pity v.(觉得)可怜我可怜那个戴上这个首饰的傻瓜, 可怜, 可怜. 我可怜那个傻瓜. . . 嘿!The next flashback is from The One Where Chandler C-Rosses The Line. Hes telling Joey that he kissed Cathy.-Chandler: Yeah, I mean when you were la

59、te last night, Kathy and I got to talking, and one thing lead to another and当你昨晚迟到时, Kathy和我聊了起来, 然后事情接连发生-Joey: And what?! Did you sleep with her?! Sleep with: 与睡觉,与发生性行为什么?! 你跟她上床了?!-Chandler: No! No! No! I just kissed her. 没有! 没有! 没有! 我只是吻了她.-Joey: What?! Thats even worse! 什么?! 那更糟!-Chandler: How

60、 is that worse?!那怎么可能更糟?!-Joey: I dont know! But its the same!我不知道! 但这是一码事!-Chandler: Youre right, I have no excuses! I was totally over the line. over the line: 太过分了你说的对, 我没有任何借口可找! 我彻底越线了.-Joey: Over the line?! You-youre-youre so far past the line, that you-you cant even see the line! The line is

61、a dot to you!so far adv.就此范围(程度)来说dot: 点,小东西越线?! 你-你-你越过线如此之多你甚至根本看不到那根线了!在你看来那根线已经变成一个小点了!Cut back to Joey and Rechels apartment.-Chandler: Look, Im not saying that you should magically forgive me! But youre not perfect! Youve made some errors in judgment too!forgive: 原谅error: 错误judgment: 判断瞧,我不奢望你

62、马上奇迹般原谅我。但是你也不是完美的,你也犯过一些错。-Joey: Name one!说一个!Chandler proceeds to point out Joeys errors in this forth set of flashbacks. The first flashback is from The One With The Cat. Chandler has just returned home to see that their apartment has been cleaned out and finds Joey trapped in the entertainment ce

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