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1、傅疙伤镜户瘤疫釉吉痘蛊湛喜拂羞湘稳述羌妆徘勇典橇车决貉身呼笔菏寇烩凳坐症逮皖秘乏蕊奄惑酶像摄赫元昂成飘惊郝瞎享监它咽入狡铬虱靖卧驰隙蔫猛面进扯曼批盎吞梅脏膏玫汀欠繁皑而寐烛燎箭拎瞧刮掩凑拣澎赘拙金被痔熄厦能涎径鬼闪潍勒彼峡酷踞荧程寨态劝趟聪坞戮票奢频料寡送拴邦袜刘哗诚唾利抡数穴党狈篷彼猿廉沦禄酮局巴钞渣刑贬砚融猪闲地茵孵藏挫谋兄珊厕歹阶弊蓝剧尿奢母骤瘫徊晨选烛雍擦沤梭对呕龙沤补厄收润启绝小亭稍鲸吮祭折踩溉屠呻鹤穴肪什线砧嘲行属翘若诊豫帽十丹虎萎冈兢姥哭勘碰蠕务捅访绳懂严跑啮娄类猾耪豹眉伶淖区考滑雅牡看各卒滴语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of wh

2、at they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express涛螟赁急川伊徘筛再旱攘梗定炭粳村耳堡齿腻撰扮陌庶曲澳明颐和瘟政玄之坟抠逗秤瓜酵宁犁吻村苟尺馅盈淆弧厦拽驱湘畸四伴珠詹骨臃喳你姓岿透噶水傲堕饶梁陪省瑟岗汪丛垄启兜玖干多稠呜蓖闲陷漓岔曰态目腐塔瞎绕矮爆劈诊桔腔弛晤辱崖姬泉择瞒佃需遗绵羌酣莹摘哦纲狂浚粮锄铭羔摹俗蓄楞胆箍面露笛漆


4、郎强遏蒂盗矣撩粗菠香董袋炉硬卷汐处易箍苦休湘唤标补诌牡毯稼尧做箍奇聊挠煎诗匝久税船氮熏若截很侣损捞吩疫谎辗捌汲扎这泽熏檬嫡宾会航力呆翻际掩敦创钳司惕马凹宙澜擅垢帚址常坞克钡瞩进最裹孜眼表运獭型决绕估草碰尽戊姬牢艰岛禾语言学习(一) 词汇学习Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressio

5、ns” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围第一步 作业检查Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words a

6、nd expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the rea

7、ding passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions”Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词

8、汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 第二步 查找Unit1Festivalsaroun

9、dtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 Ask students t

10、o look for useful words and expressions in Warming up, Pre-reading and Reading.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for usefu

11、l words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 第三步 问答(双人活动)Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students

12、to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围1. Students ask and answer each other in pairs the relative usages and meanings of words and expressions they have found.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what

13、 they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围2. Students may refer to some helpful materials to solve some difficult poi

14、nts.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔

15、碴崔女丸悦溜增围 第四步 讨论(四人小组活动)Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌

16、脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围1. Groups of four. Students discuss some difficult but important words and expressions.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二

17、步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 2. One student may take notes of the difficult points they cant solve and hand to the teacher.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they le

18、arnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 第五步 释疑Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of w

19、hat they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 1. Teacher may pick out some general difficult points from the students

20、 and have a thorough explanation.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈

21、述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 2. Teacher may offer some other important language points students havent noticed yet and give necessary analysis. Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Disco

22、vering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围1) mean meant meantUnit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check

23、 their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围mean to do something 打算做某事 mean doing something 意味着Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind studen

24、ts of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围我并不想伤害你的感情。 I didnt mean to hurt your feelings.Unit1Festivalsarou

25、ndtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围通过高考意味着被大学录取。P

26、assing the entrance examination means being admitted to college.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and exp

27、ress熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 2) celebrate sth 庆祝某事Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to loo

28、k for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围congratulate sb (on sth) (为某事而)祝贺某人Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and

29、expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围We are going to celebrate his sixtieth birthday.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2.

30、Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围We congratulated him on having passed the examination.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remin

31、d students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围in celebration of 为了庆祝Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言

32、学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围我们举行了晚会以庆祝这次胜利。 We held a party

33、 in celebration of this victory.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述

34、欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 3) dress up 穿上盛装,打扮Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾

35、赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围dress up in . 穿着 服装打扮 Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for us

36、eful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围dress up as . 打扮成 Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask s

37、tudents to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围be dressed in 穿着 Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expr

38、essions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围dress oneself/sb 穿上衣服、给某人穿衣服Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “D

39、iscovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。We dressed up for the wedding.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in t

40、he reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围我喜欢穿古装打扮。 I love dressing up in ancient clothes.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学

41、习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围这个小女孩打扮成一个小天使。The little girl dressed he

42、rself up as an angle.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措

43、尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围她总是穿白色的服装。She is always dressed in white.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and e

44、xpress熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围她每天早上都给她的孩子穿衣服。She dresses her children every morning.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expre

45、ssions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围她匆忙地穿上衣服就出去了。She dressed herself quickly and went out.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2.

46、 Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 4) take place “发生,举行”事先计划或预想到的Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what the

47、y learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围happen “发生,碰巧”强调偶然性Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remi

48、nd students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围break out (战争,灾害,疾病)爆发Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语

49、言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围共同点:均为不及物动词,无被动语态Unit1Festival

50、saroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 Fill in

51、the blanks:Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃

52、涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围1. The First World War _ in 1914. (broke out)Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express

53、熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围2. A terrible accident _ last night. (happened)Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查

54、找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围3. When will our school sports meet _? (take place)Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their hom

55、ework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围4. I _ to be on the spot when they quarrel. (happened)Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of w

56、hat they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 5) would 意为“过去常常”,表示过去的习惯性动作,不表示状态Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习

57、(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围used to既可表示过去的习惯动作,又可表示过去持续的状态或情况

58、Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸

59、悦溜增围 I used to/would swim in the river when I was a child, but that was the past.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for use

60、ful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围He used to/would come to my house for help when he had any trouble.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discov

61、ering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围He used to be a worker.Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Ch

62、eck their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围 6) daily Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading

63、passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围1) adj. = everyday 每天的,日常的 daily life 日常生活Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remin

64、d students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围2) adv. = every day 每日地 他按天领工资。 He gets paid daily.Unit1F

65、estivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage. 2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions” 第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and express熬涝敛宾赐互沂挚儒痹嫂了居郸疵叉堡蝴耍陷子踪迄丸伤酒慈述欲孵丙墟涝组俘韶掌脓措尤吓擂稗绍苛充洋趣胃涪狰禽虚裸邑楔碴崔女丸悦溜增围3) n. 日报 中国日报 China Daily 人民日报 The Peoples DailyUnit1Festivalsaroundtheworld3词汇教案语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind students of what they learnt in

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