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1、八年级英语第一学期期末调研测试(12页) - - 八年级英语第一学期期末调研测试5注意事项:?本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第ii卷(非选择题)两部分。满分loo分;考试时间loo分钟。?第I卷每小题选出答案后,请把答案写在后面的答题纸上。第一卷(三大题,共62分)一、听力选择(满分24分)A)回答问题(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)听下面6个问题或独白。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每个问题或独白读两遍。1.A. She was ill.B. Two mon ths.C. Thank you.2.A. I really like cats.B. I like pets.C.

2、I brush my cat.3.A. He is helpful.B. Yes, I agree.C. You re welcome.4.A. Very much.B. Play ing games.C. Very in teresti ng.5.A. I walk to school.B. About four kilometers.C. About four hours.6.A. What a good idea!B. It very expensive.C. She went there yesterdayB)对话理解(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)听下面8段对话。每段对话后有-个小

3、题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。7.What Petersjacket made of?A. Wool.B. Cott on.C. Leather.8.Which is the woman favourite sport?A. Cycli ng.B. Camp ing.C. Divi ng.9.How does the man usually go to work?A. By bike.B. By bus.C. On foot.10. What time does the school day finish every day?A. 5:00 p.m.B. 4

4、:50 p.m.C. 5:10 p.m.11. Where are the speakers?A. In a factory.B. In a shoe shop.C. At home.12. What does the woma n want?A. Tea.B. Coffee.C. Water.13. When will the woma n visit the Summer Palace?A. Mo nday.B. Tuesday.C. Wed nesday.14 ? What does the boy wa nt to do?B. He wants to see a doctor.He w

5、ants to look after his mother.B. He wants to see a doctor.C. He wants to go swimming.C) 短文理解 ( 共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分 ) 听下面的短文。短文后有 5 个小题,从题中所给的 文读两遍。A 、 B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。短15 Where does Mr. Green come from?A. Japan.B. France.16 How many foreign languages could Mr. Green speak very well?C. England.A.

6、Only one.B. Two.17 What did Mr. Green do before he went to Japan?A. He bought a lot of presents for his Japanese friends.B. He taught himself Japanese at home.C. He went to evening classes to learn Japanese. 18 How long did Mr. Green stay in Japan?A. A few weeks.B. A few days.19 What was Mr. Green s

7、trouble when he stayed in Japan?A. The Japanese people could hardly understand him.B. He spoke Japanese as well as the Japanese people.C. Three.C. A few months.C. He could talk freely with the Japanese people. 、选择填空 (满分 18 分)A)单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。题 0.5 分,满分 8 分 )(共 16 小题;每小20 Shall we

8、go shopping this afternoon?A. That s all right B. RightC. Good idea21 It s very to learn English well. But if your work hard, it will become easy.D. Yes, me tooA. easyB. necessaryC. useful22 The fridge is making noise. I don t know what D. difficult with it.A. too much; is wrongC. much too; is wrong

9、23 does your sister walk her dog? Once a day.B. too much; wrong isD. much too; wrong isA. How manyB. How longC. How soon24 Why do you work so hard? I hope around the world one day.D. How oftenA. goingB. goesC. to goD. go25 Whose picture is better, Jack s or Toms? Both of them are good. I think Jack

10、draws Tom.as good asas well asbetter thanworse tha n What is Nancy goi ng to do?She is going to her teacheroffice andgoodbye to him.talkB. sayC. speakD. tellWe should usepeople andmoney to do the work better.less; lessB. fewest; lessC. fewer; lessD. fewer; least TOC o 1-5 h z Is this maths problem?

11、Yes, I can work it out.easy, easyB. easily, easilyC. easily, easyD. easy, easilyMore and more wild animals arebecause they have lost their living places.A. in dan gerB. in a dan gerC. out of dan gerD. out of the dan gerMy fathergave me some exercises and told me to do them.A. myself; by himselfB. hi

12、mself; by myselfC. himself; by himselfD. myself; by myselfWe needed to change our clotheswe got all wet.A. un tilB. sinceC. andD. so of gia nt pan das is gett ingbecause their liv ing areas are beco ming farmla nds.A. The nu mber; larger and largerB. A nu mber; larger and largerC. The nu mber; small

13、er and smallerD. A nu mber; smaller and smallerMy unclefor Hong Kong next week.A. is goingB. leftC. will goD. is leavi ng Do you know mother gia nt pan das have only one or two babies? Sorry, I don tknow.A. at a timeB. at the timeC. at this timeD. at that timeouti ng if it rains on Sun day?A. Did yo

14、u goB. Do you goC. Have you goneD. Will you goB)完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)His stories have no magic (魔法的)tricks or heroes, but still touch teenage readers. Benjamin, a young Beijing cartoonist ( 漫画家),is famous 36 his comic books Remember and One Day. His colorf

15、ul stories of young people worki ng hard for dreams and love have 37 lots of fans.Benjamin has been drawing38 for 10 years. He tried many jobs before that, _39what he enjoys most is the freedom of draw ing.40_ cartoons is like writing diaries, he said, I draw about the people and things that I meet,

16、 just like a writer.For Benjamin, a good story is more important than a picture.Benjamin says drawing can be painful ( 痛苦的).He 41 even thinks he cant go on. Once he 42 a month on one picture!Sometimes you are stuck at one point. Look at the picture from a differe nt an gle ( 角度),like from the back o

17、f the paper. Then youll know how to 43.44 your pare nts wont let you draw or read carto ons? Benjam in has the 45: be a goodkid and work hard. Then steal time for the hobby!36. A. asB. forC. withD. i n37. A. wonB. gotC. beatD. took38. A. photosB. articlesC. carto onsD. stories39. A. soB. whileC. orD

18、. but40. A. WritingB. Drawi ngC. Us ingD. Seeing41. A. oftenB. usuallyC. sometimesD. always42. A. costB. spentC. paidD. took43. A. continueB. stopC. finishD. start44. A. WhyB. What elseC. What ifD. What about45. A. wayB. an swerC. mi ndD. idea、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选

19、项。AIn most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join “ environmen环境)club ” . In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clea n.Here are some things stude nts ofte n do.No-garbage(垃圾)lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? E

20、nvironment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school!No-car day. On a no-car day, n obody comes to school in a car not the stude nts nor the teachers! Cars give pol

21、lution to our air, so remember:Walk, jump, bike or run.Use your legs! It s lots of fun!3Turn off the water! Did you know that some toilets can waste twenty to forty m of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs, students mend those broken toilets.We love our envi

22、ronment. Let s work together to make it clean.What is the aim (目的)of environment clubs?They ask stude nts to run to school every day.They ask stude nts not to waste water.They ask stude nts not to throw away lunch bags.They work together to keep the environment clea n.From the passage we know the st

23、udents usually have lunch.A. at schoolB. in shopsC. in clubsD. at homeWho will take a car to school on a no-car day?A. Both stude nts and teachers.B. Only stude nts.C. Neither stude nts nor teachers.49. Which is the best title for this passage?D. Only teachers.A. No-garbage lun ches.B. No-car day.C.

24、 Turn off the water.D. An En vir onment club.BSome Events of Athens 傩典)x Olympic Games (Aug. 2123)Aug. 21 SaturdayAug. 22 SundayAug. 23 MondayVolleyball:Women sPreliminaries(Russia vs. the Un ited States) 02:30 CCTV-2Football:Women s Quarterfi nal14:00 CCTV-5Table Tennis:Men sDoubles Gold MedalMatch

25、19:00 CCTV-5Badminton:Men s Singles Gold MedalMatch20:15 CCTV-5Women s Doubles GoldMedal Match22:40 CCTV-1Diving:Women s 10m Platform Final 04:20 CCTV-5Basketball:Me n s Prelimi naries(China vs. Italy)14:25 CCTV-5Table Tennis:Me n s Si ngles Semifi nal15:50 CCTV-5Tennis:Men s Singles Gold MedalMatch

26、22:00 CCTV-5Basketball:Women s Prelimi naries(China vs. the United States)01:00 CCTV-2Gymnastics:Gymn astics Artistic Final09:15 CCTV-5Table Tennis:Men s Si nglesGold Medal Match19:00 CCTV-5New words:prelim in aries 预赛quarterfi nal 1doubles gold medal match 单 willing to help others.My sister likes e

27、njoys swimming. She spends a lot of time practicing (it) every week.The police often warn the children not to play on the road heavy traffic on the way back home.六、书面表达Dear Sir,I read your ad in the newspaper last Sunday. Now I m writing to tell your Ibecome a member of the Birdwatching Club.I ma 15

28、-year-old student in Grade 8 at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. My favourite subjects are P.E. andScience. I m very interested in playing basketball, and I quite healthy. I m also an animal lover, so I love birds and nature very much. Last year Iwrote a report on the endangered birds for our scho

29、ol newspaper.I think it s very important for moestomdething to protect birds.I will be very happy if I can become a member of your club. You can call me on 010-8255668 or e-mail me at zhangqiang.Best wishes,Yours sincerely,Zhang Qiang 评分标准一、内容要点1年龄、学校、身体状况; 2喜欢体育、科学;喜爱旅游、打篮球; 3动物爱好者;4去年为校报写过一篇关于濒危鸟类

30、的报道;5联系方式;6你的请求。二、评分细则 1内容要点错、漏,时态、语态错用,句子结构错误为大错;其余为小错,3 个小错相当于 1 个大错。2先通读短文,划出大错,点出小错,结合对全文的综合印象确定所属档次。三、各档次给分范围和要求第六档:(14-15 分)能写明全部或大部分要点;语言基本无误,有效地使用了语句 的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑、连贯;可有 1 个大错。第五档:(12-13 分)能写明全部或大部分要点;语言基本无误;可有 1-2 个大错。第四档:(9-11 分)能写明全部或大部分要点;语言有少量错误;可有 2-3 个大错。(9 分为及格分 )第三档:(7-8 分)能写明基本要点;语言虽有较多错误,尚能达意;可有 4-5 个大 错。第二档:(4-6 分)只写出一、二个要点;语言错误很多,只有个别句子可读。第一档:( 1-3 分)只写出与内容要求有关的一些单词。0 分:未传达给读者任何信息;所写的内容与要求无关;无法看清。

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