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1、Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B (3a-4)教案 谷城县冷集镇中心学校 王莉教学内容分析:本课是新目标英语八年级上册第7单元Section B第二课时,本单元的语言目标是“Describe a process and follow instructions”(询问和描述过程,能够依据指示语做事情)。Section B 的第二课时是在第一课时的基础上的拓展和延伸。它通过描述鸡肉和火鸡三明治的制作过程,复习了目标语言,对单元的语言知识和语言能力的再利用和提升。本课以“三明治的制作”为主要的教学内容,训练学生的听说读写和实践

2、的能力,尤其提高了写作能力。设计理念:以任务型活动为教学途径,培养学生自主学习能力、合作意识、探究精神,通过体验、参与,最大限度发挥学生的主观能动性,让学生积极动口,动手,动脑,从而激活英语课堂,让学生真正成为课堂的主体。创设情境让学生学习新语言。通过两个任务“制作鸡肉三明治”和“设计自己喜欢的三明治”的完成,让学生学会“用英语做事”,将所学的内容利用起来,并且应用到实践当中,体验到学以致用的成就感和快乐。教学目标:(1) 知识目标:学习掌握词汇recipe, super, top, a slice of,a teaspoon of , 学会描述制作三明治的过程。(2) 能力目标:语言输入经过

3、内化吸收完成语言输出,在听、说、读、写中提高语言技能,提高综合运用语言的能力,着重培养学生阅读和写作的能力。(3)情感目标和策略:通过学习三明治的制作和两个任务的完成,引导学生做些家务,为家人准备早餐。通过小组合作学习,培养学生的合作意识与探究精神。学生主动参与学习活动,在合作中完成学习任务,增进友谊。不同程度的学生通过在小组内完成任务,都能有所提高。教学重难点:1、学会用firstthennextfinally描述制作三明治的过程。2、 puton, cut up, addtoon the top ,a slice of,a teaspoon of教学准备:CAI,实物(制作三明治的食物材料

4、)过程评价过程评价:把学生分成几个小组,比一比,赛一赛, 给以不同的奖励。学生活动预设教师活动预设设计意图Preparation【热身复习,明确目标】1、Enjoy the song “Do you like?” and learn to sing it with the teacher . 2、Greeting the teacher.3、Listen to the evaluation requirements4、Look at the sandwiches, answer the teachers questions.T: Look, what are these?Ss: They ar

5、e sandwiches.T: Do you like lettuce in sandwiches ?Ss: Yes, we do. No, we dont.T: Do you like tomatoes in sandwiches?Ss: Yes, we do. No, we dont.T: Do you like chicken in sandwiches ?Ss: Yes, sure.5、(明确学习目标)Listen to the teacher.Ss: OK.【准备诱发】1、Play the song “Do you like?” and sing with the students.

6、2、Greeting the students.3、Divide groups, specify leader, design evaluation.4、Free talking with the students. Play the CAI, show some sandwiches ingredients to Ss and ask .5、Take a chicken sandwich in hands .T: Look, this is a chicken sandwich. Lets learn how to make it.演唱歌曲,是利用活泼、欢快、富于动感的音乐来调动学生的快乐参

7、与情绪,营造愉悦的学习氛围。继而用歌词中的“Do you like?”句型复习ingredients为导入新课目标“如何做三明治”做准备。划分小组,指定组长,比比,赛赛,建立评价机制,激发学生学习兴趣,诱发学习动机,培养学生集体意识,相互协作进行合作学习的能力。PresentationPractice【自主预习,正音操练】读一读1、 Read the recipe of 3a and discuss in pairs. Then answer the teachers question. “We need tomato, onion, lettuce” and according to the

8、 ingredients table, check answers.找一找2、(1)Ss find out new words and learn the new words and phrases with the help of their classmates and the teacher. super, chicken, relish , on the top ,a slice of,a teaspoon of (2)Ss read it carefully again and circle the answer of “How to make a super chicken san

9、dwich?”(3)Ss discuss in groups and answer the question, say the instructions. 说一说3、 Ss watch the videos of making a super chicken sandwich ,and follow it, learn to retell。【导学导练】1、Show Ss the recipe of 3a.T: Look, its an article about how to make a super chicken sandwich. Please read it and answer “W

10、hat ingredients do we need?” T: Maybe you can discuss with your partner. Check answers.2、(1)Ask Ss to find out the new words(2)Let Ss read it carefully again and raise a question: “How to make a super chicken sandwich?”(3)Teacher write down the key words on the blackboard“First,puton, then, cup up,

11、addto, next, finally”3、Play the videos of making a super chicken sandwich。整个阅读分三个步骤:一、 粗读课文,根据问题快速寻答,小组讨论交流问题1:What ingredients do we need?二、 细读课文,理清结构,圈出生词,关联词,动词词组,小组讨论交流问题2:How to make a super chicken sandwich? 中间穿插词汇学习,且词汇学习采取生教生和师教生的方式,调动学生学习的积极性。三、 通过看视频,学生理解复述学习三明治制作过程,再次巩固阅读效果。整个过程由浅入深,循序渐进,

12、符合中学生认知规律,更利于提高学生的阅读理解能力。另外小组讨论的学习方法便于小组长及时了解组内学员的学习情况,便于同学之间互相督促,互相帮助。这不仅降低学习难度,使学生增强自信,还增进友谊。Production【合作探究,展现提升】做一做1、One student comes to the front,makes the chicken sandwich with the help of the teacher ,the other students say the instructions together.2、Have a match to make their sandwiches, f

13、ollowing the group leaders instructions. (Use the ingredients the teacher gives.)Pay attention to “do and say”.(边做边说)3、Show their sandwiches.【点拨导思】1、Following the other students instructions , help one student to make the chicken sandwich in the front.2、Let Ss have a match to make their sandwiches.

14、3、Teacher gives some gifts to the groups that is faster and better.师生示范,然后小组内学生协作,在实践中检验自己的阅读成果,学以致用,加深印象。并且“边做边说”,巩固语言知识的同时,增强学生动手实践的能力。教师及时点评。听一听1、 Read the recipe of a turkey sandwich and discuss to guess the answers in pairs.2、Listen and write answers. Then exchange their paper and check each ot

15、her.3、Ss whose answers are all right hands up.1、 布置听力任务Show another recipe of a turkey sandwich.T: Please close your books. Then read it and discuss in pairs to guess the answers.2、Play the listening test.3、Teacher gives some gifts to the Ss whose answers are all right.将3b改成听力,此项拓展训练可以考察学生对知识的掌握情况。通

16、过让学生听音填空,加深学生对所学内容的理解,同时训练学生理解语篇,掌握听力技巧: 辨别语音,理解意思,听抓关键词。此环节也是为下一步学生写作做好示范准备。写一写1、 Discuss in groups and write down their own recipes.谈一谈2、 Talk about their own recipes and share others .1、布置写作任务:T: Today we learned how to make a chicken sandwich and a turkey sandwich. Now, lets design our own sandw

17、iches. You can add other ingredients you like. E g: carrots, cabbages, beef, pork2、 Choose good ones to give them some gifts.写作是本节课非常重要的一个环节,在写作中我设计拓展性和开放性的题目,让学生加入自己喜欢的其他材料设计自己喜爱的三明治,小组内讨论交流,此环节拓展学生的思维,达到学以致用,举一反三的目的。并提醒学生激活自己灵感,整理思路,组织素材,遣词造句,以提高写作技巧。 在谈论自己的三明治使我提醒学生语音、语调、停顿准确,语言流利,语意连贯。唱一唱Have a

18、chant to relax.Play the music and have a chant with Ss to relax.以上种种活动,尤其是写作之后,学生有些疲惫,让学生伴随有节奏的音乐唱一唱好好放松一下,而且唱词是根据3a的内容改编,又一次让学生在轻松地环境中对所学知识加深印象。Progress【达标检测,盘点收获】练一练1、Ss finish some exercise on the paper and exchange their paper. Then check each other.2、Ss whose answers are all right hands up.评一评3

19、、反思自己学习,做好自我评价。4、总结所学内容,对优胜组表示祝贺。【反馈测评】1、Have Ss do some exercise on the paper and exchange their paper. Then check answers.2、Teacher gives gifts to the Ss whose answers are all right.3、引导学生反思进行自评.4、总结本节课学了什么,评出优胜组,对其表示祝贺。5、布置homework.做根据本堂课所学内容改编的练习题,进一步巩固所学的知识。评价在这节课贯穿始终,不断调动学生的学习兴趣,家庭作业让学生为自己的家人做一次三明治作为早餐,使其学会关爱他人,对学生进行情感教育和情感渗透。The end Say goodbye to the teacher. (Then leave with the song “Do you like?”)Say goodbye to Ss. T: Thats all for today. Thank you, boys and girls. Bye. (Then play the song “Do you like?”)在歌声中开始,在歌声中结束。

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