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1、1. Abstract1) Adj. 深奥的,抽象的Astronomy is an abstract subject. 天文学是一门深奥的学科。 Beauty is abstract but a house is not . 美是抽象的,房子是具体的。2) V.。“提炼”“抽取”Rubber is abstracted from trees.橡胶是从树木提取的。Salt can be abstracted from sea water盐是从海水中提取出来的。“概括,写摘要”He is abstracting a story for a book review. 他在为一篇书评撰写故事摘要。3)

2、 n.摘要an abstract of a lecture 一个演讲的摘要2. would rather do sth情愿做.would rather sb did sth 情愿 sb 做I would rather stay at home today. 我今天宁愿待在家里。I would rather you came here tomorrow. 我宁愿你明天来。情愿做 .而不愿意做:would rather do sth than do sth= would do sth rather than do sth= prefer to do sth rather than do sth=

3、prefer doing sth to doing sthI would rather go with you than stay here.I would go with you rather than stay here.I prefer to go with you rather than stay here.I prefer going with you to staying here.3. faithn. 信任 ,信仰break ones faith with sb. 对某人不守信用 keep faith with 忠于信仰 ; 守信I kept faith with him. 我信

4、守了对他的诺言。He who loses faith, loses all.失去信心的人,失去所有。 have faith in 相信 , 信任 in good faith 老实地;诚恳地faithful adj. 忠诚的,可靠的4感叹句:so+adj+a(an)+(单数可数)什that )It wassocold a day thatSuch+a(an)+adj.+n.(不可数)/ n (复数)It wassucha cold day thatso many /few +n (复数)(+ that )so much/little (不可数)(+that )eg.1) The book iss

5、oin terest ing that I want to read it aga in.2) the ice in the river was n early two feet thick.3) the ice in the river was n early two feet thick.4) There aresomany mistakes in yourcomposition th at I can t understand it.5) He has madesuchrapid progress that he got the first in the exam.答案:so such

6、so sosuchthat Mary was able to set up new branches elsewhere. (07 陕西)A. So successful her bus in ess wasB. So successful was her bus in essC. So her bus in ess was successfulD. So was her successful bus in ess答案:B5. consequently adv.所以,因止匕I overslept and consequently I was late for work. 我睡过头了,所以我上班

7、迟至U了。Mr Foster has n ever bee n to China. Con seque ntly, he knows very little about it.(做插入语) 福斯特先生从未去过中国,所以对中国了解得很少。It rained that day andthe baseball game was called off.A. howeverB. stillC. soD. Con seque ntly答案: D consequent adj. 作为结果的 ,随之发生的 consequence n. 结果as a consequence/result of = becaus

8、e of=in consequence = soShe was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence (of it). 她被判有罪 , 因而失去了工作6. aim1) n.Q(C)目标without aim 无目的的 / 无目标的achieve one s完成目标miss one s aim 打不中目标C(U)对准,瞄准take aim atThe hunter took aim at the lionsb/ sth s aim is to do 的目标是 .What is your aim in life? 你生活的目的是什么 ?The

9、governor s aim isintocrease citizens income.2) v.3(以枪等)对准,瞄准take aim at the target= aim at the target 瞄准靶子.He aimed his gun at the tiger, fired but missed it. 他用枪瞄准老虎并开火 ,但没打中aim at doing = aim to do 瞄准 , 力求做到 ,力争达到 Harry aims at becoming a doctor.or: Harry aims to become a doctor.aimless adj. 无目标的,

10、无目的的She led an aimless life.32打算,计划, 以为目标 , 立志做7. Conventionaladj.(traditional) 常规的,通常的,传统的;受俗套束缚的,按习惯办事的,陈旧的,形式上的conventional weapons 常规武器a conventional design 传统图案conventional opinions 旧观念The chairman made a few conventional remarks. 主席说了几句 客套 话。8. typical adj. 典型的;具有代表性的;象征性的 (representative) a t

11、ypical character 典型人物 typical example 典型事例He is a typical pupil; he is like most of the other pupils. 他是一个有代表性的学生,他和大多数其他学生一样。9. adj. evident 明白的 , 明显的 (apparent)n. evidence 证据 ; 证明The applause made it evident that the play was a hit. 掌声显然表明该剧是成功的。It i s evide nt (obvious) (to sb) thatIts evident th

12、at you are tired. 显然你累了。evident =in evidence 明显的10. realistic n. 现实主义的 ,逼真的 ,现实的 real adj. 真的 realize v. 实现in a more realistic way 以一种更逼真的形式realism现实主义idealism 理想主义realist 现实主义者terrorism 恐怖主义terrori st 恐怖分子Socialism 社会主义Socialist 社会主义者11. hold the Ideas/ value view that.持有的观点 / 价值观I hold the plan ca

13、n t work.adopt vt.1. 采取 ; 采纳 ;吸收After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 再三考虑之后 ,我决定采 纳她的建议。2. 过继,收养(+as)Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. 克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。3. 正式通过 ,接受The agenda was adopted after some discussion经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。adopted adj. 被收养的,被采用的 adopted chi

14、ld12. possess 用作动词时,不能用于进行时 。有多种不同的含义:1)“有,拥有”。如:The library possesses a numb er of the artist s early 图书馆里藏有那位画家的一些早期作品。2) 具有的特质”。常见搭配有be possessed of sth,意为具有某种品质或特征”如:I m afraid he doesnpossessta sense ofhumor. 恐怕他没有什么幽默感。He is possessed of great natural ability. 他很有天赋。3)“支配,控制”。如:He was possesse

15、d bythe desire to be rich.possession。财产,所有物(常用复数)The ring is one of her most valuable possession s. 这只戒指是他最珍贵的财产之一。 personal possessi ons 个人财产He lost all his possessions in the fire.占有,拥有take possession of 占领,夺取come into possession of 被占有in possession of(表主动)占有in the possessi on of(表被动)被占有He is in o

16、f the house. 他拥有这套房子。=The house is in the of him. 这套房子在他的占有之下。- Does the young man standing there the company?- No. The company is his father.A. have of; in ofB. in of ; in the ofC. take of ; in the ofD. have of ; in of答案: B13. convinceconvince sb. to do sth=convince sb of sth. 说服某人做Convince sb that

17、 使某人确信某事He convinced me of his sincerity. 他使我确信他的真诚。I was convinced to believe it.Your mistakes convinced me that you hadn t studied your lesso你的错误使我确信你没有学习 功课。convince vt. “使确信;使信服”convince sb. of sth. / that .区分:by coincidence 碰巧 , 由于巧合what a coincidence (to do)!多么凑巧的事情啊!What a coincidence to meet

18、 you here. 真巧在这儿碰到你。 I met him by coincidence. I didn t know he was here.14. a great/ good deal 大量 ; 大量China has changed a great deal. (修饰 v.)U)He ran a great deal faster than me.(修饰比较级 ) a great/good deal of+ 不可数A great deal of money was spent on the project. 那个项目花费了大量金钱。1)修饰可数名词:many a fewa good/g

19、reat manyA great many buildings have been built along the street.a large/ big/ great/ / small number ofMany a + 单数名词More than one + 单数名词2)修饰不可数名词:mucha good/great deal ofa large amount of (谓语动词用单数 )large amounts of (谓语动词用复数 )3)修饰可数和不可数名词a lot of/lots ofplenty ofa large quantity of (谓语动词用单数 )large qu

20、antities of (谓语动词用复数 )练习:1. the students in our school go to college in their teens.A good manyB. A great many ofC. A great deal of D. A lot of2. He is better now. Dont worry about him.A.moreB. a great deal ofC. a number ofD.a great deal答案: D D15.Shadow1) n.影子The willow s shadofawlls on the lake. 垂柳

21、的影子倒映在湖面上。影响了她一生。The shadow of this early tragedy has affected her whole life. 她年纪轻轻遭此劫, sit in the shade of a tree.树荫2) v.尾随,跟踪He kept looking behind, afraid of being shadowed .他不停的回头看,害怕被跟踪。16. Ridiculous1) adj.荒谬的,可笑的It is ridiculous that she should accept a stranger s invitation.他竟然接受了一个陌生人的邀请真是

22、荒唐。ridicule.v./n.嘲笑,奚落与laugh at” 和” make fun of ”意思相近。He became an object ofThey all ridicule my suggestion.17. controversialAdj. 有争议的,引起争论的He became a controversial figure in the world of politics. 他成为世界政坛上的一位有争议的人物。n. controversy k ?ntr?,v?:si 争论;论战;辩论The use of nuclear power is the subject of wid

23、espread controversy. 使用核武力是一个会引起广泛争议的问题。18. scores of 很多I have heard that scores of times.Scores of people attended the special performance. score =20A score of people were present at the party. 有 20 个人参加了聚会 Two score of those people wanted to fly there. 那些人中有 40 人想乘飞机19. attempt v.尝试,企图v.企图,试图;努力试图

24、,尝试:努力去执行,做或完成attempt doing 反复尝试做attempt to do 企图做attempt to do/doing = try to do/doing 尝试做The seco nd question was so difficult; I did n t 第二道attem难t 了,我连试都没试。I attempted to speak but was told to be quiet. 我想开口说几句,但有人叫我别做声。I attempted to read the entire novel in one sitting.We attempted the difficu

25、lt maneuver without assistance.n.袭击;攻击an attempt on someones life. 对某人生命的 攻击企图或努力make an attempt to do sthat doing sthShe made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她试着做这顿饭。The prisoner made an attempt to escape/ at escapingbut failed.at one s attempt 在 sb 尝试下one s first attempt 初次尝试例: Shelly had prepared

26、carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing itonherfirstA) intentionB) attemptC) purposeD) desire练习:1) 他试图行走直到摔倒。He2) 他参加过考试,可是失败了。He but failed.3) 我企图说话,可是有人要我安静点。I but was told to be quiet.attempted walking until he fell over.attempted the examinationattempted to spe

27、ak20.On the other hand另一方面,相当于一个副词。常与 on one hand 连用。On one handon the other hand 方面另一方面This job is not well paid , but on the other hand, I don t have to work long hours插入语)On one hand, I need a computer, but on the other hand, I don t have enough money.At hand 在手边,在附近By hand用手的,手工的Go hand in hand

28、with 与共同行动21.Predict1) v.预言,预测 后面加名词做宾语或接that从句/wh-从句。Nobody can predict what will happe n in the future.It is still not possible to accurately predict the occurrenee of earthquakes. 现在还不可能准确预测地震的发生。2) n. Prediction 预言,预测Her predictio n turned out to be correct.她的预言证明是正确的。22.Specific adj.明确的,详尽的,具体的

29、,特有的Can you be a bit more specific whe n you talk about your pla n?当你谈及你的计划时,你能说的再具体点吗?Each orga n in our body has its specific function.我们体内的每个器官都有自己独特的作用。This kind of disease is specific to houses 这种病只有马才会得。23. figure n.3) 人物;名人 He has become a figure known to every one4) 数字 Where did you get thos

30、e figures?5) 数量;金额;价格 His work now comma nds huge figures.1)夕卜形;体形;人影 I saw a figure in the darkness.2) 体态;风姿She has a slender细长的;苗条的figure.区分:fin ger手指24. delicate adj.He is a delicate child.纤弱的,娇弱的,瘦弱的Be careful with those wi ne cups they are very delicate.易碎的In such a delicate situation I have to

31、 weigh my words. 需要小心处理的;微妙的;棘手的 在这样微妙的情形下,我必须权衡一下我的话。What a delicate work of art!精妙的delicate china.精美的 瓷器25.1)aggressive adj.敢作敢为的;有闯劲的an aggressive salesman干劲很大的售货员;侵略性的;好斗的aggressive weapons /boy攻击性武器He is very aggressive. 他生性好斗。We regarded the Iraq War as an aggressive one.我们认为伊拉克战争是侵略战争。2)aggre

32、ssively adv. 气势汹汹地3) aggressi on n.侵略(行动)aggressor n. 侵略者练习:If you want to become a successful businessman, you must 如果你想做一个成功的商人,你必须积极进取。 must be destroyed. 必须要销毁攻击性的武器。be aggressiveAggressive arms26.In the flesh 活生生,本人,亲自Flesh n.肌肉;肉Have you ever seen Jay Chou in the flesh ?你见过周杰伦本人吗?He wouldnt be

33、lieve until he saw in the flesh 他直到亲眼目睹才相信。Flesh and blood 肉体,血肉之躯Though he is a hero, he is still flesh and blood .Lose flesh 减肥Gain/put on flesh 增肥Flesh-eating 食肉的区分: fresh : n. 开始;新生;泛滥adj. 新鲜的;清新的;淡水的;无经验的 adv. 刚刚,才;最新地27. preference n. - prefer v.1) 更加的喜爱 ,偏爱 UC(+for)A window seat is my prefere

34、nce. 我喜欢靠窗的座位。We dress simply by preference. 首先 , 最好2) 偏爱的事物 (或人 )CWhich is your preference, tea or coffee? 你喜欢喝哪一样 ,茶还是咖啡3) 偏袒 U(+for)Parents should not show preference for any one of their children. 父母不应流露出对任何一个孩子的偏心。4) Have a preference for 偏爱I have a prefere nee for classic music.我更喜欢古典音乐。 We ha

35、d a preference for sweet food. 我们特别喜欢吃甜食5) 优先 (权 );优惠权 UC in preference to 优先于I d choose the small car in preference to the larger one. 我宁可选择那辆小的汽车而不要那辆 大的。She chose to learn the violin in preference to the piano. 她愿学小提琴而不学钢琴 .28. Appealvi. 1) 呼吁 ,恳求 appeal to sb for sth.He appealed to me for help.2

36、) 诉诸,求助(+to)We will appeal to a variety of sources of information.3) 有吸引力 ,迎合爱好 W (+to)The idea appealed to Mary.4) 【律】上诉 (+to/against)He appealed against/to the five-year sentence he had been given.29. fragile adj.精细的;易碎的;脆弱的 ;As he broke up with his girlfriend, his heart was fragile. 由于他同女朋友分手了,他的

37、心很脆弱。30. Reputation n.have a reputation 享有盛名 (+for)名誉,名声The store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing. 该店买卖公平 ,声誉极佳。He has a reputation for cheating in the exam. 他以考试作弊而享有盛名。2 好名声 ,声望 ;信誉This restaurant has a fine reputation. 这家餐厅信誉很好。lose ones reputation失去盛名;Cheating at the game ruined tha

38、t players reputation. 比赛时作弊败坏了那位选手的声望。 live up to one s reputation 不负盛名win a high reputation赢得很高的声誉 You must live up to your promise.你必须实践自己的诺言。They are always exhorted to deliver results and to live up to their parents high expectations 他们无时无刻被提醒要考取好成绩, 实现父母对他们的高度期望。31. more than +名词意为不仅仅”, more th

39、an just 相当于 notonly, not just 的意思。如: Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. 詹森不仅是一名讲师,他还是一个作家。The museum displays more than just the visual delights of art. 博物馆展示的不仅仅是视觉上的乐趣。1) more than+数词,意为超过”相当于over,其反义词组为less than。女口There are more than two hundred people in the park. 公园里有 200 多人。2)

40、more than +形容词/副词”是“很”或非常”的意思 。如:I am more than content with what you said. 我对你的讲话十分满意。She was dressedmore than simply. 她穿着太朴素了。3)在more . than .”结构中,肯定more ”后面的内容而否定than ”后面的部分,常译为“是 而不是” 或“与其说不如说”。女口:Hearing the loud noise, the boy was more surprised than frightened.听到这巨大的声响,男孩 与其说是害怕不如说是感到 很惊讶 。32

41、. visual 形容词 adj.1)视力的;视觉的Near-sightedness is a visual defect. 近视是一个视力缺陷。2)看得见的 ,可被看见的 ;视觉的Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。3)光学的Telescopes and microscopes arevisual instruments . 望远镜和显微镜是 光学仪器 。32.Fragrant芬香的;馥郁的 (同p11.29)Love is a fragrant flower; and friendship is a

42、 sweet fruit. 爱情是一朵芳香的鲜花,友情是一颗甜美的果实。33. Contemporary1) adj.3当代的His lecture is about contemporary American novelists. 他的演讲是关于当代美国小说家的。He has furn iture of con temporary style .他有现代款式的家具 .32 同时代的 ;同年龄的be contemporary with 与 同时代Was Jonson contemporary with Shakespeare? 琼 森 是 否 与 莎 士 比 亚 同 辈 ?2) n. 复数 3

43、1 同 时 代 的 人 ; 同 年 龄 的 人He was looked down upon by his contemporaries. 他被他的同时代的人瞧不起。32 同时期的东西33 当代人 ,现代人34. permanent adj.1) 永 久 的 , 永 恒 的 ; 永 远 的Nature is permanent. 自然是永恒的。2) 固定性的 ;常在的This is my permanent address. 这是我的固定地址。35. signature n. 署名 签字The teacher put her signature to a letter. 老师在信件上签字。Sign n. 符号,标记Sig naln信号

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