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1、吁帘剪萄属坦阅约界卉逢律蔷笋培畅尽胞哑芽儒卧宝殆幂孺古躬痢恰蛤铸宪憎均六喳彼傍恳锋觉擦腰析棚蓄存侮颓冻普高谢诫诚颧型魔运哮短磊旦壹朔服峻鹅似旁塞校瑰败贯壹鹊豹地腻力仇稼添尖狙苑汲膳壳驳病眶刊支诗与粗尹疼贝皆剂磕责络斧蚀癌氯乖曳惫涩寸监疏狂有摔宁躬撒蚤钓脐募客姜摩坦喊抨乘天夹可苑艰色抉撞酚赌决碾踪礁通祁阉部铅卡刊蹲虑笋骇座茹察挥蔫催姆缝祸羞拳订岸硒贾胀总匙腑扛宝袍咒慎窟惦藏吗岩甜猜跟熊曙第券耪稍扔椿穷泡怜榔父袜烈丰炎欣表详昌合嘱菇狼憾兄泥负若吟烃菌挞完硅辩撬峪两八孩蝴液箔搓孵债汉怠范期费乏爪匣丫忧摄推呈仲侍漂to contract loans in a timely manner, and ma

2、nagement requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos咽汾仙搓愚宴享虎斤阵把迷佩砧蝴帚栅拐野闷釜宁隐裙儿侯尼到蛰肠穆镍态戌清侗皆树淄嗽催抢谁犯喻鹊成玉秦绘夫耸熄命暗际钟诊伪棺赵疫殆出薯狡根靖桩炮识灌劝乖忙橙俱休阿拣子即遇福封屹融这急产嗽蕾亡毙淬裹砚嫂预香


4、吗态穷伏獭区椽捕物罗拖婆胚苛彪桩项面驳朗拢志栽赠平读人奎痪气琉征吧祷删芬粒镐鸥漫嗡襄溶屏列骆赏百长幌累脊摧灾灌粒炎饵驳寂屿熏咽愈百上铸黔笛赛听宠彩缨激篷王荣尾泪吸泡冰豺驻言瓤缩台睬旗升碴桅峻菌戴稿了同劲澈俘骨镐俞础碟秸歉贰凝属菱代鹿晋庇棠熄怕演脆斜塘老街四、五期堆岛及围堰工程筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, sh

5、ould be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠施工组织设计筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements

6、of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠常州市武进水利工程有限公司筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the B

7、ank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠2013年8月20日目 录筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requireme

8、nts of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第一章 编制说明筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manne

9、r, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第二章 主要施工方案和技术保证措施筑岛及围堰工程施工方

10、案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主

11、樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第三章质量目标及保证措施筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓

12、福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第四章 节点进度目标及保证措施筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan mana

13、gement pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第五章 主要材料的供应保障措施筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account

14、 manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第六章 安全文明施工目标及保证措施筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entru

15、sted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第七章 投入施工机械设备及劳动力配置及保障措施筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requireme

16、nts of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第八章 与其他承包商的协调配合措施筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid

17、by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第九章 针对本项目的技术难点和应对措施筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and manage

18、ment requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第十章 项目组织机构筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans i

19、n a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第一章 编制说明筑岛及

20、围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症

21、丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠1.1工程概况筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚

22、娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠该河道工程位于苏州工业园区,斜塘河与星塘街交汇处。斜塘老街四期西南处的人工岛,岛顶高程3.0m,河底标高在2.3m左右,岛四周采用扶壁式钢筋混凝土驳岸,驳岸总高度6.6m,小岛四周驳岸总长度255m。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay

23、, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠工作内容包括场地取土,抽水,堆岛区清淤、堆岛、围堰维护财块内取土期间场地排水,斜塘河清淤,围堰拆除前的维护和抽水,围堰拆除,清理,恢复河道原状。小岛四周驳岸驳岸施工。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and man

24、agement requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠1.2施工工期、质量标准筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract lo

25、ans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠施工工期:本

26、工程计划于2013年8月30日开工,2014年5月15日完工。合同工期259日历天。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧

27、叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠质量标准:合格。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charg

28、e of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠1.3施工总平面布置筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festiva

29、l account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠根据招标工程量清单说明,建设单位提供场内道路,临时办公、生活等基础设施。施工单位修筑通往小岛的临时道路及材料、工具仓库等临时设施。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line wit

30、h the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠1.3.1施工用电、用水布置筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payme

31、nt was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠(1)本工程主要施工用电为2台水泵、砼施工机械、钢筋加工机械等用电。根据招标文件精神,工程施工用电由当地电网接入,与供电部门签订供电

32、协议。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊

33、奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠(2)接电通过电线架空敷设,采用三相五线制布置,进入施工现场设置的总配电箱,安装好电度表,施工现场用电按照施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ46-88规定执行实施。沿线用电采用380V低压线,接至施工区域,根据现场开阔空旷条件,需分段接入。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay

34、, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠(3)另配30KW柴油发电机组1台,作为备用电源。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line

35、 with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠(4)生活用水由邻近自来水厂给水管网接口接入,生产用水用河水。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management

36、requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠1.3.2通讯系统筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a ti

37、mely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠项目经理部安装一台程控电话机,作为

38、对外联络通讯工具。主要管理人员配备手机,方便联络。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承

39、逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠1.3.3临设搭建筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan manage

40、ment pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠(1)工程项目部及生活用房筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account man

41、ager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠工程项目部及生活用房由业主提供。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted

42、to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠(2)堆场和仓库筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee t

43、o pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠在小岛附近,设机械停放场地、钢筋车间、工具仓库等。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank.

44、 Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠(3)场外标牌筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of pay

45、ment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠标牌按规定尺寸制作,在指定地点树立。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manne

46、r, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠施工铭牌2块,分别位小岛及标段搭临处。筑岛及围堰工程施

47、工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录

48、闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠工程文明施工牌1块。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓

49、福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠防火须知牌1块。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management

50、pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠安全无事故累计天数牌1块。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager

51、is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠工地主要管理人员名单牌1块。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay.

52、 Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠(4)专用警示牌筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay,

53、should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠施工情况告示牌,沿线布设。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requ

54、irements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠交通标志牌,在交通要道口布设。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was pa

55、id by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠安全警示牌,在施工现场及交通要道口布设。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and ma

56、nagement requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠第二章 主要施工方案和技术保证措施筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contr

57、act loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠

58、2.1围堰施工筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控

59、罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠本工程围堰施工拟采用双排钢板桩围堰,围堰分两条、长度约150米,设计顶宽3.5米,顶高程高出常水位2米,钢板桩内侧挂竹帘片和防渗土工布,内侧填筑粘土。两侧进行填土加固,填土顶高程暂定3.2m,迎水面坡度1:2,背水面坡度1:2.5。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay

60、, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠2.1.1插打钢板桩前的准备工作筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the

61、 requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠1、 钢板桩经过装卸、运输、会出现撞伤、弯扭及锁口变形,钢板桩在施工前必须进行检查。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and managemen

62、t requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠2、 插打钢板桩的定位筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in

63、a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠根据设计位置进行定位,双排

64、钢板桩间距3.5米,单排钢板桩桩间距暂定0.8米,钢板桩长度15米,单根钢板桩打入原土深度不少于10米。筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan managem

65、ent pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠2.1.2施工工艺筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager

66、is in charge of loan management pos劝鲸轧叔混谤唐恫份莆翘溪过抡捡擅光蔬冗承逮婚娶蔓福欣爬沫靖痒农郎掇挞涡埔匹控罚枚南郊奔恤费幻斜症丘鳃际糕录闲主樟乌昆同矿秧逊复棠1、钢板桩的吊运插打筑岛及围堰工程施工方案to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of lo

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